Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1950)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS ARTUS —Mr. and Mrs. Wil-1 liam Artus, of O’Neill, a daugh ter, Nancy, born Wednesday, September 6, at O’Neill hospital. SANNE—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Sanne, of Deloit, a son, born Saturday, August 26, Mrs. San ne was Norma Reimer. GILDERSLEEVE — Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve, a daughter, Cathy Lynn, weigh ing 7 pounds 3 ounces, bom Sat urday, September 9, in Our dy of Lourdes hospital at Nor folk. The Gildersleeves have an other daughter, Linda, 3. KEATING — Mr> .and Mrs. Raymond Keating, of Papillion, a daughter, Cheryl Ann, born Friday, September 8, at St. Catherine's hospital in Omaha. This is the couple’s second daughter. Mrs. Keating is the former Lillian Peter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Peter. MONTGOMERY — Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery, of Ewing, a son, Larry Dale, born Thursday, August 31, in a Til den hospital. BECK—Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Beck, of Atkinson, a daughter, Nancy Marie, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces, born Tuesday, Au gust 29, in the Stuart The mother is the former Paul ine Frickel. It was erroneously stated in the September 7/ is sue of The Frontier that the Beck infant was a boy. TORPY—Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Torpy, a girl, Mary Ellen, weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces, born Tuesday, September 5. The Torpys have 3 sons. MORROW — Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Morrow, of Atkinson, a daughter, Linda Sue, born Fri day, September 8, at O’Neill hospital. /f%TC*r\KT fVJTr. nn/i AA .•<? WoHkI’ /VPioWl'l-1V1I. iXl 1U mis. VV UHCi Anson, of Spencer, a son, Wayne Melvin, weighing 9 pounds 3 ounces, born Saturday, Sep tember 9, at O’Neill hospital. COOPER—Mr. and Mrs. Char les Cooper, of O’Neill, a son, Andrew Ray, born Saturday, September 9, at O’Neill hospital. HICKEY—Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Hickey, of O’Neill, a son, Thomas Francis, weighing 10 pounds 2 ounces, born Sunday, September 10, at O’Neill hospi tal. WADDELL—Mr. and Mrs. Z. Waddell, of O’Neill, a son, born Monday, September 11, at the O’Neill hospital, DETERMAN — Mr. and Mrs. | Ed Determan, of O’Neill, a j daughter, Connie Jean, weigh- | ing 9 pounds, born Tuesday, September 12, at the O’Neill hospital. BIRMEIER—Mr. and Mrs. Ja- j cob Birmeier, of Lynch, a son, born Sunday, September 10, at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. Mrs. Birmeier is the former Au drey Swanson, of Hartington. BLACKBIRD—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Blackbird, of Lynch, a son, Rusell Leon, weighing 10 Sounds, born in a Winnebago ospital on Thursday, August 24. Mr. Blackbird is the Lynch high coach and this is their sec ond son. ALHERS—Mr. and Mrs. Walt er Alhers, of Butte, a son, Bruce Irwin, weighing 8 pounds, born at the Burke, S. D., hospital on Wednesday, August 30. Mrs. Alhers is the former Betty Conklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conklin, of Spencer, and has many friends and rela tives in Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Conklin, of Lynch, are the great-grandparents. BECKER— Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Becker, of Chicago, 111., a daughter, born Saturday, Au gust 23. Mrs. Becker is the for mer Alice Weber, of Butte. GLAZE—Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Glaze, of Rapid City, S. D., a daughter, Jennifer Marie, weighing 8 pounds, born in a Rapid City hospital