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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
The Nebraska Advertiser A llEMAHKADLti ANNOUNCE MENT. A brief paragraph can hnrdly do jus tlco to the interesting announcements wliich Tho Youtli'a Companion makes for the coming year. Not only will some of the most delightful story writ era contribute to tlio paper, but many of the most eminent statesmen, jurists and scientists of the world. No fewer flian tlireo cabinet ministers aio an nounced, among them being the secre tary of Agricultuie, who clioso for a subject "Arbor Day." tne celebration of which he originated; Secretary Herbert writes on "What the President of the United States Does," and Secro tary Hoke Smith on "Our Indians". In a fascinating group of articles mi der the head of "How I Served my Appientieeship." Frank It. Stockton tells how lie became an author, Geners id Nelson A. Miles gives reminiscences of his army days, and Andrew Carne gie recalls his earliest struggles in get ting a business footing. The Publishers of The Youth's Com panion make the following liberal offer: New subscribers who will send at once iheir name and address and $1 75 will receive free a handsome four-page cal endar for 1800 (7x10 in ), lithographed in nine colors, the retail price of wliich h fto cents, the Companion free every week until January 1st, 1800, and the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Yeai' double numbers free, and the Youth's Companion fifty-two weeks, a full year to January 1 , 1807. Addsess TriK Youth's Companion, 105 Columbus Aveuue, Boston. . . A G Nartloy of Magic, Pa., writes: I feel it a duty of mine to inform you and the public that Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured mo of a very bad case of eczema. It also cured my boy of a running sore on his leg, Taylor the druggist. Nothing so distressing as a hncking cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from it. Nothing so dangerous if al lowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure gives immediate lolief. Taylor, the druggist. The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of East lirimfield, Mass., had been suffer ing from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holden, the merchant there sent her a bottle of Chamberlain'aPain Malm, and asked that she give it a thor ough trial, On meeting Mr. Wells the next day he was told that sho was all right, the pain had left her within two hours, and that the bottle of Pain Balm was worth $5 00 if it could not be had for less. For sale at CO cents per bottle by M. II. Taylor. The healing properties of Do Witt's Witcli Hazel Salve are well known. It cures eczema, skin effections and is sim ply a perfect remedy for piles. Taylor the druggist. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. 80MK KEADINO THAT WILL PKOVIS IN- TKKKbTINO TO YOUNO MOTHEU8. HOW TO ClUAKD AGAINST THE DISEASE. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to post them concerning the cause, first symptoms and treatment is the ob ject of this item. The origin of croup is a common cold. Children who are subject to it take cold very easily and croup is almost sure to follow. The first symptom is hoarseness: this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which is easily recognized and will never be forgotten by one who has heard it. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse. If Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is freely given all tendency to croup will soon disap pear. Even after the croupy cough has developed it will prevent the at tack. There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains nothing in jurious. For sale by M. II. Taylor. n It is a truth in medicine that the smallest doso that performs a cure is the best. Do Witt's Little Early Ili ers are the smallest pills, will perforin a cure, and are the best. Taylor, the druggist. V