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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1928)
The Frontier. / VOLUME XLVIII. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1928. NO. 39. O’NEILL GUN CLUB AGAIN DEFEATS CHAMBERS BOYS Twelve of the crack shots of the O’Neill Gun Club went down to Cham bers last Sunday and gave the south country lads another “trimming.” The O’Neill club members were in fine form and did some good shoot ing. Morris Graham was the high score . man with twenty-five straight. The O’Neill club have not yet been defeated and wish The Frontier to say that they will challenge the world and will shoot against all comers. The boys are real peppy and want to meet some team that thinks they can shoot. Following is the score: O’Neill Roy Warner 11101 11011 Bert Gunn .... lllll 11101 R. E. Calvert 11011 lllll •Jess Scofield 00111 lllll Ed. Burge 01010 00010 A. E. Stevens lllll lllll Ross E. Harris 01110 lllll C. W. Porter lllll lllll Forest Smith ..... 110 0 1 lllll L. K. Hough ... 10111 lllll Morris Graham lllll lllll Ralph Scofield 11110 lllll Chambers Walter Scott 01111 10111 B. Hubbard .01110 01111 S. Farrier '. 01101 01111 C. Fees ........ .01010 11110 H. Hubbard 0 1111 11011 A. Faiquier d 1 1 1 0 00111 C. Wyant 1 1. 0 1 1 lllll Bill Russ _ lllll lllll D. Faiquier 10111 lllll C. Tibbetts_ 1110 1 0 10 11 T. E. Newhouse.. 01000 10100 O. Woods . 10 0 10 11110 O’Neill average 20*4. REV. LUTHER M. KUHNS ADDRESS THE MASONS Rev. Luther M. Kuhns, of Omaha, ma3e the Washington day address to the Masons, their wives and other in vited guests at the Methodist church last evening. Rev. Kuhns is a Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Nebraska and a Past Grand Chaplain of the Su preme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and a prominent Thirty Third Degree Mason. A large chorus of mixed voices rendered a number of selections. Light refreshments were served in the church basement following the program. Gun Club February 19, 1928. 11100 11011 1111 1—20 110 0 1 lllll 1 1 1 1 1-22 lllll 01111 1111 1—22 01010 11110 0111 1—18 lllll 11110 1111 0—16 lllll lllll 0111 1—24 lllll 11110 1011 1—21 lllll 01010 1100 1—20 11100 11110 0110 1—18 lllll 10111 0100 1—20 lllll lllll 1111 1—25 10111 01101 0101 1—19 246 Gun Club February 19, 1928. 10111 lllll 1111 1—22 lllll 01111 1111 1—21 lllll 1 1 1 0 1 0001 1—18 0000 0 11 101 0111 1—14 lllll lllll 1111 0—22 01010 10100 0111 1—14 lllll 10111 0111 1—22 01101 lllll 1111 0—22 11011 01111 0011 1—20 11110 11010 1101 1—18 11101 11110 1101 1—15 01100 00011 1111 1—15 223 Chambers average 18^. LOCAL NEWS. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Moeller, Jr., of Stuart, on February 13th. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Miksch, of Stuart, Mon day, February 12th. A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sterner last Friday at their home in this qity. Miss Peggy Egan, of Omaha, spent from Sunday until Wednesday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. J. O’Connell, j J. B. Mellor and Dr. L. A. Burgess drove to Omaha Wednesday in J. B.’s new Ford, and are attending the auto ' show. Frank Hopkins came up from Oma ha the first of the week and was shaking hands with his many O’Neill friends. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stein accom panied by Jay Butler, of Inman, drove to Omaha Wednesday, to attend the auto show which is now going on. Inman Leader: Word was received j that Mae Goree underwent an opera tion for cancer at the hospital in Fre- j mont where she is making her home ( with a daughter. A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Morrow, of Meek, last Tuesday The new arrival is the twelfth child in the Marrow family all of whom are hale and hearty. Mrs. Bert Powell departed foe St. Cioid, Florida, Wednesday morning,: whore she will visit for a month with her parents. Her father has been in: i>oor health for some time. The Isaak Walton league down at Inman are arranging for a banquet at their regular meeting on March 12th. The state presidnt will he pres ent and make an address, Mrs Nellie accompanied her daughter. Miss Maxine, to Fre mont, Nebraska, Tuesday morning The latter was suffering front an nettle attack of appendicitis, Mrs. It. M. Sauers expect* to enter tain the member^ of the M. O. A. club at her hoire I -(day evening in honor of Mrs Dorothy Organ, Buffalo Gap, South Dakota, a former member of the rlah Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Gatz were Norfolk visitors last Friday. Mrs. Janies Moore continues to suffer with a severe attack of rheu matism. George Clyde came home from a several weeks’ visit with his daughter at Ashland. John Miskimins returned home last week from an