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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1922)
-A -n .1 Jli A It FT TUESDAY and F1UPAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASICA, OCTOBER 27, 1922. N). 81 FEDERATION CLUBS G ON SUGGE Three Day Session Closes With Sinin Favcrite Hymn And Adoption Of Resolutions-All , Guests Leave for Homes. N REGISTER CITY VOT ERS . BY WEDNESDAY NOKTIl PLATTE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT KKGISTEHED' MUST DO SO. 1 ruaainn pt u u umonu WNSTKHN CHALLENGE TltOPHY i COMES TO NOHT11 PLATTE GUNNEH. OPEN -SUNDAY EVE .B FOUK C1IUKCIIK8 UX1TB IN FOUK , WEEKS OF SL'ECIAL SERVICES TO THE VOTEHS John Don oC this city won tho storn challongo trophy In a con tost at llartloy last Saturday. Ho brolco D7 tnrgotB out of 100 whtio his opponent, L. 13. Edwards of Har tley only brolco 04 targotu. Tho tro phy Is a beautiful octagonal gold 1 tnnrinl hrtiirltif llin flmirn nf n I'lintinv . In rollor with a target In vrhlto gold : Smiiinv ... ... m.rir. ttin nnnniii and u real diamond center. It la o v- u , . scours -res BE Its J TO mi PARK NEMtASKA EEDEUATION WOMEN ENWM.SK PROPOSED l'HoIlECT Tho Twonty-soventh annual conven tion of tho Nebraska Federation of Woman's clubs closed a threo day session hero last night. AH sessions Ono of tho overworked local lead ors was Mrs. York Hlnman who was chairman of information. Sho Had woro hold in tho First Methodist, hcr dosk ln tho church Parlor au" church. Tho delegates - woro enter- state, county am! nation you must go ' waa uii ni'j joo an oi mo iimc. "sue taincd by tho -local affiliated clubs, answered every aucstlon and gave most of tho ladles being taken to tho ovcry direction asked for" is tho way lo tho clty cior-s tnce boforo tho various home3 of tho city. Tho at- 0,10 01 tuo visitors expressed it. st. ofNovomber. tondanco Avas about 325. The program ELECTION COMMISSIONERS. sonslsted in general of a business A lar6 Photograph of tho convon- 0 E Ehlcri clty Clcrki session in tho morning with reports 110,1 was talon whllo tho ladies woro . of officers, departments and commit-! erouped In front of tho Federal build- 1 he announcement has ap- itt..i . . ..i mnvprl m mini nor onliimn nf fills toes, a scries of papers and addresses "usuuy auornoon out owing - - - - h0 hoUl in tll0 ohrlstinn church noxt in the afternoon and music and ad- lo defective something or other, tho paper n rormer issues ana s prmieu SumlHy ovonlng Comploto nnnounco- drosses In tho evening. Out of tho Picture was not good and tho group 110r0 Uint u niay receive tno ntton- meatg wm bo mndo (q stato peoplo who took part on the was assembled at noon Thursday in tlou 01 North 1 latto peoplo Jwho of th(j wocM roilutroa ot tho VOgular program wcro Dr. Carolino Hedgcr, front of tho Methodist church where havo not reglBtorod. -Thoso wHo 8orvIcos of Chicago and Mrs. Wallace Perham a more successful plcturo was made. lulB,,ucu lo uua "'"-,r uw-v i" , of Glendlve, Montana. Many of the' , -- primes need not register again un loading women of the stato wcro heard Mrs- Chas- Mlona of orlc was less they havo moved their city res at ono or more of tho sessions. Tho 0,10 ot tho "iterested delegates who ldcncc. , But thoso who did not reg. prououuecu tno convention a success, ister before the primary last July Mrs. McCIoud is quite Interested in will be required to do so or thoy can- politics but docs not take the leading not vote tirntwtalttnn