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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1951)
Miss Mary Ann Fisher, of Den ver, Colo., visited with her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Fisher, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Flood and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, of Bat tle Creek, were Monday over night guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Flood, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox and Larry visited Miss Carol Fox in Kansas City, Mo., over the June 16 weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hemfin and family, of Millingham, Wash., arrived Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Han sen and other relatives. Gary Gillespie spent from Fri day until Sunday visiting at Chambers with Ralph Brown. L. G. Gillespie went to Lincoln Sunday and returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy and family, of Scottsbluff. have been visiting relatives in O’Neill. They arrived Tuesday, June 12. Donald O'Brien, of Chicago, 111., arrived Saturday to join Mrs. O’Brien and the children who have been visiting relatives in O'Neill. Mrs. York, of Long Beach, Cal if., left Tuesday after spending 2 weeks at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Grosenbach. She wus accompanied by Miss Wilma UKt PANCAKES ? Pierson, of Willow Lake, S. D., who had been visiting at the York home in California. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray and family and Mrs. Richard Ho vey and Bobby visited Mrs. Clif ford Pittack and Stevie in Tilden Sunday. It was Stevie’s second birthday anniverrsary. Little Miss Kathleen Tharnish, daughter of the Edward M. Thamishes, is spending a few days with her grandfather, Charles Cole, at Star. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer and little Ben Asher, of Page, attended a Switzer family re union at the Pleasant Valley club house in Norfolk Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bergstrom, of Elgin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Summers over Sunday. Guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynoldson were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reynoldson and Miss Fannie Reynoldson, all of Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Alan VanVleck went fishing Sunday at Bassett with Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Van Vleck, of Neligh. Little Cheryl VanVleck spent the weekend in Neligh with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. VanVleck. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin VanEv ery and daughter, of Grand Is land, arrived Friday to visit his parents, the George VanEv erys, for the weekend. Clyde VanEvery, of near Oportunity, had Sunday dinner at the Van Everys. Callers Sunday after noon were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene VanEvery and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hill and family moved Monday into the Larry Bourne residence. Mrs. Guy Young will move into her house, formerly occupied by the Hills. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Volber ding and children attended a family picnic in Albion Sunday. Mrs. P. J. O’Donnell, of Sioux City; Mrs James F. O’Donnell, recently of Omaha and former ly of Los Angeles, Calif., and M. F. O’Donnell, of Dallas, Tex., attended the golf tournament and are guests of Miss Anna O’ Donnell and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hemel strand and children, of Denver, Colo., arrived Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dalton, and her sisters, Mrs. William White and Mrs. Gerald Hansen, for 2 weeks. Edward Wilson drove to Oma ha for Mrs. Wilson and baby, James Edward, and Kathryn. They returned Sunday evening. Mrs. W. M. Anderson, of Page, was a Saturday dinner guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold R. Williiaimson, and Mr. Williamsson. Mrs. Christine Williams and daughter, Mrs. Harold McNally, and Sandra Lee, of Ainsworth, returned Sunday from Sioux City where they had visited the former’s sister , Mrs. Grace Knox, for 5 days. Mrs. Hugh Bryan and Bar bara, Janet and Betty, of Lin