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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1951)
i METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Church school. 10 a.m., Neil Dawes, superintendent. Classes for all ages. Worship service, 11 a.m.. ser mon, special music by the choir. MYF group, 7:30 p.m. September 9 will be rally day and promotion day in our Sun day-school. Let us strive to reach the 200 mark that day. The choir members had a wie ner roast at the park at 6:30 on Tuesday evening, followed by a party and choir practice at the church. The Missionary circle will meet Thursday evening (tonight) with Mrs. Ralph Leidy with Mrs. Paul Moseman, assistant hostess. Your pastor and wife, accom y panied by Mrs. A. E. Bowen, Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and Mrs. Kel lar, will be in Lincoln this week attending the pastors’ school and WSCS school of missions. The MYF meetings will be re sumed Sunday, September 2. for all high school youth. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor “The harvest is past, the sum mer is ended, and we are not saved.” Jeremiah 8:20. What a tragic cry! Men will gather in their crops and make prepara tion for their bodily needs with out giving any thought to the salvation of their souls. September 5 we are beginning special meetings with a young evangelist. Rev. Oliver Johnson. You who have a longing to know Jesus as your saviour and friend A come to these meetings and ac cept His gift of salvation. Sunday services will be at the usual hour. The Friday night prayer meeting in the country will meet in the home of Fred Lindberg. ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neligh) Rev. Wm. H. Cowger. pastor Prayer, September 2. 9 a.m., 15th Sunday after Trinity. Ser mon topic: “A Peculiar People.” WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor September 1: Prayer confer ence and annual election will be at the Atkinson Wesleyan Meth odist church. Morning service, 10:30 o’clock. Basket dinner. An nual business meeting, 1 p.m. Af ternoon service, 2 o’clock. September 2: Sunday-school, ’ 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. Baptis mal service at the Elkhorn river near O’Neill, 2 p.m. Praise service, 7:30 p.m. Young people’s service, 8 p.m. Message by the pastor, 8:30 p.m. We will be glad to have yon in any of our services. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) A. C. Utterbach, minister Bible study classes. 10 a.m. Weekly observance of the Lord’s supper, 11 a.m. Our minis ter is back from his vacation and will have the messages for the morning worship services at 11:15 and the evening evangelistic ser vice at 8. Come let us worship together for “the way of the Lord is strength to the upright.” — By Mrs. Donald Johring, secretary. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. C. D. Ankney, pastor Sunday-school, 9:30 a.m.; di vine worship, 10:30 a.m. Sunday we shall hold our mis sion festival. The pastor will speak in the morning service. Rev. D. Christianson, of Neligh, will preach in the afternoon at 3 o’clock. There will be a potluck dinner in the church basement between services. METHODIST (Inman) Rev. Charles C. Chappell, pastor Church school, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. MYF, Sunday, 7 p.m. Duet: Sunday morning, Sep tember 2, Lois and Harvey Tomp kins. WSCS guest day Thursday, September 6. Meeting will be held in the worship auditorium. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Prayer meeting each Wednes day, 8 p.m. September 2: Worship, 10 a.m.; Sunday-school, 11 a.m. Young people’s service and Bi ble study, 8 p.m. You are invited to all of our services. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. L. R. Hansberry. pastor Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair Grimes, superintendent. Worship, 11:30 a.m. • Latest Fall Fashions • Rich-Looking Fabrics " • Neat-Fitting Styles jj 1 Perfectly, comfortably " dressed . . . that's YOU in ( one of these new rayon g gabardine Suits. No budget- " stretching needed, either! ( We have many, many tai- g lored and semi-dressy styles, all at this one tiny price. 1 Wonderful new Fall colors f in misses' sizes 10 to 20. All Wool Worsted Suits . Fine wool suits that " keep their shape—and | fit yours! Fall colors; “ sizes 10 to 20. f 29.95 - 39.95 < < 44.95 - 49.95 < < L | J ALWAYS BETTE* BUYS AT S(MttC*fc4 ORPHANS NO MORE! . . . These are the adopted children of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson, of Venus. The Jacksons, who have been married 12 years, went to an orphange to claim a> 4-year-*>ld boy; instead took a family of 5 children—2 sisters (above) and 3 brothers. Christian names of the children are being withheld up on request.