lo iimn tlin nurnhasn of an cvauEOliatlb enmnalun which Is valued ,nt ?100. Mr. Deu will hold ' . Rmll.B t,.innt, i.v fi.o nnMnnni JtoBhllne wlUiln tho city limitahor xpeo(bd to last through tho next, tho 'trophy until ho is challenged to ; Rovornmout and tn convert it Into a North I'latto, Nebr.. tho rcgistratlbn month and result in much good to R contest and until tho other man ( ntltiolwl pn.k vr, onflor8CJi iy n hooks of tho dirforont wards show, tho North Platto and vicinity. Tho Christ-' wlna tho ucst record but or ono nun- rjBlll(? volo of tho ,nembrs of tho otnto following registration: First wafd, inn. llaptlsl, Prcsbytorluu and Mothoi, (1rod targots. A challongo has nU j ponvontio,, of womon's clubs at its 548;. Second ward 188; Third wnrd diat churchoB havo Jolnod In tho cam- ready been sont to tho offlcors of tho H0Mim ioro yogtorday aftornoon. Tho 607; Fourth ward 401. If you want to palgn. At first It was planned to Nebraska Stato Sportsman's Associa-1 mnttor was presonted by Mrs. Geo. vote lor yoor cholco of men to rop- bund a tabomaolo but later it was tlon by C. A. PIttlngor of Ellwood, i,ninP There aro 900 acres ln Iho O8ont you in tho various offices of the docjded to use tho 'different churches Nebr. but it has not boon forwarded ' (,rnct available anil It was argued that ror tno mcotings. Tho pastors of tho to Mr. Don. wncn it arnvco a u should bo paid Tor out of funds np four churches will conduct tho ser- match will bo nrrangod for tho local proprlatcd by congress and tho park vices but n special gingor has boon club grounds at a convonlont date should bo maintained by tho govorn 8ocurod to conduct tho music. Ho is J. C. Gopsoy of Iloldrogo Is challong- J BiCnt as a national historic spot S. Graham Frazcr. and ho comes woll ing tho winner. ' , ' iSomo of tho dologatcs woro aura that rocommomlod as a musician and ovan- :o: ' congress would not approprlato tho Bollstio singer. Tho first sorvico will PKOGIUJSS IS IJIJING MADE IN I monoy j,t thoro was on ouch optimism In tho convention to carry tho on dorBcmont by a big majority. HOYS AND OIKLS CLUBS ACHIEVEMENT DAY i EXERCISES SOUTH SIDE lltltlGATION ntOJECT -:o: Mrs. W. A. Duchflnck loft ydstor day for Grand Island whero sho will visit with relatives for a fow days. A mooting of tho board of direc tors of tho Lower Platto Valloy Irri gation Association was hold in Lex ington last Tuesday. Ira L. Daro and Thomas Doollttlo attended from Lincoln county. Tho association do- HOLD Saturday was a groat day for tho Hoys and Girls clubs as It was thoir cldcd to Incorporate and tho offlcors Achiovcmont Day, sort of graduation 1 1 .... 1 A 1 . 1 1 in. n. . . t . r 1tn.. wiAntirn Ml (ll gtlf North Uond' Forth dls- wuru iubuucicu io procoeu wuu ino . nun vv. resolutions expressed tho hearty j. . - i . , . - itii .ticuiuuu i iiuilu iiilui usiuit in w 1 1 1 hi) rnniiirori i n ,in on np rimv run. . inanKs oi me convention ueicdaies ror " r. a am iir. the hospitality of North Platto peoplo lolltlcs but docs not take the leading m,t vote. This election Is vory im- tri(., , , Wnln 'Pm,, incorporation at once. Englnoers catos of achiovemcnt. and complimented tho hostess clubs pftrt ,thnt ls l,lnyel'by her husband portant and every man and woman u,8trlcti Mpb A. (I Jenlaoni narvftra- Smith and Woiss wcro present and' This mooting wan hold at tho O'Fal on tho. lino arrangements for tho con- who lias, ,)0cn cl,nlrnian r tho.Ro- 8h0uld go to the polls