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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1 1 . I I THOMAS' F. Democratic Candidate for Representative, 80th. District. VOTE FOR .HIW. 3.1 s i.X i :. it VOTE FOR L. L. BEERTHE Democratic and Progressive Candidate for SHERIFF. Believes in enforceceeat of all laws. Two terms is long eaougk for any man to hold an office. HAVE YOU REGISTERED? I! Not Do So and Vote for THEO. LOWE, JR. FOR COUNTY CLERK S. M. SOUDER, Republican Candidate for CoUflty Treasurer. DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER AND VOTE FOR C. W. YOST FOR REGISTER op DEEDS. SERVICE. ECONOMY. EFFICIENCY. Public Sale 1 will soli at public auction 2 miles west of North Platte, on A St., which is kno:n as the. Pairvicw Dairy Farm on Thursday, November 9. Sale commences at 1 o'clock. 61 HEAD OF CATTLE Consisting of 25 head of good dairy cattle, sorao are fresh and the others will be fresh in the next C weeks, 30 head of calves sorao ot these are yearlings. 5 HEAD OF HORSES 1 team horses wt. 2800, 1 team coming 4 years old, wt. 2800, saddle pony coming three years old. 26 Head of Shoats weighing from Seventy-five Pounds to One Hundred Pounds FARM MACHINERY, ETC. Mower, beet culUTator, 1-horso beet cultivator, lG-inch walking plow, 14 Inch walking plow, disc, lumber wagon 3 inch tire, beet box, 2 buggies, grind ston, set of breeching work harness, light set of work harness, set of buggy harness, set of single harness, nw horse barn 16x28 ft., Painriow Dairy truck body, gaaolino engine, silage cutter with 6 foot belt, brooder, wagon with box and extra boards, brand new wagon box, 2 sets of harness, brand new set of work harness. 7 dozen chickens, i docen arc pure bred Rhode Island IUxls. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 2 dining room tables, 8 dining room chairs, 2 dressers, drtsaing table, library taWo. 2 center tables, sewing machines, 2 bods, sanitary cot, big leather arm chair, 2 rocking chairs, house comfort cook store, base burner, heating store, 8 bole oil store, 8 milk. cases, 3 fire gallon cream cans, ten gallon cream can, 5 milk palls. Many artlclos too numerous too naott. FREI3 LUNCH .AT 12 O'CLOCK TERMS All sums under J20 cash, on sums orr that amount, C months Umo' will bo glren nt tho rate of 10 per cent Interest, 2 p'or cent discount for carti. H. M. JOHANSEN, Owner. C. A. OLSBK, Anctionecr F. C. FIELSTICKKB, Clerk I A VOTE FOR I I A. S. ALLEN, I I Republican Candidate I I FOR COUNTY CLERK I I Will Be Appreciated. I SPECIALLY WRITTEN WHERE WEEDS ALWAYS "tfifJ Tfin Dim 11 nrinrnm P1' Tropical Panama Constats FOR RURAL READERS' cosX'.w"h ,h A Florida orange-grower woAild turn fN FORMATION ABOUT AGIUCUX- j gray If he had confronting him tljp TDRAL SUBJECTS FROM RELIABLE SOURCES Farm boys and girls enrolled as club members by extension agents co-operatively 0111 ployed by tho United States Department of Agricultural colleges wcro represented by cham pion demonstration and judging teams problems which face uny one who at tempts to grow fruit In Panama. The gross problem alone is enough to Magger the heart of the bravest planter. Think r your own vegetable garden in midsummer, when the days are (.teaming hot and the weeds aro growing about as rant as you can pull them out ; project conditions in definitely, fur there Is never any winter to check them, and you will get tho endless vista of weeding which con fronts the tropical planter. Gross is certainly the curse of ngrl- SCOUTS TAKE CONTRACT TO DIS TRIBUTE LARGE QUAN'ITY OF BILLS During tho past two weeks tho WIN I cox Depnrtmont storo has bad a salo (and bills wcro used for advertising. I Mr. Wllco went to Boy Scout hoad ' quarters and secured the services ot !ton boys. Tho city was divided into districts and tho bills wcro put out Im. a, faithful manner. This is a form ot servico which tho scouts will reader to anyone. Borne ot tho merchuati wanting bills distributed simply tak them to the scout headquarters cut leave it to tho Bcout oxocutlve aatl (tho boys get them outt fooling sr that they will bo well placed. from the 12 central states at tho Inter state boys' and girls' club exhibit und , cuituro n tlle rwIny tro,)lc8( nnd ho encampment ni biuox city, Jowa, sop- who Imagines tractor-work or the use tcmber 18 to 23 Over 3,900 of those of any of the ordlmiry tools of our teams competed in 1921 for roprcsen encampment at Sioux City, Iowa, Sep ly 10,000 public demonstrations of club activities Tho total enrollment In 12 states last year was more than 130,000 club members, whoso produc" tion was valued at $2,G40,000. North Platte people will bo Interest ed in tho following clipping taken from a recent lssuo of tho Santa Ana northern agriculture In use on trop' leal farms should never lose sight of the grass. There Is really nothing so hopeless looking to a northern fruit-grower as A little orchard In h clearing In a troplrul Jungle. The great