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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1922)
) ve5 potts. in7 A . I HONE SWEET HIE Oscar likes the old ones besL Terry Gilkisoh ABTOCiSTKa T I PRACTV5E -YOUR COAT ) $JN. TBACMER C0MIN6. SHE I? VERY y .' V'M THE MOUSE 50 YOU'LL. -LOOK. COLTUBEP ANO tH.WS ONLY VrtATUPAL - NP WE i PLAY ANOTHER. SELECTION BCFORG. 606. ISN'T THAT FIN ) S VJHAT wOouD YPU ?OBTH(N6 SA1 A.PPY ) , f AH-r;;? play turkey mere is, one FROM I.W.AA, SUBSCRIBER." BE sorb and WASH YOUR. NECK AND ear's, mtw now YOU SEND W OME ft. L PRINT IT FOR "YOU" ,1 THE UNION REVIVAL NOTES OX THE PROGRESS AND INCIDENTS OP THE MEETING STOCK SHIPMENTS WEATHER CONDITIONS Last nlghtwas rest night. - No, cervices are held on Mondny evening. Saturday night the ruin prevented a large number from attending the services when Itev. Hess spoke for a ohort time in tne spirit of the meet ings. , y Next Saturday night is to be the entertainment by the children from 8 to 15 years of age. Three hundred children will sljig and in otherwise entertain and please. Guild Serves Dinner. Tho Presbyterian Westminister i Guild met last evening and a delicious j dinner was served by tho entertaining jcommitteo. Mrs. M. B. Crosby rqad' I several letters from her brother, who : is a dental miBslnnnrv nt Pin China. Theso letters said that things woro exceedingly high in Japan and' very low In China. Ono article that was especially low in Japan was1 pearls.' A fifty dollar strand here, would cost about threo dollars there. Tho nex meeting of tho Guild will be held Nov. 20, in tho church parlors. :o: ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL 1 The following carloal shipments o livestock woro mado from tho North Platto station of tho Union Pacific dur ing the week ending eserday Omaha Cox-Jones, 1 car cattlo to South 1 Omaha. j Jesso Lanholm, 1 car hogs to South' Omaha. :o: : j A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Fisher Saturday evening. E. J. Eames of Wallace waB u ' business visitor in tho city yesterday. - :o: . NOTICE Sunday night the church was ' cllntna 'or eye service, crowded. . The choir was larger than Mr nn'l Mrs. J. D. Pyle returned before nnd the music was especially Sun,ay . evening from Denver and good. Itev. Paul Shenk gave an in- i 0,,1"er Colorado points after visiting spiring sermon and Dr. Mitchell, and i lvith relatives. Mr. Fraser sang a duet. , The small son.oC Mr., and-m , lni,l fll,Ml i',-rf- iJt Rev. P. N. Stevens preached 6n Friday night. He spoke of the glory of God and of the fact of sin and .told a number of incidents regarding con ditions here in North Platte which he offered to produce the proof if anyone wanted to know. :o: CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Clintons for spectacles. W. J. Crook of Paxton was a busi ness visitor in tho city last week. J-Itili Cahill of'Paxton was brought to ! tiie city laist week to receive medical treatment. Mrs. S. S. Garby returned to her home in Bridgeport this morning after ! visiting for several days at tho A. G. Heinlein home. Miss Anne Rubls leuvoB tomorrow for Dps Moines and Spencer, Iowa, i where she will visit with relatives' for two weeks. Charles Yost returned to Fremont Sunday after spending a few days Money to loan on farms.. See Gone ln tho cUy visiting his parents Mr. Crook. and Mrs. G. C. Yost. Mrs. Frank Eshlmen of Hershoy was , a business visitor in the city yester-1 day. Miss Caroline Guthard of Paxton spent several days last week in the NEbTonigyifoi mw to tono and atrenethon tho orena of digestion and elimination. Improve appetite, stop clcK hoadaehes, rollovo Bil iousness, correct constipation. They act promptly, pleasantly, mildly, yet thoroughly. Tomorrow Alright Ralph Clabaugh of Omaha . is ! spending a few days In tho city visit ing his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Clabaugh. 25c. Cox, 13S Your Drufctut NOLAN BROS. city visiting with friends. Mr. and Mr3. Arthur Reynolds loavp tho first of tho week for their honie stead at Rock River, Wyoming. . Good people, good music and a good floor make Danceland every Saturday night. Mrs. Frank Tomple.tspent a few days last week in Lexington visiting with relatives and friends. Miss Ruth Bratte'n of Brady visit oil in tho city last week at the. O. H. Johnson homo. Miss Winifred Miller of Xewellen upent the week end in the city with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W'H. Tracy of Sutherland transacted business in tho city Wednesday. Mrs. Ellen Guffey of Sutherland visited in tho city last week with her daughter Mrs. James Doyle. Mrs. M. H. Gilfoyl returned