extended business trip in the southern states. Joseph Schollmeyer returned home Monday from Sioux City where he had been with a car of hogs. Andy Davis came up from Sioux City and spent Sunday with his mother and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Beaver Cross ing, Nebraska, were the guests of Mr. anid Mrs. F. D. Pelz Sunday and Mon day. Leon Sargent went to Norfolk, Wednesday, to consult Dr. Gadbois in regard to some thouble he is having with his head. J. B. O’Sullivan has purchased the Olds lots in the southeastern part of the city and will move his house onto them in the near future. Dick Klinetobe stopped in O’Neill the first of the week and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Clauson. Dick was enroute to points in Iowa. Mrs. F. J. Radliff received the an nouncement last Friday of the death of her brother, E. II. Harp, at Doug las, Wyoming. She received no par ticulars in regard to the death. Scott Hough has had his men in Orchard, Elgin und Neligh during the past week or ten days loading an engine, generator and other equip ment into u car at Orchard to he ship ped to Alabama. Scott Hough received a Model No. 30 washing machine as a gift from the Interstate Power Company last week Mr, Hough contributed the l<e*t essay about the particular wash ing machine in a recent radio contest. Rev. U W, Mallard expect* to leave early Sun-lay morning for Hampton, Iowa, where he will receive his official appoint Hunt as administrator of the • state of the late J. II. Corvoran, in probate court Moortn* morning in that city Mrs. D. Abdouch and Mrs. Antot Toy were in Norfolk the first of th< week. Miss C. F. McKenna entertainer the Martez club at the Golden hote Monday evening. Mrs. P. B. Hartj won the high score prize. Conductor C. L. Mooney, who foi many years was conductor on th, Burlington between Bioux City ant U'Neui, has moved from Bioux City tt Hastings, Nebraska, and will be con uuetor on tne Burlington Hastings umatia passenger run. A small tire was discovered in the ; nick ot time on the exterior of thi | c rank Froelich residence last Satur aay morning. The nro was caused bj a short circuit in the electrical wife ing near the roof of the residence No damage was done. A small blizzard visited this vicinity Wedneauay. A lnHe snow t$ii throughout the day accompanied iv a heavy wind. Wednesday evonifck the wind went down and the stoa’n was over. Only a very little sodw fell and the roads are not badly drift ed in this locality. A number of very fine display win dows were in evidence Wednesday in respect for the memory of George Washington. Among those that de serve special mention was the cake in the bakery window which represent ed a cherry tree, the hatchet, blocks of wood and chips from the log. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wintermote, ol Douglas, Wyoming, have been visit ing relatives and friends in and near Chambers for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wintermote have been visiting at Benton, Kansas, for ♦he past three months. They returned to their home in Douglas, the first of the week. mu inamtfiuiiu it ufjmrLim-m. kciu j the large tractor and grader out over the highway north Monday morning. ! The big outfit will spread the gravel I on the five mile stretch of road be j tween the Eagle creek and the Nio | brara river. The1 Western Bridge | Company had the contract for the I graveling of this strip of road. W. H. Crippen, superintendent of j the maintenance department of the j federnl system of Holt county, in forms The Frontier that the main I tainers are busy every day on the fed eral highways in the county. The maintainers working out of O’Neill | are manned by Emery Peterson, ge , mg east; Leo Carney, west; Fred i Richardson, north for 13 miles; Earl ! Kuhns has charge of the work from ! there to the Niobrara river. A county Methodist ministers asso ciation was formed when the Metho dist ministers of the county and their wives gathered at the Methodist church in Emmet last Monday even ing. Rev. Clinton Seneff, of Atkin i son, was chosen president, and Miss Anna Nelson, of Emmet, secretary. IA banquet was served in the church (basement at 6:80. Mrs. G. W. Bal lear read a selection. Rev. Ballard | preached later in the evening. Inman Leader: C. D. Keyes re ceived a newspaper clipping from Rock Falls, Illinois, the first of the week announcing the death of J. H. Mechling one of the early residents of Inman, which occurred at the home of his daughter in Portsmouth. Illi nois, where he was on a visit. Many of the early settlers of this commu nity will probably remember Mr. Mechling. He was the first depot agent here and was prominently iden tified with the Presbyterian church, being Sunday school