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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1951)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS THOMAS—Mr. and Mrs. Es tel Thomas, of O’Neill, a daugh ter, born Monday, August 27, in a Norfolk hospital. The baby was 2 months premature and was placed in an incubator. The moth er is the former Miriam Schmidt, of O’Neill. PENNINGTON—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pennington, of Ewing, a son, born Friday. August 24, at the Tilden hospital. Mr. Pen nington is superintendent of the Ewing public schools. ROSSMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Tru man Rossman, of Atkinson, a daughter, born Sunday, August 19, weighing 9 pounds, at the Stuart Community hospital. BRAUN—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Braun, of Bassett, a daughter. Nancy Lea, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, born Monday, August 13, at the Bassett hospital. Mr. Braun is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braun, of Atkinson. KRUEGER — Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Krueger, of O’Neill, a son, Michael Dean, weighing 71/* pounds, born Wednesday, August 22. GIBBS — Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gibbs, of Orchard, a daughter, weighing 5 pounds 8 ounces, born Wednesday, August 22, at the O’ Neill hospital. MENltaH—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Menish, of O’Neill, a son, Danny Joe, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces, born Wednesday, August 22, at the O’Neill hospital. ROWSE—Mr. and Mrs. Zane Rowse, of Chambers, a son, weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces, born Sunday, August 28, at the O Neill hospital. Danny Holsclaw Is 6 Years Old— Danny Holsclaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Holsclaw, cel ebrated his 6th birthday anniver sary Saturday. Six little guests attended the party at his home. They played games and had re freshments of ice cream and birthday cake. W. E. Wulf. Wife Wed 50 Years— Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wulf cor dially invited the public to attend their golden wedding anniversary at an open-house on Sunday, September 9, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 pan., at their home m Ew ing. [ SICK & INJURED PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cronk left Thursday, August 23, for Cheyenne, Wyo., to be with their niece, Mrs. William Dineen, jr., who. is in a hospital there ill with polio. Mrs. Dineen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Trowbridge, of Saratoga, Wyo. ■ Mrs. Cronk is a sister of Mr. ■ Trowbridge. . . Mrs. Anna Hold i en, of Sioux City, came Thursday t Dorr, who was ill. Mr. Dorr pass i to help care for her brother, A. L. ed away Monday morning, Au gust 27. Mrs. John Stauffer, of Norfolk, had also been assisting at the home of her brother, Mr. Dorr. . . Mrs. Melvin Carson re turned home Sunday from the Methodist hospital at Sioux City where she had been a patient for several days. Her condition is "good.” . . Mrs. George Parks re turned home Sunday from Nor folk where she had spent 3 weeks. She spent 11 days at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital follow ing a major operation and after leaving the hospital had stayed with her sister, Mrs. Clara West. . . . Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Parks took their daughter, Miss Genel le, to Norfolk Monday evening where she submitted to an ap pendectomy at Our Lady of Lour des hospital at 10:30 that night. Her condition is “good.” . . Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Miller, of Gre sham, Ore., came to Page Satur day morning. They were accom panied by Mrs. Miller’s father, W. E. Snyder, of Ainsworth. They drove on to Sioux City to visit their sister and daughter, Mrs. Melvin Carson, at the Methodist hospital. Mrs. Miller will assist at the home of her sister after Mrs. Carson’s return home Sunday. . . Miss Carolyn Russell has re turned from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk where she submitted to an appendectomy. O’NEILL—Mra. Ted McElha ney was dismissed Sunday from the Methodist hospital in Sioux City. She intends to remain in Sioux City to recuperate for a while. Mr. McElhaney drove down Sunday to see her. . . . Mrs. Violet Sholes, of Inman, has been a patient at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, of Norfolk, since Monday. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark visited her there. Mrs. Sholes is Mrs. Clark’s mother. . . Bernard Lorenz is on. the sick list. . . Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Moseman planned to go today (Thursday) to Lincoln where Mr. Moseman will get a medical checkup. EWING—Mrs. Clara Tucker is confined to her bed suffering from sciatic rheumatism. . . Mrs. Eula Eppenbach returned home on Wednesday, August 22. from the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk where she had been a surgical patient. She is convalescing at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Snyder, and daughters. INMAN—John Gallagher spent the weekend in Sioux City where he visited Mrs. Gallagher, who is a patient at the St. Joseph hos pital there. . . Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser and son, Jerry, spent the weekend in Sioux City where Jerry received medical attention. DELOIT— Frank Harpster be came worse Friday and was tak en by ambulance to the Tilden hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster and Mrs. Glen Harpster and son visited Mr. Harpster Sunday. EMMET—Mrs. Guv Cole came home Friday from St. Vincent’s hospital m Sioux City. I .... . .~1 MILLER THEATRE —Atkinson, Nebr.— Friday August 31 Saturday September 1 ~ ■ ' - V Voice of the Frontier MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY _9*45 A M — WJAG (Norfolk) 780 k. c. i JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in The Frontier building. THE FRONTIER “North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing Newspaper” . .-. ,-^ HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: August 22— Mrs. Lyle Gibbs, of Orchard; Miss Caroline Reimers, of Inman, ton sillectomy and adenoidectomy, condition good; Mrs. Joe Menish, of O’Neill; Mrs. George Smith, of Chambers, medical, condition good. 24—Mrs. Earl Farr, of O’ Neill, medical .condition improv ed. 26 — Mrs. Zane Rowse, of Chambers; Mrs. Joe Weber, of Ewing, medical, condition good. 27—Miss Karen Brown, of O' Neill, tonsillectomy and adenoid ectomy, condition good. 28—Mrs. Thomas Balstein, of Swan Lake, medical, condition fairly good Still in the hospital: Mrs. Jim Parker, of O’Neill, medical, con dition good. Dismissals: August 22 — Miss Caroline Reimers, of Inman. 23— Mrs. George Smith, of Chambers; Mrs. Don Green and son, of Chambers. 24—Mrs. Louis Zas trow and son, of O’Neill. 25 — Mrs. Lyle Gibbs and daughter, of Orchard. 27—Mrs. John Watson and daughter, of O’Neill; Mrs. Joe Menish and son, of O’Neill; Miss Karen Brown, of O’Neill. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Stuart) In hospital: Mrs. Lola Hum rich, of Stuart, good. Admissions: August 19 —Mrs. Truman Rossman, of Atkinson, a baby girl; Conrad Maben, of Ew ing, accident patient; Adrian Broda, of Ewing, accident pa tient. Dismissals: August 19 — Ben Kaup, sr., of Stuart. 20—Adrian Broda, of Ewing; Mrs. Ralph Thurlow and son, of Newport. 21 —Emil Tomsik, of Atkinson; Conrad Maben, of Ewing. 22— Mrs. Virgil VerMaas and son, of Atkinson. 23—Mrs. Truman Ross man and daughter, of Atkinson; Mrs. Fred Kunz and daughter, of Stuart; Mrs. Alton Hoffman and son, of Stuart; Mrs. Arthur Ol berding and son. of Stuart. Former Residents Return— Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ford, of Bonesteel, S. D.. who moved to Bonesteel from O’Neill in May, are returning to O’Neill. They are expected to arrive about Sep tember 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ford were Sunday noon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Krutz, jr. LYNCH NEWS Several children and their mothers were entertained at the home of Mrs. Fern King Satur day evening, August 5, in honor of Sharon Teadtke’s birthday an niversary. Mrs. Abbie Wright, of Rich land, Wash., is here visiting her brother, Scott Gray, and family and her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Spen cer, and husband. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT: 5-room house, mod ern. — J. O. DeGroff, O’Neill, phone 442W. 17p35 FOR RENT: Unfurn. 3-room a partment and kitchenette and bath, modern. — Hagensick’s Ready-to-Wear, O’Neill. 17ctf FOR SALE: Girl’s bicycle, Hia watha, good condition.—Gilbert E. Strong, phone 454W, O’Neill. 17c35 HELP WANTED: Stenographer. Must have typing and short hand. Experience preferred.— See Mr. Sullivan, Consumers 1 Public Power district head quarters, O’Neill. 17c WE WISH to thank one and all for the beautiful cards, good wishes and gifts that we re ceived on our golden wedding day. We also want to thank the manager of the Neligh park for letting us use the cabin and park.— Mr. and Mrs. Francis F. Hieter._17c FOR SALE: 1937 Chevrolet coupe.—Inquire at the Town House. O’Neill. 16c HELP WANTED: Stenographer, must be able to take shorthand. —Consumers Pub. Power Dist., O’Neill, ask for Mr. Sullivan. 16c Family Gathers at Margritz Home— The Roy E. Margritz home wa» the scene of a family get-togeth er Tuesday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwindt. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwindt, sr., of Clay Center; Mr. and Mrs. Clair Swanson and Vicki, of Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. John Deines and daughters, Mr. and Mis. John Schwindt and sons, all of Royal; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bunnell and Errol, of Hartington, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glantz, of Omaha. ARM BREAKS AGAIN Larry Dawes, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Neil Dawes, will have reason to be cautious next year during the month of August. On Sunday, August 19, while playing on the monkey bars at Ford’s park he slipped and broke his arm. Last August, on nearly the same day, while playing catch, he slipped and broke the same arm. Move lo O'Neill— Mr .and Mrs. Leonard Krueger and their week-old son, Michael Dean, formerly of Winner, S. D., are now O’Neill residents. Mr. Krueger began his work as butcher at the Union store Mon day. Mrs. Krueger and Michael Dean are expected to arrive here Monday, September 3. FIREMEN SUMMONED The, O’Neill volunteer fire de partment was summoned Thurs day morning, August 23, to ex tinguish a blaze. Workmen were putting a roof on one of Shel hamer’s sheds south of the tracks when the tar caught fire. No damage was done. Clebrate 25th Wedding Anniversary— Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wieseman, of Lincoln, celebrated their wedding anniversary this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sullivan spent the weekend in Lincoln with them. The Wiesemans are Mrs. Sullivan’s parents. Sails for Korea— Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan have received word from their son. Pvt. Raymond Sullivan, of the army engineers, that his group landed in Japan August 14, and 4 days later left for Korea. Mrs. Ruby Malloy and Emory Harding, both of O’Neill, were married Tuesday at Neligh. They are spending a few days In Sioux City. _ Sixty - one Lancaster county 4-H club youths stopped here on Thursday enroute to Long Pine. . . . the letter* start. Then many readers of THE CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR teU the Editor how much they enjoy this daily world-wide newspaper, with such com ment* as: "The Monitor is the most carefully edited news paper in the U. S. . . ,* "Valuable aid in teach ing . . .” "News that is complete and fair . . .” "The Monitor surely is a reader's necessity . . .” Yon, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world new* . . . and as neces sary a* your HOME TOWN paper. Uee this conpon for a Special Introductory subscription — 3 MONTHS FOR ONLY $3. — Tk» Chriallaa Sakata Maalfor Oaa. ruoraj St.. Boataa IS, Moot, tt. S. A. Plaaaa toad a, ia iBtradactvry laWcrtp. )t*| tk,Chl*lh« Sckac* Maaitaf— (mm) W I_ 790 ON YOUC DIAL "Th® Favorite Station in the Heort of the Nation" NORFOLK - WJAG - NEBRASKA I Presents For Your Listening Pleasure Mary Moore — 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. — Mon. thru Sat. Model Cleaners — Nash's Coffee — Action Noon News—12:15 to 12:35 p.m. — Mon. thru Sat. Local News and Weather 12:30 Sponsored by Gooch Mill* Sports Roundup — 5:30 to 5:45 p.m. — Mon. thru Sat. Brought to you by the Falstaff Brewing Corp. NORFOLK - WJAG — NEBRASKA | For a Complete Afternoon of Musical Enjoyment IT'S 780 ON YOUR DIAL SHELHAMER FOODS.. O'Neill PRODUCE PHONE: 173 O’NEILL NEBR GROCERY PHONE: 56 Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 27-28-29 HARDING'S CREAMERY— BUTTER Lb, LEXINGTON CREAM— FLOUR I°acb ‘ PURE LARS 2jj»39c FATWFT T MACKEREL TaM Can19c GOLDEN VALLEY SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 Wo. 2 Cans 49c VAN CAMP'S 4 No. 2 Cana PORK - BEANS 69c AIRCRAFT R. S. P. CHERRIES 2 No. 2 Cans 45c BREEZE OR SNACK BAR ~ S-P-E-C-I-A-L-S Yz Gallon Vanilla ICE CREAM 89c FREE SAMPLE PINT — ANY FLAVOR With Each Purchase of 1 Quart of Our Own Ice Cream Saturday CELLO PACK Lb. WHITING FISH 1» * O F Lb. coarse BOLOGNA 4» LEAN MEATY Lb. SPARE RIBS 39c CREAM CHEESE 5* I RED OR WHITE GRAPES 2 Lbs 27c RED RIPE TOMATOES Lb 15c GREEN PASCAL CELERY Lb :: 9c WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 10 4» SPRING FRYERS New York Dressed [|R_45c Drawn, Ready for Pan IT63c OUR MOTHER'S COQOfl Lb. Can.39c BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS WHEATIES 12-fo t*kg. 21c COLORED PAPER NAPKINS fk _15c HARTEX 46-0*. Can PINEAPPLE JUICE 33c IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY Nutrena Feeds FOR YOUR POULTRY - HOGS - CATTLE WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDS FOR POULTRY, HOGS AND CATTLE CHECK OUR MARKET ON CREAM POULTRY EGG MARKET FIRM Check Our Prices Before You Sell CALL US FOR COUNTRY PICKUP ON POULTRY ^wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmtammm.