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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1951)
Bible Students Get Surprise Treats EWING—The vacation Bible school held by the United Pres byterian and the Ewing Metho dist churches presented a pro gram Friday evening, June 15, at the Ewing Methodist church, bringing to a close 2 weeks of in struction. The topic of study in all de partments was “The Church.” A display of the work done by the children in the sessions from 0 to 11:30 a.m. was made in the basement. The largest attendance in a dav was 81 with an average daily at tendance of over 50. Special a wards for good attendance were given to students who had met the requirements. The following assisted: Lois Ann Bergstrom, Mrs. Duane Jen sen, Mrs. Willie Shrader, Miss Louise Shrader, Vaulda Welke, Marcia Gibson, Rev. C. C. Chap pell. Rev. John Graham acted as su perintendent, conducting the op ening and closing exercises. Miss Marcia Gibson was the pianist, and Miss Jeanne Welke was the secretary. Kermit Jefferies of the K-B Market treated the group to ice cream and cookies at the last session held Friday morning. This was a surprise. comfortable home. * Naturally, she keeps it pleasant # with a VORNADO Air v Circulator . . . VORNADO • moves all the air faster, quietly, * safely, without drafts — creates cooling summer • breezes, circulates heat and • saves fuel in winter. Ideal, too, in offices, stores, # shops and factories. • 0 W WORLD’S MNIST • AIR CIRCULATOR # A Product ol tho O. A. Sutton Corporation Wichita, Kaniat • '*>/ • • SIE US FOR A FREE VORNADO DEMONSTRATION GILLESPIES Radio - Electric Appliances Phone 114 O’Neill Other Ewing New* The YM Pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. Gail Boies on Tuesday evening, June 12. Mrs. John Walker was a guest. Score winners were Mrs. Frances Shaw, Mrs. Rose Bauer and Mrs. Arthur Funk. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Boies, assisted by Mis. Thomas Eacher. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis are driving a new Chevrolet car which they purchased last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Allen and family, of Plainview, were calling on friends in Ewing Wednesday evening, June 13. Stanley Allen remained for a weekend visit with Kenneth Lee. Mrs. James Hawk, Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik and son, Larry, went on a trip to Cogs well, N.D., on Thursday, return ing on Friday. Mrs. Hawk attend ed the wedding of her son, Har old, while the Mlnariks visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlnarik. Aubry Woods, who has spent n few days’ vacation visiting at the home of his aunt, Miss Vina Woods, returned to his home in Lincoln on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter, of O’Neill, were Sunday guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Rotherham. A large crowd gathered in Ew ing Saturday evening to enjoy the first concert by the Ewing high school band under the direc tion of Gerald Chaiupa. The band will continue practice through out the summer under his direc- I j lion. Mr. Chaiupa has been seem ed by the board of education as j instructor of music in the Ewing public school for the coming year. At present he is a student at Wayne State Teachers college Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and Julie were guests at the home ' f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gibson. Misses Hazel Ruby, and Elsie Chase are having an addition built on their residence in north west Ewing. Considerable progress is being made in the construction of the residence of Mr. and Mis. R. G Rockey in east Ewing. Mrs. Harriet Welke accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmi ser to Omaha on Sunday to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McNabb and sons, of Omaha, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Mary Rotherham. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Nabb went home Sunday, leaving their sons for a longer vacation with relatives. Bobbie Green, of Inman, is spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Boies. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Marquardt and Joanne, of Laurel, were guests of his parents, Mr and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt, on father’s day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Fink and children were Sunday guests at the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Harris, and family on Sunday. They also at tended the wedding of Miss Marion Harris and Stanley Mer chants at Elgin in the afternoon Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson on lather s day were Mr. and Mrs Elmer Pahl and daughter, Mary, of West Point; Mr. and Mrs. Heniy Rei mer, Marlene and Elavne, Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Angus and daughter, Earlene, of Monte V.'s ta, Colo., spent Thursday at Ains worth visiting relatives. Her* From Creighton— Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tharnish and family, of Creighton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Tharnish. ■"1 USED MACHINERY . BARGAINS! 2—Used John Deere Model A Tractors (One complete with Farm Hand Equipment) More New Equipment Arriving Daily! Farm Hand Stackers . . . J-D Windrowers J-D Model B & MT Tractors Complete Line of J-D-D Oils and Greases HARRY R. SMITH IMPLS. Your John Deere Dealer (In Former O'Neill Roller drome Bldg.) Phone M2 O'Neill South of Stuart Newt The Everett Wilkins family, of Mills, were Sunday guests in the home of his sister, Mrs. Roy Rhodes, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Foxworthy visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foxworthy, at Long Pine Sunday evening. Karen Obermire spent Sun day night at the Joe Krobot home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weich man, jr., were Sunday visitors in the Florien Scholz and Aloys Kaup homes. