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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
ADVERTISER PLEMENT FKIDAY, ISTOT. 15, 1895. W Abstract of the Vote of Nemaha County At the General Election held Nov. 5th, 1895. Names of Candidates. o I en .' S a 2 d, S 0:3-i 2 so jja oj c . is J o fl o e K'" " z, o S i i E. o a s c,5 CC.Q p c o - s .3o 2 -3 mi P O ?. ciIh gt ci to w P5 y, tit P5 K H For Judnc of Supremo Court Tliuotliy J. Mnhoncy Samuel Maxwell -'V.h NottiiI - - . Chnrlc.'J Phelps A. O. Wollcnburgcr For lictrentH John II. Ames - Wo(xlou S. Ashby James II. Hovston AllrodT IMiickliurn Josiah J. Uryant. II. Ij. floold KoDcrt Kittlo -0. II. Morrill Klin W. I'oattio Anna H. Wuodhcv f Forjudges of District Court .Inmcs K. Hush -Kdwnrd Falloon Charles I). I.etton John S. Stnll For Cleik of District Court H. Ij Caldwell Albert D. Oilmoro For Conntv Clerk I). N, llurress II. li I'eery For Comity Treasurer A. M. Knelcs T. W. Kusticc For County Judge "eorijo Fnblinccr II. A. Lambert For County Sheriff H. 1. Glascow William Watson, Jr. For County Surveyor Julius Gilbort James M. Hacker For County Coroner C. Ij. Cook W. M. Daily For County Superintendent M. II. Carman J. K. Harris d Dl r d 1 d d 1 r d r Pi 1 d-( I d-pi r r Pi 9 i ns'b: 08 Ii7 r. l J it ) 109 i t 01 r 05 90 IOj loO 1 0 16 b SO 7 is! io: o 10.-) 79 13 I iioiii',! '.17 11 J. 181 75 177, 71 i I02.12.r, lb" bl 1 G'.M I)1 7 7:2 tit Hi 6 71.10 58 (IV 0, I 77 71 II 7i,0STu 7A A7,7- 111 U S5l 9.5 Pi Pi r r Pi i Pi Pi r Pi r Pi II 153 111 101 195 (O.'ll 85 (5(1 I 81 70 5102 S9'b3 52 l2T95b2 133 70 77 7085,59 100 07i7l'50 12G 111,91 SI 2M 60 !i.r) 10S 100 185 174 110 j'. s:i 02 lib 87,77 lllbfil in! vw'n.'i I . I.I 81 78! 078.55 8805 7770 871 0.5 I1 711 10 11 80 132110 81 1 01 lUl 10b 1 15! Willi 1)01 105:103 13 83 1(11 12 J 10 1 00 10 loo 17 10.' r: 8 103 81 12 1 10 15 b7 9 3 SO II 78 87 1 10H0J 03, 83 121 n 135, 12 1 80 118 112 133 113 03 021 13'Jj 90 101, 71 121 71 117 07 121 90! 11 101 58 19 51 0 08 57 100 02 7 10 r 01 10 1 7 119 01 2 0 110 (V) 01 10 31 3 10 71 9200 0 9'J1 7151, 0 81 115 00 22 100 75 31 80ll 13! 113 130 115 110 50 100 01 167 115 100 10.1 111 yu 11 107 112, ys 75' 93 75 109 51' 83 101 117 I 71 109, 7Ui 91 73' 81 77:110, 77'65 11 121 81,21 116 82 87 HI 7128 ,001 y, -.810 78,28 10957 90,77 122'sO 77150 07'CO! Ill 128 20 1209! l 12 w 12J. il1? &!' 51 !ii 113 72! 100 75 112 US' 03 112 bO 8.1 12518121 71 125 113 81 Mill 77 118 150 132 57 69 118 01 02 115 178 30! 05 118 78 137 121 82 111 59 09 135 11S7 117 1055 1191 The Advertiser Toledo Blade loth One Year for SI SO! P4 210 170 110 10S 15(3 lit 1182 222 900 1 b5 1301 1154 1313 1530 119 100 12 1270 j,.j!l612,272 1319 1415 64 01 11501 1395' 1200 1570,310 1502 1205 1165 1010 1271 1172 1113 13.59 273 101 198 Kit