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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1952)
Tips for 1952 Toy Shoppers Adults these days certainly are not troubled by a limited selec tion of toys for their Christmas buying—not in O’Neill anyway. In fact, the array of new and entincing toys makes it hard to get the right present for the right age. These tips should make that selection easier this year. For infants under one year, stick to sturdy, durable toys such as hard rubber rattles, large stuffed dolls or animals, or bath tub toys. Avoid anything small or with sharp edges. For the 1- to 2-year-old crowd —at the crawling and toddling stage—try pushpull toys, a small chair, a rocking horse, and any thing that can be loaded and un loaded such as baskets or boxes. Children become explorers from 2 to 4 and they want toys that can be pushed, pulled, piled up or knocked down. A little wheelbarrow fills the bill, as well as block-craft sets, toy tel ephones, finger paints, modeling clay, sandboxes, wading pools, plastic dishes and such. From 4 to 6, the urge to create is strong — the “let’s pretend” idea. Children imitate firemen, policemen, nurses, mother, and other adults they may have watched. Dress-up costumes are appreciated, doll houses, toy stores, doctor sets, blackboards, small sport equipment, simple wooden jig-saw sets, and the like. It’s a good idea to avoid target games, pinching or cutting ob jects, and toys too heavy for the child. At about 6 years, children de velop the group play attitude and spend more time with their own sex. For girls, give cooking utensils, skipping ropes, paper dolls, and costumes. Boys will like sports equipment, construc tion sets, electric trains, and cowboy and Indian (and space pilot) uniforms. Both boys and girls will enjoy storybooks, games, ice skates, ping pong sets, Cantata at SMA Next Tuesday The St. Mary’s academy will hold its Christmas cantata on Tuesday, December 16. The mu sic will be presented by the glee club under the direction of Sis ter M. Flores. Special numbers will be accompanied by tableaux. Special parts in the cantata are: Frank Shefl, reader; Deloris Jilg, “Mary”; Wayne Donohoe, “Joseph”; Catherine Condon, 1 Angel Gabriel”; Mike London, Jerry Wanser and Eddy Cuddy, “wise men.” The chorus of angels includes: Edith Gallagher, Bonita Muff, Catherine Christon, Helen Harty, Rose Mary Corkle and Marian Troshynski. The shepherds are: Gary Elsberry, Jimmy Richter, Jack Sullivan, Gene Turner and Larry Wanser. These groups will be supported by a girls’ chorus. The tentative calendar for St. Mary’s is as follows: Dec. 8—Senior Soldality recep tion. Dec. 9—Basketball game with St. Boniface (here). Dec. 10—Theater party given by Mrs. Georgia Rasley. Dec. 12—Junior Sodality re ception. Dec. 15—A matinee, “Miracle of Fatima.” Dec. 16—Christmas cantata. Dec. 18— Boarders’ Christmas banquet. Dec. 19—School dismissed to be resumed January 5. Dec. 22—Basketball game with St. Joseph’s Atkinson (here). Time Short for Claiming Refunds Taxpayers in Nebrasa’s rural grade school districts this week were reminded to claim their refunds from the 1951 - 52 tax year. Slate Tax Commissioner Phillip K. Johnson noted that the refund period is "slipping by" and many taxpayers ap apparently haven't yet applied for the money that is coming to them. Reports from across the state indicate that in some counties as little as one-third of the refunds have been claimed. Taxpayers are entitled to get back any money they paid be tween November 1, 1951, and o June 30, 1952, under the illegal 1949 rural grade school blanket tax levy which was knocked out by the state supreme court ear lier this year. The high court de cision was handed down follow ing a test suit brought by Char ley W. Petersen, Holt rancher, against J. Ed Hancock, Holt county treasurer. o The tax commissioner said the amount cf money available for refund was estimated at from four to six million dollars. ‘ A special legislative session last summer set an eight-month time limit for rural grade school „ residents to file their refund claims with their county treasur er. The deadline comes early in April. Chase National Collection Shown At Open - House BRISTOW — Display of the Chase National bank of New Yorks’ collection of coins and currency, dating from the be ginning of the United States was featured at the open-house held Saturday, November 30, by the Nebraska State bank here. The bank nas recently moved into its extensively remodeled building which has modernized fixtures throughout. The money collection includes all of the coins and currencies of the present, in denominations from a 1-cent piece to a $10,000 bill. L. W. Gibson has headed tne bank for more than a quarter of a century. Others of the bank’s staff are Mrs. Gibson, J. N. Gib son and R, A. Roush. Nancy Beha in Voice Recital Miss Nancy Beha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Beha, present ed her junior voice recital Tues day, December 9, in the Xavier auditorium at Xavier, Kans., where she attends St. Mary col lege. Her selections were “Magnifi cat” by Bach; “II Plure Dans Mon Cover” by DeBussy; “Gui tares et Mandolines” by Saint Saens; “Voi Che Sapete” by Mo zart; “The Hills of Gruzia” by Mednikoff; “Let All My Life Be Music” and “The Virgin’s Cradle Song” by Brahms with which Miss Beha had a violin obligato. Miss Beha is a St. Mary’s acad emy graduate here. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Beha and Marilyn and Mrs. Leona Hynes eft Sunday, December 7, for Kansas to attend the recitals, rhey returned Wednesday. Washingtonians Visit Relatives Here— Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Young of \rdenvoir, Wash., are visiting •elatives and friends in O’Neill ind vicinity. Mrs. Young is the mother of Charles Gifford of Scott town ship and Robert is a brother of Ralph, Orton and Walter Young, ill living northeast of O’Neill. They arrvied Sunday evening, Slovember 22, at Giffords’ by car with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gif ford and four girls from Wenat chee Valley in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gifford, Dorothy, Sharon, Joan and Kar en left Monday evening, Novem ber 23, to go on to Fairibault, Minn., to visit Mrs. Gifford’s family. Lee Staff Holds Party— Members of the Lee store staff were guests of Manager and Mrs. W. J. Nelson in a yule party held Wednesday evening, De cember 3, at the Town House. Fifteen persons were present. 49 - Registered - 49 ABERDEEN ANGUS AT AUCTION Saturday, Dec. 13 Atkinson Livestock Market Atkinson, Nebr.—1:30 P.M, 1— HERD BULL, 4-yrs.old 2— Coming 3-yr.-old BULLS 11—Coming 2-yr.-old BULLS 2—BULL CALVES 14-HEIFER CALVES 19—Coming 2-yr.-old HEIFERS, bred This Is an Exceptional Opportunity for Angus Breeders to Improve Their Herd. (Seven Bulls Consigned by Mitchell Bros.) WILL SITZ, Owner BURWELL. NEBR. COL. ERNIE WELLER. Auct. • || 'r' * GIVE THEM THE BEST... Give HIAWATHA --- 1^ Boys’ 26-Inch ”$t. Croix” Model <$fl Deluxe Features, White Sidewalls I ONLY 1.25 per week. p payable monthly | k v(L s.'sA ✓-* %\ Model 15 Bolt Action—For 22 Calibre * Vns Short, Long Rifle, Regular Or High Speed Cartridges STEVENS RIFLES Bolt action rebounding safety lock prevents accidental dis- jL si charge. Positive ejector and double strength extractor. Metal “■ bead front sight, open middle sight. 4 lbs. Meets Official Specifications! * BASKET BALLS 4.49 p Built around the famous Kant* leek official ball. Patented all rubber valve. Pebble finish, seamless. Cover won't scuff, rot, mildew, tear. No stitches to work loose I £! 2 * ! Easy-Steerf Smooth Riding "Murray Trac” TOTS’ ■ TRACTORS 19.75 In their favorite color—Ver million red! Murray "jet Flow" strap drive. Smooth rolling ball bearing wheels, friction sur faces. Sturdy, safe! 38,/i'' long. _55-7099 55-7069 _ With Shovel, Mobile Pretend Fun—Noisy Dump Trucks Steel Tractors 2.95 2.95 Heavy gauge steel bumper, chas- Noise resembles a motor's hum! sis, body. Treaded rubber heavy V-shaped plow, hydraulic type duty tires. 17" overall. 6 wheels. shift, rear hook. Driver. 14x7x7". *>•7007 They Really Work! Animated Musical Gay Steam Shovels Music Maker Man 2.29 1.98 Junior can pick up marbles, jacks, Man shakes his head, turns a other toys because this big 21r crank, real music plays, then up shovel works! Sturdy metal. pops Jocko the Monkeyl j_5S-5549 I 8" Stock Cors Tots’ Trolleys 98c 98c Multiple crashes won't Push down pole re hurt shock resistant lease, ring bell—off it plastic. Friction motor goes. No winding. Plas like hot rod. tic spring,body.8" long. Blackboards Basketballs 98c 1.98 Sliding, synthetic board Inside-outside set! Steel withchalk,eraser,pegs, hoop won't bend. Sim mallets, booklet. With dated leather, inflat peg board. able ball. Two Holsters Doll Carriages Tots’ Rockers 2.98 12.45 2.79 Two Star Single Shot Leatherette two tone They'll rock safely! Red pistols. Leather holster visored hood. Foot enameled steel back, with sheriff badge on brake and gear of alu- seat, white steel arms, sheep skin. minum. 23 Vi" long. A value buy! Modern Styled in Grey, Burgundy, Lime or Green ALOHA DIHHERWARi Give a Gift You’d Choose Yourself 32 pc. Set Serves Six, Nice Enough For Company, At a Special Savings! Timely savings on beautifully designed dinnCTWare ro thrill the homemaker! Includes 6 cups, saucers, dinner and salad plates, fruits, 1 platter, 1 nappy. 53 PC. ALOHA DINNER SET, serves 8! In above colors 20 PC. ALOHA DINNER SET, serves 41 la above colors^ I . Grooves Prevent Batter From Running Down Sides" "CORONADO" WAFFLE IRONS Beautiful Polished Chrome Plate! Bakes delicious, full sized 7Vi inch waffles, to your No guesswork because the indicator shows when proper baking temperature is reached. No burned fingers with air cooled handles. UL . approved. AC or DC . Si Help Mom Reach Those High Cupboards! LADY HELEN STEPSTOOL l Resists Tarnish, Rust, Heat, Scratches 1| Seamloss Stool-No Rough 11 A ^ I Edges,Won't Snag Clothes * Chrome plated over heavy nickel base. Red or yellow Duran uphol ? stering is waterproof, colorfast. I 1_ A CORONADO For the Family Commander 59.95 Budget Price 5.95 Down Our finest AM-FM table model. 5r x 7W oval speaker. 8 tubes in clude rectifier. I I&-4527__, Comfortable Wedge Accurate, Reliable, Hull Auto Cushions Auto Compasses » Shredded cotton filled, white pip- Stop asking directions—twobuilt-in ing edged. Woven Saran top, compensators direct you! Brown vinyl back. Many colors, patterns. bakelite, with instructions. Plugs Into Lighter "Sport-Lite” Bathroom Scale 495 6.45 On a 10 ft. cord that permits light- Easy-to-read magnified dial,zero ing inside or outside of car. G.E. stat dial control. White enamel ealed beam. Varcon. with chrome trim.