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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1950)
t Legal Notices First Pub. Sept. 7, 1950 William W. Griffin, Attorney notice In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. In the mat ter of the Estate of W. F. Cox, Deceased." . TO: All persons interested in the Estate and in the Las*. Will and Testament of W. F. Cox, Deceased, whether cred itors, heirs, legatees or de visees: You are notified that on the Is* day of September, 1950, Hil da M. King filed her petition in the above named Court, aUeg ^ ing that W. F. Cox died testate on the 4th day of June, 1937, he then being a legal resident of Independence in Bucha n an County, State of Iowa at the time of his death, and leaving a last Will and Testament, which has been legally ad mitted to probate in the Pro bate Court for Buchanan Coun ty, Iowa, on the 12th day of June, 1937; that the deceased was the owner of real estate situated in Holt County, Nebraska, and described as: The East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4 to Town , ship 30 North, Range 10, West p of the 6th P. M., in which real estate petitioner has derived the title by inheritance from the decedent and his devisees, that the prayer of the petition is that the authenticated copy of said Will be admitted to probate and allowed in Ne braska as the Last Will an Testament of W. F. Cox, De ceased, dispensing with regular administration of said estate, and for a decree descending said real estate free and clear of all debts and claims against the said W. F. Cox, Deceased, in accord with the terms of said W£5aid petition is set for hear ing before the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, on the 28th day of September, 1950, ^ at 10 o’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 18-20 (First pub. Sept 7, 193U) Julius D- Cronin, Attorney notice of final SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3610 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, September 1st, 1950. In the matter of the Estate of D. Francis Morgan, al so known as David. Francis Mor gan and David F. Morgan, De et-ased pergons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the administrator of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition tor final settlement and distribu tion of the residue of said es tate- and that said report and petition will be he®rd Septem ber 27th, 1950, at 10 o clock, a. m at the County Court Room in' O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may aPP^r and be heard concerning final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 18-20 Trio Entertains BVM, Altar Society— LYNCH — Mrs. Vincent Je horek, assisted by Mrs. Leon ard Wheeler and Mrs. Martin Jehorek, entertained the Altar ■ society of the Assumption BVM church on Thursday afternoon, September 7. After the business meeting the ladies enjoyed a social hour. Lunch, consisting of fruit sal ad, light and dark cake and cof fee, was served in late after noon. , , The next meetmg will be held October 5, with Mrs. Guy Mulhair, Pauline Mulhair and Mrs. James Maly hostesses. Mrs. O'Connell Feted— Friends of Mrs. F. A. O’Con nell gave a birthday party in her honor Tuesday, September 5, at the home of Mrs. Tom Sullivan. Mrs. O’Connell receiv ed several gifts. A lunch was served. THE FRONTIER PHONE 51 [ WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE ] ■ I I . ■ Novelist ■ ..—. HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured author, —— 13 Age 14 Architectural units 15 Be indebted 16 Biblical pronoun 17 Individual 18 Australian bird 20 North Dakota (ab.) 21 High card 22 Health resort 24 By 26 Vegetable 29 Partners 32 Equals 34 Negative 35 Aluminum (symbol) 36 Transmits 39 South Pacific ■ island 43 Exclamation of laughter 44 Lyric poem 45 Barricade 48 Head covering 50 Rhode Island (ab.) 52 Female deer 54 Vat 55 Father 57 Vase 59 Sharpshooter 62 Possesses 63 She has writ ten one of th< VERTICAL 1 Lock opener 2 Exist 3 Tantalum (symbol) 4 Path 5 Before 6 East Central (ab.) 7 New Hamp shire (ab.) 8 Tiny 9 Ideologies 10 Therefore 11 Have 12 Bright color 17 Ocean (ab.) 19 Upward 21 Skill 23 Mimic 24 Afternoon (ab.) 25 Each (ab.) 27 Erbium (symbol) 28 Like 30 Finish Here’S the Answer r_I 31 Distress signal 32 Strike lightly 33 Yale 36 South Amer ica (ab.) 37 Exclamation 38 Grab 40 Cleaning device 41 Hypothetical force 42 Musical note 46 Paid notice 47 Flower 48 Wavy hair ■' I- I!"1" IJ 1 l» 1 'TV 49 Bachelor of Arts (ab.) 50 Go swiftly 51 Anger 53 Abstract being 54 Golf device 55 Standard of value 56 Donkey 58 Northwest (ab.) CO That one 61 Postscript (ab.) 62 Him i Ii.',i~n. i.. "I LIVES ON SAME FARM 60 YEARS LYNCH — Funeral services for Nathan Pritchett, 82, were held Saturday, September 9, at the American Legion hall with Rev. Richard Munroe in charge. Burial was'made in the ceme tery south of town Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Prit chett came to Lynch and home steaded northeast of town when the Ponca reservation was op ened for settlement in 1890. They have lived on the same farm all their lives. Mr. Pritchett was confined to the Lynch hospital for sever al weeks before he died Wed nesday, September 6. Survivors include: Widow; sons—Ed, of Moville, la.; Jim, of Lawton, la.; Tom, of Verdel; Jack, of Lynch; daughters — Mrs. Schuyler Reynolds, of Kan sas City, Kans.; Mrs. Etta Lewis, of Randolph, Mrs. Vern Fork, of Bristow. Other Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Anton Wasat ko and Grandma Kalai and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kalai and daugn ter, of Omaha, were sightseeing at Pickstown, S. D., Sunday, September 3. Martin Jehorek and Ernest Vomacka made a business trip to Lincoln last week. Mrs. Howard Devall called on Mrs. Bill Teadtke on Friday, September 8. