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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1896)
ijiai c. y i V - .... u p i , pm uii mm iiii hum m.urm rfrrwim mmmhMI) ff&F r7?5& Mdvertiserl V 3S-. rrrrrssaKapsnn: r3--i -r- VOLU.UK XL NEMAHA, NEBRASKA-, FRIDAY, FEB 2l 1896. M" .. J If u ) i if i4: a.- ? i. W. W. KI-.tfLlNM!, ( II h ii i -ir .Mimtli ii (' I'nik hnti'l. Njtjry : -: Public -o.a ill .v. City, web. iiorKer & Hoover, Ddulor hi III, I -II (ll'IOUl JMl.l IDI' IllliL'S, liml, tallow t( HO. I'll." MOW.. II A UTY. NEIMAhKA. BitSe..Andrews.M.D.Pti.D. durguoix specialist, StoHa, - .Nebraska 0,eiilioiu lor Cataract and all operation.-, on the eje, Vcileoeele, Hernia, timnelTuoius, eio , porl'Miiied with ..hi itiiioiol'iH'oi and u.iiuieis. I'u- i icnL.i I iiiiit .iin.Md uuii ami i ii:ni .(.'i .it lliii in Mix, ciiiiSuh-nnn kill ami i Sii.lii i 'wii'idlng i'ntile- f' l.!!il, ' 'Iri "IllOliyll Mill pltliti iiieii- Ml) .10 Win lu coiife' Willi , .i w . ! i.n on vvvi'-ox ltl!llt'MUIltl. .- Cooper Iho niHllliiK V f f . - i,"SL,i jLivoryiuan fzk!i:t':!.' J ,v tii H'VPfjl ",r " 'cum, hack or Ws3 dniy, mill u. V K 1)0 TIIK ItKsT r? i'ij zrrn. .., II. -1. I.mnlu .ill WT A T-ll?l ,Cinrft-"ier?to cll Fine 0.ii pulil wkkki.y; we fnrnlHii worklnu c.ipltiil, expel leiice, etc. You can tint, lull If von -nil fo thoKrent MO. A IMj. nTAUK .NUH SKUIKS. Tint jeur 1,000 iicih Nurxorh-N. 40.UUO noro- Orclinnls. Wrltn quick, RlVtiiR tiro, reforoiicps ole Shirk Uro'H. LoulHlnnu. Mo., or Ilockport, 111k, Warned Salesmanj STOCK or SKKII POTATO. LlBBHAl.HAh Ally or CO.MUI-.sHiN AII) WEIOKI.V. I'l'.ltMANKNi .mil I'AYINu I'OSII'IONS to UOOilMK.N. 8PKOIAL I NDUOEMIONi'S to IIKOrNNUHH. KX0LU8IVK TKKKITOItY OIVKN IK DKaiUED. Wrlto at onco for teraiH li The Hawks rluraary Oo, iHwiaW. 7 s fm I I ! The American Protective Tariff Leagu 's a national organization advocating " Protection to American Labor and Industry " as explained by its constitu tion, as follows : "The object of th! Laafua (hall ba to proWot American labor by a tariff on import, which (hall adequately aeoura Amariean industrial produota againit tha competition of foreign labor." There are no personal or privato profits in connection with the organiza tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. FIR3T: Correspondence le eoliolted regardlnr " Memberelilp" and "Offioial Correipondente.' SECON D: We need and weloome oontributione, whether email or large, to our oauee, THIRD: We publiih a large line of doeumenta ' ig all phatei of the Tariff queition. Com- .e set will be mailed to any addreti for 80 cents. FOURTH: Send postal card request for tri eample copy of the "Amerioan Economist." Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, General Bscrstaru, 136 West 23d Street. New Yerk. WANTED. A AT A TV? To null Cnniullnn Grown Fuilt I Cnniul Horry i t n '.Trnwii. Plants. Hoses HliruObery, Heed Polatorn, etc.. for the largest gnuvotttor niitn grade at 001c. tfovon iiunurtu auren, hardy profitable varieties that micceed In the coldest, climates. No experience re quired and fair trontinent guaranteed. Any one not earning 850,00 per month and uxpon M'SHliould write us at once for particulars, Liberal Commissions paid part time men, Apply now and got choice of territory. I.UKK BIIOTHERS COMPANY, Rtoclc rcxctiango llulkllng, Chicago, 111. LB r.llPfS WH.lHr AIL USE FA LS. tSt Best Cough Syrup. Taatea Uood. Use I liJ in IIIDQ. BOIQ DT cmiKKisis. Kre1JlrWgiaiMMfH D mfr, Local News. See our eltlhbi..g nffcis Old papers lor site nt this oll'ce, Mclniiich lie-ins lo advertise :iiiin . Tlie miction si oil' moved lo Johnson Thursday. Miss Motile Touileh.t.. i.r visiting Nemaha ft lends. Seymour Howe paid a business visit to lliu county seal Wednesday. .is O'Mitry, of Mella, is visit it g her frimd MI s Bessie liny 'his wok ! New spring minds are arriving at A. H. tiilinore oi irons, Aubtiin, Null. Miss" Sarah Carter, of Iowa vi.ited her cousin, John F.trson, last wi ok. If you want a Bottctick pattern send to A. II. (iilmore & Sons, Auluitn. linhert Ciaiy ami wile, of Loudon cuii .ii.ialii lio.ud I pii'cihct, vihlled Nemaha ti lends auu .ei .it prices h-s ! ' All.