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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
fmaawir,w,Myi''''ry?;rtwyrirvTny'A'u"'MTTrrt-vi mimHfA9Jtfiwmmmmmiiiit0miimA-, .,,,,., ..rriin-wr " -"vwrnr-v-.itri rwm --MvWI-jr.' r U " yi., int'Kin qgmfKTmrri. BPW MtHftk WflQ .-!". m I.A H nHflk m wfw m k iVXii,1! 3BB2Z5$p I E Id Kftlta SS. E5MQ pO CS23E2a rjj TOr 11 icrwjlf jut mttmt' i -T TrTWJTr'' I'M!- wit'.wrwT,xvt irmwmjwta rirr jurnrrtKtvilV)j:mttiw!HiJUuevtwivviTwmtrei Grocery Department llianlware and Tinware Arbuckles Coffee " nn 1 Lion Coffee m hilGE ft Mokaska Coffee flu utu 20lbs Fine Granulated bugar for $1 22lbs Light "C" Sugar Yor $1.00 5 gallons Best Coal uil lor 50 cents. Lenox Soup, 8 bars for 25 cents Itlce, broken, pounds lor 25 cents liice, choice, 0 pounds for 25 cents Boiled Oats, 12 pounds for 25 cents Sodu CraekerH, 0 pounds for 25 cents Boiled o.ita, package, Quail brand, 7 cents Baking Powder, pound cans, good, J) cents K G Making Powder, 25 ounce cans, 10 cents Flake Hominy, 8 pounds for 25 cents Ilaisins, choico, 7 pounds tor i5 cents PruiiuH, 7 pounds for 25 cents Pnil Syrup, Rood, per pail 49 cents PaU Whito Fisli, por pnil 49 cent:) New Sorghum, home made, 40 cents per gallon Dry Salt Bacon, per pound, 6 1-2 cents Smoked Bacon, por pound, 7 1-2 cents 3ri.ikfast Bacon per pound 11 cents Salmon per can 10 cents Sardines in oil per can 5 cents Sardines in mustard per can 8 cents California Canned loaches California Canned Pears California Canned Apricots California Canned Oreon UageB Tomatoes per can 8 cents Corn por can 0 cents 'Horse Shoe Tobucco por pound 20 cents Even Change Tobacco per pound 215 cents Battle Axe Tobacco por pound lf cents EclipHe Flour per pack 70 cents btaudiud Floui or sack 80 cents Superlative Flour per sack DO cents Cd -Id " DEPARTMENTS. Glidden IWbWiro, 82.75 per lOOlbs iro Nai 10d and larger, per key. $3. 50 3 . dr. 3.80 4.00 4.35 2d " " 4.75 Mails sold in em il'ei quantities at keg rates Pift Tin Cm s 1 cent Quart '''in 'ups 3 cents Two Quart. Tin Cups 5 cents Wash Basin .' cents Coffee Pot 10 cents Humor's Rotary Sifter 0 cents Dish Pan, letinned, 20 cents Two quart covered Hueket 5 cents Ton quart Galvanized Pail 1ft cents Wooden Tul4 common size .10 rents large size 48 cents extra huge size 57 cents Midw'nter Bargains s 120 pr can Queensware Department 7 inch plates boBt whito granite HO cents per set Handled tea. cups and saucers per set 43 cents ImmeiiRO stock plain and decorated ware at greatly induced prices Clothing Heparfment. Wonderful mitrkinir down of prices in this department during our Bargain S.tlo. All 318 and Sli .suits marked down to $12, 812.50, $13 and $m. 50 Men's Suits marked down f inn 85.00 and $6 00 to 83.00 and 8.1 50 Men's heavy Ulster Overcoats inaiked down from 812 50 to $10.00 Youths' and Children's Suits and 0ei coats at every price Department DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. That our greatly increased stock in this department and our low priios have boon appreciated by our customers, is ovidenced by our immense rush of business. Tho credit stores cannot af ford to sell at our prices. It would bo folly to expect it. Finest stock in Nomana county of Broad Cloths, Sackings, Henriettas, Serges and Novelties, both domestic and imported. Our immense stock of fascinators, hoods and uhawls in tho Bargain Sale. Pull Standard Prints 31 cents Potton Flannel worth 7c; saleprice3a Heavy scarlet Flannel, all wool, 15c; worth 25c Heavy Unbleached Muslin 42; wth7i Ladies' Knit Mittens, worth 35 cents; sale price. 