and vote on Sixth dlatrlcti Mrs, j, a AcUormnn' said thoy had boon working on tho Ion school and a groat muiy clubs In jiiiim i-uiuuii.iiuu uiu- November 7th. , Ainsworth. project and ha4 docidod that for pur- 1110 county woro present. jouniy vcntlon. ing tho year just past. C. J. Pass, florist, presented each of tho delegates in attendance at tho Wednesday afternoon session, a beau tiful rose. noses of administration, tho DroJoct 'onL Kellogg had charge ot tho moot arrangements and tho local club A sorlos of dinners waa given dur.- should be divided into districts Thoy mB Rn caI,cl uPn c'1 barter nnd members were a unit in giving a Ing tho convontlon at which tho dole- Hnf.,i ii,0v im,i fionnnintv iinniiiori i Uio club mombom for a fow numbers largo part of tho credit to Airs. M. E. gates from tho different district upon tho location of the malu canal r- i . J 1 . XT -lilt... .. I ... I 1 1 I . .... ouoli, mo uiuuuuuu. Jiur uumiy UHauumiuiiia ouwrtainou tno genorax n, hom trnton Thnv Rtntnit fhnv Tho high school normal training cess. Nearly ono hundred automo class wcro invited to hoar Dr. Hodges' biles were used in the slght-seolng Thursday aftornoon and they, with trip Wednesday afternoon. When tho normal training teacher, Mlsr. all guests had boon provided places Florence Antonldes were present. for just two people were left. Secretary Baro of tho Chamber ot Commerce gavo his enthusiastic as. sistanco to tho ladles in helping to t.mlrr. Uwi ..lalt n IVTnnll. Tllnll1 n a... nmnu uiu YtaiL LU iiui ill 1 luviu u DUb .. .. I .. . . . 11.. .. i . rfi .. p e - i i. ... i . ... .... " " v..Sv. .w ..- .wU.uiiii, ..u Him wnnli liriro Iho pnnnlrnnf inn nr n non ot-visitoiB anu prominent aoie- uistnct umner was Held at tno union tunnel about 2. GOO foot loner throiich gates said they would not forget her Paclflc at G:15 on Tuesday.' On "tho bluffB between tho valleys of thp services when tho Federation comes Wednesday tho third district dlnoa North nnd South forks. Thoy would to bestow Its honors at future con- at tho Vineyard nt noon and the not 0Vfln givo an natimat0 ns to tho ventlons. sixth district at tho Union Paclflc at k, ,h,i hv ,tw i., fhnir UuXr. John Poulos, vIth his usual appre- Tho6o delegates who were espoc- Mrs. W. E. Minler of Oaklandcoix o'clock. Tho fourJi diatrjet hol(T ment Ul0 inmi. cottld well, c.iation of tho opportunity, presented jaiiy interested in women in politics responding secretary of tho conveh- .Its dinner on Thursday 'noon nt the oxponsu and bo a paying invcstinentr 00 "convention with ten gallons ot WOro attracted by tho candidacy ot tlo told tlie Tribune man that North Vineyard and at six p. m. tho flf lb ,lQ reclamation sorvico ls pushing punch which tho ladies said was Mn,. It. L. North for tho county I'latto had certainly done wonders district banqueted, at the samp place. ; sovcrni nrc-lccta to comnlcto ana very fine. - Announcement was made yesterday afternoon that"1 Beatrice had been 'se lected as the place for tho 1923 Fed eration club meeting and the, an nouncement was received with applause. superjntdndency of Lincoln county. Mrs. North Is a prominent club wo man of this city and gavo of her best efforts to make the convention a success. in. looking after tho local arrange ments of tho convention. "Evory- Meanwhilo tho second district had na8 cnllC(1 tho offIco hclp of tho dl8. nem its uinner nt tno union l'acilic trlct englue0r l0 thcso projects loav at noon on