on Thurs day, August 24. Mr. Glaze is a former Lynehite. STORJOHANN—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Storjohann, of Spencer, a daughter, born Sunday, Septem ber 3, at the Sacred Heart hos pital at Lynch. LOOCK —Mr. and Mrs. Lu cian Loock, of Anoka, a son, born Monday, September 4, at the Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. SICK & LNJLKED ATKINSON—Charles Prussa, sr., was taken to Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Norfolk Monday, September 4, accom panied by his wife and son, Prank. Mr. Prussa underwent surgery September 7. . . . Pat Corrigan was taken by ambu lance to Our Lady of Lourdes nogpiial on Friday, September 8. . . Baby David Lee, son of the P. D. Lees, is reported better. He was flown to an Omaha hos pital last week. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mack were in Omaha last week with their baby daughter, Judith, who received medical treatment. . . Mrs. George Mc Nair returned home last week after spending 4 weeks in Om aha undergoing X - ray treat ments. EWING — Colleen Adrian, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Adrian, has been suffer ing from an infection, making it necessary to make trips to the doctor twice a week for treat ment. . . . Mrs. Bert Farewell was taken to O’Neill Wednes day, September 6, for medical treatment. She is “much im uroved.” HOSPITAL NOTES COMMUNITY (Stuart) In hospital: Mrs. Lola Hum erick, of Stuart, “good”; Mrs. Emma Keating, of Atkinson, "good”; Dick Kaup, of Stuart, “good.” Admissions: September 3 — John Miller, of Stuart, medical; Don Schaffer, of Stuart, acci dent. 6—Len Axtell, of Dustin, medical, "good.” 7—Mrs. Bertha Axtell of Dustin, medical, “good”; Charles Claussen, of I Atkinson, medical, “good”; Har ry Doyle, of Lpng Pine, major surgery, “good.” 9—Frank Root, of Stuart, medical, “good”; Mrs. Hester Roberts, of Dustin, med ical, “good." Dismisals: September 3 —Mrs. Pauline Beck and baby daugh ter, of Atkinson. 4—Baby David Everett Lee, transferred to Om aha. 5—John Miller, of Stuart. 6— Mrs. Vivian Lee, of Atkin son. O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: September 6 — Mrs. Wm. Artus, of O’Neill; b— Mrs. Curtis Morrow, of Atkin son; Dwight Hammerlun, of Middlebranch, accident, condi tion “improved.” 9—Mrs. Walter Anson, of Spencer; Mrs. Char les Cooper, of O’Neill. 10—Mrs. Francis Hickey, of O’Neill. 11— Mrs. Lyle Wright, of Chambers, accident, condition “fairly good”; Mrs. Zelma Waddell, of O’Neill. 12—Mrs. Fred Pappen heimer, of New York City, med ical, condition “fair.” 12—Mrs. Ed Determan, of O’Neill. Dismissals: September 6 — Mrs. Lyle Davis and son, of Page, b—Mrs. George Smith and daughter, of Chambers. 9—Mrs. August Block, of Walnut; Mrs. Vern Wrede and son, of O’Neill 11 — Mrs. William Artus and daughter, of O’Neill. MARRIAGE LICENSES Earl David Rumbaugh, of West Des Moines, la., and Miss Hester Ann Martin, of O’Neill, on September 7. Raymond Bernard Schmader er and Margaret Ann Hoffman, both of Norfolk, on September 7. Omer Poynts and Mrs. Melba Peabody, both of Atkinson, on September 8. Charles Russel Shald, of Stu art, and Marjorie Marie Carr, of Dustin, on September 11. Frontier for Printing. Ticklers By George I "I'll tell you what's wrong with the American people-— loo many modern conveniences are making us soft!” / Two members of Ihe Ever Onward 4-H club at Stuart earn ed a red ribbon at the sta^e fair last week in Lincoln: John Obcrmire (left) and Laverne Engler. The honors were won for a soil conservation demonstration. (Story on page 1.) — The ; Frontier Photo. 