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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1951)
Family Gathers at Harriet Welke Home EWING—A family reunion was held at the home of Mrs. Harriet Welke on Sunday. August 26, honoring Mrs. F. C. Huston and Mrs. E. J. Snyder, of Glasgow, Mont A picnic dinner was served and all brought well-filled baskets. It happened to be Mrs Welke's birthday anniversary and she re ceived many gifts. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs Leland Welke and family; Mr and Mrs. R. H. Shain and son; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmiser and family; Miss Vaul da Welke; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Biddlecome and family; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt and family; Mr. and Mrs. Hans Pet erson and family; Miss Vina Wood; Miss Hazel Ruby; Mrs. Elsie Chase; Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Ruby; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mc Kay, of Norfolk; Mrs. Lucy Fors berg and Mr. and Mrs. Wessen Gage, of Atkinson; Mrs. Kitty Edmunds, of Rushville; Miss Sar ah Holman and Frank Schmiser, of Ewing. Four of the guests had August birthdays. Other Ewing News Mrs. F. C. Huston and Mrs. E. J. Snyder, both of Glasgow, Mont., are visiting their sister, Mrs. Harriet Welke, and other relatives. They expect to be here lor sometime. Miss Doris Lou Gunter returned to her home at Orchard on Fri day after spending several days • with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock. Donald Vandersnick is home on a 10 - day furlough which he is spending with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Krachie re ceived word Saturday of the passing of his sister, Mrs. Fannie Fritzer, of Lost Springs, Wyo. Funeral services were held at North Platte on Wednesday. Harold Harris, service officer of Sanders post 214, and Lyle Dierks, attended a service offi cers’ meeting Monday night in O’Neill. Mrs. Jessie Angus was a week end guest of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoag, of Orchard. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Kropp and family entertain ed her sister, Mrs. Max Jeffers, and family, of Chambers, and her mother, Mrs. Anna Young, of In man. Miss Norm Kropp, of Stanton, is a guest at the home of her brother. Arthur Kropp. and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Marquardt and family, of Laurel, spent Sun day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt. Miss Fern Pruden went to Bartlett on Tuesday to begin her duties as vocational home eco nomics teacher at the Wheeler county high school. Miss Frances Hoskinson, of San Francisco, Calif., arrived in Ew ing Sunday and is a guest at the home of her friend, Mrs. Martin Van Conet. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson are spending much of their time at the country home of their son, Don Larson, and family while they are vacationing in the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and family spent the weekend at their home in Ewing. Mrs. Cary and daughters will remain in Ew ing for the school year. Mr. Cary returned to his work at Picks town, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey have moved to their home, which was purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pollock some time ago. Miss Fern Pruden returned home from Lincoln Wednesday evening, August 22, where she had attended the home econom ics conference. Friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Della Recroft, of Neligh, Sunday evening, August 19. hon oring Miss Fern Pruden at a birthday party. Miss Donna Rudisil arrived in Ewing Sunday to begin her work in the vocational home econom ics department in the Ewing public school. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis, ac jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Announcing FIRST ANNUAL FLOWER S-H-O-W " CHAMBERS. NEBRASKA at the Late Dr. J. W. Gill Residence __ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1951 2:30 P. M. to 10 P. M. SPONSORED BY The Beautiful Valley & Chambers Garden Clubs The Public Is Invited. No Admission Charge. I Gilliaon Vllliyuil DRUG store — School Supplies ★ ★ ★ Coty’s New Perfume Contest— ’** ' Win S10 to $3,C 13 ) Come in and see— Coty Solid Cologne _1.50 •ft it if Cara Nome SPECIAL! Now ONE-HALF PRICE! Reg. 2.20 Jar*, Only_1.10 X- X- -X I INSECT REPELLANT ... __49c ★ ★ ★ STORK NURSER— With the non-collapsible nipple set. ' Only_35c I INSECT SPRAY and INSECT