superintendent for many years. Atkinson Graphic: Mr. and Mrs. Chambers towmsnip, celebrated their Chambrs township, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary the 7st inst., says their daughter, Mrs. Kas per Harley. Mr. Brown, who is 78 and Mrs. Brown 70 were married in Illinois fifty years ago. There were sixty-five relatives and neighbors _ - *_A _11 . / A _I_— |M cncut, an uiviuu(.io v* v»*%, family except two daughters, Mrs. Louis Siegler, of Boulder, Colorado, and Mrs. Minnie Howerton, who re sides at Brighton. Colorado. A big supper was served and Mr. and Mrs. Brown were given $50 in gold pieces. Charles Reka has disposed of his interests in the Mellor Motor Com pany to Mr. T. O. Miller, of Casper. Wyoming, who became associated with the firm as of January 1st. Mr. Miller arrived in O’Neill last Tuesday and will make O’Neill his home. Mrs. Miller (who will be remembered here as Margaret Dorsey) will not come to O’Neill until June as she is teaching in Casper. Mr. Miller has been in charge of the cusing head gas system for the Mammoth Oil Company lo cated in the Teapot Dome. The Mam moth Oil Company was part of the Sinclair interests and has been in the hands of a receiver since March, 1924, hut has been operating until January 1st when it went out of business as a result of the final order of the court in the Sinclair epi*<*de. Mr. Miller is also a lawyer and is n member of the American I .eg ion, I.O* M CASK IN HKillKK i Ol-RT. (Inman Leader.) The supreme court Monday revcrs cd ami dismissed the rase of Louis Tomjack of F!w ing against the North* western liailremd Company, from Holt County, where Tomjack got $500 judgment fur injuries i-ustained in running his car of? a culvert The court says that the evidence shows the culvert was properly constructed as a part of a highway ami that Tom* jwk was negligent in not warning the driver after he saw the danger ahead MRS. BRIDGET CLARK.. Mrs. Bridget Clark died at the home I of her daughter, Mrs. M. R. Sulivan in this eity last Saturday at the age of si venty-flve years. She was born in Ireland. She came to Holt county with her husband twenty-five years ago last May, from Wayne county. She was united in marriage to Pat rick Clark in Clinton, Iowa, flfty 1 seven years ago last October. To this union were born seven i children, Mrs. M. R. Sullivan, O’Neill; Mrs. John Kesterson, Fort Morgan, Colorado; Frank Clark, Buf falo, South Dakota; Mrs. Margaret Thomas, Seattle, Washington; Miss Anna and Miss Helen Clark, both of Omaha; Jnmes Clark, Wyoming. The children from away to attend the funeral are Anna and Helen of Omaha. Funeral services were held from St. Patrick's church Tuesday morning at nine o’clock, conducted by Father M. J. Brady; burial was made in Cal vary cemetery. The pall bearers were R. E. Gal lagher, R. R. Morrison, Jerry Hanley, M. H. McCarthy, Pat O’Donnell and H. E. Coyne. , MRS. GEORGE BAIRD. Mrs. George Baird died at her home eighteen miles northeast of O’Neill last Monday following an illness of some duration. The cause of her death was given as Bright’s disease and heart trouble. Grace Fletcher was born December 6, 188C, in Wayne County, Iowa, where she grew to womansood. She was _:_i i . n_ •_i if_l m UiUI 11VU (>V UVVi^V 4/UUU, HXU1 VU » v, 1914; to this union one son, Frank lin, who with her husband, father, mother, four brothers and four sisters survive. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Guy W. Ballard, pastor of the Methodist church. The remains were shipped1 to Winside, Nebraska, where burial will be made today. S. C. ROMINE. . -■ .... S. C. Romine, of Holdridge, Ne- ; braska, died in the Stuart hospital j last Thursday morning following a short illness. Mr. Romine came to O’Neill on Thursday of the previous week to assist Levi Hull during the opening of the cream station and dairy plant. A shart time after ar riving here he begun to feel poorly and was taken to the hospital where he passed away. The cause of his death was pneumonia and diabetis. The remains were taken to his home in Holdridge for burial. JOHN JOSEPH REARDON. A son, John Joseph, was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Reardon of this ; city last Thursday evening. The lit- ' tie one was not long for this life. He . was baptized Friday morning and zpasSed away the same evening at 11:30. The remains were laid to rest in Calvary cemetery Saturday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Reardton and family have the sympathy of the en tire community in the loss of their little son. : WILLIAM JAMES WELLER. (Atkinson Graphic.) William J. Weller, 44, passed away j at his home in Atkinson at 11:35 a. m. Tuesday, the Nth inst., following , a few days illness from pneumonia. William James Weller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weller of this city, was bom at Kerkhoven, Minnesota, March the 3rd, 1884. The family ! moved to Holt County where they have | since resided, in 1886, when the de ceased was two years old. In 1914 he was married to Miss Lily Pirce, of Amelia, Nebraska, and who, ' together with six young sons survive him; also his parents, one sister, Mrs. ; i ifiiULiiy kj ijUiiucu umi uvtr uiwiiivin Francis and Wallace, twin brothers, of Atkinson; Fred E., of Douglas, Wyo ! ming, and George and Myron at pres ! ent in Texas. Funeral services are held at St. I Joseph’s Catholic church at 9 o’clock {today and interment in the parish cemetery. 