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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1951)
* CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Prayer meeting each Wednes day, 8 p.m. The children of our Sunday school are taking part in the dai ly vacation Bible school in O’ Neill. Sunday, June 24: Worship, 10 a.m.; Sunday - school, 11 a.m.; young people’s service and Bible study, 8 p.m. July 10, at 8 p.m.. Rev. Elmer Kilbourne, who has recently been in Korea, will have upto date news from this wartom country from a Christian’s point of view. You are invited to be I with us in that service. Our youth camp will be for one week at Long Pine beginning June 25. The dance hall, saloon and many amusement centers are doing many things to teach im morality and lust, but the youth camp is for the upbuilding of Christian character. How about it, parents and young people, let’s make a clean mark for this world to pattern? You are invited to our services. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor 1 Thursday, 8 p.m., prayer meet ing. Daily vacation Bible school program Friday, 8 p.m. Irene Searles, Loraine Ernst and Hazel Norwood are the teachers this week. Center Union children are com ing in to the Bible school along with our town group. Sunday, June 24: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; evening service, 7:30, 16 mm film, “Noah’s Ark,” and ‘“The Rap ture.” Youth camp July 9-13 in the Niobrara state park. This is for young folks age 12 on up and es pecially teenagers. Your pastor will be teaching in the youth camp this year. You are invited to all of our a services. God is the answer to all •of your problems. The camp meeting services were well attended and many folk found a peace in their hearts that they had not known before. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor An old fashioned camp meet ing begins June 27 and continues through July 4 at Baker’s grove, 1 mile south and 1 mile west of Ainsworth. Plan to attend this camp if at all possible. Rev. Glenn Millard, of Tulsa, Okla., is the guest speaker. The boys’ and girls’ camp at Lexington was a great success. There were 264 enrolled. There were 12 enrolled from O’Neill. ’ Sunday-school, 10 a.m. Worship hour, 11 a.m. Young people’s CA, 7:30 p.m. Evening service, 8 o’clock. The ladies’ prayer meeting is at 2 p.m. on Wednesday. Street service Saturday at 8:30 p.m. on the corner of 4th and Douglas. You are invited to enjoy God’s blessing with us in any service. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, June 24: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., Roy Sauers, su perintendent. Worship service, 11 a.m. An them by the choir, sacrament of the Lord’s supper, special observ j ance: Every member Sunday with picnic basket dinner follow ing. __ METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Church school, 10 a.m., classes for all ages. Worship service, 11 ajn., ser mon, special music. MYF group, 7:30 p.m. The daily vacation Bible school closed a very successful 2 weeks’ session with a program on Sun day evening with a large crowd attending. There were 101 enroll ed with 19 teachers. The Young Adult Fellowship met Tuesday evening for a regu lar meeting and party. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright were hosts. Tonight (Thursday) the choir will practice at 7 o’clock. At 8 o’ clock the church is holding a re ception for Rev. and Mrs. J. La verne Jay. Reverend Jay is the new superintendent for the northeast district. The MYF camp is in session at Ponca this week and the inter mediate camp next week. We invite you to worship with us. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Sixth and Grant Streets Rev. A. C. Utterback, pastor Sunday, June 24, 3:30 a.m., lis ten to the “Christians’ Hour,” with inspirational messages bv Ard Hoven at 8:30 over WNAX, Yankton. Bible study classes for children and adults, 10 a.m. Weekly observance of the Lord’s supper, 11 a.m. Sermons, 11:1 a.m. and 3 p.m., by the minister. We welcome vis itors.—By Mrs. Donald Johring, scretary. COMMUNITY CHURCH .'Smart) Rev. Orin Graff, pastor Unified services every Sunday, 10 a.m. Sermon for Sunday, June 24: “Is Jesus God?” Mark 9. Midweek service tonight (Thursday), 8 o’clock. Choir will meet at 9:30 each Sunday morn ing for practice during the sum mer months. Fifty-six children enrolled in Bible school at Stuart this sum mer. They gave a program Sun day night assisted bv 1(5 students from the Pioneer Bible school from northeast of Stuart. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing RFD) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, June 24: Worship ser vice, 9:30 a.m., sermon by the pastor. Sunday school, 10:30 a.m , Stanley Lambert, superintendent. METHODIST (Chamoers) Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair Grimes, superintendent. Worship, 11:30 a.m. There will be no MYF meet ings until September 1. Francis Gilg Is New Grand Knight The Knights of Columbus, Charles Carroll of Carrollton council, O’Neill, at a regular meeting on Thursday, June 14, elected the following officers for the coming year: Francis Gilg, grand knight; Robert Shoemaker, deputy grand knight; H. J. Hammond, financial secretary; Leonard Shoemaker, chancellor; James Mullen, record er; Harry Sullivan, treasurer; Norman Gonderinger, advocate; Anthony O’Donnell, warden; Lyle Benda, inside guard, and Frank Clements, trustee. • * -*',W*Hlfl0*#*M»*;*,r‘,W» 0'Hf* .