Sat urday from Omaha where she attend ed a concert given by GeraldlnoFar rar. Dan Blessington who underwent an oporation at tho Platto Valley hospital soveral dayB ago returned to hls'homo in Madrid yesterday. Mrs. William JEhramn left this morning for her home in Lyman after visiting with friends in tho city for n fow days. Oliver CarrolUls .at the Platto Valloy ..ospltal taking troattaents. Ho is Improving slowly and his friends are relieved to know that ho is getting better. VAUDEVILLE AT THE KEITH THEATRE Wednesday Only. NOVELTY CARTOONING II Y TOM DAY1KS. arUItltY AND BAROU. Comedy singing, talking and dancing in black and tan. Including wooden shoo dancing and negro, imitations. This act is far abovo tho average. ' " ' .TDlttlE, MARY AND RAY. Harmony comedy, singing and danclug. Threo acts of -vaudivllle differ from tho usual harmony as much as they aro accomplished in every thing they attempt. Tho female member of this set is very potito and attractive. Wearing gowns that tnko tho oyes of tho ladles. Theso people know ho'w to please the audionco. See them and bo convinced. LATHAM AND RU1JYK. This is an unusual act not only in wardrobe, apparatus and tricks ( porformed,, but tho lady member of tho act who w.oighs a scant ono hundred pounds performs tho largor part of tho most difficult tricks, and handles tho man who weighs 1G0 pounds. Tho net is presented in rapid flro order from start to finish. Tho feature of tho net is tho closing number known as tho human olovator trick. ALSO A GOOD FIVE REEL FEATURE WILL RE SHOWN. Saturday was cold with thunder showers in tho morning followed by a heavy rain in tho afternoon. Sunday and Monday wore cold nnd windy days. Highest temperature yesterday 49, a year ago C9, lowest last night 25, n year ago 40. Tho forecast Is: Fair to-night and Wednesday, somewhat warmer to-morrow. :o: Mrs. I). E,. Jollff of Dickens shop pod In tho city Saturday. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Strahorn leaves ln a few days for points ln California .where they will spend the winter. Clintons forcyo glasses. Dr. J. B. Rcdficld transacted profes sional business In Gothenburg Sunday. Mrs.. S. 13. Kenworthy of Arthur, Nebraska, was a business visitor In the city Saturday. Mrs. L. O. Thompson of Paxton was a business visitor In tho Saturday. Bcolor, Crosby and Raskins, Attys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS cjty :o:- CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank our many friends for tho kindness shown us and for tho beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Doobko, Mr, and Mrs. John Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Bitting. . Estate No. 1913 of Robort A. Mc Knlght deceased In tho county court of Lincoln county, Nobraskn. Tho Stato of Nobraskn, ss: Credit ors of said ostato will take notlco that I to timo limited for presentation and , filing of claims against said ostato l Is March Sth, 1923, and for Bottlo I mont of said estate Is Novembur 3, '1923; that I will sit nt tho county 1 court room in enld county on Dccom bor 8 1923, at 10 o'clock a. in. nnd on I March 8, 1923 at 10 o'clock, n. m. to re ceive ox,amlno, hear, allow or adjust nil claims and objections duty filed. Dated Novembor 3, 1922. Win. H. C. WOODHURST. County Judjtu Seal In District A, East of Locust Street between Union Pacific right of wayj and Burlington right of way, . wntor ' rent is now duo and will becomo do- j Hnqucnt Nov. 20. All parties pleas pay water rent by that data HERSHEY S. WELCH, 1 Water Commissioner. 1 Picture It In Your Home tliis Wonderful Warm," Air Furnace , that Looks Like ,a Phonograph This r,id:urc shows the installation ot an Estate Hcatrola in a modern six room home. Picfture one in your home. ' See what a wonderful ' improvement it is over a heating stove. Note how beautifully it blends with other home furnishings. It combines the effi ciency of a furnace with the appearance of a phonograph. OAlale Estate Hcatrola is a furnace-not a stove. Placed in one of the living rooms', it heats 3 to 6 cpnnecfting rooms, in even the coldest weather. .' , Burns any kind of coal, and uses less coal than a stove. " - Beautifully finished in grained mahoga ny a vitreous enamel, pracftically ever lasting. You can rub and dust it with a cloth, just as you do your furniture. ' HEATRQLA . ". " T. Heats 3 to 6 Connecting Rooms W. R. Maloney Co. Sale Extended One Week! Boy's School Shoes. $Q 30 . PAIR. WHILE THEY LAST. ENDS SATURDAY, NOV. 11th. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. TTHTji Men's Dress Shirts. 79C EACH. WHILE THEY LAST. A IHIIMWIMMMMMMIIMIWM Will I I'lll M