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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1896)
THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. W. SANOKItB, Publisher. NEMAIIA, NEBRASKA. THE WORLD AT LARGE, Summary of tho Dally Nowo. WASHINGTON NOTKH. .Trmv. nliiia "I'nlsv." Hums was hanged In tho District of Columbia jail nt Washington on tlio 11th fop murder ing u man nntned Spmel last Fourth of July whilo lio was drunk. Harris was 28 years old. PiiKstDKNT Ct.i:VKhANi hns approved tho bill granting right of way to tho Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf road for its Fort Smith branch. Rkimii:hkntativb Tkaoy lias reported from tho committee on military uiHilm u bill to allow tho secretary of war to grant tho uso of any or all military parks fo stuto milltiaand local military organizations for drill purposes and also for Grand Army encampments. A Wahiiinoton dispatch on tho 12th stated that Senator Quay had consent ed to permit lis name to go boforo tho republican convention as a candidate for president. Sinck b'cnatorTlllman'BBpcoch in tho senate ho hasrecoived over 2,fi00 letters of congratulation. They aro from every stato in tho union. Some of them con tain resolutions from grangers and Knights of Labor organizations, in dorsing tho senator's speech, and all of them aslc for copies of it Tin: houso territories committee do fcated tho bill to admit Arizona to htatohood, tho voto standing llvo for and six against. W. P. CitAianir.r., chief of engineers of tho army, has wrltton a letter to Senator Squire, chairman of tho com mittee on coast defenses, on tho sub ject of tho cost for tho fortifications of tho 27 principal coast cities of tho country. Ho places tho outside cost at $70,000,000, but thinks it possible to do tho work for 355,000,000 if tho eight hour law woro not applicable. Tin: agricultural department roturns for Januiiry, 1800, show tho total num ber of horses in tho United States to bo 15,121,057; mules, 2,278,010; milch cows, lfl,i:7,nS0; oxon and other cattle, 32,085,400; shcop, 38,208,783; swine, 42", 848.750. Tho grand total of all llvo stock has fallen off 01,520,222, or 5 per cent from January, 1895. (JENKKAI, NKWS. A ulack-i'Aoki) burirlnr. olthor a negro or a white mau blackened up, stabbed Jefferson Smith fatally and crushed tho skull of his wifo at Dallas, Tex., on tho night of the 11th. At Annlston, Ala., threo children of William Llttlejohn died from eating toadstools. At Russoll Springs, Ky., Morgan Smith, whilo drunk, slashed Joseph McElroy ucross tho throat with a knifo, nearly decapitating him and causing instant death. A rmi: at Dunilold, Mich., on the 14th nearly wiped out tho place, a stiff breeze blowing at tho time. Thk clearing houso roturns for the week ended February 14 for tho follow ing cities wore: Now York, 501,490, 955; Chicago, 80,230,048; St, Louis, 822, 109,010; KaiiBasCity, S0.043.400; St. Jo soph, Sl,289,553; Topclca, 8277,901; Wich ita, 8490,138;'Omaha, 81,152,(101. Tin? family of P. A. Hlggins con sisting of father, mother, son and daughter, tho two last agod 20 and 18 respectively woro all taken down with measles at Rrlghts, Ala., and died. Neighbors had to bury tho family ono by one, Feahs wore entertained on tho 14th thatj tho British steamship Aswanby, bound from Ilaraburg to Philadelphia, had foundered and that her crow of 35 mon hud perished. Georoi: Jones shot and killed his Bwcethaart, Loah Martin, hor mother, Mrs. W, J. Martin, and then put a bul let into his own head, at Centorvlllo, la., on the 14th. Tho scono in tho houso indicated that Jones had gone there and had a quarrel with tho girl, and that her mother Interfered between them; that Jones shot tho mothor first and then tho daughter. A I'Assknokii director on tho Penn sylvania road at Now Brunswick, N. J., tried to prevent a man from crossing tho lino on account of tho approach of a fast freight, whon tho man became angry and gavo tho railroad omployo a push which sont him undor tho wheels. Tho employ o died soon afterwards. The man was arrested. Tiikiib had been bad blood between tho seniors and juniors at Delaware, O., becauso