forest In puts on taking back the little clear ing to itself, and It Is one continual light with a machete to keep It from doing so. When I was shown what looked from (Cal.) Register. Mr. and Mrs. Huff- iWv ,)f " '"""eh like virgin forest, man wero formerly residents of North )v, hh covered with creep- up cleared land, and when 1 recollected Sale of the lease and furnishings! how fungus and Insect pests haunt a of the Meyer apartments by Roy liar-' elesrlng, 1 could better comprehend the Candidate for County Commissioner, E. H. SPRINGER, Mr. Springer was defeated in tho prlmnry by a combination of somo Republicans and tho Democrnts nnd Progressives, thoroby de feating tho Intent ot tho Primary law. Ho enters tho rnco again only on tho solicitation of his friends over tho county, who urgo Jilm to run and who have promised him their support. Your vote will bo appreciated. "Write tho above name on tho ballot and place nn (x) opposito It. rington to G. C. Huffman, ot this city. was announced today by Trlckey Brothers, real e&tato brokers. feeling that. Hfter all, for the Individ ual of small means, there really is no other way to farm than to cut down soJinn COnsidcrat,on wnB reJ0twl at then, when the plants and weeds of ",U00, , the returning forest drive you out, Mr. and Mrs. Huffman, who will I move on. It is the way of flip na aBsume the managemnt of the apart-' ,,v' everywhere; clear n spot, rush ment hduse November 1, plan to make 1 rus" 0,lt uB'n "nl let tho land a number of Improvements. i firnnv U to tree. David Fairchlld in Both havo had liotoi vrnrinn .i ! u,e nnnai ueograpnic .Magazine. viivituubU 1414 aro familiar with tho essentials pecessary to tho Conduct of a high grade and successful enterprise of this character. They are tho parents orchestra, ol Mrs. Arinur way, or the May Motor Company. In addition to being on accom plished hotel hostess, Mrs. Huffman la. an artist. Pictures she has painted since coming to Santa Ana havo re ceived tho highest commendation of art critics. Mr. and Mrs. Huffman camo to Santa Ana from North Platte, Nobr., two years ago, since which time they have becomo so impressed with tho future of Santa Ana that they havo recided to Invest and bocomo perman ent residents. Their son, Dr. Harry G. Huffman now a practicing; physician in Omaha, is scheduled to lirrlvo hero Nov. 1, to reside. ' Ho was here on a visit two months ago, at which time ho do clfled that Santa Ana would become his future home. In preparation for this he made application and was granted a stato license to practice in California. 01 Yours for an Eqiml Deal Girden D. Eells, Republican nnd 'Progressive candidato for County Commissioner, District No. 2. Your vote will he appreciated. UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE... ' Westbound No. 1 4:45 p. n. No. 3 1:45 a. m No. 7 4:25 p. m No. 11 2:04 11. in. No. 13 8:10 a. m. No. 15 . 12:40 a. la. No. 17 1 8:25 p. m No. 19 9:10 a. m. No. 53 8:50 a. m. No. 25 7:00 p. m. Kasthonnd No. 2 12:20 p. m. No. i 11:00 p. m. No. 8 12:05 p. m. No. 10 2:25 p. m No. 12 11:30 p. m. No. 14 0:55 p. til. No. 16 8:55 a. ra. No. 18 1:15 p. ra No. 20 7:20 p. m No. 54 10:10 p. m. No. 20 5:40 a. m. DR. HAROLD II. WALKER Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offices over McDonald Bank Phono 0$ DJt. L. A. SNAVELY Dentist X.Ray Diagnosis Oxygen and Gas Anesthesia for Extractions. Over Union State Bank Danceland tho popular amuse, 1 ment hall of tho city. Now under managomcnt ot tbo American Legion FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls at farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Street W ANTED FURS GOOD DEMAND Hotter than Inst year. Must havo trapping licensa I am paying HIDES from 7 to 10c a now. pound L. LIPSHITZ Wheat Is Nature's Best Food Nature has provided for man a great multitude of nourishing foods. The most perfect of these is wheatr the Btaff of life. Bread made from good wheat 1b perfect food. But tho wheat must ho properly ground or it will lose some of its qualities for health making. y SIOUX LOOKOUT FLOUR Is made right hy tho latest designed milling ma chinery. With it the house wife can make those big crusty brown loaves which appeal to the members of the family. AT ALL GROCERS. TO-DAY 20 YEARS FROM TO-DAY Your Future Needs : We try to have the wires in place, tho switch board equipped and other intricate mechanism ready bo that when a new telephone is ordered, service can be provided with the letist possible delay. In order to do this economically, our engineers must estimate, for yenrs in advance, the number of tele phone users there will be, where they will live and how much telephone equipment they will need. Planning ahead rather than waiting to manufac ture and place equipment after servico is needed, is a part of our policy to provide tho moat dependable service in the most economical way. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company U X UUI1U UU