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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1951)
Prewitt Youths Return to Amelia _____ AMELIA — Dean and Lynn Prewitt, who have been working V for their uncle near Wheatland, Wyo., returned home on Sunday evening. Lynn returned to school at Curtis on Tuesday. He will be a senior this year. Other Amelia News Miss Joan Adair helped Mis. Mary LaFoy at the Lee ranch while the Harvey Hansens at tended a family reunion at Ver million, S. D. Mr .and Mrs. Levi Clemens and family and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemens and family attend ed a family reunion of Mrs. Levi Clemens’s relatives at Ne ligh Sunday. Miss Bessie Soder stein and grandson, of Chicago, 111., sister of Mrs. Clemens, re turned home with them for a few r days. C. F. Small and son, Kenneth, and Vern Sageser attended a banquet of the Hereford Breed ers’ association in O’Neill' Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marcellus and family, who have been visit ing relatives here the past 2 weeks, left Saturday morning for their home at Whittier, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelly, of Atkinson, visited at Vern Sages er’s Tuesday, August 21. Mrs. Julia White returned home with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Braddock, at Rapid City, S. D., for a 3-week visit. Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahn went to Bassett Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. Maude Forbes, and family. Alvin Forbes is driving a new Chevrolet. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Waldo and family visited his sister, Mrs. Bob (Zelma) Kalb, and family in Texas the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lybolt. of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lybolt and family, of Chicago, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bar nett were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett on Wednesday, August 22. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krauter, of Crete, arrived Friday and spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett went to Lincoln Sunday where on Monday they attended the fu neral of Mrs. S. C. Barnett’s mother, Mrs. Laura Adams. Mrs. Ray White and Gayle, of Martin. S. D., visited Mrs. Julia White Tuesday, August 21. Miss Peggy Prewitt is visiting near Palmyra with her aunt, Mrs. Norman Hull, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sied and daughter, of Auburn, visited his aunt, Mrs. Vern Sageser. Mon day. August 20. The WSCS met with Mrs. C. F. Small Thursday, August 23. Mr. and Mr. Elmer Fix and daughter, Leone, were vacation ing in the Black Hills last week. They also visited their son. Gale, and family and became acquaint ed with their new grandson, Lar ry Eugene Fix, at Scottsbluff. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sammons and daughter, Rochelle, attended the funeral of Bob Moss at Col umbus Monday, August 20. Mr. Moss was a cousin of Mr. Sam t mons. _ ---1 O-L-D v FASHIONED THRIFT: ■ »— 1 NOW! MISSES’ STORM COATS Water repellent, warm, and so handsome in the newest colors! Here, rayon - wool gabardine lined with alpaca* . . . topped with a Laskin mouton - dyed lamb collar. Navy, red, green, wine, ol grey. Select today! Sizes 8 to 20. F ’See tag on garment for fi ber contents. STORM COATS AND SLACKS 16.75 So snug and so warm! Slur< dy rayon-and-cotton cavalry twill lined with cotton-back alpaca and cravenetted for permanent water repellency! Mouton dyed lamb collar. Matching slacks. Sizes 3 to 6x. SKIRTS IN RAYON GABARDINE 4.98 Handsome crease • resistant rayon gabardine in new deep tones, styled with slim lines . . . wonderful school skirts for your blouses, sweaters! Sizes 24 to 30. _ LACE-EDGED BLOUSES 2.98 A little touch of lace on sim ple classic rayons. New lace patterns, ''Starlake" and ''Snowflake.'* Very delicate and fresh, so soft with tailor ed suits. White and pastels, too. Sixes 32 to 46. Mr. and Mrs. Verland Barber ' and daughters, Barbara. Bonice s and Beverly, of Platte Center, j visited at the home of their j aunt, Mrs. Emma Lindsey. Mon day and Tuesday, August 20 and 21. Arthur Moss, of Bremerton, Wash., visited his sister. Mrs. A. E. Sammons, and family from Monday, August 20, until Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. George McGinnis, of Fremont, spent Tuesday night, August 21, at C. F. Small’s and were also looking after business matters while here. Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman. They attended a business meeting of the Methodist .church in Chambers that afternoon. Mrs. Lawrence Barnett is at tending a WSCS convention in Lincoln this week as a delegate from the Amelia WSCS. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carr and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Joe Kamphaus’s. That evening the Kamphauses entertained friends at a farewell party for their son, Joe, jr.. who will leave September 5 for in duction into the armed forces. Mr. and Mrs. D. Moss and Mr. Ted Platt, of Chambers, visited the Lindseys Sunday evening and attended services at the taber nacle. Shrunk, Lydon Named Teachers DELOIT—Roland Shrunk has! been signed to teach the Reimer i school for the 1951-’52 term and Miss Lydon will teach the Deloit school. The term begins Monday, Seo tember 3, in most districts in this locality. Other Deloit News A number from here attended the fall festival and supper at St. John’s Sunday evening. A record crowd attended although rain clouds threatened to dampen the festivities. Many