-iS .l.ll' MltlK w mi io e IIOIIlll Thiustl.ii, to v 1 1 1 1 liicids Mil' a coupf i.'f ilajs. ttev. C H . (hlmore r.nd .1 . It Mad dox drove out to Auburn 'I hni.sdii ninht, to attend the uiee'.iu Miss I'Moience Miuick came down from Fern Wednesdii) mciiIhk, lo ah sist in the postolliuu and vbit lileuih tor a lew days. Mr. and Mis. II. A. N'lietdilotijdrov.' up Iroin up Shubert Minday morning. Henry .returned Monday .and Mrs Wlieelatui 1 uesdav A. C. Chambers, living on the I. N Coope. farm south of town, will h.ivi n public sale Wednes-day of next week. He contemplates going lo Oregon n the near future.' " - ' " Toe Donald, whose pension was cm off some time ago hy the celebrated and groatly beloved Hoke Smith, loo had his pension restored. He receive SS per month and 521(5 hack pension. I.N. Cooper, who went to Omaha last week, as vepreentative lo tin G. A. It. jneampment trout the Nema ha post, toturned Iioiiih Friday afier noon. I le reports having a line time, William Hums colel rated the 7811 annual anniversary of his birth on the 4th day of this month. With the ex reption of Thompson Paxton, Mr Burns Is the oldest resident cf Ne inalia. Grading is now being done for the' B. ifc M. switch at F. E. Allen's farm about half way between Nemaha and Auburn. Mr. Allen donated the land for the switch and the farmers in thai vicinity ate doing the grading. The Ladie Aid Boclety of the M.E. church will give a Washington's Hitth day nipper ut the Minick hull Saturday niaht of this week. Price of supper, 15 centB for adults and 10 cents for children. Everybody is invited. It ie now said that recent earth quake! have shoved this section of the country 0110 thousand miles farther south, so far as climate is concerned. This ia said to be the cause of tho re markably mild winter we have hud. Whan wo got about half tho papers printed last Friday the press broke down, and as we could not get the break repaired until Saturday after noon, many of our subscribers had to wait until this week for their paper. Itev. E. S. Chamberlain writes us to announce that he will preach at Net rauha next Sunday morning and even ing, the Lerd willing. He closed the Nebraska City meetings Sunday night, and is engaged in a meeting at Nohaw ka, Cass county. There weio forty tdditions to the church nt tho Nebras ka City meeting. W. M. Kent, of Auburn, was in town a short tllno Monday. Mr Kent fa ii tneinlier of the Soldier's Belief Commission of Nemnha county, and was here looking ht'tet wmm of the comrades that heed relief . Uu went from iiere to Itrownvitie. A b iv was bom to Mr. and Mrs Bins I.e-dey WedtiHidav, but. Ihejdiabo on'.y I'.vmI twenty-lour hour. The Lincoln, is fuiu'itil setvlcea were held at tha resi dence Friday loienoon, by llev. .0. II. Uilmoio. The bereaved ones have our y tipiithy in their ufllletiou. . j .1. tl. Littiell u'as arrested while In Aubtiin Tliiirsday."olnirged with hav ing a revolver dnnug Hie iiimmiH on inn Htteets one week. .l"H ulenil imiIIiv. and was Ibiud $? and uobtH Ift'veiy one guilty of biicIi , actijis :ts pi oin pi ly anested there would ie Itss tioiihle, and many times serious dilliculty would he avouled. All should be sei ve"d alike. Hav. J. W. Ktiuiuiil.ol Leaven wot th, Ktturiiiri, was In lovn list, week, helling church matches. Two or three years 1140 the