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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1928)
The Frontier. i . 'i . " " t VOLUME XLVIII. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1928. NO. 40. 8 B II Ladies’ Spring Hats I p I Immgatxttmmmmmmttsmmmsttsmsmmsmti | Ladies’Spring Dresses j Beautiful Line of Piece Goods— English Prints, Percales, Silks and Rayons. All New Patterns. Make Your Headquarters For Your Spring Shopping At Our Store. I Our Hosiery Department is Very 1 Complete with a New Spring Shade, i Complete with All the New Spring Shades. Men’s, Women s and Children’s l Spring Shoes. jj Ladies' Spring Suits I | Ladies'Spring Coats | LOCAL NEWS. Roy I. Maus and Frank Schober of Golden township were looking after business matters at the court bouse Tuesday. Mr. Schober filed for the office of supervisor on the democratic ticket in the 4th district. .Herb Hammond and Mike Horiskey drove up to Dewey and Hackbeiry lakes last Tuesday and endeavored to decoy afew perch. The perch how ever, were not hungry and the fish erman returned that evening with poor success. The O’Neill Concert band at their regular meeting at the band hall on Tuesday evening elected officers for the ensuing year: Chauncy W. Por ter, president; Archie E. Bowen, vice president, and E. D. Henry, secretary and treasurer. E. W. Browne returned home last Sunday from St. Cloud, Minnesota, where Mrs. Browne underwent an operation Sunday, February 12th. She is recovering nicely but will be required to remain in the hospital for at least three weeks longer. Twelve members of the Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans drove tc Chambers last Thursday evening anc took part in the “bear hunt.” Ter pilgrims crossed the ice fields o1 Alaska. A good time was enjoyed. Mrs. Augusta Martin, accompaniec by her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Here ford, wer>t to Omaha Tuesday, where Mrs. Martin wjll receive treatment ir a hospital. She was joined in Omaha by another daughter, Mrs. Opie Chambers. Frank Biglin went up to the Mayo hospital at Rochester, Minnesota, last week and has gone through the clinic, He has been assigned to the hospital. Frank has been suffering with a goitre for some time and expects to undergo an operation for its removal in a few days. The second issue of the Osmond Citizen came to our desk last week. The Citizen is edited by C. F. Wills, who operated the late Plainview Trib une. The plant wras moved to Os mond. We understand that Mr. Wills purchased the Osmond Republican this week and has consolidated the papers, I Insist on ‘'Pasteurized” Milk j I AND CHOOSE “SANITARY DAIRY MILK” IF YOU WOULD 1 1 HAVE THE MAXIMUM OF PASTEURIZATION PROTECTION. I DR. BUN DESEN, HEALTH COM MIS SIONER OF j CHICAGO SAYS— “Since the institution of an order in 1916 that all milk except certified be pasteurized, there has not been a single case of con tagion traced to the milk supply, a record which speaks volumes for the efficiency of pastueriza tion as a public health i i measure.” Our dairy is immaculately clean with sanitary surroundings, sterilized ma chinery. Thoroughly modern and efficient equipment insures proper pasteur ization of the milk. Special equipment permits every bot tle to be absolutely sterile. Automatic machinery fills each bot tle without the touch of human hands. A refrigerating cooler immediately chills the milk and retains its entic ing sweetness. Know your dairy! Proper pasteurization, sanitary sterilization and efficient refrigeration are absolutely essentials of a modem milk plant. We have the only complete dairy equipment of this kind in O'Neill—and our service and organization have been developed to a point which enables our milk man to put on your door step each morning, with unfailing regularity, u quart of superior “safe” milk, of good flavor, rich in butterfat content, splendid keeping quali ties and with every essential of nourishment retained. Delivery leaves dairy at 4:30 p. m. It’s safe and cont no more. Phone your order today. Use Pasteurized Milk Sanitary Dairy •O’Neill, Nebr. Phone No. 84 1 1 Mrs. Vertie Black of Anncar, Ne braska, is visiting at the home of her cousin, E. D. Henry and family, ip O’Neill, this week. -- =k Mr. and Mrs. George Wrede and son, George Emmet, have been visit ing with O’Neill friends during the past week. They were called