were present from O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and Elayne and Otto Reimer were Sunday dinner guests at the M. Reimer home in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fuller and family were Sunday guests at the Roy Beeson home. Mrs. Sidney Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Manson and Ronald Burt saw the passion play at Spear fish, S. D., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer and daughter visited at the J. A. Lar son home in Ewing Wednesday evening. It was Mr. Larson’s birthday anniversary. Patty Squire and John Rossow and Donald Werkmeister will be freshmen, going to Bartlett from this community. Several from here attended the WJAG talent audition at Clear water Friday evening. Gene and Darlene Tomjack and Mrs. Gene Ray and daugh ter visited Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tomjack in Hastings on Tuesday, August 21. Albert Delbridge, of NCC, vis ited friends here on Tuesday, August 21. He spent Tuesday night at Roy Beesom’s. Ivan Myers Is Guest of Honor— A farewell party in honor of Ivan Myers was given Thursday evening, August 23, at the As sembly of God church. Myers will leave soon to attend Bible school I at Springfield, Mo. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Redlinger, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Wetzler. Mrs. Mary Wetz ler. Nick Schwindt, Forrest Far rand, Mrs. Charles Hicks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Worth and Rosann and Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Hall. Mrs. Yantzie Entertains— Mrs, Robert Yantzie was host ess Monday evening to a meeting of the ONO club. Winners were: Mrs. Francis Hickey, high; Mrs. Don Martin, guest high, and Mrs. Deraid Graham, all-cut. Frontier for printing! S--1 Old Fashion RUMMAGE CLEARANCE Saturday Thursday - Friday To make room for Fall merchandise we are clean ing house — all odds and ends must go at greatly re duced prices. ir Chenille spread, plastic curtains, flour squares, fast color prints, boys’ sweat ers, anklets, women’s and girls’ panties, chenille rober. ir Men’s oxfords, women’s shoes children’s shoes, overshoes. | ir Notions, yarn, face tissue, luggage. | ★ Velocipede, wagons, tri cycles. | ★ Men’s overcoats, men’s and boys’ dress pants, men’s felt hats, men’s low back overalls, covert work pants, boys’ chambray shirts, I men’s dress shirts. Many other items too numerous to mention. MAYOR BREAKS SOD . . . O’Neill's Mayor J. E. Davis last Thursday turned the first shovel-full of dirt in connection with a north-side housing project. Francis Gilg. O’Neill contractor, looks on. Gilg and R. F. Swenson, Wakefield contractor, will build 10 houses each on the lots east of the cemeteries, recently purchased from the Sisters of St. Francis. The sector will be known as North Heights.—The Frontier Phcto & Engraving. Celebrate Birthday A nni ver sar y— Mrs. Ed Campbell was guest of honor Monday evening at a par ty given in celebration of her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Wil liam Froelich was hostess. Guests were the William Froelich fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stout, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham and daughters, Barbara and Marde, and Mr. Campbell and son, Ed ward. Family Meets At David City— Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Durr went to David City Sunday where they met Mr. and Mrs. John Durr and daughter, Wauneta, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Durr and daughters, Sharlene and Vicki, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Durr, all of Nebras ka City, at the city park for a family picnic. Attend Meeting At Norfolk— Dr. and Mrs. Harry D. Gilder sleeve attended a meeting of the Northern Optometrists associa k tion at the Norfolk Country club Thursday. August 16. In the golf tournament held in connection with the meeting. Doctor Gilder sleeve took 3d place. Miss Klein Is ” * 5-Years-Old— Miss Carol Jean Klein, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Klein, celebrated her 5th birthday an niversary Monday. Nine neigh borhood children attended the party at the Klein home Monday afternoon. Frontier for printing. PHOTOGRAPHS Live Forever... No Photo • Everyday someone is being elected to some office . . . someone takes a trip . . , someone wins a prize ... or for any one of a hundred reasons the newspapers want a photo graph of you. : • Plan to come to the O'Neill Photo Company right away, no appointment necessary, and have your portrait made. Our professional photographers are sure to please. O’NEILL PHOTO CO.... Phone 1 -—. WE’RE EMPTYING our warehouse and sales floor to make room for our late season furniture. The jl LLIAL savings are all yours. Come in today and furnish your ■■ahphii home at new low prices. MODERN Imagine! Such beautiful suites and such a low, low price. Place your order today and share in these huge LIVING ROOM THIS WEEK ONLY i REGULAR $350.00—Dekor Handmade Suite. $300.00 REGULAR $325.00—Charles 2-Pc. Suite, Carved Mohai r Cover.$275.00 REGULAR $319.00—2-Pc. Curved Pullman Style..$269.00 REGULAR $299.00—Two-Tone, Rubber Cushioning.$249.00 REGULAR $269.00—Mosley & Segal T Cushion Styling.$219.00 REGULAR $239.00—Mohair Suite with Fringe. $189.50 REGULAR $219.00—2-Pc. Wool Frieze Koutsky Suite. $169.50 —22 Suites on the Floor to Pick From — ALL BRAND NEW ~ CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEED Save on our USED living room suites that were traded in. We’ll take any reasonable offer. SAPvLsrY Midwest Furn. & App. ™