—The Frontier Photo & Engraving. I ,'^<XXSooo?WwwOro^ ^y^" \ All WOOl ICAMlOMS [ WITH SANFORLAN* "v > FINISH ^y^k, > MISSES’ LONG-SLEEVED CARDIGANS-7 LOVELY COLORS \ i ■ Heat fitted waist style with grosgrain rib- n 2 QR f P bon facing. Lovdy, soft 100% wool. Pink, **' ’ — | aqua, gray, red, green, toast or maiz? in « " | misses’sizes 34 to 40. . W I ^ •Sanforlan finish reduces shrinkage In washing; aids A | P la retaining the sweater's shape. > _. __ . s‘~ - Pretty, Short-Sleeved Misses’ Sweaters Reg*198 \ NOW 100% wool in popular slipover style. Ribbed neck, cuffs, and waist. Fall colors. Sizes 34-40. P”’ 100% DuPont Nylon 'Tj Misses’ Cardiqan Re, 2,8 2 CJ NOW Long sleeves, grosgrain ribbon facing. Shrink-proof, moth re sistant. Pretty colors. 34 to 40. I ALWAYS BETTER BUYS AT Gam6£e4 1 INMAN NEWS Overnight guests in the Earl Miller home last week was Mr. Miller’s cousin. Willis Miller, of Atlantic, Ia., and his daughter, Mrs. Vernon E. Lichenstein, of Cedar Rapids, Ia. They also call ed on Mrs. George Colman, sr., another cousin of Mr. Miller, and Mrs. Violet Sholes. Mrs. Archie May and family, of Augusta, Kans., came Friday to visit in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Galla gher. Mrs. Kate Abbenhaus is spend ing a few days visiting in the Frank Abbenhaus home at Bloomfield. Mrs. Lottie Thompson returned Monday evening from Grand Is land where she spent a few weeks visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thompson, jr., and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Irene Kopejtka spent Sunday at Creighton where they attended a Hart reunion at ♦he Creighton park. Mrs. Pete Cooper, of Orchard, spent Thursday visiting her mother, Mrs. Lottie Thompson. Mrs. I. L. Watson and Mrs. Leo Mossman left Tuesday, August 21. for Lincoln where they spent a few days visiting Mrs. Watson’s mother, Mrs. Anna Pierson, and Mr. Mossman, who is a patient in the Veterans hospital. Richard Krueger has gone to Stanton where he is employed with the railroad. \ Allan Stuckey, of Grafton, is visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chudomelka. Harlan Morsbach, Gordon and Ralph Sholes, who are employed at Chadron, and Don Lines, who is employed at Hot Springs, S. D., spent the weekend here. Mrs. Milo Gorgen, who has been visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Stevens, at Rapid City, S. D., returned home Satur day. Mrs. Ira Watson and Mrs. Leo Mossman returned Sunday from Lincoln where they spent a few days visiting. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan spent Sunday in Orchard where they attended a postmasters’ pic nic. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder, of Norfolk, spent a few days last week visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky, jr., and son, Dickie. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Stevens and son, Billy, of Rapid City, S. D„ spent a few days visiting rela tives and friends here. Miss Leah Serck, of Emmet, spent a few days last week visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riemers. Miss Dotty Moore returned on Friday from the Yellowstone park where she has been employ ed this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harte and James Harte spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Harte and daughter at Sheldon, la. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutton and daughter, Vicki Sue, spent the weekend visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton at Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Moore and daughters, Beth and Judy, formerly of Troy, N. Y.. are vis iting at the home of Doctor Moore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore. In September Doc tor Moore and family will move to Lincoln where he has accepted a position as assistant professor of physics at the University of Nebraska. Tommy Tompkins returned to his home in Omaha Saturday morning after spending a few days visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins, and his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins. Joe Harte spent a few days in the Joe Gallagher home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Luben and daughter, Dianne, of Wisner, spent Sunday visiting relatives and friends here. Miss Deritha Smith, of Nor folk, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes were in Madison Monday where they looked after business interests. Miss Donna Harte spent a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry while her par ents, were visiting in Sheldon, la. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck horst and daughter, Barbara, re turned Saturday after spending several days in Coming and Bedford. Ia., visitng relatives. Mrs. Kate Fuelberth and Hen ry, of Osmond, and Mrs. Clara Witchmeyer, of Peking, 111., spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst and Barbara. Mrs. Max Mossman and Miss Barbara Brunckhorst went to Norfolk Monday where Miss Bar bara made plans to enter Norfolk junior college in September. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pinker man, of Dorsey, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cov entry and boys. . .... DANCE BUTTE LEGION BALLROOM Butte, Nebr. Sunday, Sept. 2 Hugh D. Malone HIS DRUMS and HIS ORCHESTRA 3 O'NEILL. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30. 1951.