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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1922)
NORTIT PLATTE SEMT-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. IHEEP-KILUNG DOG IS MENAGE Control by Legislation Is Urged by United States Department of Agriculture. LAW IS FAVORED Good Points of Measure Would Be Valuable to Other States Not So Well Protected, Authority Asserts. (Prepared by the United States Department ot Agriculture.) The sheep-kllllng dog Is ouo of the greatest menaces to the sheeprnlslng Industry In the fanning regions, says tho United States Department of Agriculture, In Farmers' Bulletin 1208, Sheep-Killing Dogs, by M. W. Coll, just off thu press. All but five of tho 29 pages are devoted to a discussion of .the control of dogs by legislation and to digests of dog laws of tho" 48 stutcs. Special attention Is given to the Michigan law, which Is thought to have many good points that might well bo adopted by other states. More Dog Laws Needed. The sheep Industry In this country has had many ups and downs In the last CO years, and In 1022 there were He Should Be Protected. only 30,000,000 sheep in the country as compared with 01,000,000 in 1003 'i'hls Is a decrease of 43.7 per cent during a period when the population Increased steadily. It Is hardly prob able that dogs are responsible for such a reduction, but, in the opinion of the author, there would be many more sheep In n greut many farming sections if there were more good dog laws backed up by public opinion. The possibility of producing early-nmtur Ing lambs from a maximum of pastur age and Inexpensive roughages, and the country's need for an Increased supply of meat and wool, he cites as reasons why slieep production should be one of the most profitable enter prises of the farm. Bulletin Is Available. In nddltion to the discussion of laws, the bulletin devotes some at teutlon to tho hublts of sheep killers, to dog-proof and wolf-proof fences, and suggests how dog lovers may nld in preserving the reputation of the respectable members of the species. The bulletin may be obtained free by addressing the Department of Agri culture, Washington, D. C. INTEREST IN BETTER STOCK Purebred-Sire Movement Is Making Rapid Growth; Enrollment Passes 8,000 Mark. With the growing understanding of the utility value of purebred live stock and especially purebred sires, the list of persons enrolled In the "Better Sires Better Stock" campaign Is rap Idly Increasing. The middle of Au gust It passed the 8,000 mark, signify lng that many persons hnvo filed statements with the United States De partment of Agriculture that their live-stock breeding operations will be conducted henceforth on n purebred sire basis. This Includes all classes ot domestic live stock, including poultry, In some counties of limited area the number of farms Is relatively small Gordon B. Nance, county agent of Oldham county, Kentucky, points out however, that although his county has only 1.0S0 farms, 10 per cent of the farmers have signed enrollment blanks, which slgnltles active partlcl patlon In systematic live-stock lm provement work. Other counties In which 10 per cent or more of the fnrmers are mslng purebred sires ex cluslvely are: I'ulaskt county, Vir ginia, 52 per cent; Kittitas county Washington, 18 percent; Greene coun ty, Ohio. 13 per cent; and Orange county. Virginia, 10 per cent. In tills connection the bureau of animal In dustry points out that the proportions are for nil farms and that the per centages for farms In which live stock Is the principal market product prob ably would be much higher. DODDER WILL HARM ALFALFA Where Farmer Is Planning to Let Crop Stand for Seed It Is Wise to Look for Weeds. If you nro planning to let alfalfa Btand for seed look your field over for rtodder. Once Is not -enough. It should be done several times before cutting, Alfalfa seed contnlnlng dodder seed Is unsalable In some states and Is dls criminated against In all markets. It Is Impossible by any known method to free alfalfa seed of the lorge-seederl dodders. The only practical procedure Is to see that the field Is free from this pest. HOW THE GULLIES CAN BE RECLAIMED Plowing-in and Seeding to Grass or Timber Recommended. Farmers Should Build Soil-Saving Dams That Check Erosion and. Causo the Filling of Space With Silt. (Prepared by the United StaUi Department oi Agriculture.) Gullies are u source of great loss to the furmer. They rum fertile land, Interfere with farm operutlons, undermine buildings, encroach on pub lic roads, endanger the life of stock and mur the beauty and lower the market value of the furui. They can be prevented by Increasing tho ab sorptive capacity of the soil by till lug, protecting the surface from erosion