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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTJS.SfflMI-WElflKLY TRIBUNE ACTIVITIES OF THE OHGANIZATIDNS WHAT IS BEING DOXII JIY THE DIFFERENT LODGES AND SOCIETIES ' .A IU3HI5KAH Kensington, will moot Friday aftor- noon In t'lio I. O. 0. P. Hall. I D. A. It. Will moot Wednesday evening with t Miss Janet McDonald. t NAHAIIKUM Club will meet Wednesday after noon at tho homo of Mrs. Chas. Macho. I CATHOLIC Tho Altor society will bo enter-j ta'lncd Thursday afternoon at' the1 homo of Mrs. J. II. Donegan. LUTHERAN Girls club will bo, entertained on Wednesday evening at tho homo or Mrs. Ed Sludcr Bho will bo assisted in entertaining by Misa Hazel Llerk. EPISCOPAL Tho choir will bqgln practicing Christ mat) music Wednesday Nov. 8 nt 7:30. .Every member Is urgently requested to bo present. YOEMEN Business meeting at tho K. C hall Thursday evening ut 8 o'clock. Oyster auppor nnd a 10 cent dnnco follows at tho Firemen's hall. WOMENS, CLuii tho Music Department will 'meot at 2tfl0 at the Methodist church to day, Mrs. Puss Is tho loader, tho loader. . SIGNET CHAPTER No. 55 O. E. S. will hold Its reg ular meeting Thursday Nov. 9th' at 7:30 p. ra. Our official visitor will bo presents' AH members aro Invito HefreBhinfhJ? will be served. MItUK IN AUTU.MN Tt an HuttitniMl eve! th low winds sighing ": tvf"M3iei! rustlrVig an Uil-y hatm by; ' im7v66ynr. Wt'to totelitg bouh rjpjyingt j ; 'Anfl cbou tUrkmen fllltriK all ,0(0, sky; . Th4 moon, pale mlstremi, pallid In solonm vapoF, Tho ruck, Vrlfe-wandfring through tho 'Void abov i A i; mourner by my ionoly taper .Wnll back to faded hours thp plaint of lovp. A niosBoms of i)hcj(9nce in my pathway"' Springing W'li fo have your Brightness and your splondor gonop, ' ; And thou whoise (Volga came to "mo as singing, ' Whnt roglon, holds thee In tho vast unknown? "fti. What star fur brighter than tho rest contains thoo, Ilolovod, departed, Empress of my hoart? ' What bond or beautilude onchalns theo In realms unveiled by pen or prophet'a art? v ' Ah! loved and lost In thoso autumnal liours Whon fairy colors deck tho painted trees, When tho vast woodland seems a sea of flowers O! then my soul exulting bounds to thee; . Springs as to clasp thee yet In this existence Yet to bohold theo at my lonoly sido; Hut tho fond vision melts at once in distance, And my sad heart gives echo she has died. Yes, when the morning of her years wcro brightest, That angel presence Into dust went down; While yot with rosy dreams her rest was lightest Doath for the Olive wove the cypress crown Sleep which no waking knows o'er came her bosom, O'er came her largo bright spiritual eyes; Spared Jn her bower connubiaf one fair blossom, Then bore hor spirit to tho upper skies. , There let me meet her when Hfo'a struggle's ovor; Tho pure on love and thought thejr faith renew, Where man's forgiving and redeeming lover SpreadB out his paradltie to every vlow. ' Let the wild rtutunm with Us leaves descending I ' Howl on the winter's verge, yet spring will come; So my frcedBOul, no more 'gainst fate contending, With all It loveth, shall regain Its home. O. O. H. iWEIDNER, - Maxwell, Nobr. , were lulled by the Maxwell Hankers j Anawors found In tho oxaminatiori ,4ifhu gav5 them nstr notions' i' ,n, ! puporg of the Oth grad Agri. class Htarttng si- wirings account leaving' woro us follows: the necsary pnpors. The children . mUnteth , Reiinrmtinn. Marnarot piuiiubuuu, .urin-ii mw tuina uu , uostWIck, Joiitio Crabu, aoorgo Ol ! Monday und Jj6como Chartor Moln- aon williani .TilfSriii. Jlelon -Rlddlo 4beri of thj. Savings Association be- nn,i Robort .Bostwfck earned perfect ,iiik OfganJU. It was voted that nttondnnco certificates this wcok. ,tno PareflU- Teachers Association ,., ,,. i,.B ,,,t- i,n .Umn. tlou of Miss Morvnl gave a box social at tho Platto Vnlleqliool. Tho even ing was enjoyed by a lively program given by tho campflros. Thorc woro about 35 baskets sold. :o: Charles O'Rourko of Denver visited State Convention in the cltv last week at the U. II. 