Lutheran oigaoi.atiun at Leavenworth built n c-i.,"UO chinch, going in de l lor the whole amount, and Itev.Kiuiiuel, the patur, is pil ing nil the debt by selling matches The Ural ones sold here wete of a poor quality but this lius'becii coir cled and ihey are now all right. When the hoxsuol hoino from An burn Thursday, after the trial of Tay lor and cn.imploii, they loimed In pro e-ion at the de(.ot, headed by a darkey -wliha guitar and hatmonica nomirched in triumphal proeess'o up the middle ot the street to the drug -tni e. I'hiit night tha darkey gave an x'lUd' ion at the ding store that was .ul to be tit Ht ciiisi bj those who saw it. lie is .1 Hue musician, nciolM,, la-.a Hitler, and in fact is a whole show ',y(ljiuielf diiA. A lot of the Wiirthless dogs in Ku 1 11 tlin almost caused a serious ambient Tiied iy, As Mrs EMelta Furvis wiib diiviiig along the stieets lour or the worthies-, cuts inn after the buggj and frightened the hoises by their haiking. Tl ey htarted to run and in ..oiiiit over the culvert south of II. A. Kyle's tesidence Mrs. Purvis was al most thrown otft. In turning the cor-n.M-by Mis. (Mother's home the buggy came near being upset. FottMiiateh the dogs stopped bete, and the horses ere soon checked up without any d nimue being done. The next day a log jumped at a lady us she was going long the mreet past a tesidence, tear nig her dress and frightening bar very much. It would bo a good idea if a big majority of the dogs in town were killed. it. M. Glllan and Jerry Marlutt are the only authorized agents for Nemaha county for the sale of stock in the Southeastern Nebraska Building and Loan association. J. M. BuitKEss, Manager. Notice. All persons who are indebted to the firm of Titus & Williams are requested to call and settle their accounts at once, either by cash or bote, as there will be a change in the business inside of 0 days. Titus & Williams. WANTED. All the old gold and silver watch ciBos, ringB, etc., in tho country -for which we will pay the highest market price, S, II. Avey & Co, Corner store, Auburn, Neb. Opposite First National Bank. W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds made out acs curately. Legal documents drawn up All business given prompt and careful attention. We huve for sale a good 100 acre farm near Nemaha City, well improv ed, good house, barn, etc., largo orcli nrd, farm all fenced, which will be Bold for 8135 per acre . If you want a bar gain call quick. On Valentine's Day Mrs. J. II. LIU I troll received several of the cheap and so culled coroln valentines. Tliey wete wry objectionable to her, ami sin; liad ' her suspicions as to who petit litem, mid claims alio has good proofs, M slie wont to Auburn hist jnturdav and ' swore out n wurrcnt for the nil est of Minor II. Taylor and Uobert Sampson. Taylor and Sampson went out to Ail- burn Monday and surrendered. The trial was set for Thursday, and a num ber of our eill.etH summoned as wlt- nesses, hut on rimrsday the trial was .......i r.. . 1. 1... u .!.... .....i it i i'i,3iiuiicu mi iiiiiij iiiijro nun u in likely I his is the last of It. as it is not thought auylhlng can bo done The whole nlLilr wm very foolish from beginning to end, and it surprises everv ono that our conntv nt'orney aho,,U! P.v "iy attention to the com plaint. The valentines were the com mon printed ones, tuich as are kept for sale at all place handling such things, and it is vprv seldom that any one take offense at receiving them. Of course- whoever sent them to Mrs. Littrell was acting in a wrong spirit, if they knw the war din fell about such matter, but it onlv mako3. things worse to carry it into court. Itev. C. 11. Gllrnore. pastor of tho M. E chuieh. Is proving so popular a preacher that the