- ’■* famousfnms ser/e famous ffication/ancfs No greater adventure awaits you gl^ gj||s „f 5^ Qa|^0ta anywhere than in these glorious vacationlands. This year, make North Woods of Wisconsin, Minnesota S.U”aV“fte “«d - m **m t peace-of-mind safety that tram Chicago, Washington, New York, Boston, like0lN^h dW««teSat"40(?* Atlantic City and the Eastern Seaboard Streamliner Fleet between Chi- ^ cago the North and North west and the daily streamliners ■^•*1 ^ ^TT*" fefll from Chicago to the Pacific Coast. Send coupon for helpful vacation planning information. ^ »' | G. A. LANG WORTHY, Traffic Manager j f* r~ ■ Chicago and North Western System . | 814 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Omaha 2, Neb. ^ | Send me complete vacation information about e I ' " p” Would alio lik« information on all axpanaa toura. „ S Name-—-—--- ’ g I Address.--- “ » ■ City___ Riverside Club Has Busy Week— Friday night, June 15, the Riverside 4 - H club and many other friends at a dance in the IOOF hall at Inman. A: midnight, Mrs. Schneider served coffee, sandwiches, cookies and cake. Sunday afternoon Schneiders entertained the Riverside 4-H club and a few other friends at the weekly ball game. George Ramold and Bernard Janzing were captains with the score 13 11 in favor of Bernard’s team. Schneider family entertained the After the game, Mrs. Schneider served lunch. Sunday night the regular meet ing was held at the John Vitt horn. It was dmonstration day. Mararet Vitt, George Schnei der, Miriam, Pat and Edward Boyle have June birthday anni versaries. They were honored with birthday cakes. Mrs. Vitt served lunch.—By Mary Frances Vitt, news reporter. Park Supervisor on Duty Week Days— The Parent-Teachers’ associa tion has hired a park supervisor, William Herman, for duty at i Ford’s park from 1 to 5 p.m. on week days. Through solicitation and sale of advertising for park tables, the P-TA group hopes to raise funds for the supervision and for the construction of cement tennis courts. Celebrate 35th Wedding Anniversary— Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth cel ebrated their 35th wedding anni versary Thursday, June 7, with a picnic supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Wetzler. Other picnic guests were Miss Victoria Worth, C. E. Worth, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth. Here for Tourney— Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grady and the Misses Kathryn and Mary Grady, all of Denver, Colo., ar rived Saturday for a visit with relatives. The Bill Gradys are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Grady, until the end of the week. The Grady sisters are visiting their sister, Mrs. H. J. Hammond. Attend First Communion Ceremonies— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes and daughters, Miss Deborah and Miss Cheryl, attended the first holy communion services at the Church of the Epiphany in Em met Sunday, June 10. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Johnson attended the wedding of Miss Jeanine Doolittle and Ivan Roth at the Lutheran church in Atkin son Sunday, June 10. Mrs. Frank Carter, of Mitchell, S. D., Mrs. Rose Davey, of Valen tine, and Mrs. Roy Madison, of Bassett, were Tuesday, June 12, visitors at the home of Mrs. Harden Anspach. The 4 ladies are sisters. Mrs. Anspach returned to Valentine with Mrs. Davey for a short visit. Mrs. Jim Sullivan was in Nor folk from Thursday, June 7, un til Saturday, June 9, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. German Benck, and Mr. Sullivan’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sullivan. Her brothers, Marvin and Jimmy Benck, returned with her for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Alan VanVleck and children went to Omaha on Sunday, June 10. Mrs. Gerald Graybiel and Mrs. Gerald Classen and Patty, of Chi cago, 111., arrived Friday, June 8, at the home of their mother, Mrs. M. R. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kersen brock left Sunday, June 10, for Sidney where they visited her sister, Mrs. Harold Connors, Mr. Connors and sons. They returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Volberding have named their son Russell Frederick. Miss Victoria Worth, Junior Worth, Mrs. Orville Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr and Mrs. Ella Karr, of Spencer, attended the wedding Sunday, June 10, of Melvin Gelster. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers and family, of Lincoln, spent the weekend at the home of Me. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox. Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, who have been living in Nor walk, Calif., returned to O’Neill Tuesday. They plan to remain in O'Neill. Mrs. Frank Phalin, who has been away for about 3 weeks, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Gowan Miller at St. Paul, Minn., and 2 of her sisters at Milnor, N. D. Dr. W. F. Finley went to Milnor Friday and they returned to O’Neill Monday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ellen Phalin, who will visit here for a time before returning to her home at Oak Park, 111. Mrs. Lillian Marne, of Ute, la., arrived Wednesday, June 13, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Shriner, and Mr. Shriner. Eldon Asher, of Kansas City, Kans., arrived in O'Neill Mon day, June 18, to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mre. Homer Ash er. On Tuesday he went to Valentine to visit his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Don Asher. Today (Thursday) he will return home by way of Io wa to get his wife, who is visit ing her parents. His sisters, Misses Donna and Evalyn, will accompany him for a vacation in Kansas. Misses Evalyn and Donna Asher and Esther Kaiser re turned Friday, June 15, from a 4-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. Don Asher and daughter in Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Towle and son, of Norfolk, were guests Sunday of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Towle. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnson and children, of Bristow, spent father’s day with Mrs. Johnson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Widtfeldt. Guests at the M. J. Golden home for the golf tournament were: Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner, of Omaha; Dr. and Mrs. Richard Owens, of Kansas City, Mo., Dr. and Mrs. Harry Williams, of Decatur; and James Golden, of Atchison, Kans. The Goldens’ daughter and her hus band, Doctor and Mrs. Owens, and their son, James Golden, left Wednesday for their homes. Coming from Mullen Friday for father’s day at the J. D. Osenbaugh home were their daughter, Mrs. Erik Ericksen, and children. “Voice of The Frontier,” 780 kc. WJAG, 9:45, Mon., Wed., Sat. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Osen baugh returned Thursday, June Mrs. Vannie Newman and daughter, Mrs. Jerry Babl, at 7, from a 5-days’ stay in Omaha, tended the golden wedding anni versary Tuesday, June 12, of the J. E. Wileys in Dorsey. Mesdames Bridges, Schaffer Are Winners— Winners at MM club held Wed nesday, June 6, at the home of Mrs. Larry Johnson were Mrs. Alice Bridges and Mrs. D C. Schaffer. The latters’ sister, Mrs. George Rector, was a guest at the meeting. Star Get-To-Gelher Club Meets— The Star Get-To-Gether project club met Wednesday, June 0, at the home of Mrs. Fred Timmer man with 12 members and 2 vis itors present. There was no special lesson scheduled for the day so the rtroup held a discussion on beau ty preparations with Mrs. Dale Revell and Mrs. Ben Miller tak ing part in a demonstration, Mrs. Miller being the health leader. Roll call was answered with “My Favorite Flower.” Plans were made to attend the vacation camp at Long Pine at Hidden Paradise park. The hostess served a lunch of sandwiches, pickles, pie a la mode and coffee.—By Mrs. Ewalt Miller, reporter. Miss Sullivan Guest at Picnic— Miss Nan SulliVan, who spent from Friday, June 8, until Mon day, June 11, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan, was guest-of-honor at a picnic held Monday at Ford park. A group of girls employed at the local tel ephone office entertained Mias Sullivan, who is employed hr Bell in Omaha. Prior to her posi tion in Omaha, Miss Sullivan worked at the local office. Carlsons Feted Before Moving— The Couples’ club held a fare well party Tuesday, June 12, for the W. W. Carlsons who moved Tuesday. The Verne Reynoldsons were hosts. Last Thursday at a 1 o'clock luncheon, Mrs. J. H. Doernmg and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson were hostesses at a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Carlson. Winners at bridge were Mrs. Carlson, high, and Mrs. Gene Cantion, low. Frontier for printing! McCARVILLES' GRAND OPENING Entire Stock * I/O ON ... u o MEN’S SUITS, CLOTHING, OFF MEN’S, WOMEN’S, CHILDREN’S SHOES 1/4 ON... ufi WORK SHOES OFF WORK CLOTHING ! Sale Starts Thursday, June 21st Ends Tuesday, July 3rd McCARVILLES' CLOTHING SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY In Our New Location Main Street - O’Neill, Nebr. 9 r 9 Valw*-Pric*dl N«w Ea«y-to-Car*-for J J COTTON DRESSES j ! 2.98 I it w ^ | • Complete Range of Sizes | I eFine Percales, Broadcloths 4 • Carefully Made and Detailed , *p 9 Pretty, practical dresses in coat, | shirtwaist, wrap around, and zip W dosing styles. Florals, geometric de- " h signs and checks,- smartly trimmed I ^ | 9*15, 12-20, \6Yi-2AYi, 38-44. | t «tw«« eittib suits «T Gambled I "YOU’RE ALWAYS WELCOME’’ HOTEL LINCOLN THC POPULAR HOTIL OP UNCOIH N«V j