'I held last week In North Platto was Dcatty, J. L. Dongericrn and II. D. ..given by Mrs. E. P. Trimble and Mrs. Konworthy homes. ' A. R. Leavltt. A political discussion '.rnr I11M In ricitm tn t ftw fthfi fnill lng election. Mrs. Harry, G. Shaner Mr. nnd Mr. Loula Jtfotznoc. ol C!ilOgu are visiting aty the , Ot Swope home for .a fow JlayM; . ni.i write tlio'gohool and "patrons ofIst,. No, 3 to spend 'tho Doc O ...1,1. iUn TllnHnll C?1.nnT i 41.1m I'O Y1I.I1 UlllUII UllUVJI 0 ll Klin :tlmc the parents prepare thtfMr,ov gram. 1 ' Tho Womans Club met with Mrs. Ingwnrd Holm Thursday aftern.oon. I A report .of tho SHERIFF'S SALE pnvo a very Interesting talk on the fnm tho Dgtr,ct Qomt Qf L,ncoln very earliest cf music. Mrs. E. E. County, Nobr., upon a decteo of fore-' Gllfillan head of tho Home Economic . closure rendered in said Court Department and Mrs. Shaner head of wherein David H. Corbett is plaintiff, i rnnn ..i irtn i,to nnd W. L. Frlsto. et ul are defendants, tho Music Department will hae and to me dlrecedt j on tho BU; charge next tlmo, and in one month day 0j December 1922, at 2 o'clock Mrs. Ingward Holm will have charge j P. M nt the cact front door of tho of tho Literature Department. At Court House In North Platte, Lincoln' . , , , . , ,1Tr . County, Nebraska sell nt Public Auc- thls time tho study of "Know Nobr-t,on to tho ,rfBhegt b,ddcr fQr caBhf aska Hotter" will bo taken up and , t0 satisfy said decree, Interest and probably continue for six months. A , costs, tho following described proper- dainty lunch was served by Mr3. 1 tv' "?v,,t:,, ... .. f . w. t m...,m I West half of tho southwest quarter woyu Kiwi; in. r.. x-. ..w... (WoI g;) Qf section thirty-five Wheeler and Mrs. Harry uranam. (35) jn township eleven (11) north of The' next meeting will be held with : rango thirty-one (31) west of the Cth r. Lincoln uouniy, MeornsKa. Dated North Platto, Nebr, Nov. 4, .9 trt K Pin rT 'K ",,M George FawcrH T Roy Barnes Harrison Ford Fritzl Ridgway f "I" I Mrs. Harry Graham in two weens. IllGNELL NEWS R. 1 R. Morris home, homo luBt week; - ' ' left for lor Mvs. M. K. Graham of North Platto , a Hot Lutich:Club will bo organ is visiting hor son, Harry Graham. iZed In the BlgneirSchool next week. A danco was held Saturday oven- With a'chlingo o'f weather , tfio chill ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesso :dren :feeTthe need, qf it. looked for rain arrived anl the farmers woro cer LaPlant on Burlfrigfonlats.,. j Mrs. M. Rosehcrants, whojlll j Sat,urdaj';' an PLATTE VALLEY NOTES 1 Tho Intermediate room has been; enjoying examinations this weok. Mrs. Rlddlo has been on tho sick list tho last week. Tho high school made Thanksgiv ing posters Friday. There has been qulto a, number absent in liigh school this month. Two w.ayi of propagaUno graft nig and slits. . ( Nodules ar.o gatherings on theJrcgtB''" pf legtimes -which furnish 'nitfogeh to the plant. NodulcsVarf'littlo nods of tiie roots 1922. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Zffamaeanlffiet LAST SHOWING TONIGHT Keith Theatre. with rheumatism, Is slightly .improv-' talnIy de',lBhted but would have been of leBUn,CS W ' Tlie higii school had' 'oxamlnajloll on Tuesday, ' and; Wcdttcday. '.There; tinroiivnciDTA w Ladles A'id Society will meot in tHffF1 . tno po .,md u ma,1 appearance g0" church parlors Thursday rtfternoonS., 88 Marie Kaelber, formerly of a little soonsi. M n rni..n A.. niiriit'ii w; k 11111 rri'ii 111 iiviiit iviiiiiih ' ul o u ciwijv. 1.11UUU uu Liiu uutui uuu cl . r r'- zr lng committee aro MeadameseJlogin-woua nKo at r 1. uunu.M.cfiu. Wednesday for Lincoln by auto Hc- Bon, Grady, iind C. Newton. MODERN WOODMAN and Hoyal Noiglibort will hold a regular soclol mcotliig Wednesday A now noultrv . house of 'modern 1 rnhinnntml In. f. T .....V. it.i... typo Is under constniction oil the A. and ijmall sons. Jlrfi.