1 CHAMBERS NEWS Mr and Mrs. Bert Whiting drove to Hastings one day last week to take their grandson, Jimmie Lee Leinhart , home after spending a week with his grandparents. Paul Lidgett returned Friday from Yale, S. D., where he has been attending to the harvest of grain on his farm. Armenta Gleed visited friends at Page Sunday. The 4-<H club girls who at tended the state fair last week returned Friday They were Darlne Grimes, Mary Taggart, Jacquedyn Taggart, Marilyn Walter and Mary Jo Roth. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens and children and their guest, Mrs. Chas. Walker, and 2 sons, of Boise, Ida., were visiting with friends in Chambers Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Casparie, of Palmer, are guests of Arnold, Marie and Erna Zuelka. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kiltz, of Los Alametos, Calif., were in Chambers Wednesday, Sep tember 6, calling on relatives. They went on to Omaha to vis it a cousin, then to Minnesota to get Mrs. Kiltz's father, who will accompany them back to California for an indefinite stay. Mrs. Genevieve Bell is em ployed at the Fagon market. She commenced work there on Tuesday, September 5. Mrs. Jack Adams ,of Austin, Tex., and sister, Mrs. William Alderson, of Boise, Ida., visit ed an evening last week in the Clair Grimes home. The ladies were here to attend the funeral services of their mother, Mrs. Art Snyder, of Ewing. Mrs. Ralph Cudabac.t and children, of Lincoln, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Erwin Hilligas. Mrs. Edna Coyne and John Burkt* of O’Njeill, spent last week in the Lawrence O’Mally home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whiting spent Sunday, September 10, at Fullerton where they visited her brother-in-law, J. E. De Lancey. Anna Shipman entertained several families of her neigh bors to dinner Sunday in hon or of her birthday anniversary. She received many gifts. Mr. and Mrs. John Honey well were callers in the Clar ence Knox home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook and Mr. and Mrs- Guais Win termote and Carolyn were Sun day dinner guests in the John Wintermote home. The WSCS met Thursday, Septembtr 7, at the home of Mrs. Herman Cook. Twelve members and 4 visitors were present. The president, Mrs Chas. Grimes, conducted the business meeting. The devotions were led by Mrs. Sar ah Adams and the lesson was presented by Mrs. R- K. Platt .Refresh ments of sandwiches, salad and tea were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Walter and Clarence Tibbets left Friday on a fishing trip into Northern Minnesota The Chambers Flower club met on Tuesday, September 5, at the home of Mrs- John Hon eywell. Mrs. Anna Albers gave a discussion on “Root Storage and Perenials.” Mrs. Everett Wintermote, also presented part of the lesson. The group drove into the country to gather ma terial tor winter bouquets. Re freshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. John Wintermote and Art Miller were surprised Sat urday evening in honor of their birthday anniversary. Those present at the Wintermote home were: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller and Glen, Mr and Mrs. Guias Wintermote and Carolyn and Mrs. Lela Grubb . Refreshments of fruit and cake were furnished by the guests. Mr. and Mm. Gordon Harley left Sunday for Colorado on a vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Calhoun and 6on left the first pirt of the week for their home at Bend, Ore., after 2 weeks’ visit with relatives here. His mother, Mrs. Coril Calhoun, accompanied them. Mrs. Charlotte 'Honeywell is visiting her daughter, Mm. Clarence Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fluckey and family left