13 cents Men's and Boys'heavyknitMittensl5c Leather Gloves and Mittens 25 cents; worth 40 Saxony Tarn, extra qnalibii, 6 skeins for 25c Men's extra, hcavif blanket lined Duck Coat 1.35, worth 9 1.7 5 Meius extra heavy Overalls (could not be bet ter) 62 cents . Ice wool Shawls, white or black, 30 cents Ice wool, whito or black, per box 12 conts Prices slashed unmercifully for the purpose of converting in to money 1550 stjlish winter wraps duiiug tho month of Novem ber. 822.50 Silk Astrachan Capes, reduced to 810.75. 817.50 fine sheared Coney Cupes reduced to S12.50. One lot of tine fur capes worth 812 50. Now 80 50. One lot of lino fur shoulder capes, worth 85, now 82 75. One lot of line plush capes, Flench Coney trimmed, worth $8.50, now 85.05. Children's eiderdown cloaks, reduced trom 82.50 to 81 05. hildren's eideidown cloaks, re duced trom $4 to $2.05 Chikber.'s eiderdown cloaks, reducep from $150 to 8:5 35. One lot of ladies' jackets and newmarkets in small, not the latest stylos, worth from S3.50 to 80. Our price to close them out 75e Everyuhiiig in ladieb' clot Ii jackets and tur, plush and Astrachan capes. Everything in misses' and '.hildren's jackets and newmarkets. Over 350 stylish winter wraps in our November Bargain, Sale great MIDWINTER BARGAINS IN Underwear and Hosiery. Men's heavy U?iderwea,r 23 els; worth double Men't? underwear in 35 styles la tho Bargiiu Sale Ladies' heavy ribbed Underwear, good,, 15 cts Ladies'.Missos' and Children's Comb'.nationUndorwear in 2f styles 1. cants. Ladies' fine black Cashmere ITose, worth 35c; sale price 19 cts .Misses fine black cashmere hosel2xic worth 25 Men's Rockford Socks 5 cents; worth 1 0 At 09c One lot of extra fine oottin blankets, 5 kmds. Wo could not replace them today for tho price. Sale piice 09c. Blankets at 81.15 and 8139. Extra size, extia heavy. Worth 50 percent nioio than our pi ice. One lot extia line scarlet and whito woolen blankets, reduced trom 83.50 to 2 45. Buell's (Best on Eaath) line woolen blankets at 82. 95, 83.75 and $1 75 hi twenty-live patterns, and would bo cheap at 50 per cent moid. Comforts at 39c, 85c, 81. 25 and $1.50. Much cheapor than vou can make or buy them. Shoe Department No advance in price of Boots and Shoes. Our enormous purchases, before tne advance, will carry us through the winter, and we shall continue selling at old prices while the present stock lasts. Our varionted school shoes are unequalled. Over 300 pairs sold last season wiihout a single complaint. Moderate in price. Unequalled for wear. Soo our $1.75 man's boot. Seo our lino kangaroo and French calf boots. There are no lost accounts, no had dchts added to our prices. There are no extravagant rents and expenses in our prices. You pay for goods only when you buy from us goods bought at the most advantageous times for securing lowest prices goods bought in large lots for spot cash goods handled with the light expense possible only in Brownville GOODS SOLD FOR CASH ONLY. There never was a time when it did not pay to buy from us. MTTIWI m TaR. T Greet Cash Department Store lOllirElll'i'ollsil iiilUQ 70-72-24 Opera House Block ,BR0WNVILLE, NEBRASKA.