seating capacity of the church H not enough to accommo date the people who attend. During the recent pint meted meeting over (lftv chalis were borrowed, and then many niglus 11 great many hud to stand. It is now proposed to buy a number of chairs t ue in the church. PIIE'MOT WONDERFUL PILL. They relieve where all others fail. Thov are called- Hegg's Little Giants, ami ate rfahtlv named, llememberthe name and call for them at the best stote in town. Taylor keep them. s e OLD.GOLDajVJIYE ... WANTED. Take all vour old gold and silver of every description toS. tl. Avey & Co., of Auburn, who will buy it and pay you full value, Chamboriuiu'j Eye and Skin Olntmonu Is a ceitain cure for Chronic Soro Eyen, Granulated Eye Lids. Sore Nipples, Piles, Ewemn, Tetter, .Salt itiicum and Scald Ilcnd, 2." cents per box. For pale by druggists. TO HORSEOWNERS. For flitting n horse in a fine healthy con- Jition try Dr. Cudy's Condition Powders. rhev tone up the system, nid digestion, cure of appetite, relievo constipation, correct ey disorders and destroy worms, giving '' to an old f 'overworked horse. 26 ' iino'-nc vor sile liy drujrgisUi. sJI T IBTliTTIE Overcoats arid Underwear In fact, all our heavy winter goods go at nearly one-half our original price. You can't afford to miss this Grand Opportunity, so come to the Blue Front. You will find prices that will astonish you. Remember, we don't take a back sea for any one in quality'or price. J. W. CRANMER & CO., Blue Front, Auburn, Nebraska Dtrco.At Ills lesidenco, about six, miles southwest or Neinnbu.f Sunday morula,, Fobruary lOtli. .Ilitl, Mr, Nutlmn Smith, ngod 31 year . Mr. Smith was sick only a short time, with typhoid pneumonia fever. Ho leaves a wife and one son to mourn the loss oi a toying iiusuanu aim imaer. The deceased wns born inSeptem ber, I808 II came to Neiualm county in lSd.'n with his father. ,). K? Smith, and has made his home here overy since. In' 1871) he married a daughter of Levi Johnson, who survives him. The funeral services, were held at the M. E. church at Nomalia on Mon day, at 12:30, the services being con ducted by Uev. C. II. Gllmoro.$ The chinch would not hold nil the friends whocaine to pay tho last tribute of respect to their uolghbor. ; Nat Smith, w ho was always called, -was res pec ted and liked by all bis ac (lti'iintntices. The loved ones 'have the smpatby of all tho community, in their bereavement. The county ccmtntsMoners have been wrestling with tlte question of loaning the county funds again this week. A low veeks ago the county treasurer advertised for bids for tho funds. Tho Peru bank offored five per cent for $1,000 to 40.000. The Carson National and First National bunks of Auburn, and tho banks at Johnson, Brock and Julian put in bids of three per cent for virions sums. Tho treasurer refused to suhmit the thre.o per cent bids to the commissioners, and tho Peru bank was awarded the amount asked for. Since that time tho remainder of the funds, amounting, wo are informed, to about 640,000, has, been drawing tin In terest. Tho commissioners honrd nr. guiiienta Thursday ftym G.W. Cornell,, attorney for the treasurer, and Church1 Howe, attorney for tho banks. 'Iho argument became so hea'ed that the s icriff had to step between the dispute unit and cotnuiund; peace.- -TJhecom rnissioners took tho matter tinder ad visement. n ie Take the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city. Easy riding. Quick time. All trains met. John McElhanev. proprietor Wh have a customer for a good farm of ,1 1'20 to 1(50 acres Mint op at a lonsnnnble prico If you want to soil call and see us. We have mndo arrangements whores by wo can send The AdvkktihkU and he Inter Ocean both one year for only $1 GO cash in advance. I FI03S3 T