by proper cultivation, and by conducting the surplus wuter from the field at -a low velocity. Gullies can be reclaimed by plowlng-ln and seeding to grass or timber, or by building soil-saving dams that check erosion and cause the tilling of thu gully with silt. in checking gullying, the first thing Is to stop It at the head. If possible, the water should bo turned Into u natural water-course before It reaches tho head of the gully. In shullow gullies, a dam built close to the head will give a fill of soil In u sliort time. In deeper gullies, a longer time Is necessary according to the condition and amount of washing. Brush and straw, firmly fustened down, make a good dam for stopping erosion. In regions where timber and brush are plentiful good results In filling gullies have been obtained by the use of brush dams. In hlll-slde gullies where the ilow of water is small tho dams ure commonly built of loose. brusli sometimes weighted down with logs. Where tbe How Is enough to overtop the dam, the brush can bo held down by crosspleces and stakes. Simply dumping the brush Into a gully will not give good results. Before beginning to reclulm a gully with soil-saving dams, the entire work of reclamation should be planned. If only a part of the work Is planned It may not fit Into the complete re clamation work which may be under taken later. After the head dam Is In place nnd erosion checked, a nuiU' ber of low, temporary dams can be used In a wide, shallow depression that will gradually fill. If the gully ends In the side of n deep dralnnge channel, the lower end tnust be built up with a high dam. The higher tho dams the fewer will be required, but several low dams are less costly than one high one and are more easily constructed. A low dam also requires less care and attention than a high dam. POTATOES IN TOBACCO BARNS Farmers Who Grow Both Crops Can v Save in Their storage Build ing Equipment. (Prepared by the United Stetea Department of Agriculture ) In sweet potato areus in tobacco ter ritory, fnrmers who grow both crops can save In building equipment by using their Hue-heated tobacco burns for the storage of potatoes. Tho changes needed and the methods of management that have been found good when the building? ore used for tho two purposes are described by tho United States Department of Agricul ture in Farmers' Bulletin 1207, Utiliza tion of Flue-IIeated Tobacco Barns for Sweet Potato Storage. Many fnrmers who do not raise a lnrge acreage of sweet potatoes feel that the expense of a special storage structure Is not Justified, although The Tobacco Barn. through tho use of pits, hanks, or cel lars they have been losing a large part of the stored crop. But if some build ing' which serves another Important purpose can be remodeled so as to meet both needs n greater part of the sweet potatoes produced can be saved at a small outlay of money. On farms which have tluc-heated tobacco barns or similar buildings that serve their main purpose before the potato har vest, this saving Is practical. The bulletin contains detailed plans for converting tobacco barns, bill of materials ror structures of a certain size, methods of storage-house man nrement, and descriptions of a number of urletlej of sweet potatoes. Copies muy be obtained free by addressing the department at Washington, D. 0. THE IMPORTANT POINTS IN COWS Missouri Expert Tells Just What to Look for In Buying High Producing Cattle, "Tho man does not Hvo who can ;lck tho good cows from tho poor ones A-lthout ever making a mlstnke," says IV. W. Swett. of the Missouri Collego of Agriculture. "Even tho bent Judges sometimes make a mistake. But thera nre certain points about tho dairy cow that nre almost always associated with high production." Tho udder should bo deep, wide nnd long with good attachments. It should bo evenly developed, lovel on the floor nnd equipped with teats ot good and uniform size, symmetrically placed. It should also be soft and pliable, Indi cating that it consists of secreting cells' rather than llcsh. A good set of milk veins Indicates that tho udder Is well supplied with blood. Long, crooked milk veins en tering largo wells or openings through the body wall are usuully associated with high production. ,A cow cannot be a maximum nnd continuous producer unless she has n strong constitution. Vltnllty and strength of constitution are Indicated by broad, open nostril, aiuf-a chest which Is deep and broad. Feed capacity Is essential. In order to produce heavily a cow must con sume' largo quantities of feed nnd water. A barrel which Is long, broad and' deep Indicates a large capacity Money Is Made Where Cows of This Type Are Used. nnd good production. A largo cow nearly always has the advantage In production, provided " she Is not de ficient In other points. Alertness in temperament is nn as set, and n sluggish cow is seldom n high producer. Dairy temperament includes those characteristics which Indicate that the cow's feed Is used for the production of milk rather than for body fat. Angularity, prominent points, lack of heaviness nnd flesh, and tho presence of the triple wedges are good Indications. Quality refers to tho handling or pliability of tho hide, tho refinement of bone, and tho character of the ani mal, which cannot be described but which have' to be seen to be appre ciated. HERDS TESTED DURING JUNE Of a Total of 250,886 Examined 8,810 Reacted, Disclosing Zyz Per Cent Tuborculous Cattle. Cattle officially tested during June, 1922, for tuberculosis numbered 250, 8S0, according to a summary issued by the bureau of animal Industry, United States Department of Agricul ture. This figure exceeds the normal amount of tuberculin testing by sev eral thousand. Of nil the cattle tested, 6,810 reacted, thus disclosing about 3 per cent of tuberculous cattle. The removal of such animals from herds otherwise healthy Is gradually bringing about better health among farm live stock, safer" milk supplies, and many economic benefits. The pop ularity of tuberculosis eradication Is evidenced by the length of the list of herds waiting to be tested. At tho end of June there wero applications on' file for tho testing of 35,230 herds, containing more than half a million cattle. SKIMCREAM MORE CLOSELY Keeps Better During Hot Weather and Makes Better Butter Keep Skim Milk on Farm. If It's to keep best during the warm wenther and to make the highest qual ity butter, cream needs to be skimmed closely. Better butter Is made from heavier cream as the fine, sandlike grains that are precipitated In churn ing are more solid thun the butter re sulting from thin cream. Also It will puy to ship the heavier creum, as there is no use to pay shipping charges on skim milk. It will make better feed on the farm. Tester Is Big Aid. Nothing compares to a good cow tester In helping get the herd In the wuy of bringing profits. Get Rid of Poor Cows. Dairymen are now realizing more keenly than ever tho necessity of get ting rid of the cows that ure scarcely paying their board. These cows placo too heavy a tax upon tho herd to make the dairying go as It should. Cows to Keep Up Fertility. Ten cows U milk would be about the logical number to keep up the fer tility on a 100-acre farm where com mercial fertilizers an. used, und where there are three dry cows, some )oung stock, and some horses. v 1L Some More Truths. X0ULD you uso a steam sliovol to move a pebble? Certainly not. Implements aro built according to tho work thoy have to do. Would you uso a grown-up's remedy for your baby's ills? Certainly not. Bemedies aro prepared according to tbe work THEY bavo to do. All tins is preliminary to reminding you that Flotchor's Castoria was sought out, found and is prepared solely as a remedy for Infants and Children. And lot this- be a warning against Substitutes, Counterfeits and tho Just-as-good stuff that may be all right for you in all your strength, but dangerous for the little babe. All the mother-love that lies within your heart cries out to you: Be true to Baby. Arid being true to Baby you will keep in tho house remedies speoially prepared for babies as you would a baby's food, hairbrush, toothbrush or sponge.' 8tNftt Contents lSFluidDraohmi to at rnilffl.-a PER OENT. llnglhcStonwrlsandBarfj TlicrcProraotlnBKcsg Cheerfulness ana "csr neither Optom.Morphliw inw Mineral. NotNAiicotic, JRocMUtStlt TO W jjSHnjmnlUnr ConstlTaiioriandDiarrhoea.' a 'cmr;:hncss ana resulting uicrcfjrwnjnjnfanfy fatSIrailcSijnatore," HnsCrorAmGoMPai ml mrnnTrmin-Tr ;mw mil Exact Copy of Wrapper. 10 Cents Whademean, "Absent-Mlnded7" "Flappers in Floppers" Jb as ncnt a headline as we'vo seen this season. By tho wny, n correspondent sends us tho following, which ho found In tho writings of Jonathan Swift: "Absent minded peoplo always kept a flapper in the family as ouo ot tho domestics." Boston Transcript. Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin. On rising nnd retiring gently smear the, foco with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash oft Ointment In flvo minutes with Cutlcura Soap nnd hot water. It la wonderful what Cutlcura will do for poor complexions, dandruff, Itching and red rough hands. Advertisement, He Knew. "Ah!" rhnpsodlcally asked, tho pre siding elder, "who really knows what a little boy like this ono Is thinking?" "I do," replied Gap Johnson of Hum pus Ridge. "And nfter you're gone I'm going to lick the thunder out of hlra for It." Kansas City Star. WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women havo kidney and trntfkln nml ni'Vpr Riisnect It. Women's complaints often prove to bo nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys aro not in a healthy con dition, they may causo tho other organs Pain in the back, headache, loss of am bition, nervousness, are oucn times symp' toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr irilmAK n nli vflirMnn'a Tire- ttiiitic, n .jtnn)'..""v f j - - i .nrtntlnn Mitnfnml nf flTlV flllll? fttOrC. TTiaV be just tho remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or largo size bottle im However, if you wish first to test this rwwnn 4- Mnnin(tnn CnTI ll f nn tfT f B f ik T)r. liLab ij tjmi u tit-fit uv,sia ir;i jfr n ninM.nminn TJ. V- for a sample bottle. When writing be nuro and mention this paper. Advertisement. Women Lawmakers Assisted. Tlio parliament building In Stock' holm Is equipped with a special suite of rooms for the convenience of the women members of the Swedish nn tlonal lawmaking body. For truo blue, uso Bed Cross Ball Blue. Snowy-whlto clothes will be suro to result. Try It nnd you will al ways uso It. All good grocers have It. Advertisement. Parasols Used as Pets. Among the latest fashion novelties ior women nro parasol hnndles spe cially carved In wood and then enam elled In the shapes of portraits of pc dogs nnd birds. WW m mm Children Are You Prepared? A doctor In the houso all tho time would be a goodvidca. Yet you can't afford to keep a doctor in the family to keep baby well or pre vent sickness. But you can do almost the samo tiling by having at hand a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria, because it is n wonderful remedy for indigestion, colic, feverishncss, frctfulncss and all tho other dis orders that result from common ailments that babies have. Fletcher's Castoria is perfectly safe to use. It is a harmless sub stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Children cry for Fletcher's Castoria, and mothers recommend it because they' havo found it a comfort to children and a mother's friend. If you love your baby, you know how sweet it is to be able to help baby when trouble comes. You cannot always call upon a doctor. But doctors havo nothing but good to say of Fletcher's Castoria, be cause they know that it can only do good that it can't do any harm and they wouldn't want you to use for baby a remedy that you would use for yourself. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the THB OKNTAUR COM Sives Charming New Color Tone to Old Sweaters PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish region Post In Korea. An application has Just been re ceived for a charter for an Amorlcnn Legion post In Korea by tho Legion's natlonnl department. There nro 10 persons eligible for membership In Korea nnd tho application bears all tho nnmcs. Tho local post will have Its post In Koren, and Is being organ ized by M. L. Swlnehart, treasurer of tho Southern Presbyterian mission In that country. In his letter accompany ing the application for a charter, Mr. Swlnehart said: "Please havo tho ap plication acted upon ns quickly ns pos sible, as wo havo good reason for wanting to get busy nnd get the post organized Into n going" concern." People will work hnrd for their fun. Do you remember when bicycling was a pastime? If you'ro sick enough you'll bo too sick to bo frightened. Every genuine package hat the cross and circle printed in red. Redecorate with little trouble, less expense and greater satisfaction. There is one best way to do it. Mabasfine Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper CONSTIPATION Take a good CARTER'S fllTTLE IVER PILLS Cry For Signature of PAN V, 4KW YONK CITY. Ancient Costumes In Greenland. lien's costumes of tho Thirteenth nnd Fourteenth centuries hnvo been found In Greenland. They, nro In nn excellent stnto of preservation 'and re semble the clothes worn by Dnnto In tho published pictures of tho Italian poet. They aro not ybt open to publics view, but may bo exhibited at soma future date. r Theso Interesting finds wero mnda by Dr. Nocrlund, a Danish scientist, while excavating In ancient burlnl grounds In tho southwestern part of Greenland, They nre tho only existing specimens In tho world of gnrmenta worn by men In the Thirteenth nndj Fourteenth centuries. Being deposited In the frozen earth for about, COO yenra hiB preserved them from destruction by moth nnd age. "Ilnsto mnkea wnBto," lsinnold mot to, but a lazy one. You've got to Iium ry to keep up. Make your KJia waiis i I dose of Cartels Little Liver Pills then take I or 3 tor a tew nights alter. 1 hey cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to take as SUgar. Genune heat denature s&jnT&ZrcC Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price.