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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1922)
THB NORTH PLATTE 9K)MI-WflEKbY TRIBUNE 3 AXrtfs- Smith, Jones and Mabel By MORRIS SCHULTZ Ccjrlhl. 13J, Wt.ltin .Neraiapr Union; Smith and Jones were government clerks nt Washington, but -tltcy wero uo ordinary clerks. They were high up In the scale. Smith wan In the war olllce nnd Jones had something to (In with the Philippines. Now for some unfortunate over flight what happened was IIiIh: Smlth'a department was conducting n nent lit tle wnrfnre against a bandit tribe lu the mountains, Ignorant of the fact that Jones' department was subsidiz ing the snme tribe for being good boys and not Interfering with their neigh bora. In other words, whllo Smith wns bncklng Bnndlt Borrlobooln-ahu with arms and ninmunltlon, to keep Bandit Wnnkn-Bongbo In order, Jones was becking Wonkn-Bongbo to sit on Bor-rloboolu-Ciliu nnd keep the lid down! They discovered It oulto by accident one night when talking over things at their boarding house on Avonuo W. It was no ordinary boarding home. It wns the best boarding house In the world, because Mabel White lived there. Mnbel was only a typist, but such n kind girl I Everybody loved her. Smith loved her to desperation, nnd Jones loved her to distraction. There was also u vulgar fellow, a rricrc manufacturer, living there be cause ho wns a widower; but, as ho wns fifty, It wns evident that Mnbcl's Interest In him wns purely sympathy. "Whnt nre we going to do about it?" naked Smith. "Ob, do tell mel" said Mnbel, who wns Interested In things. , "Why, thcro'a an Infernal trouble started," said Smith. "Tills Idiot has I been supplying nrms nnd ninmunltlon ; to "Wnnku-Bongbo to rnld his peaceful, i Inw-nltldlng neighbor, Borrlobooln 0)10." "Nothing of the sort!" shouted Jones Indignantly. "That lunatic has been , supplying nrms and ninmunltlon to : thnt cannibal, Borrlobooln-Gha to raid j the territories of our ally, Wankn 1 Bongbo I" "But how perfectly thrilling I" ex claimed Mnbel. "Do tell mo who you think will win!" "niivrlnlioola-Olin. of course," snld Smith haughtily. "Wanka-Uongbo, without doubt," j paid Jones with Icy Indifference. "Then you two boys are really at 1 wur with each other," said Mabel soft-! ly; and her glance was so full of i men nlng Hint each of them realized 1 lnstnntly that thu winner In the trlbul ' feud wiih the winner of Mabel's heart. From thut time on Smith and Jones! regarded each other as deadly cue-! rnles. They pored over each Item of, news from the Philippines that! reached their respective departments. Of course the governnient realized the ! mistake It had made, hut there wns nothing to be done about It now, Smith's heart leaped up .me' day when he was able to tell Mnbel, In! Jones' presence, that Borrloboola-' aim's outposts hud brought In two-' bends of Wnukn-Itongbo's men. That night Mabel looked unmistak ably like Smith's, hut the very next afternoon news arrived that Wnnka BOngbo's men hud eaten three of Bor-rloboola-Glin's j and the look thut Mn bel cast nt Jones when she heard the glad tidings, drove Smith to despera tion. Tor weeks, It wns touch and go. j Now' Rorrlobooln-Glin's men would! cupture two calves and n dozen eggs' from Wnnkn-Bongho's village, nnd' Smith would take Mabel to the movies ; j then Wnnlcn-Bongbo's men would bring back the noses nnd a couple of oyc-j brows from Borrlobooln-Ghu's villages,' and Jones nnd Mabel would eat, Ice cream on the stoop together, while j Smith gnashed his teeth In his bed-! room. All the boarding houso know of tho feud nnd scanned thu papers with ab sorbing Interest to lenrn tho latest news from the Philippines. The only exception was the manufacturer, who cast sour, dour glowers nt everybody from his motor cur. It wns it 12-cyljnder rondster with silver fittings, Mabel adored uutomo blllng. The evening enmo whon Smith and Jones met at the boarding houso and ceased to frown ut each other. Ter rible things had happened. "To think thnt trnltor Borrloboola Ubu should have Joined your cannibal and turned his arms on the whites!" sighed Smith. "I wonder where Mnbel Is." ' "I can't