tho former woro smashing tho mortar board caps of tho lattor. On tho night of tho 14th there woro riotous demonstrations, resulting In knockdowns, bloody noses and bruised heads. Clark Beacon, a sonlor, re ceived a blow on tho back of the head which may provo very serious. Ono junior girl tore tho dross oif a girl wearing senior colors. About 300 suits of clothing wore ruined. GltimtUDE OlIAIU.OTTi: IIlANKA was clawed and seriously mutilated during an act at a musoura in Minneapolis, Minn., on tho 14th. Nero, tho aged ferocious lion, who has killed threo trainers during his exhibition career, was the assailant, Tho affair caused a panic in tho auditorium und tho cur tain was rung down. Tho injured woman will rccovor unless blood poi soning sets in. I.V Grace hospital, Toronto, Ont., tho value to surgery of Prof. Roentgen's discovery was again demonstrated. A woman patient, whoso foot had caused her intenso pain, was submitted to the cathodo rays and tho photograph re vealed tho presence of a needle. Tho BurgeoiiH operated at tho point and tho photograph proved to bo a true one. Tun failures for tho weelc ended Feb ruary 14 (Dun's report) were 321 in tho United States, against 270 last year, and 07 In Canada, against 51 last year. A stock train collided with a freight train on tho New York Central at Macedon swamp, .near Falrport, N. Y., on tho 12th. IJotli engines and 11 cars wero wrecked and a ilrcman killed and several other train hands, covered by debris, were also supposed to bo dead. A number of horses that had got loose were killed by a passing train. Dimi.vo a high wind at Railway, N. J., on tho 12th, a houso was almost completely demolished through tho chimney being blown down and falling through tho roof. Mrs. Sehwlndln ingor was horno down upon tho hot stovo by tho debris, and her llttlo son, a cripple, was covered by brick and mortar, injured. Roth wero probably fatally Wati:iu.oo, seven miles west of But ler, Ind., on tho Lake Shore railroad, was nearly destroyed by fire at an early hour on the 12th. Bim.y Madden announced at Now York that he had arranged a female international six-day bieyclo race be tween representatives of the United States, Franco and England, to begin at London on April 20 next. But ono competitor from tho United States has as yet been named Miss Frankie Nel son, of Brooklyn, tho champion of America. Tho second will bo chosen later on. A kkokxt special from Ponca City, Ok., bald that tho city council had bought tho townsito of Cross for a city cemetery. When tho Cherokee strip was opened to settlement In 1892 Ponca City and Cross sprang up within a mile of each other. Tho latter opened up the first day of its existence with a population of 3.000 and the former with a population of 2,000. It was war to the knife, but tho ollleinls at Washing ton recognized Ponca City as the legiti mate townsito, and Cross gavo up tho light and moved to Ponca City. Foil the first timo In half a century tho Niagara falls on tho New York sldo practically ran dry on tho 13th. By the formatiou of an ice bridgo or dnm, extending from Sehlosser's dock on tlio American bank, about half way across the river, the water was almost entirely diverted to tho Canndiau falls, it was posslblo for a man with a plank to have walked from tho mainland to Goat island without wotting his feet, and, indeed, to walk between all tho islands insldo of Goat island. A ri.OT to lynch Scott Jackson, Alpnzo Wnlllnrr, William Wood and tho Gnsker brothers for the murder of Pearl Bryan was disclosed on tlio 13th by n letter received at Muncic, Ind. It said that at least 4,000 men would take part in the killing. It was said that unless tho murderers woro taken to Kentucky tho mob of 4,000 would bear down on the Cincinnati jail, armed with Winchesters, and lynch the men. Tlio Gnsker brothers are supposed to have rowed Pearl Bryan down tho Ohio on tho night of tho murder, just beforo sho was docapltated. Mcaii Terry, Ok., Mrs. Dyer was crushed to death by a heavy log, which rolled upon her from a wagon upon which her son was tho drlvor. A hoat containing llvo dead men and six baroly alive