here last week by the death of their friend and former neighbor, Mrs. George Baird. Fred McNally moved from St. Ed ward ,Nebraska, to Omaha the first of the week and will be interested, ’*:th a partner, in the bakery business in that city. Fred's many O’Neill friends will wish him success in the venture. Mr. and Mrs. Harold1 Hough drovfc down from Valentine, Nebraska, Tuessday and have been visiting at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hough. They expect to return home today (Thursday) ac companied by Mrs. Scott Hough, who will visit with them until the first of the week. (Wendell Wagman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Wagman, residing south east of O’Neill, has accepted a posi tion with the Dunn Pharmacy in Grand Island, Nebraska, as a book keeper and salesman. Wendell has been with the company since last No vember, but has just recently been ad vanced to this position. William M. Ely, an attorney resid ing at Ainsworth, Nebraska, filed the first of the week for the office of dis trict judge in the Fifteenth district. He will oppose Judge Robert R. Dick son, of this city, for the office at the primary and at the coming general election next November. C. E. Dove, Division Manager of the Interstate Power Company, is ex pected here tomorrow (Friday) and officiate at a 7:00 o’clock banquet to be given at the Golden hotel by the Interstate Power Company to about thirty-five of their employes in this district. This banquet is one of a series of social functions to be given by the company throughout the year and are for the purpose of bringing their employes closer together and uniting them as one large body. Mr. Dove is a very pleasant gentleman to meet and is held in high esteem by the employes of the company. Mrs. E. F. Roberts has received u clipping from a Bismarck, North Da kota paper which tells about the big unnual North Dakota dinner to be held in Washington, D. C., tonight, the products of which were sent from ! North Dakota. Her son, Herbert J. j Roberts mentioned in the article as I the “bee man of the Missouri slope"; has contributed 165 jars of his i "water-white honey" to be used at the dinner and to be given uwny iis souvenirs of the occasion. The din ner will be attended by many notables around the capital city. Herbert was { representative from his district and j is now Inheritance Tn* Commissioner! and chairman of the clipping com mittc for the government of North j Dakota. In a letter acconipaning the article uhove mentioned tells of a *ur-' prise dinner arranged by Mrs. Rob-; erts on her husband's forty-fifth i birthday anniversary recently, at which were seated the present candi date for governor, the secretary of state and the state treasurer, col-1 leagues and associates of Mr Rob erts. Miss Mary Carney spent the first part of last week visiting with her sister, Mrs. L. F. Curtis and family in Sioux City. - Miss Edna Harnish is back at work in the treasurer’s office after an ab sence of several weeks caused by ill ness. -■...— Charles Kirkland was down from Atkinson Tuesday and filed for Repre sentative from the 64th district on the republican ticket, .. . ——II | I IiU't s-s For the •mail family or where kitchen apace » limited. 7Haq. ft. ah elf apace. 48 ice cubes. Buy your Servel on our 30-day money-back guarantee I IET the new Servel prove every claim we make by its [ J actual, every-day performance right in your own home. — MM Come in today and choose from these new steel cabinet Servel electric refrigerators the size best suited to your needs. Let us show you Servel’s outstanding advantages — its greater beauty and convenience features—the quiet, smooth running “Duplex” machine—sturdy, fool-proof, economical and built for long years of dependable service. Once you have learned how Servel keeps all foods in per fect condition—more healthful and appetizing—far longer than you ever thought possible — you will wonder how you’ve managed without it. We will install Servel in your kitchen with the definite understanding that if, within 30 days after installation, you arc not completely satisfied, you may arrange to liave it removed and your money returned. Hc4,t V10 rtn This special offer applies to anv model you select. Take advantage of it NOW. I Interstate Power Co. I twrnl _ ; j MMHHHRS':':'-':V.V- ■"■ :'■■'• r- . ^:V^V::':' : : :V':'': ' :■-:■■■