understand that scoundrel Wfttikii-Bongbo'e Joining your degraded ape-man ngulnst tho whites," sighed Jones. "I Ins anybody seen Mlsa Mabel?" "Oh, gentlemen, have you heard the nuwB?" nsketj little Miss Onncrod, bursting Into tho room. "Miss White's eloped with Mr, Phlnuey, and they wexe married this afternoon U' "Divorcee While You Wait" ; Chicago, llhodu Island, Reno and all other American dlvorco resorts innHt yield tho palm to Burma for the facility, economy und expedition with which matrimonial knots can bo untied. When "on tho road to Manda hay," a Burmese couple have agreed to Bcpantte, they simply light tw'o enndles, one for each, and watch and wait to eeo whoso candlo first burns down, Tho ono whoso fato has thus been decided leaves forever tho com. inon homo; tho unfortunate ono can not tako away anything 'but the clothes on his or her person. Tho other becomes tho solo proprietor of the entire common property. FEARED BAD LUCK PERIODS Aztec Believed That Evil Fate Ruled World During the La it Five Day of Year. The Aztec calendar consisted of ! year of 18 mouths of 20 days lench ; and a closing p.rlod of live days, Into which It was believed all the bad luck j I of the year was crowded. No one Started upon a Journey durljig these ' Jive day, for fear some misfortune would befall him ; no woodcutter ven- I turcd Into the forest to hew wood ! during this period, lest wild beasts j should devour him ; tho houses ware 'left unswept; the housewives made no pottery vessels; children so un- fortunate us to be born on one of these live days were by that very fact , preuestineu to misfortune for the rest I of their lives. The next, and among the Aztecs the only time period higher than the year, was the xlbultlmolpla, or cycle j of 52 years. It wns held thnt ut the j close of one of these periods would some day come the destruction of j the worlil. J On tin Inst night of the xlhultl j inolpln tires were extinguished on the heal ths, nnd the Inhnbltnnts of i Tciioehtltlnh (City of Mexico) moved out of the city ami took up positions j on the surrounding hills, waiting ! feverishly either for the destruction ' of the world or, In the event of sun rise, the dawn of another xlbultlmol pla. Once the sun had urlsen, how ever, great were the rejoicings, fires were rekindled and the crisis wob over for another 5- years. Explanation of Dreams. Numerous forms of fever nre an-1 nounced by dreams of an uncommonly j terrifying character ; whllo In cases of j severe neuralgia and rheumatic uffeci I tlons, disturbed dreams nre occasional ly found to be forerunners of an nt tuck. Indigestion gives rise to very morbid drcuuiH, Into which weeping, sorrow, deaths, funerals, suffocation, and Btriiuge uulmuls enter. All these things are due to the curious effect which the mind has over the body during periods of sleep, for dreaming Is n very natural thing, und those who never dream ut all are said to be mentally afflicted. Odd Displays of Pollteneas. The forms of courtesy nnd civility lu Far Eastern countries have nlways been of the most extravagant nature. Abraham bowed himself to the ground to show his respect to strangers. So much time wn.i taken up with po lite salutation It Is no wonder that when Ellsliu sent his servant In great haste on an errand he warned him, "If thou hic(t any man salute him not, and If any man salute thee answer, him not again," there being no time to waste In ceremony. The Arab of today begins to bow us soon nR lie perceives a friend In the distance, inquires over nnl over again regarding the health of the family, kisses Mils own hand, kisses his friend's beard and gives thanks to Allah that they nre once more penult ted to meet. , Danceland greets you every Satur day night. J. S. TWINEM, M. D. (Homeopath) Medldno and Surgery Hospital Facilities NOIITH PLATTE, NEBR. Offlco Phono 183 Rosldouce 2S3 I. D. BltOWNFIELD, Farm and Livo Stock AUCTIONEER. Telophono or wiro for dntos at my Expense. IIERSIIEY, NEBRASKA. Office 340 Houso 488 1K. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis North Platte W. T. PKITCIIARD (JradHttte Velrlnnrlan Kx-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy Slate Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vine Street. Phonos. Hospital 633 Residence 63S JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attontlou Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Bulldlnc Offlco Phone 83 Residence 38 DB. EDFIEO) Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon X.Bay Calls promptly answered Night or Da Phones. Office 642 Resldouoe 676 DR. M. B. STATES Chiropractor lliiuma 5. 6, 7 Building & Loan Bld Ottico Phono 70 Rea. Phono 1242 DR. IIABOLD FBNNBIl Osteopath Over Illrschtold's Offlco Phono 333 Res. Phono 102( Wheu in North Platte COME AND SEE US JlHotel Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar . 1 Ev,rythln reasonable. ! Station. flrat data and prlcea Oppoalte Union Pacific i:i kikkig Auctioneer For dates nnd terms call at First National Bank North Platte. Neb. OTIS It. l'LATT, M. D. Physician mid Surgeon X-Hny Dlagnoss and Troainont Over Union State Bank Offlco Phone 296W Houso Phone ZWfil Office Phono 241 lies. Phone 21 L. (J. DBOST Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building !i:innHEHRY & foriies Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 41 Night Phono Black 5i GEO. . DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Snrgerv and Obstetrics Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130 Residence 116 DOt'CET Ml'SlC STUDIO Treclyn E. Doucet 'i . . . " or ,:.iln and Cornet DK. II. H. HOYDEN Goitre Specialist Write for Appointment or Information ('rand Island, Nebraska J. T. Keefc. Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estatft No. 1912 ot John Leo Moran. coTn County NdbSiS7 OUrt f LIn'' Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors ot Batd estate will tako notice that tho inTofImc!atL ' PebruBrJ 2 1923, and for sottloment of said cstato is Octobor 17, 1923, that i will Bit at tho county court room in said County on Novembor 21, 1922, nt rn examine, hear, allow ,or adjust all claims nnd objections duly filed. Dated Octobor 17, 1922. Win, II. C. WOODHURST, ' County Judgo. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ! Department of the Interior U. S. Land Offlco nt Lincoln, Nobr., , I Octobor 17, 1922. Notice is hereby give that John 0,; Llndenmnth, of Wollfleot, Nobraska,! who on November 27, 1&17, mado homestead, ontry. Broken Bow NoJ 011980, Lincoln, No. 02920, for W. NEW i E NW and SE. Section 81 Townshop 10, North of Kongo 20, westi, ot 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to malto final threo year proof, to establish claim to tbo land abovo described, bofode W. H. C. "Woodhurst, United States Commis sioner, at North Platte, Nebraska, on ! tho 27th day ot Novembor, 1922. CInimnnt nomos aa witnesses: E. W. GerkiB, Jack ZIlor, J. K.I Browning and Earl Oroonwood, all of) Wellfleot, Nobraska. J. E. HAYS, Reglfltor. NOTICE OF FINAIi REPORT Estate No. I85C of Bernnrd Wluken wordor, deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County,' Nebraska. Tho Stato ot Nebraska, to all por sons interested In said Estato tako notice that tho Administrator has filed a final account and roport of hla ad- ministration nnd a potltlon for final R0ttlomon.t nnd dlsch&rgo as such ad ministrator which havo boon sot for i ' earing boforo snld court on Decern- bor 1st, 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m., whon you may appear nnd contost tho same. Dated Octobor 31, 1022. Win. II. C. WOODHURSrr, County Judgo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1911 ot August Sodleot, doconsed in tho County Court ot Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stnto of Nobraska, ss: Cred itors ot said estato will take notlco thot th0 tlmo llmltod for presentation nnd filing ot claims against said estate Is Fobruory 17, 1923, nnd for BOttlo mont of said Estato Is Octobor 10th, 1823; thnt I will sit at tho County count room In tho snld County on Novomber 17th, 1922, ot 10 o'clock a. m., nnd on February 17th, 1923 at 10 o'clock a. m , to roceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated Oct. 10., 1922. Win, H. C. WOODIIUUST, County Judge, EXTENSION ItOAD NO. 22 To Whom It May Concern: A consent road as follows: Commencing at tbo corners to sec- tlons 4, 5, 8 nnd 9. townshln 12. nortv : range 30, west of 6th P. M. running thenco west on ino between sections ' 5 and 8, nnd G and 7. two miles, to connect with extension of road No. 42. Ahyono having objections thoro- to or claims for damages by tho rea- son of tho establishing of tbo above described rond must flic same In tho office of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day of Nov. 1922 or said road will bo allowed without reference thereto. Witness my band and official seal this 28th day of September 1922. A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk. EXTENSION ItOAD NO. 20.1 I To Whom It May Conrcrq: The special commissioner annointed ----- I to locate a public road as follows: : Commencing at the northwest corner of section 7, township 13. range 31, I thenco north on section line or as near las practicable between section 6, j township 13. range 31, and sectl n west corner of section 1, township 13, range 31, road to bo 66 feet wide.Vs reported in favor thereof, anyone I having objections thereto or claims Lr Z "t Z ,7 , Vi for damages by the reason of the'.' Section 24, township 14, range 31, by tho reason of establishing of tho abovo described road must file Bamo In tho offlco of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, ii AJiuuum vouuiy, Nebraska,, on or noon ot the 10th before 12 o'clock day of Novembe 1 win ta 1922. or such road will lx nllowod ... . ... wnuuui reierenco inereio. "Witness my hand and official seal this 28th day of September. 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. EXTENSION ItOAD NO, 199 To Whom It May Concern: A consent petition, as follow b . Commencing at tho northeast cor - jner of section 35, township 15, range 1 33, running thence west on the sec - tion nne between section 35 nnd 26, ' township 15, rango 33 to tho north west corner of said section 35 thence action 35 to tho southwest corner of Hoctln 35, said road to be a section line road and to bo OfJ feet wide, to-wlt "3 rel " aCh 8l(1 0t 3a,d 8ecUon ,,D' An,0 having objections there- to or cla,ni 'or damages by reason of 'o establishing ot tho above dos- bribed road must file the Bnme In the - , MACK Polariut Medium Htavy Polarine County, Nckraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon of tbo 10th day ot Nov. 1922, or said road will bo alloWed, without reference thereto. ' Wltonas my hand and official seal 1 this 28th dny of September 1922. A. 8. ALLEN, County Clerk. EXTENSION J10AI) NO. 315 To Whom It May Concern: Tho special commissioner appointed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at tho termination of tho, laid out road which terminates on tho section line between section 25-14- 34 and section 30-14-33 at tho Union Pacific Company's rignt-of-way, and extending said road from said Union' Pacific Railroad Company's rlght-of- way on tno section lino between seo- ' Uons 19 anu" 30 14"33 antl between : sections 24 and 25, 14-34 to tho North- W08t corner of section 19,14-33, tor- mlnntlng at public road running oast ,nnd WOf,t to connect with road No. 371, said road to bo 40 ft. wide, has ronort C(l 'n favor thereof, anyone having ob Jectlons thereto or claims for damages by tho reason of tho establishing of tho above described road must file tho samo in tho office of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon ot tho 10th day of November, 1922, or said road will bo allowed .without reference tinrn Witness my hand and official seal this 28th day of September 1922. a. S. ALLEN, ,. County Clork. : EXTENSION ItOAD NO. 21 ft " WJZ T . . ' L L ZZ Zl ttoIntfld - rnmninnnlnrr nf flin omitlinnet ntmw s ion road 21, thenco running north 1 mile on section line between seo- tlon 24, townshop 14, range 31, ,,j n -in , C V 7' """"." v t ' JUUBe ff' theonf wf no mile between sec- "nS 21 aM 13' t0Wn3hIp . .. ' ai 10 in? nortnwest corner of sec- tion 24 and connect with read No. Iti has beon reported In favor thereof,! anyone having objections thereto or i.,aBUO .au.. 01 uib twen sectlong 33 and section 28, to establishing of the above doscribed , tUe northeast corner of 'tho north road must file same in the office oflWe3t quarlcr of gect, 33 town9hJp the i County Clerk of Lincoln County, ;i0 nort-h of range 27e8t of thf) 6tfa Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon R M Tno above deacrloed road ter. on tho 10th day of November 1922, or mwinr ut rnnrt v nH ,sa"'l road will be allowed ihout , reference thereto. , Witness my hand and official seal ; oopiumoor torn ivtz. j A S. ALLEN, County Clork. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 418 To Worn It Mayc7ncern The special commissioner appointed ,to locate a public road as follows: BeS,nn,.nS th ooutheast corner of i section 29, nnd tho northeast corner of section 32, township 11 and range! 32, thence running west one mile be - tweon eectlons 29 and 32, along said Hne, thence south between - Motors Thrive On It POLARINE does all that a motor oil should do. And that is a tribute that can be paid to but few motor lubricants being sold today. Keep the maintenance of your motor truck down by using it exclusively. Even in cdld weather, Polarine works its way quickly in between the bearing surfaces of a motor and keeps them coated with a heat-resisting film of oil. All motor oils are supposed to protect the rubbing surfaces of motors. Polarine does protect them in winter as effectively as in summer, in old motors and new ones, at low speed and" at high speed. Polarine is made in one standard, unsurpassed quality. But to meet every motor lubrication need itis sold in fourgrades: medium light, medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy. In cold weather, the Polarine Chart recommends for AUTOCAR Ptlarin$ Medium Heavy STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA sections 31 aad 32, to tho north. lino of township 10, thence south between sections 5 and 6 and sectlona 7 and 8, 18 and 17 to tho south lino of section 17, thence east nbout 80 rods between sections 17 and 20, all in Lincoln County Nebraska, tho above described road is to be 6b' feet wide, has re ported in favor thereof, anyone bar ing objections thereto or claims for (damages by the reason of tho estae- Hshing of the nbovo described road ,n,,8t fl,ft the samo la 1,10 ottlco Uo County Clerk of Lincoln County, . Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon f tho 10th day of September IMS, or M bc allowed wltHoat roference thereto. Witnas my hand and official sod this 33th day of Sptember, 1922. A S. ALLEN, County Clonk. EXTENSION ItOAD NO. 2CC To Whom It May Concern: - ' 1UU "VKKMl pphh mt. i . i , - lu iiicuie u iuunc roau as ioiiowb: Commencing at rond No. 2G5 at tho no,rthcast n ot secUon 29 8!,,p 9 north 27' wcst' tnonco north auoui dzu rwis, on or near mo boc tlon lino as practical, thence in n head of the canyon and back to tbo section line, thenco north to tho north east corner of section 17, thenco In a r.orthwesterly di rection down a ridge about 1C0 rods to the main canyon, thenco in a northeasterly direction along tho OQBt bank of the canyon on section 8, to the north line of section 8, about 20 rods west of the northeast corner f section 8, thenco in a northerly dl- 'rcct,on alon tho east bnnk ot tho -nyon on section 5, to a point about IV Tnrl a anufli - 1 m. 1 t. f ..nA " !of sectIon 5' thenoe crolaR an(j g0, north 20 rodg along th(J nnpll, f Mw eagt corner of gectIon 5 thcnco MrtH. 10,lt 5.0 rnHn . ty,a wnat a " ""- " Hne of section 33, townsnlp 10, rango 27, weflt thence ,n a northeaateriy direction around a head of a canyon canyon to a point about 15 rods east ot the northwest finrnnr nf niwHnn 33 thnnnn nWlf 14n ,innff near as practical, tho soctlon line be- nni wldtli mti tn fifi eoh timf Iq nptia. tsarv to mak(J a good road hag ( ported in favor thereoft anyone hav. Ing objections thereto or claims for damages by tbo reason of tho eetab- Hshing of tbo above described road must file thu same in the office ot tho I County Clerk of Lincoln County, No- brnska. on or before 12 noon of thn 10th dav of November 1922 or said road will be allowed wUnout reference thereto. Witness my hand and official seal 'the 2Sth day of September, 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. v INTERNATIONAL Polarine Medium Light