was found on Dog Island beach near Carrlbollo, Flo., on tho 13th. Tlio men woro on a fill-ton schooner which was sunk In a recent gnlo. They had boon adrift without food, water or clothing, and ilvo suc cumbed before land was reached. Some ono throw a packago of news papers at the Gorman omporor recently at Berlin. It struck him on tho loft shoulder. Beyond causing tho em peror to suddenly grow palo and a quick order to drlvo fastor, no harm was done. A body guard was behind tho kaiser's carriage and several po licemen were near, but tho thrower of the packago was not detected and no arrests were made. Amukoisic Thomas, the director of tho famous conservatory and composer of "Mlgnon" and "Hamlet," died in Paris on tho 13th at tho ago of 85 years. The Mexican government is deport ing American tramps under a clauso in tho constitution allowing the executlvo to send away pernicious foreigners. Tramps from tho .United States have becomo a nuisance In the sister re public. Thk post ofllce at Petersburg, III., was entered recently by burglars. The safe wub blown open and rilled of its contents, the otlico being gonorally ransacked. A short time afterward tho building was discovered to be on lire and with its coutonts was totally destroyed, Excise men have seizod nu illicit still at tho Trappist monastery of Oka, near Montreal, Can. The omcials of tho in land revenue department found a full fledged whisky still of 25 gallons por day at work in tho monastory. Tho superior claimed tlio whisky was dis tilled without his knowledge. Thk Brlsbano river in Queensland has been greatly swollon recently owing to the Hoods and while a btiiall steam ferry was crossing tho rivor on tho 13th with about 80 passengers on board sho was capsized and 40 persons wero drowned. Advices from Seoul, tho capital of Corea, stated that an unrislng took place there recently, during which the premier and seven ofllcials were mur dered. Tho king and crown prince sought slioltcr in tlio Russian legation. It was said tho king ordered tho min isters to bo put to death. A forco ol 200 Russian sailors and marines were guarding tlio legation of that country. At Clnrksville, Tonn., on the 12th William Brandon, a brakeman, was cut to pieces and Engineer Hocker smith seriously injured by their train runnlntf into a snrlnir switch in tlio yards. Tho engine and threo cars wero wrecked. The celebrated case of Vcder B. Payne ntrainst tlio townsito settlers ol Guthrie, Ok., in which Pay no claimed title to half of East Guthrie, including the llnost residence part of the city, th'ickly built up with lino residences, was decided by tho supreme court in favor of tlio townsito Mittlurs. Payne claimed to have settled upon the land first on the day of tlio original opening of Oklahoma to settlement. A Tiir.EOitAM received at St. Peters burg on the 23th from Irkutsk, Siberia, said tiiat a Siberian trader named ICouchnarcff, had received Information that Dr. Nansen had readied the north pole, had found land thero mid was now returning toward civilization. Bat Shea, tho murderer of Robort Ross during an election riot in Troy. N. Y., in March, 1891, was olcctricizcd at Danucmora prison on tho lltli. The nnniversary of Abraham Lin coln's birth was celebrated in many cities throughout tho country on the 12th. In Springflold, III., the day was observed generally as a holiday. At tho banquet given by tho Mar quette club at Chicago on the 12th in commemoration of the birth of Abra ham Lincoln ex-Gov. McKinley spoke to tho toast, "Abraham Lincoln.'' After giving a comprehensive sketch and tribute to Lincoln, Maj. McKinley devoted himself to a consideration of current political questions, especially tho policy of protection. A 111.00DV battln took placo at n schoolhouse in Hopkins county, Tex., recently between Pink, Charles, Wil liam and 15 f ten Walker on one side and Jack and Dan Williams on the other. Charles Walker was killed outright, William Walker received a fatal wound and Eftcn Walker a scalp wound. Jack Williams was shot through both thighs and will die. All were prosperous farm ers. Am. classes heretofore recognized by tlio L. A. W. wero abolished at tho ses sion of tho national convention at Baltimore, Md., on tho 12th, and the cycle riders aro now in exactly the same category as other athletes and sportsmen. In futuro the league will recognize no grades of amateurs and any rider who doos not live strictly up to the rules governing non-professional sport will bo placed in tho ranks of the professionals. All the clauses in tho lcaguo constitution croating classes A and B and defining tho status of the men who formerly belonged to them wero repoaled. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. A CAHEof trichinosis was reported in a family at Egg Harbor, Wis. Recently Mrs. Michael Carinondy died of what was thought to bo typhoid fever. Her death was followed a few days later by that of her oldest daughter and tho second daughter. Three more of tho family were reported very low and none of them wero expected "to recover. It was found that tho family had been eating plentifully of summer sausage, which, on examination, showed tri china to a considerable extent. Neaiii.v all of tho prize fighters went over to Juarez, Mex., on tho 10th to at tend tho bull lights. Four horses, worth about 83 each, wero gored to death, four bulls woro tortured and slain and the arena was covered with blood. Tho fighters wero disgusted to tlio last degree and tried to figure out how a people who can tolerate tho sickening sight- of tho bullpen can ob ject to prize fighting with gloves. Boh Williams, a negro murderer, was taken from a train near Montgom ery, Ala., and lynched. The negro shot and killed Policeman John L. Suggs. Tho oillcors were overpowered und a plow lino was thrown nbout tho negro's neck. Ho was dragged across a field and hanged to a tree half a mile away. A thousand bullets wero nrecl into his body. Ho confessed to the murder. J. J. Morr, chairman of the national committee of tlio silver party, lias is sued an address at Washington in which ho appeals to Americans to re nounco party obligations on the ques tion of silvor and elect a froo silver president and have tho white metal re stored to Its old ratio. Fivk children and threo adults wero burned to death in a tenement house flro at London. The Buckeye glass works at Martin's Ferry, W. Va., wero totally destroyed by iiro on tlio Kith. Loss, 8150,000; in surance one-third. Two thousand t,rousermnkcrs wont on u strike in Now York city on the 10th, closing 240 shops. Tho strikers hnvo tho support of tho trousersmakors of Williamsburg and Brownsville, 500 of whom also wont out. The Now York Herald printed a forecast of tho result In the republican national convention from roturns re ceived of delegates elected and an esti mate on those to bo chosen. It siiid McKlnloy was almost certain to re ceive 209 votes on the first ballot; Reed would come nextwitu 182; then Alli son with 139 und Morton with 12L NEBRASKA. STATE NEWS. (. A. It. Kncnmrtmnnt. The state encampment of tlio G. A. A. R. met at Omaha on tho 12th. In the grand parade fully 1,000 veterans marched. There was ono confederate veteran in tho parudo. Ho wore tho rebel gray and marched sido by sido with a union veteran. They walked with clasped hands In significance of tho union of north and south, and tho sentiment was caught by tho crowd that lined tlio sidewalk and grcotod with frequent cheers. Whon tho en campment was called to order Mayor Broatch delivered the uddrcss of wel come, which was responded to by Past Commander H. C. Russell. Commander Adams then delivered his annual ad dress. Tlio report of the adjutant general showed a very flattering in crease in the department during tho year. Five now posts and 27 members had been added. Tills made tho total membership 7,850, which was distrib uted among 271 posts. There had been 117 deaths during tho year. J. H. Cul ver, of Lincoln, was chosen depart ment commander for tho ensuing year, John Earhart sonior vice and Tom Ma jors junior vice. Lincoln was selected as the placo of holding tho encamp ment for the next five years. MIscmiMiimoouh. Thehe were in tho ponltontlary De cember 31, 303 convicts. Vioilants aro reported to bo again active In northwest