—PAGE 9. Mrs. Mary Applegate, of Oma ha, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sanders. She took her grandson. Palmer Sanders, to Omaha with her. Both will re turn Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto, Dan and Ann returned Saturday after spending a week at Aitken, Minn. On their return they stopped in Sioux Falls, S. D., and brought Miss Pere Beha to O’Neill with them. Mr. and Mrs. William Beha and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Phalin, all of Sioux Falls, plan to come to O’Neill Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene McDermott, of Bassett, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Underwood Sunday. Miss Bernadette Hynes and Miss Nancy Beha returned Mon day from Elkhart Lake. Wise., where they were employed at Ostfaff’s hotel for the summer. Miss Marilyn Holsclaw. of Lin coln. is exepected to come Fri day to spend the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Holsclaw. Mrs. Florence Schulz, who has been attending a 3-week session of summer school at Wayne State Teachers college in Wayne, re turned Monday. She had spent a few days in Omaha where she met her daughter, Miss Shirley Schulz, who for 2 months had been visiting her sister. Mrs. Clarence Todd, at Springfield, Mo. Paul Shelhamer and Ray Pas sieux left Sunday for the Black Hills, S. D., and plan to return Friday. Richard Shelhamer, who has been visiting his grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ben da. of Platte. S. D., for 2 weeks, will return with them. Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Koenig and son. of Red Bluff, Calif., ar rived Monday and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mac Simonson and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson and daughter, Beverly, went to Niobrara state park Sunday for a picnic. Mrs. Elmer Reddick, of Wood Lake, visited relatives here Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Murray and Mrs. Tess Murray visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and baby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells and daughters visited Sunday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wetzler at Herrick. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakr zewski and daughter, Angela, spent the weekend at Mapleton, Minn... where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fox and Mias Margaret Zakrzewski. They re turned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stone re turned Sunday after sounding the week at Ada and Stillwater. Okla. Mrs. John F. Storjohann spent the weekend at Omaha. Mrs. Robert Newman, of Chappel was with her. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Thomp son went to Wakefield for the weekend to visit Mrs. Thomp son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Barto. Claude Cole, of Star, will leave Sunday for Wayne State Teach ers college at Wayne, where he will begin his sophomore year. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tomjack and son, Terry, and Miss Florence Ponton were guests at the George Ponton residence at El gin Monday evening. Mr. ahnd Mrs. Fred McNally, of Scottsblufrf, and Terry and Garvey McNally, of Denver, Colo., spent from Monday until Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and family, of Des, la., arrived Tuesday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Eld Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Hill and sons were in Strawberry Point, la., for the weekend visiting Mrs. Hill’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Worm and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ^ Worth spent the weekend at Gregory, S. D., as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetzler. On Sunday they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Ben nie Wetzler and family. Mrs. Mary Wetzler and Mrs. Ella Karr. The group returned to O’ Neill Sunday evening. Miss Joanne Burgess spent from Monday until Thursday, August 23, visiting on the Stor johann ranch with Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Fox re turned Sunday after spending a few days in Yellowstone park, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone cared for the farm during their absence. . > > n nr n__ Ilf .nVritn Mrs, R. N. Crook, oi wicnna. Kans., came Sunday for a visit with her son, Charles B. Crook, and his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stamp and son, David, spent Tuesday, August 21, with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Culhane. They are from Brookings, S. D. WCTU Holds County Convention— The county convention of the WCTU was held Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Dave Loy Page and Ewing were present. A covered-dish luncheon was serv ed. N * Fur Trimmed WINTER COATS 29.95 Mink Tail Trim! Warm Interlining Misses’ Sizes 10-20 Tops in style with fea tures for warm comfort; full sleeves are pleated into cuffs to keep wintry winds out, extra thick wool face interlining. Styled for flattery, too, with pointed yoke and gored back fullness, novel collar. Rayon gab 1 ardine in green, wine, taupe, purple. (No tax). ASK US about our coupon books for month ly payments on your new FALL COAT! I