Thursday. Each was woll thing has been done for our comfort- attendcd nnd pronounced among tno Tho North Platto Floral Co. sont a largo boquot to tho convention with its compliments. Tho flowers woro and convenience and wo certainly ap preciate your hospitality," said Mrs. Minler. "The convention has been a big success ami It 1b largely duo to the fine spirit shown by tho Considerable interest was develop ed In the convention in tho coming convention of tho Stato Lcaguo ot Women Voters which ia to bo hold at 1'Iatte women." Hastings on November 1C-17. Tho Mrs. It. D. Graham of Hastings very exprcssivo of her interest most onjoyablo features of tho con vontlon. Old settlers in Nebraska who ,re mombor tho great blizzard of 1887 will remember a Miss Minnlo Froc- 'mif tho project In; which Lincoln county ls Interested to tako its turn. The report ls not -expected to be ready beforo January 1st. Lincoln county will havo approximately 78,000 acres under tho ditch. :o; . star attraction will ho Mrs. Maud Was v rv TMiif'n :iiiiirf('ijiiiMi iiiui fifcii iiuui - - - a prominent place during the entiro Wood Park who will make ono or in tho work of the League of Women BC8sIon - moro addresses. Mrs. C. H. Dolt- Voters. Sho told, of tho way in rich is regional director. which tho lcaguo ls working in some Mrs. A. H . Brooke of Hastings was places to give tho women a chanco nrescnt durinjr ono day of tho con- Mrs. Arthur Gentzler of Goth on- to meet tho candidates of tho dlffor- ventlon but was called homo to look burg, chairman of girl's organizations cnt partlos and to form a political after her political fences. Sho is a candidate for tho Stato Senate and election la almost here. John Mateasln loft yesterday for man who was a country school teach- Omaha whero ho will transact busi er up In tho central part of tho State, ness for sovoral dayB. and how sho hcrdod hor llttlo group Ueiativc8 received wprd in tho city of pupils togother and aftor untold from Mr nnd Mr8 Emll v0SGpkn of hardships brought thorn through tho T AncolM, ,niIur ot tho -birth of a storm, all reaching homo safely tho daughtor on 0ct. 10. Mr. and Mrs. ' ucrnhPr8 what club week -In May fpr tliq, program, which consisted ot piano selections, rocitatlons, songs and club yolls Most of tho clubs finished as 100 clubs and 'recolvod their seals which woro placed on thoir nhartore by tho President of thoir club. Carl Jones, Assistant Boys and Girls Club loader from Lincoln, gavo a vory interoatlnsr talk of what tho refttlork'TopfeHents 'amlf1taTaluo to 'tho hoys nnd girls of today In an educational way. Thcso same boys "nd girls nro to bo tho cltlzons of to morrow and fnr better cltizons will thoy mnko by having had this train ing In thoir youth. It. It. Morris' Poland Clilun Pig c'"b of Dljrnoll won tho puro bred Poland China sow pig offorcd by S,. Jf' Koch of Horshoy, for tho boat Pig Club ln tho' County. Harold Ftilk of Horshoy, member of tho only Potnto Club In Lincoln county with James Whllo as loador, won tho prize offorcd by tho Union Paclflo which waa a sovcnty-flvo dolfcir scholarship and frpo 'transportation on their lines. Mr. Jones nlso explained to tho club noxt day. Hor name was horladed Vosoipka woro lonner Tho convention presented Mrs. Penney with a fine pleco of pottery and another pleco was given to Mrs. ot the Federation, ami several ginp opinion of thoir own. "Hastings is from Gothenburg came to. North Platto t0 entertain tho stato