Nebraska. The question of electric lights is again being agitated at Wayne. The latcsl gold discoveries in Ne braska aro reported in Stanton county. Keakney'h celery growers have al ready contracted for 55 acres of the plant. Wymoiie speculators sent 500 pounds of what they call gold bearing quartz rock to the St. Louis Gold Refining Co. Recently James Hendrickson, of Belmont, broke his leg while hauling wood. lie rode a horse 25 miles to have the fracture reduced und Is get ting along all right. Walkeii, tho condemned murderer in jail at Lexington, has sont a long letter to Gov. llolcomb, asking him to commute his sentence and save his life. Ho is to hang March 0. The long war between Bishop Bona cum, of tho Roman Catholic dioceso of Lincoln, and Fathers Murphy and Fitzgerald, is said to have ended in tho complete defeat of tho bishop. J. K. Kenyon, Nebraska general agent of tho Singer Sewing Machine Co., recently disappeared from Omaha, and it was feared that ho had become insane. His accounts aro said to bo straight. Thehe nro in Dawson county, com pleted and under construction, 13 irri gation canals which, with their main laterals, extend a distance of 380 miles and cover 210,700 acres, at a cost of 5798,500. 'P.n no.flnl1 nnncfnliloo of. tempted to tako mortgaged property, but tho wifo of tho farmer who had given the mortgage wielded a mop stick so effectively that tho officers beat a hasty retreat. Claus Speck, an old citizen, was killed by falling into an area way in the rear of a buildlmr at Plattsmouth tho other night. Ho was said to bo drinking at the time. Ho loaves a wife and nine children well provided for. Fims at Omaha the other morning destroyed tho stock nnd building of the Nebraska Dry Goods Co. Tho los3 on stock was stated to bo 837,000, upon which tho insurance was 827,000. Tho damage to the building was fully cov ered by Insurance. Hiham Lathuop, an old Filmore county voteran, living alone on a farm, accidentally set fire to his clothing, and was severely burned some days since. Ills condition was not discov ered for several days, and he wus In a pitiful plight whon found. Plans and arrangements for tho con struction of a hall at Lexington with seating capacity of 1,000 have been completed. Tho building will bo con structed of brick und will bo first class in every particular. It will be finished in timo to accommodato tho stato irri gation convention. It is stated that notwithstanding re ports to the contrary Sara Payne, con victed of tlio murder of Maud Rubol In Omaha, aud now in tho penitentiary, is violently insano. Penitentiary ofll cials said recently that ho was kept In strict confinement all of tho time, and that it was a difficult matter to kcop clothes on his person. T. 13. Duiiois, teacher In tho West Dodge street school at Omaha stabbed himself 27 times and then cut his throat the other day. Tho school wu3 in ses sion when he retired to an outhouso aud committed tho deed. His body was found by ono of tho pupils. Do mestic trouble tho cuuso. He was in sanely jealous of his wifo. In tho district court at York tho other day Judge Bates issued a writ of habeas corpus commanding tho super intendent of tho state industrial school for girls, to deliver to tho local author ities tho body of Anna Louisa Janes, a McPhorson county -young womnn, al leged by her husband to bo unjustly confined at tho institution tinder the rnirno of Anna Louisa Clouse. Tlio girl was bent to tho school on her paronts' representation that she was incorrlgi blw. In tho application for tho writ it is alleged that her Incorrigibility lay in her refusal to marry tho man se lected for her by her paiwnts aud mar rying instead ono of her own choice, CO.MK WEST FOB YOUIt SEED. Tliufa what we suy, because it's tho best. Salzer's Wisconsin grown seeds nrc bred to carlincss nnd produce thr earliest vegetables in the world. Right alongside of other Bccdmcn's earliest, his nre 20 days ahead! Just try his curliest, peas, radishes, lettuce, cabbage, etc! He is the largest grower of farm nnd vegetable seeds, potatoes, grasses, clovers, etc! lr you will cut this out and send it to the John