-' Holm will JR. Leavltt farpi, . . ' , . j visit .her parontB, Mr.' arid Mi's.',y. ' Tho grammar grades had exanilna- iG. IHggins of Fairmont. warn nn fnlllirOH. '''" ' Miss Dlckorson- Spent; 'SundayriWiiH Miss Johnson at tho latter'.s homo In North Platte. 1 A 0.1 , tt 11 ... it oiis Thursday and Fr dayi-llnishlng ovoning, No,v, 8th.rtf ir,C. Hnll. All I t , , ' , . , , - . . . . ' ....... x.i ' tho r lrst quarter of school, j members of both ordors are urged td attend. Candidates for next class adopUon are especially wolconie. t :o: Miss Vivian Tnylor of Cozad vls- Herma'n Kaolbertwas very unfor tunate In having ,'hls, leg .broken Tliursday evening when a horso Tho thir'd. and fourth grades., in .the primary room, have boenf making vNo,y vembor posters this weolc 'V" ' iltod the High school Thursday after- picked him. Ho has been making .00"- his homo with Mr. and Mrs. Albert ' Monday afternoon after examlna-lstenger for more than a year. enjoyed a schooi'pupils and their Wednesday.. 8-the. Public; fm ,.f ' ' ani,n:nTsa "im.&ccom Salo of farm Ktoclc. Mimchlnery ami .. ,v TVn '"18S "ouiweu cemorated HalMiow- . .. . -' " . 1 side are over on tho Island balling ,.,., n ,.,.,, nn,, mnPD,,mn. WATCH YOUR SALE DATE tloim tho High School dainty lunch. ' y household goods nt tho A. M. Wld- nay. roast. Lator they climbed Sioux strand farm. 2U. mlleH south nnri 1 ono mllo west of North Platto on tho 1 Tho B1K"n HIB" School held a Lookout and roturned to Bignell Andy Frazler placo. jwelnlo rdast Tuesday evening at the whore, thtpcomploted tho evening In I TlmrKdnv N'ov' nth iMiblio salo 1 rlvor aml nlso vlslt?d Sioux Look Snaking candy and enjoyed other of farm stock, machinery und house-, Out. 1 stunts. 4 . ' ParenUTcacliora Association holds .goods at tho H. M. Johnason , Mrs. Jesse Plant has oecomq , Ti1Q farm-2 miles' west of North Platto on i associated with tho Brady orchestra nejd tucr 8ccond meeting of -the A Btrcet. and has been playing for a number y0ar luBt Friday afternoon at tho Nov. 2 ;i Sale" or registered short-; of social affairs lately.. school building. Tho children re born cattlo at Elmhurst farina by E. I Miss" Zolla Rhlner of Louisville, cited huiiio o.' theli4 lessons, sahg W. Crossgrove ti SonB. iKy., who has been visiting at tho songs and gave a reading. Thoy L. & S. Groceteria. To Be 100 per cent Efficient You Must Have 100 per cent Flow of Nerve Energy. This is not possible If a nerve, running from, tho. spinal .column is pressed upon. ' To, be In hoalth, tho stomach for instance, must receive' 100" per cent How of nerve energy. k- ; . ' Wo do not know that wo aro sick until our nervds propel the message to our brains. Then we feel pain or ill at ease. By adjusting tho spine at tho point where the nervo is unhinged the pressure is relieved nnd ypu get 100 per cent flow of nervo energy. ' Health Invariably follows. . Consultation and special analysis free. nTriirmrn o n iTniiri nrn rv DA IjnCLUCH GL DA 1 LflfcLUfcK ' ; . v , OHIROPHACTOIIS Ovor Star Clothing House ,iv jr. (itlitie Jlours S):0() a.jn. to 12:00 a- in. 2:00 p.' in. to 5:00 p. m. 7:00 p. in. to 8:00 p. m. Other Hours hy Appointiuent. North Platto, Jfob PJiont) 10!) - m in Kit Prices Are Reduce Don't wait until cold blasts are here Buy Fow and Save Money Reduction's up to 40 per cent. Womens5 Coats REDUCED $9.65, 12.45, 14.65 AND UPWARDS Womens Dresses REDUCED $7.45, 9.65, 14.65 AND UPWARDS Womens' Suits REDUCED $14.65, 17.45, 19.65 AND UPWARDS Womens' Skirts ALL REDUCED $4,90, 6.45, 7.95 1 AND UPWARDS cau umm rJ8 v Weare offering wonderful Bargains to early Buyers in all Departments, Dry Goods, Uifderwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Mens and Boys Clothing. Blankets at Reduced Prices. Hens Union Suits 95c, 1.25, 1.65 i.ds AND UPWARDS QeJade eicantife toi Wr INCORPORATED H DRY GOODS WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR CLOTHING SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J.EINELSON. MANAGER Womens Union 7Sc, 95c, 1.45, & 1.95 AND UPWARDS t ' pi