convention oi and with a group of North Platto girls tUQ Lcaguo noxt month and ls inak- put on tho pageant "Americas The cos- through the country at tho time as noro that of a real uorolno ana ono ro- eelved many marks of appreciation The last address of tho convention residents veally offered to tho champions ln tho , county. All oxpensos paid for tho two wook trip, and many Bight Bcelng I trips, such as visiting tho airplane Call" Thursday afternoon tumos were very pretty, tho thome lofty and tho girls woro well trained. Ing big preparations to havo a won derful session," said Mrs. Graham. M. E. Scott tho local chairman ot Tho pageant was vory well received. arrangements, at tho afternoon ses sion yesterday. F. L. Moonoy, president of tho North Platto Chamber of Commerce of hor bravery. That Minnlo Freo- was made by Mrs. Wallace Perham, ... . . . . man of tho eighties Ib Mrs. Edgar B. second vice-president of the Gonoral I ,nR Uiom t() 0mnha tho Krml Pennoy, president of tho Nebraska Federation of Wonam'a club's. MrB.i()t lntorcflt banquets, etc. Anyono Federation of Women's cluba. Sho Perham lives at Glcndlvo, Montana. ll0Iirjn'g Mr' iT()'noH co'id ,10t holp ho ls vory modest in regard to tho form- Mrs. Porham gavo a wonderful ad- , onthuBcd with tho club Bplrit and - - . . - ' . . ItH L. 1.1 I 1 " mt Avnar nnpn nn1 it ia an 11 nun Tinvor rnaa tnilPhimf ntl IllO ( oroilL ILUL1V1- . , . . .i t- 3. j. E Humphreys of Chadron !ttc? makes any reference to it herself and , ties of tho clubs and giving particular noxt vcnr QJ moro chU(lron a leaamg part m tno ciud ac - - do.cs not lll0 to bo interviewed on .attention to tho Immigration question. linpnmn, ll(incf Mrs Mrs. tuuu. u ivauiuK uuii. in mu wuu --- - ,!. nf mm tr if in trirvinw-nii nn ni nn nn in tun immiirrniion miOHLioiw . .... -r., n J. G. Ackorman of Ainsworth , tlvities In tho northwest and was words l o expressed tho howitaiity i Rhmm noUfy ho wor,(1 BaId president of tho sixth district group 1 present at tho convention. In speak- of tho city and presented a floral key, 411 In n t-rmm nf lnrttna tlint nlin lUC Of tho nrCSOnt BCSSiOn 8h0 Bald, Lw l- '"b 111 RUJiUUumb iu !.., trri,in nV tn in Hi., u-nrl.k irnrli!iir,i m " ITor mlllrftSH wished sho had means of adequately "Tho ladles ot North Platto havo auaross ot welcome, Mrs. i ennoy.Bam convont,on Tiiur6day 'm0rning taking, was delivered in a manner which made i,EDGER mXDK TWO EXTEW expresslng hor appreciation ot thoidono everything possible to mako tho tho customary thing was for ono or Ezoklol 334 .wlloBoover an impression on all wiio woro pros-l 's ADDnnggBq is mncOLN perfect local arrangements which convention a success ana tuoy navo had characterized this convention. succeeded wonderfully. It la a great 'u w convention." Mrs. Porham. "that wo rofuso to bo hoing inomborB of throo oluuB. Ono of tho delegates spoke of Miss Kramph'a address on Tuesday as the A party of girls consisting of La hlgh light of tho convontlon." Her Von Louis, Irma Burger, Dorothy ..-rnrPRstnn "TTfln vnnr lntolllconco." ' Wlodandor, Helen Williams and Btruck tho ladloa as having forco Grace Halverstadt atound and put them in his pocket again. Tho novelty of tho flower key was appreciated. M-aroth tho sound of tho trumpet and , cnt. takoth not warning, it tho eword como and tako him away, his blod shall bo on his COUNTY Tho oponing ot tho Thursday oven- enough to B'ervo aa a Blogan Tor thoir camo yesterday. Thoy took part in ..mnoim Paeeant Riven yesterday aftornoon LiUUiliUlhWt Mrs. Porryman. treasurer. In ox. of Gothenburg rreBsIng hor apPrcciatIon of various courtesies extended to tho officers i Wednesday afternoon Dr. Hodgcr own head." Hor ing sossion waa devoted to a memorial ndflPCRSOd nood BiZCfi audionco ot address was on womon's health aB it ot Mrs. A. G. Potcrson who passed , lu(Uoa at Brady and ln tho ovenlng iufluoncea tho health ot childron. away slnco tho last Federation moot- ghc mct an oaually larco number or Sho Bald thoro were cortaln eBsontlala Ing. Mrs. Petorson waa president and Jadloa at Suthortand, mIbs SteUa to bo observed in order to Iravo good gonoral federation director at uiircr-, Mathcr Btato icador in homo econ omics accompanied Dr. nedgor on lifinllh nnd mentioned tho llrat aa oni umoa onu was ono ui uiu vi:n n given yoswruny w.uu , j monUon of Mr Pyll - - . ,fnnwn .,,, WOmon of Nebraska. Tlie nt lha Wnmnn'g phih convention. Tho .... .. . eounu iouu wu yumi. ou ium- York is a tnJJtZT ih En,al tIcket agent nt the Un,0U tod tho ladles to remove ono ehoo address waa made by Mrs. Penny. rt ---- Paclflc depot. A Bpccial agent or ino ,,,., n, m.ninn tho Btocklne. Mrs. Harriot . a MacMurphey or fra V. Vi. Wfilp.h of ,n Mr woman of oxnorlenco and 3, " 1 pot. A special agent ot tho nml tracQ tho ouUln of tho Btocklng. rv- from tho nowsnanor Z.'.Z waa to havo been horo to . fM, on blnnl Bhoot of DaDor. Omaha waa ono ot tho dologatcs who standpoint. Sho spoke vory highly 7ftownt. Amor-1 check "p th cortiflcatea and certify Th0Q fiho afllfcd taom to tUe did double duty Sho was tho conven- of tho addresBCa by Dr. ueagcr ana Ica,s Call Mm. Porham. Tho Trlbuno acknow-1 inrtepB receiving aorao valuable itoma , Tho delegatea woro profuse in thoir i from hor. thoso two trlpa. -:o:r- aa to tho roturn rate to bo allowed ,, hn nnmo tlon correspondent for tho World but ho failed to como and tho work papor and thcy wero Bij0Wn by right Herald and wns a regularly accredited waa thrown on tho 'local offlco. The monBUrom0ntH tho wrpng Bhapoa or delegate from ono ot tho Omaha cluba. ls James Mitchell ot Broadwater visiting with frlonda ln tho city. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Johnson lott Wednesday for Omaha tfhero they I will visit for a few days. 4 f expressions of approval of tho local raattor waa adjusted so agroeably pr0vauing utylcs j iiiul iiii . 17m uuiuu iu i.ui u urn duuiu nxt ML IUU IUUUU.O. A VOTE FOR A. S. ALLEN, Republican Candidate FOR COUNTY CLERK Will Be Appreciated. Because ot tho largo area of tho Btato and for purposes of administration, 'Vnlirniilrn la iMvtAnA In tn Hntrlrf fcorroHpondlng to tho six congressional ' 10 tahOT0t , marl" mat can ooar uvuijf"'"K uu 4a in ahooa. Tho fundamental for good health ia correct posture. Sho dwelt on thin phaBO ot tho subject to eomo length Baying that women muBt loam to dlvldo responsibility and to ro- factor ln Uicbo fundamontala la districts. Each district bas a com-, nlnfti llaf nf nfflnnra nml linlfln t. rttn- trlct convention. The presidents of tho W- "Thl8 ,a Bomothlng which we districts for this year aro: First dls-1 women havo not yet loarncd, Bald trlct, Mrs. S. P. Crosap, Nobrnka Dr. Hcdgor anl dosod with a ploa City; Second district, Mrs. E. S. Nick- nr bettor and strougvr wnnieu ln the eraon, papimon; Tiuru district wra. unurw. HAVE YOU REGISTERED? If Not Do So and Vote for THEO. LOWE, JR, FOR COUNTY CLERK r-" n -1 ii,n