1ST. MARY’S PUPILS PRESENT A PLAY St. Mary’s Dramatic club presented . “Storting of Fontenelle” Tuesday ; evening. The cast was as follows; Miss Henrietta Babcock—Loretta ! Carr. Margaret Foster—Mary Pribil. Betty Blasted—Catherine Zastrow. Delphia—Lucille Graham, William Kane—Harlan Agnes. Spick Andrews—Ivan Pruss. Professor Flaytc—William Bella. Jack Turner—Ben Clifford. Dick Downey—Frank Gallagher. Mac Storflng—John McCarthy. Rosy—Gertrude Enright. Bo b*-C Ictus Sullivan. Dr. Vincent Storting—Philip Ken ney, There was a large and appnN ia* live audience. The minuet and drills l*v tho little folk were very beautiful and the songs by the girls’ Glee club were well received. PHESIIYTKMI \N ('III KUII Tin* ('smpllrr (ttHs, under the lendorshtp of Miss Minerva Merrell. will hav*> a part In the evening ser vice this Sunday evening. This new type of service will appeal to our many friend*. Plan to spend the whult day with us. Always welcome. jfig i H ;®|g| ___ KLOEPPER-DEVALL. Alvin Kloepper and Miss Rose De vall, of Meek, were united in marriage at Butte, Nebraska, on Thursday, February 16th. Rev. J. E. Largent, pastor of the Methodist church at Butte officiating. Mrs. Devall has been employed at Dallas, South Dakota, for some time She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. S. Devall of Meek. Mr. Kloepper is a prosperous farm er residing about eight miles north west of O’Neill where he and Mrs, Kloepper will residto. The Frontier extend congratula tions. HOWE-POTTER. Miss Treva Potter and Loyd Howe surprised their many friends when they slipped away to O’Neill, last Thursday, February 16th, where they were united in marriage by Judge C. J. Malone at the court house. Mrs. Howe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Potter and is a young woman who posesses a kind disposition that will help to make a happy home. Mr. Howe is a young man of industrious habits. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Howe, of Amelia. They arc receiving the congratulations and best wishes of friends. They will be at home after March 1st at the Howe ranch southeast of Chambers. VOTE OF THANKS. In behalf of Simonson Post of the American Legion We want to express our gratitude to all who assisted us in rendering “A Bachelor’s Esca pades,” the musical comedy. R. M. SAUERS, Commander. Owners of automobile AND TRUCK DRIVERS: — Mr. Chairman: I move you that the Sheriff be instructed to have printed in each paper in the County a notice that on and after March 1st, 1928, anyone driving an automobile or truck in the County without a 1928 license or driving an automobile or truck owned in Holt County with a license from another County ar» sub ject to arrest and the Sheriff is here by instructed to make arrangements to have some one in each city or vil lage to look after this matter and have each such person arrested. C, B. NELLIS. E. GIBSON. State of Nebraska, County of Holt, as: I, E. F. Porter, County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Reso lution as passed by the County Board of Supervisors in regular session Feb ruary, 1928. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affix ed the seal of this office this 16th day of February, 1928. E. F. PORTER, 38-2 County Clerk. NOTICE TO FEDERAL INCOME TAXPAYERS For the convenience of those who are required by law to file Federal Income Tax Returns, a Deputy Col lector of Internal Revenue will be at O’Neili, Nebraska, on March 14 and 15, 1928, to assist taxpayers in pre paring their returns. No charge will be made for this service. The matter of filing your Income Tax Return should be given immediate attention, in order to avoid penalty and interest. Royal Theatre I Sunday and Monday, Feb. 26-27 I “Seventh Heaven’’ I 1 Janet (iaynor and Charles Farrell. M Lister Film-fans have you ever seen a perfect || 3 photo-play? NO! Well you'll have the chance 9 m of your life Sunday and Monday. 9 ■ DON’T MISS IT! ■ ffl Coming March 1-2— Ism Chaney in ‘Uuidon $ B After Midnight.*’ March 1-5—Kmil Jennings in H | ‘ The Last Command.” #