Sunday for their home at Fremont after spend ing a week visiting relatives at Chambers and O’Neill. Twelve Boy Scouts accam panied by Leslie Ekdahl drove to Lake Ericson Saturday morn ing to attend a camp jamboree. They returned Sunday evening. Gunnison Home in Public Showing The Midwest Furniture & Appliance of O’Neill and Ains worth will completely furnish the model Gunnison steel home that will be opened to the pub lic this weekend at Ainsworth. Showing will be Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Septem ber 16, 17 and 18, between 1 and 8 p. m. each day. Roy D. Raitt, of Ainsworth, who is agent for Gunnison (sub sidiary of U. S. Steel corpora- , tion), said he planned to erect a model home soon in O’Neill, i “The Gunnison,” he said, “is a low cost quality home design ed for mass production, styled with traditional beauty, FHA approved for 90 percent loan and is the answer to the housing problem.” (See advertisement on page 12.) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE: Barn, 18’x24’, in very good condition, to be moved or torn down.—Marvin Stauffer, Page, phone 3F2. 19c FOR SALE: McCormick-Deer ing electric separator, size 35, used only about 4 months.— Wm. Murray, 7 blocks north of stop light. 19-20p65 FOR SALE: Model A John Deere tractor, complete with rollomatic cast wheels, lights, starter, out 1 year. —Sewell Johnson, Emmet. 19-20p65 FOR SALE: Bottle gas stove, nearly new. Coronado oil burner, good condition. — Phone 256J, O’Neill. _19c ! LOST: Blonde cocker spaniel, i 2 months old, near Outlaw store. Reward.—Gerald Wett laufer, phone 250J, O’Neill. j 19p35 FOOTBALL In Carney Park.0 Neill FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Kickoff At 8 P. M. O’Neill Eagles vs. Plainview Adm.: Adults, 50c, Children 25c O'NEILL MARKETS Wednesday Noon, Sept. 13 (Prices subject to change) Butterfat, No. 1_.58 Butterfat. No. 2_.55 Eggs - .25 Heavy hens __.16 Light hens __.13 Heavy springs_.24 -- Light springs-.21 Roosters-.10 Phil Dempsey, of O’Neill, Monday, September 11, fined $20 and costs in Justice H. W. Tomlinson’s court, charges of driving under influence of in toxicating liquors. Driver’s li cense was suspended 30 days. Rev. and Mrs. D. -S» Conrad returned Sunday, September 10, froim a 2 months vacation jti Washington and Oregon. In Washington, they visited Mrs. Conrad’s son and daughter and their families and in Oregon with 2 nephews of Rev. Con rad and a brother of Mrs. Con rad. -— -- - RARE TREAT CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 2 ai? 49c wiw—■—■g*Bpy»'>Tr""Tii' 'ii— RARE TREAT CATSUP »17c BUTTERNUT - ALL FLAVORS JEll POWDER,,;, 21c NOOELES ‘%ii 27c CREAMERY BUTTER ib 55c SSMES2 Cans 15c “ SNACK BAR SPECIALS . Mailed MILK 19C RARE TREAT TOMATOES 2 ■££* 41c RED TRIUMPH POTATOES 100-LB. (P 4 AQ ) BAG ^ * >99 Cudahy’s 60th Anniversary Sale CHOICE MEATS CUDAHY’S WICKLOW SLICED BACON Lb 49c MINUTE STEAK Lb. 85c WEINERS Lb 53c BEEF ROAST Lb 59c KEY-KO COLORED OLEO 4 IBS,.99c VAN CAMP PORK - BEANS 6 99c FEED NUTRENA: TOPS FOR DUALITY -CORRECTLY PRICED YOU CET MAXIMUM RESULTS FOR MONEY YOU SPEND , FOR YOUR PULLETS 20(< Egg Crumbles 1 00-Lb. Paper Bag w4**!*/ 27 ( ( Balancer Crum. (1JC A A 100-Lb. PaDer Bae^ „ FOR YOUR HOGS 24'* Pig & Sow Meal d*y| AA ! 100 Lbs. _ 40' < Hog Suppl’m’nt 70 100 Lb. Meal-N, 2c PER LB. EXTRA For Your HENS We Will Pay You 2c Per Pound Over Our Regular Door Price on All Poultry DELIVERED Our DOOR THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY DON’T PASS UP THIS OFFER PER LB. EXTRA For Your SPRINGS SHELHAMER FOODS Prices Effective Thur.-Fri.-Sat., September 14-15-16 Phone 56 O’NEILL,'NEBR. Phone 78 ' " .. — — *