BOMBS I pint _ 35c Up from-1.10 I ★ ★ ★ I Now Is the Time to Start on Vitamins I We Have the Famous PLEN AMINS I 2.59 and Up! TWO PICTURE WINDOWS IN FRENCH HOME . . . This modern, 5-room residence, 718 Benton street, is the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Dale French. The “L-shaped” combination living-din ing room is done in jade-green and has blond fumtiure. The room boasts 2 large picture win dows, on the south and west, and a porthole win dow overlooking the entryway. Chartreuse is the predominant color in the kitchen and an island separates the kitchen proper from the built-in breakfast nook. The house has 2 bedrooms, each with 2 closets and a built-in vanity. The bath is decorated in coral and gray. The basement is an apartment in itself, having a bedroom, living room, kitchen, bat hand utility room, and the un finished upstairs will someday make another large bedroom. The house, stucco with white wood siding trim and a red roof, was completed November 11, 1950. The Frenchs have 2 children, Miss Jody, 3*4. and Tim, 1*4.—The Frontier Pho to & Engraving. companied by their niece, Carol Barton, of Orchard, transacted business in Omaha on Thursday and Friday. Miss Carol Barton, of Orchard, was a guest at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis, from Monday to Friday, August 20 to 24. Mr. and Mrs. John Archer took their grandson, Johnnie Archer, who has spent the summer with them, to Norfolk on Wednesday, August 22. From there he went to Elkhorn, going on to Omaha on Sunday where he took a plane for his home in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Beulah Black spent Sun day at Grand Island where she visited her husband at the Vet erans hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Furle.y, of Madison, were calling on friends and relatives in Ewing on Friday They were enroute home from a trip to South Dakota where they had visited at the home of his sister and family. Mrs. Elizabeth Angus returned home Thursday from Verdigre where she had been a guest at the home of her son, Lester, and family. They brought her to Ew ing and remained to spend the day. Mrs. Loyd Angus and son, Max, were Norfolk visitors on | Saturday. Miss Catherine Helm ricks, who is employed at the state hospital, accompanied them home for a weekend visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Helmricks ATKINSON NEWS Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry and granddaughter, Mary Catherine Kilmurry, returned home from Rapid City. S. D„ Monday where they had spent the past 10 days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Allard and family. Mrs. Allard is the former Cath erine Kilmurry. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Dobrovol ny, of Boulder, Colo., are visiting at the home of Mr. Dobrovolny’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dobro volny, and family, and his sister. Mrs. Laurence Kramer, and fam ily. Mrs. James Berigan and daugh ters, Joan and Mary Kay, return ed home from Omaha Saturday where they had been on business. They also visited at the home of Mrs. Berigan’s sister. Miss Ann Mullen. Mrs. Vernon Tielke, of Minne apolis, Minn., is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sloan, and friends. LYNCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hewit son and family and Mrs. John Hewitson visited at the Lawson Lightfoot home this week. Mrs. Allan Koscan and chil dren, of Butte, attended a birth day party here in honor of Mrs. Jerry Sixta Thursday, August 23. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waechter moved to their new home in Stu art this week. Mrs. Waechter is j teaching in Stuart this year Mrs. Frederick King was host ess at a wiener roast Wednesday, August 22, in honor of Mrs. Jerry Sixta’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hewit son and family, of Gary, Ind., are here for their vacation visit ing their parental homes. Mrs. John Hewitson and Francis Shrunks, also many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sixta were business visitors in Sioux City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kraemer and son and Mrs. John Kraemer, of Dodge Center, Minn., spent last week at the Richard Krae mer home. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. ahnd Mrs. Philip Yamall of Lynnwood. Calif., arrived on Sunday to visit for 2 weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Clousson. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Calkins and family, of Alma, were over night guests Wednesday. August 22, of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Me Glasson. Miss Karen Rae McKim is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Anderson, of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and son spent Sunday at Stuart visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hovey. ROYAL THEATRE — O’NEILL — Friday and Saturday August 31. September 1 Joel McCrea and Shelly Winters in FRENCHIE Color by Technicolor With Paul Kelly and Elsa Lan chester. He’s got a gun in one hand . . . and laee-trimmed dyna mite in the other! The frontier’s toughest sheriff vs. the West’s bewichiest gal — in the wildest town that ever defied the law! Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Tot. 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c Matinee Saturday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday September 2-3-4 Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride in MA AND PA KETTLE BACK ON THE FARM ITS ALL NEW! with Richard Long. Meg Randall, and Ray Collins. There’s uranium on the old home stead! — and the whole farm’s jumpin’ with glee! They’re back on the old homestead . . . with a new baby in the house, and uran ium in the pasture! Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. Total 50c. Matinee Sunday 2:30, Adm. 42c. tax 8c. Total 50c: Children 10c. plus tax 2c, Total 12c ' Wednesday and Thursday September 5-6 Doris Day. Ginger Rogers and Steve Cochran in STORM WARNING Songster Doris Day has her first crack at dramatic acting in this violent melodrama. Doris plays a waitress in a southern town, mar ried to truck driver Steve Coch ran. Ginger Rogers stops off for a surprise visit to sister Doris, witnesses the murder of a news paper reporter by the Ku Klux Klan. and later recognizes to her horror that her sister’s husband is one of the Klan. Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. Tot. 50c Children 10c. plue 2c tax. Tot 12c 4 I BASEBALL! Thursday, August 30 O'NEILL ROCKETS vs. INMAN Park Will Be Sprayed Before the Game Carney Park.. O’Neill.. Game Time 8:30 •—— For Immediate Results that Are Fair to Buyer and Seller Sell It At Auction • r Auctioneer Ernie Weller is proud to announce the launching of A New Selling Organization Weller-Adams Go. Atkinson, Nebraska j Specialising in the selling of farms, ranches, livestock, business enterprises and personal prop erty at both private and public treaty. Mr. Leo Adams, formerly of Chambers, is a man who has spent his entire life in the Sandhills area of Ne braska, with a backlog of more than 32 years of successful banking. He enjoys the trust and con fidence of all who know him. Ernie Weller, of At kinson. with more than 32 years of auction ex perience behind him, needs no introduction. His successful operation of the Atkinson Livestock Market and his reputation for getting the job done are well-known. ERNIE WELLER LEO ADAMS We Offer This Area, the Sandhills of Nebraska, A COMPLETE SELLING SERVICE [ Including photography, advertising, clerking and selling. We maintain a mailing list of more than 8,000 interested prospects in ■ land and livestock, located in the Combelt and Ranching areas. We offer a well-integrated and complete service, with nothing left to chance. •* OUR POLICY In justice to those who place their interests in our hands, we promise that we will keep abreast of business and political con ditions as they affect the economy of our nation. We will stay informed in matters of law and proposed legislation, particularly in the field of federal income taxes and. inheritance taxes, so as to give intelligent counsel and business advice to those seeking our help. In accepting the sale of real or personal property, we pledge ourselves tto be fair to buyer and seller alike, and to pro tect the owner's interest as we would our own. As confidential trustees of information given us by the seller, we pledge our selves never to disclose any information that would tend to be a violation of the trust. OUR LOCATION We have established our offices in the Livestock Exchange Building at the Atkinson Livestock Market, Atkinson, Nebr. Our new quarters will be complete and ready for occupancy by September 15th. In the meantime, we are maintaining temporary quarters at the same address. { s Drop In Anytime - - We’ll Be Glad To Visit With You WELLER-ADAMS COMPANY ATKINSON, NEBRASKA “A Bonded and Licensed Sales Service” ERNIE WELLER „ LEO ADAMS Phone S131 Phone 7531 Office Phone 5141 %