A. Sulzer Seed Co., Ln Crosse, Wis., with 10c postnge, you will getsumple package of Early Bird Radish (ready in 10 days) and their grent cata logue. Catalogue nlone 5c postage, (ic.) Pauiiott "Do you think that Hcnpeek rouid over keep a secret from his wife!" Wiggins "Well, I'll bet that ho never lets her know what ho really thinks of her!" Truth. Fits stopped frco by Dr. Kline's Great Nervo Restorer. NofltH aftcrlirstduVs use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2 trial bot tle frco. Dr. Kline, 0J1 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Sun "Do you think wo nro going to havo a war?" Ho-" Yea, I do." "What do you think wo aro going to make- war on I" On paper. " Yoniters statesman. Qunnicns "How did such a placo over get tho reputation of bclug o great health resort?" Cyniciis "Two or threo prom iueutmou died there." Tit-Bits. Every human being is intended to havo a character of ids own; to bo what no other is, and to do what no othcrcau. Cliautilng. NERVOUS People wonder why tholr nerves are so vrcnltr why they pot tired so easily; why thoy do not. Blcop naturally; why thoy havo frequent headaches, indigestion and Horvous Dyspepsia. Tho explanation Is simple. It is found in that impuro blood fccdlnjt tho nerves on rcfuso instead of tho elements of strength nnd visor. Opiate and nervo compounds simply deaden and do not cure. Hood's Snrsnparllla feeds tho nerves puro, rich blood; gives natural sloop, porfect digestion, is the truo remedy for all nervous troubles. Sarsaparilla Is tho Ono Truo Blood Purifier. All druggtsta.31. HrrH'c Pillccuro Liver Ills; easy to liuuu 9 1 " take, easy to operate. 25c. ?HIS is the famous DE- LONG tatent Hook and Eye. When hooked it stays hook ed. Never unfastens except at the will of the wearer then it's easy. It's too sim ple to get out of order too strong to break. If you want It say to uic uculcr See that hump Ftnd two coU In itirapi with name anil ddreti for Mother Goosuln new clothel, to lllchirdion It DcLong Broi., Philadelphia. t- $& & $&, Ml ftir 4& I fKTC- "Ej&CE V1 SnS' 'J5', sJiG' 3SGf jgFg m 'wfc yRP ' w- im w? im A penny or two all extra profit. That's the merchant's reason who urges an inferior binding for a costly skirt. It's not nothing is) as good as .- Bins Velveteen Skirt Binding. Look for S. H. & M. on the label and take no other. If yojir dealer will not supply you we will. Send for samples, showing labels and mate rials, to me s. ti. u n. Co., a., r. o. Box 699, New York City. Jlcv. John Iteid, Jr., ora ureal runs, .uuri., rccum memlcd Ey's Cream Jialm to inc. I can emphasize his statement, " It is a positive cure for catarrh if used as directed.1' Itcv. Francis I!'. Poole, I'astor Central I'rcs. Churcii, Helena, Mon. CATARRH ELYS CREAM BALM Opons nntl olonnsos the Nufiil l'uimuuH, AlluyH I'aln unit lntliumimtlnn, lluiUhUioSort.i'riUuc'tMho .Ieiiit)ntiori'nnicolc1tv UusKiroH tlio fonsus of Tnsto nnil SiiihII. Tho Ualm la quickly ulisui'bcil and elves rollof ut onco. A partlolo IkdppIIimI Into enrh nostril nnd lsagrco (llli l'rlco.'il rents ut nruiwIstMirby ninll. KI.Y IIKOTHBHB, W Witrron Street, Now Vork. TnE AERMOTUll CO. doos half ttw world's windmill business, bocauso it has reduced tho cost ot wind powor to 1,'U what It was. It bus many branch nouses, nna supplies its eooos aim repair at your tioor. it can aim aoos iiirnisn a , better ai ticlo lor less money man 'others. It makes l'uinplmf and PKatJPvCvi?lfi'eareu, 01001, uiuYiiimwnuci-jJCrfi'kS.S--.kUr.inml.itlnri Wl.irfmllla Tlltlnr- nm: Fixed Steel Towers. Stool Hum Saw Frames, Stool Feed Cutters nnd Feed Grinders. On application It will name one ot those articles that It will furnish until dnnnary 1st at 13 the usual price. It also mattes Tanks and I'umpsof all kinds. Boud for catalogue. Factory: I2ta, Rockwell and Fillmore Streets, Cblcuo. HRillli .- margin UEIK5) nialrri irmitvil fni GOLD uluin. fir. Stark, Louisiana, Ho., UorLport, Ulv $& & i$&r -jSKfi. jgfit, sgte && & Sfi.'S -333 SwS SwS 3S&S 5S "3w5 -sUS &? 7$!? Vffip ?48? Iffi? ?ffi? TiW? JS? .Nfe. flr tw AJ&y&afoA nwtvA. rshai7 iBmify 1 iwt tK?" I "V,-5-f ..r1 9bds3A tor jmai r- t 4