coln, have been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young, since Friday, June 8. Mr. Bryan is expected here this week for a few days and then they will all return to their home in Lincoln. Guests father’s day at the Sylvester Zakrzewski home were: Mr. and Mrs. William Po dany and daughter, of Butte; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox and children, of Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zakrzewski and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Martynuik and family. Sons and Daughters at Osenbaugh Home — Sunday dinner guests for fath er’s day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh were their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Erik Ericksen and children, of Mul len; their son, John R. Osen baugh and wife and children, and their daughter, Mrs. Ruth Hilderhoff and children. The Osenbaugh’s other son, Fred, is stationed with the army in Ma nilla. Celebrate 10th Anniversary— Mr. and Mrs. Lyle M. Green celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary Sunday at Lake An des, S. D., With them for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel ard Mr. and Mrs. Lou Niles, all of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson, of Neligh. Mrs. Spry Hu Canasta Party — Winners at a canasta party held Wednesday, June 13, were Miss Lois Harder, high; Miss Mary Ann Schroeder, low, and Miss Phyllis Seger, travelling. Mrs. Bernard Spry was the hostess. Recent Moves— Mr. and Mrs. Leo Culhane have moved into the home re cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean when they moved to Carroll, la. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McManus moved into the former residence of the Culhane family Saturday. Pvt. Orin Long to Germany — Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Long have received word from their son, Pvt. Orin Long, that he was be ing sent to serve with the occu pation troops in Germany. He was to haye sailed for Europe on Friday, June 7. CELIA SIDELIGHTS Mrs. Emil Colfack helped Mrs. Clarence Focken paint woodwork in the Focken home Thursday, June 14. Clarence Focken was an O’ Neill visitor Friday, June 15. Word was received from Bob Pease that he was behind the lines in Korea and taking 10 days’ training for military police work. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Scott and children and Mr. and Mrs. Char les Dobias and sons were Sunday, June 17, visitors at the D. F. Scott home. Mrs. W. L. Coleman and daughter. Mary, were Sunday af ternoon. June 17, visitors at the Victor Frickel home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and Donald Dobrovolny were visitors at the Alvin Heiser home Satur day, June 16. The men helped Al vin that day. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family and Mrs. Joe Hend ricks attended the all-day camp meeting in O’Neill Sunday. June 17. All had a picnic dinner at the park. Robert Hendricks worked for Joe Hendricks the past week and will work again the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hupp were supper guests at the Joe Hend ricks home Wednesday, June 13. O. A. Hammerberg attended a directors’ meeting at the Atkin son Cooperative creamery Mon day afternoon, June 11. Mrs. D. F. Scott visited the Del bert Scott family in Butte Friday morning, June 15. Mr and Mrs. Harry Mitchell and family were Thursday after noon, June 14, visitors at the Emil Colfack home. DR. FISHER, Dentist. adv Sunnyside 4-H boys’ and girls’ clubs met at the Clarence Focken home Friday evening for their regular sessions. Next meeting is July 6. It is planned to have a picnic supper and weiner roast at the Connie Frickel, jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pease, of O’Neill, spent Tuesday and Fri day, June 12 and 15, at the Ray Pease home. Mr. Pease helped with work on the Ray Pease basement. Carol Slotfelt spent Friday night with Carol Frickel. Mrs. D. F. Scott and Mrs. Gene Livingston visited Mrs. Feme Linvingston Friday afternoon, June 15. Garold Frickel spent the week with his aunt, Mrs. LeRoy Hoff man, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and son, Gerald, spent fathers’ day with the ladies’ father, Henry Dobrovolny, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Tuesday, June 12, visitors at the O. A. Hammerber/x home. Clarence Focken and son. Bud dy, Frank Kilmurrv and ?3uano Beck, stacked alfalfa for Emil Colfack Thursday, June 14. Ray Pease spent father’s day, June 17, with his father, R. M. Pease, in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Stevens were Friday evening visitors at the D. F. Scott home. Donald Dobrovolny spent Wed nesday and Thursday, June 13 and 14, with her sister, Mrs. Al- * vin Heiser, and family and the rest of the week with another lister, Mrs. Duane Beck, and hus band. SMPLOYE 1K1MI PENNEY SALESPEOPLE TAKE OVER-YOU SAVE I i MISSES' COTTON BATISTE BLOUSES Fussy or peasant type. Size 32 to 38. White or pastel. 1.00 SPECIAL PURCHASE COTTON DRESSES 80 square poplin and broad cloth. Eight styles. Sise 12 to □T i RAYON KNIT HALF SLIPS 50c Smartest coolest idea for Sum j men! Easy-washing, no iron ing. smooth-fitting! All the good features you want in a slip. Dainty lace hems, elastic i waist. White, pink, blue, or maize. Medium, large. NOW! 60 GAUGE 15 DENIER NYLONS 94c . Absolutely per feet 1 Thoy're ultra sheer and practical, tool It's the extra stitches to the inch that gives you longer wear, better fit! In new Sum mer shades. 8Vi-11. DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, June 24 Music by TONY BRADLEY and HU Orchestra LADY FAIR FACIAL TISSUES 400 sheets to box. Soft as swans down. 2 Boxes.47c UNHEMMED BLEACHED FLOUR SQUARES Perfect quality. Siaes 30x30 or 24x27. 6 for.. 1.00 I They CAME - They SAW - They BOUGHT! at mcintosh jewelry greatestjjrplus stock DISPOSAL SALE! NOW GOING ON! THURSDAY9A.M.TO9P.M. HURRY! HURRY! More Sensational Jewelry Bargains! I AT 9 A. M. AT 9 A. M. ■' Ball Point Solid Gold §i PENS Baby 8 Me RINGS I 59c I AT 9 A. M. | Automatic AT 9 A. Mo I Push Button H |7|iirr The Master £ KNIFE Pocket I Press button for If NICE1 S use in a jiffy ANIlT | 1.19_ 89c | | AT 9 A.M. 12 Sets Only — 53-Pc. Set of CHINA Reg. $35.00 Value 24.99 By Edwin M. Knouies China Co. i AT 9 A. M. Gift Pride 5-Pc. Pen - Pencil Ball Point Pen, Knife, & Key Chain Lighter $7.50 Value 2.79 AT 9 A. M. Musical Powder BOXES $7.25 Value 3.99 AT 9 A. M. Closeout One Beautiful Lot SPRAY PINS Values to $2.95 79c CLOSEOUT 1 LOT OF GENT'S Leather Watch Bands ; Values lo $2.95 Hurry for These — Indian Charm OOc Bracelets_ Gents’ & Boys’ OQc Id. Bracelet_ Gents’ & Boys’ QQc Nail File Sets .. ... 99 Cub Hunter CQc Souvenir Knife __ 99 _OPEN TO 9 P. M. Ladies’ 1-Strand Pearls_79c Ladies’ 2-Strand Pearls_1.99 1 Lot of Costume Jewelry, Values to $5_99c 1 Lot of Ladies’ Fine Quality Rosaries _ 1.69 1 Lot of Ear Rings_49c 1 Lot of Spray Pins_49c CLOSEOUT I, 1 LOT OF COSTUME S Jewelry S At Savings Up To W 70% and More I MEN! LOOK HERE! I LIGHTERS ■ 2.50 Value_99c I 6.95 Value_2.89 I 8.95 Value_3.99 ® Gent’s Gold Filled I Watch Bands .... 2.88 I Gent’s & Boys’ I Watch Bands_99c m — - mmm i i ■■■■■■■■■ MEN’S TIGER EYES $45.00 Value. Beautiful stones in a heavy solid gold mounting— $29.75 HEMATITE MEN’S RINGS $50.00 Value. Beautiful stones in an outstanding sol id gold mounting. OUT THEY GO! $37.88 LADIES’ ZIRCONS $20.00 value. These have all the sparkle of a brilliant cut diamond. OUT THEY GO! $12.95 * PETER PAN BABY SPOONS 59c BOYS' Cowboy Zipper Billfolds 69c 1 Ladies’ DIAMOND ENSEMBLE 1 carat total weight. Reg. $475.00. Now _ $349.00 DIAMOND SOLITAIRE $32.50 value. Beautiful mounting with fine art stone $19.99 6-DIAMOND BRIDAL SET $50.00 value. Very fine matching set. Out they go! $24.99 Ladies’ Fine Watches $34.75 value. One big lot of smart watches to move in a hurry $14.45 LADIES' p 17-Jewel Watches $41.50 value. These will move fast so hurTy for yours! $19.95 SAVE MONEY ... ON THIS REAL v “HE-MAN’S” 17 - JEWEL SERVICE WATCH REG. $50 VALUE Water repellent, non • magnetic, shock re sistant. stainless steel, luminous dial. Men’s Jeweled Watch If $34.95 value. Beautifully designed with a guaranteed movement. B $14.45 I Men’s 17-Jewel Watch I $45.00 value. Gold filled case and ■ expansion band. OUT THEY GO! $19.95 I I It’s Gift Time for Those You Love at I |MclNTOSH JEWELRY ... O Neill I