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ko lund were in Lincoln last week sightseeing at the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Sedivy, of Rapid City, S. D., visited with relatives here on Saturday, September 2. Mr. Sedivy was bom and raised on a farm east of Lynch. .. _ , , Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kalai and daughter, of Omaha, spent last week with Grandma Kalai. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rosicky visited relatives in Bee and at tended the state fair at Lincoln several days last week. Mr and Mrs. Frank Weeder returned home Wednesday, Sep tember 6, from a several days stay in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. George Jedlic ka and family, of San Diego, Calif., spent the past week at the parental V. F. Jedlicka heme. Mrs. Martin Jehorek accom panied Mr- and Mrs. Earl Conk lin, of Spencer, to the state fair at Lincoln on Friday, Septem b6Mi\ and Mrs. Harold Bennett returned Wednesday, Septem ber 6, from their vacation trip. Douglas Alford left Wednes day, September 6, for Wayne State Teachers college where he will attend school again this year. _ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cay wood, of Washington state, Mr and Mrs. Leonard Wheeler were Thursday evening, September 7, guests at the home of Vincent jehorek. , Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Slaight and son, of O’Neill, visited Pat ty Bowring at the Sacred Heart hospital a day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Micanek attended the state fair at Lin coln last week The Vern Stewart family left for their home in Center Wed nesday, September 6. Bride-Elect Feted At Hoffman Home— LYiNCH—A prenuptial show er was held at the Edward Hof man home Monday evening, September 4, honoring Miss Jan Gibson, a bride-elect. Miss Gibson became the bride of Norman Hoffman on Sun day, September 40, at Bristow. She received many gitfs. Games were played and re freshments were served Carrier Quits After 39 Years DELOIT —Thursday, August 31, marked the completion of 39 years of service for the Deloit mailcarrier, Perry Saiser. He resigned his job effective that day. Mrs. Henry Reimer, The Fron tier’s Deloit correspondent, wrote: “He was the only carrier we ever had. We will miss Perry’s daily trips through our commu nity. He was very prompt and efficient. We are sorry Mr. and Ms. Saiser are in ‘poor’ health and we wish them a very hap py vacation.” Mr. Saiser completed his 39 years at 10:20 a. m. Reunite After 12 Years— Rev. and Mrs. V. R. Bell were hosts Monday, September 4, at a family reunion of the Bell fam ily. This was the first time in 12 years all members of the family were together Present were: Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Bell and children, of Nashville, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell and sons, of Omaha; and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bell, of Redbird. Visit Circus— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier and children went to Yankton, S. D., Sunday, September 3 to see the Ringling Bros, circus. “Voice of The Frontier . . . WJAG . . . 780 on your dial! ROYAL TREAT! J — O'NEILL — Friday and Saturday September 15-18 GREATER THAN EVER Vaughn Monroe, favorite of millions on radio and records in SINGING GUNS In Trucolor Co-starring Ella Raines, Wal ter Brennan and Ward Bond. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c Children 10c, plus lax 2c? Total 12c Sunday, Monday, Tuesday September 17-18-19 MA AND PA KETTLE GO TO TOWN Starring Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride with Richard Long and Meg Randall. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax Total 12c Matinee Sunday 2:30 Wednesday and Thursday September 20-21 William Bendix in KILL THE UMPIRE With Una Merkel, Ray Collins and Gloria Henry. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, total 50c Children 10c, plus tax 2c, Total 12c ! • John R. Gallagher Attorney-at-Law • First Nan Bank Bldg. j J O'Neill : Phone 11 Pete More’s Hosts To Group of Kin REDBIRD — The following were Sunday, September 3, vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete More: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berglund and boys, of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Sanders and children, of Verdi gre; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krug man and family of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krugman and son, of Minneola; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Krugman and children, of Opportunity, and Kenneth Berglund, of Norfolk. Other Redbird News John Hull called at Redbird Saturday, September 2. Lyle Wells was here Saturday, September 2. Mrs Albert Carson and Mrs. F. R. Bell were visitors in Red bird Saturday, September 2. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berg lund and sons came from Lin coln Saturday September 2, to visit the homefolks, Mr. and Mrs. Pete More. Chancie Hull, of O Neill, and Harold Kopejtke, of Inman, called in Redbird Sunday, Sep tember 3. Mr. and Mrs. George Barta, of Lynch, visited at the home ot Gordon Barta and family Sun aay, September 3. Edward Carson and family were in Redbird Sunday, Sep ^Mr^and Mrs. Will Hart land visited at Michael Hulls Sun day, September 3. . Ray Wilson was in Redbird Sunday, September 3. Elvin Luedtke called here Monday September 4. Thomas Hiscocks was here “SSftSKKA Monday, ’tt'V Art Bessert went to Wagner, S. D., Monday, Luedtke and chil dren, Leon and Bonnie, went with Miss Grace Mennen to Omaha Monday, September 4, where the children will enter SCMxs.' John Stewart and^son Say^slptembe"’ 6, to’ visit homefolks, Arthur Bessert and family. Leon Mellor called in Redbird Thursday, September 7. John Derickson, of near Dor sey, stopped in Redbird Friday, September 8. Mrs. William N. Wilson was here Friday, September 8. Chester Carsten called in Red bird Friday, September 8. Robert Wilson was in Redbird Friday, September 8. Roy Alder, of near Dorsey was a visitor here Friday, Sep tember 8. Edward Carson and John Hull were in Redbird Friday, Sep tember 8. Gordon Barta and Claude Pickering were callers here on Friday, September 8. Thomas White and son, of Scottville, called in Redbird on Saturday, September 9. Howard Graham and family were in Redbird Saturday, Sep tember 9. Cattle Market Steady with 700 O’Neill’s cattle market on l Thursday, September 7, was steady with the week before. Seven hundred cattle went through the ring at the O’Neill : Livestock Market. Good yearling steers brought $28.00 to $29.75; heifers, $27.00 to $28.75; some good calves sold from $30.00 to $32.00; cows were steady with the August 31 mar ket, and bulls moved from $21.50 to $22.50. Butcher hogs cleared at ' $23.60 and down to $23.40. Top lightweight sows brought $21.50 to $21.65; heavyweights sell- i ing on down to $17.50. Stags ! were sold at $14.00. O'NEILL LOCALS Miss Alice Scofield left for Lincoln Tuesday, September 5. She will enter nurse’s training at Bryan memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Art Dexter and Jerry, of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Rothchild, of 1 Rugby, N. D., were Sunday, 1 September 3, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dex- i ter of Atkinson. Mrs. Carrie Borg, Marvel Borg, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Fox and Mary Arlene visited at the Vigil Hubby home Sunday, Sep tember 3. Venetian b 11 n d a, prompt delivery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors—J. M. McDonald Co-. O'Neill, lltt Omer Poynts and Mrs. Melba Peabody, both of Atkinson, were married by Rev. V. R. Bell at the Methodist parsonage on Fri day afternoon, September 8. Real Estate Transfers WD — Mamie D. O’Neill to Wm J Storjohann 6-1-48 $1- Lot 1 of Sec 28- WMjNE^- NW*4 NWV4- NM1SEV4 32- Part of Lot 1 of Sec 21- Twp 33- Range 12 WD — Wm J Storjohann to Mamie D O’Neill 8-18-50 $1 SWViSWL, 28- SEVi- SEy4 SW'4- SWI4NEV4 29-33-12 WD—Edna Clyde to Richard Clyde & wf 9-8-50 $500- Lot 3 & East 30 ft lot 4- Blk L- Fahys Park Add- O’Neill WD— Ivan H. McKathnie to Milton G & Marjorie McKath nie 8-2-50 $3000- SWV4 4-32-14 S*aSEVi- 33- StaSEVi 34-33-14 WD— Clemens Ackerman to E E Weber 8-15-50 $1600- NWV4 35-32-15 Sargent Couple Weds Here— Ormond Pierce and Miss Mar jorie Slagle, both of Sargent, were married Tuesday after noon, September 5, by Rev. V. R. Bell at the Methodist parson age. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bell, of Redbird, were their attend ants. Mrs. Bell and Mr. Pierce are relatives. DR. J. L. SHERBAHN CHIROPRACTOR Complete X-Ray Equipment Vi Block So. of Ford Garage O'Neill, Nebraska ► BROWNIE HAWKEYE CAMERA Give your boy or girl a crea tive hobby. This smart, new box camera takes black-and white and color pictures. Negatives, 2Vi x 2Vi. Only $5.50, inc. Fed. Tax. O’NEILL PHOTO CO. — Phone I — j 1 /i* Good telephone service over farmer-owned lines depends on regular inspections and maintenance. The Northwestern Bell Telephone Company is not only extending and improving its own farm lines at a rapid rate but is also helping farmer-owned companies to recondition theirs. In recent months great progress has been made by these farm line companies and in the interest of good service in general, we want to help others. If you are part-owner of a farm line company that receives switching service from one of our central offices, we shall be glad to help you inspect your lines, train your linemen, plan a rebuild, estimate costs and assist in supervising construction. Just call on our Manager and arrangements will be made to help you. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY f Choose between ) Styleline and Fleetline ^ Styling I! ...... | Chevrolet is the Only car to offer you such a ) wide and teezzdez/u/cAoice I | ... and at the lowest prices, too! ___ . .... ..m zvwzmmmimMum_ I • Choose between the Bel Air and the Convertible II J 'p Choose between Standard Drive and & Automatic Transmission Combination of Powerglide automatic transmission and 105-h.p. engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. America’s Best Seller! America’s Best Buy! Midwest Motor Co., Ltd. PHONE 100 O’NEILL, NEBR. - r- . ka -