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Goebel were Monday evening visitois of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weich man, jr.,,and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wallinger spent Sunday fishing at Smith’s lake. Mrs. Joe Wallinger and child ren and Mrs. Don Wallinger were Ainsworth and Long Pine visitors Thursday, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hyland and Kay spent Monday evening at the Bill Paxton home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weich man, jr., and children visited on Tuesday evening, June 12, in the Richard Straka homee. Mrs. Joe Wallinger entertain ed the KC ladies at her home on Monday, June 11. Bridge was played. Prizes were won by Mrs. Andy Gpebel and Mrs. Art Givens. Mr. and Mrs. George Shald and Johnnie Were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruder. (Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ries were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welch man, jr., and family visited at the Joe Kaup, jr., family last Thursday evening. Mrs. Wilbur Moon accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Ora Yarges and Mrs. Vera Bartlett to At kinson Wednesday eve, June 13, where they attended the initia tion of the Eastern Star lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon and Vaughn visited relatives in Newport Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deer mer and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Ray Tun ender home. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Goebel and children attended a family picnic Sunday at the Rollo Ber ry home. Mrs. Robert Batenhorst enter tained the Wednesday afternoon bridge club at her home June 13. Prizes were won by Mrs. Joe Wallinger and Mrs. Gerald Seger. Mrs. Robert Greenfield accom panied her brother, L*o u - is, to Sioux City Sunday where they visited their father, Shor ty Coker, who is a patient in the Methodist hospital. Robert Greenfield went to Sioux City Thursday, June 14. Mrs. Ethel Straka, Ella Peter son, Doris Connell and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Greenfield were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield. Charley Ostler and grandson, Chuckie Wilcoxson, went to Fremont Saturday. They will attend the wedding of Charley’s daughter, Bonnie, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Slaymaker visited Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz Wednesday afternoon, June 13. Helen Martens and Don Ray mer spent Thursday evening at the Stub Kunz home. Mr. and Mrs. Lois Shald and Davy attended a family reunion Sunday at Meadville. They spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blake. Mrs. Art Givens and children were O’Neill visitors Thursday afternoon, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan left for their home in Grand Island Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. X. Marshall called at the Fred Tasler hexme. Sunday afternoon. Morgan Family Holds Long Pine Reunion — PAGE— The Morgan family reunion was held at Hidden Paradise park near Long Pine Sunday. There were around 75 in attendance. A no-host picnic was enjoyed. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks, of Vetel, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Morgan and 12 children, of North Loup; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and daughter, Bobbie, of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr„ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen and 4 daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and 2 daugh ters, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. E. Sor ensen, son and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen and daughter, all of Page; Clay ton Mesner and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and 4 sons, Mr and Mrs. Max Taylor and 5 children, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hollenbeck and 2 children, all of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman and 5 children, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shenman and daughter, Harold Dean Sherman and son, all of Ainsworth; Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Williams and 3 sons, of Spring view, and Miss Shirley Soren sen and Richard Orcutt, of Ains worth. Try Frontier want ads! PERRIGO I VISUAL CLINIC * Oft. FRED M. PERRIGO DR. MAX L. MAGWIRB Optomofrltf* fl Eyes Examined " Glass#* Fitted Visual Training Contact Lensas 41* Norfolk Avo. Phono MO Norfolk, Nohr. Hour* t to •; lot. * to 1 REDJBIRD NEWS Miss Ramona Miska, of Fre mont, was a weekend guest in the Ray Wilson home. The Lucky Clover 4-H club met Friday evening with Delores Mellor. Eighteen members and their parents were present. Mrs. Vernon Oleson, the former Mary Lu Osborn, of Geddes, S. D., came down that evening to lead the cooking group of 4-H’ers. Dorothy Rosenkrans, LaDonna Crawford, Marie Briener and Willa Schollmeyer, who attend the summer session at Wayne Teachers college, were home for the weekend. Miss Eva Truax spent several days last week teaching Bible school in Lynch. Valgene Krieter, of the US na vy, is spending a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Ernest Wright, and family. Mrs. Wrights’ father. Pete Stewart, of McCall. Ida., is also visiting in the Wright home. Junior and Virgil Wilson and Joy Tuch were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull. Little Kathy Briener is spend ing the summer with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller, while her mother is at tending school at Wayne Teach ers college. A large crowd of neighbors gathered Tuesday, June 5, to sur prise Mrs. Ray Wilson on her birthday anniversary The eve ning was spent playing cards by some and visiting by others. Mrs. Wilson received many nice gifts. At a late hour the self - invited guests served a lunch of sand wiches and cake which they had brought. Betty Carter, of Lynch, was a ■■’Un^y visitor in the Ernest Wright home. Mrs. Letha Stewart and little son, Douglas, of Wagner, S. D., spent a week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Bessert. Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, Ronnie and Sharlene and Bardy Jo Schollmeyer were Thursdcv evening callers in the Thomas Hiscocks home. Virgil Wilson, of the US mar tens, accompanied his sister, Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer, and several other teachers as far as Norfolk Sunday where he departed for his base in San Diego, Calif. Garry Wilson has been helping ® , the Bill Wilson farm since Bill s release from the hospital. The Ross, Crawford and Miller families attended a family re union at the Charlie Miller home in Bristow Sunday, June 14. Mrs. Ray Wilson entertained the Dorsey Ladies Aid Wednes day, June 6, Her birthday angel food cake, baked by her daugh ter, Mrs. Jack Darnell, was serv ed with ice cream for luncheon. Mrs. Alvin Miller prepared a dinner Saturday for her niece, Kathy Briener, honoring her on her 4 th birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller and sons and Mrs. Marie Briener were the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scholl meyer, of Sheridan, Wyo„ came Saturday to be present at the family reunion of Mrs. Scholl meyer's relatives in the Charlie Miller home at Bristow Sunday. They also attended a family gath ering of the Scholimeyers at a picnic supper in the Edwin Ax berg home that evening, near Gross. Sharlene Hasenpflug spent Thursday with Evelyn Barta. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and boys accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carsten to Meadow Grove on Friday. Chancie Hull is again able to return to his work at the Marvin Richter farm since the tractor ac cident. The Kruse boys and Douglas Butterfield attended the recrea tional square dancing in Lynch Wednesday evening, June 13, sponsored by Rev. Richard Mon roe. Many from here attended the wedding dance of Mary Lucille Osborn and Vernon Oleson at the Lynch ballroom Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Weils spent Saturday night and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Warren Mil ler, and husband near Butte. The wedding dance of Junior Wilson and Joy Tuch will be Fri day, June 22, at the Lynch ball room in Lynch. Alice's orchestra will furnish the music. Denise Roberts, of Omaha, is visiting in the Ralph Pinkerman home and with her aunt, Mrs. Guy Hull, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Butterfield and family attended the Carson family reunion at Hartwell park in Hastings Sunday. O'NEILL LOCALS Joseph Rotherham returned on Tuesday to his home at West Burlington, la., after visiting for a week with relatives here. Mrs. Kevin Kocina and daugh ters, of Central City, left Sunday after a visit of several days at the W. H. Harty home. Mr. and Mrs. Galen Pierson and son, Charles, of Yakima, Wash., left Monday after visiting with Mrs. Pierson’s aunt, Mrs. M. P. Sullivan, and with Mr. Pier son’s brother, Merrtit Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Heerman, of Holyoke, Colo., arrived Tues day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Heerman. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley ar.d family were in Clearwater Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holsclaw, of Brighton, Colo., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Holsclaw. They arrived Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Neku da, of Lincoln, visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva Saturday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boler re turned to their home in St. Lou is, Mo., Tuesday after spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs George Hammond. Rev. and Mrs. Wayne A. Hall visited Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ros enkrans in Dorsey Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. James Harty re turned Tuesday to Scottsbluff. They had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bosn and Mrs. W. H. Harty. Mrs. Loretta Hynes, Bob and Mary Jo were in Omaha over the weekend. Miss Priscilla Holsclaw return ed Sunday from Hastings where she attended a conference of thf young people of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. W. H. Harty and daughter, Helen, will leave today (Thurs day) for Omaha where they plan to spend a few days. Little Cherie Wanser. who has been visiting her grandoarents, the Frank Froelichs, for about 3 weeks, will leave Sunday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Max Wanser, for her home in Holly Springs, la. Miss Shirley Podany, of Butte, is visiting Miss Angela Zakrzew ski for a week. Miss Margaret Zakrzewski is in Butte with Mr. and Mrs. William Podany for a week. * / Mrs. Hickey Is Hostess— The ONO club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Francis Hickey. Mrs. Darrel Gra ham won high score and Mrs. Harold Calkins won low. ***★★★★★ ★★★★★ x ★ ★ ★ * ★★★★★ * Thursday STAR Specials * MIDWEST FURN. & APPL. Phone 346-J West O’Neill ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL ★ Cedar Chest Bargains! Brand new . . . Lane Cedar Chests ... have been drastically reduced in price . . . Thursady only ... I 3 styles to choose from! $39.50 - $49.50 - $59.50 Hurry, June Brides! • There’s still time to take advantage of KNIGHT’S amazing offer. We re giv ing away, absolutely FREE, a $39.50 Knapp-Monarch Electric Mixer (with Juicer Attachment) with each purchase of a new— GIBSON ELECTRIC RANGE or GIBSON ELECTRIC REFRIGEATOR or GIBSON HOME FREEZER Hurry in for Details - Limited Time Only! KNIGHT MAYTAG O’Neill Phone 125-W ' • ' • * I »«* 1 HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to the “Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes day morning at 9:4*5 for a preview of the next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch * The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! ! Gc:d Cattle Run Forecast • Cattle receipts today (Thursday) will be greater than in recent weeks, receipts being up at most markets earlier this week. There are several good consignments of yearling steers and year ling heifers. • Today's hog run is exepected to be about normal with several hundred' head of feeder pigs—(all kinds and sizes. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON, Managers PHONE 2 O'NEILL I ..- . ""a * THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * EVERY ATTIC has its white ele- f phants. It may be a white elephant to you but a good buy to someone else. pi. THURSDAY ONLY you can order a For Sale, Swap or Trade classi fied ad in The Frontier and receive an extra insertion without charge. OFFER IS GOOD for transactions made on Thursday, June 21, only, and cash must accompany or der for first insertion. •' ' f •* * I 1