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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1922)
7. I'M THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEK!!? TRIBUNE (Political Advertisement) FACTS KNOWN BY ALL AND MISREPRESENT ED BY VERY FEW OF THE FIRM BELIEF THAT THE TAXES IN LINCOLN COUNTY. MUST COME DOWN ACTIVITIES OF IHE 'A STOCK SHIPMENTS The following carloal shipments, o LIVE STOCK MARKERS Tln fnllnwlntr riunt.iHnna woi2ifl vcre'tue livestock were made from tho North oponlug markets at South Omaha thlu morning and wore received here by WHAT IS IHIING HONK I1Y THE IHrTEltHNT LODGKS AND SOCIIJTIES PKBSIJYTEUIAN Aid society will hold their annual Bazaar and supper In the church par-' lors on Denembor Sth. IMatto station of tho Union Pacific dur ing tho week ending esordny Omaha ' TAX PAYER IS JUSTIFIED IN EX PECTING BUSINESS TO BE HANDLED RIGHT CHRISTIAN 'LadlcH Aid will meet Thursday alt ornoon in tho chruch basement. A good attendance is desired. ' P. E. O. . . Chapter A "K, P. E. 0. will meet tacts known by all and misrepre-. Uh Mrfl n w m scntcd by very few, as it is tho duty Wo(,ncB(lny at 3 O.clock- of the. county clerk to net as county I assessor in counties npt electing a SARAH REBEKAII , county assessor. In Lincoln county Lodge will meet at regular session thcro is no county assessor elected, it ! Friday, Nov. 3, at I. O. 0. P. hall at becomes the duty -of tho county clerk J 7:30. Delegates report on tho state to tabulate the assessments returned assembly will bo given. by the different precinct assessors, I naIIARKUM i ! it.!- .. t e ! uiiiikiuk uiu Bt;Ba,..Mu, Clu, ,n . , t, , f Chas. LMckor, 3 cars cattle to South Omaha. Tottonboff Bros. 1 ca." 0& to Ogdon, Utah. Pcto Gunderson, 1 car cattle to South Omaha. :o: . ' WEATHER CONDITIONS Saturday was fair and cooler. Wo had a liit rtiin Sunday morning and it waB cloudy all dny. Yesterday was partly cloudy, clearing off to ward evening. Forecast for North IMatto and vicinity Is : Fair tonight and Wednesday warmer tonight. High est temporaturo yesterday 61, lowest last night 27. : o : CITV AM) COUNTY SEWS elogrnph at 10 a. m. Cattlo Better grades of beof steers about steady. Corn feds Oc: Wm II. CWoodhurBt, . Townshop 10, North of Rongo 20, west Pnnntv Judco ol Gth Principal Morldinn, lias filed 1 , , uouniy juub noUco of ,ntcntIon t0 mai0 annl threo ;.r -nn mtmTrATTnv vear Proof' to establish claim to the NOTICE. FOR PUBLICATION lnnd nb-QV0 dRpcribeti, bofo,ic w. H. c. i ti Woodhurst, United StatoB Commls- it r nnl Offlcn at Lincoln Nobr., slonor, at North Platte, Nebraska, on U. S. Land Office nt Lincoln, our., day of NovomJ)or 1D22 JOUOr 11, MM- rinlmnnt nnmns an wltnesann? Sho tock, bulls steady. Stockors Weak. and $11.75 paid, veals mostly feeders slow. Hogs Mostly 15 to 25 cents lower. Bulk Vacklng grades $G.85'to $7.15. Medium and light butchers ?7.C0 tp $7.90. Top $s.oo: rinlmant nomcs as witnesses: H. W. Gcrkin, Jack 2iglor, J. K. " , , - - - and others slow, j who on November 27, 1W7. mauo r i lintvfAurnnri fltirrv. urnitpn now wu. i ' Notice is hereby irlvcn that John 0 Llndenmuth. of Wollflect, Nebraska, IinrrffiRtead. entry. i 01 man. T.ineoln. No. 02920. for W anrt , NE, E NWW and SE. Section 8 J. E. HAYS, Register. -:o:- Wednesday after- before the county board of cqunliza- Edwards ing the meeting of the county board of equalization any tax payer feeling ( LUTHERAN tlmt an unjust value has been made , Aid society will bo entortalned on his property he may appeal from Thurdsay nftornoon in tlio church tho decision of the precinct assessor, j parlors at 3 o'clock. Tho hostesses having his assessment ndjustcd be- nr0 Mosdames Sandall, II. York, Theo. fore the board of equalization, there j LowC Jr- nd William Huxoll. is then an abstract of the county as-i amfiiipan t fpTtim E. E. Carr is visiting in Hastings with friends for a few days. Fresh sauerkraut and limborgcr cheese at Martl's market. A daughter was born 10 Mt, and Mrs.' Georgo Canda on Sa'urday. A. Pigeon of Hastings was a busi ness visitor in tho city Saturday. A son was born toVMr. and Mrs. W. W. Hunt yesterday. Havo just received a car or fresh mined .Kemmorer Lump Coal, a high grade, very hot coal. Tho Artificial Ico & Cold Storage Co. NOTICE OP PETITION 2 A VOTE FOR L, L. BERTHE ' Democratic and Progressive Candidate for SHERIFF. Believes in enforcement of all laws. Two terms; is long il enough for any man to hold an office. : l A VOTE FOR A. S. ALLEN Estate No. 1913 of Robert A. Mc Knlght, deceased In tho County Court Real Estate Mortgages .bought and of Lincoln County, Nebraska aold, T. a Patterson. Rolfo Halligan of Lincoln came Sunday to visit with tho parents Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Halligan. Mrs. P. J. Gilman left Sunday for iChicago to visit her daughter Mrs. Geo. A. Saint for two wcoks. Tho State of Nebraska. To all! persons interested In said Estate take notlco that a petition has boon filed for tho appointment of William . S. McKnight as Administrator of said estate, which has been set for hear-! ing herein on November 3, 1922 at( 10 o'clock A. M. Republican Candidate FOR COUNTY CLERK Will Be Appreciated. scssment sent to tho state board of Tho War Mothors invito tho mem- Fred Marti spent Sunday in Sidney i equalization where values, arc com-jbora of tho Amorlcan Legion to at- visiting his daughters Hazel and Mar-1 pared equalized as between counties J ton(1 tho ,rinlatIco Day services Sun-jl0 wno aro attending school there. J and returned to the county clerk, tho i (lny evening, Nov G nt tho Episcopal Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Strass of OgalltJ taxc: are levied again3t those vxlua- church ... 7.oft. . i Hnf,nt VOHtnr,iIlv i. ti, Mtv tmna.l acting business. PRESBYTERIAN Church helpors class will meet witli Mrs. W. P. Snyder on Friday after noon at 3 o'clock. Thoso on Uiq entertainment committee aro Mos dames Snyder, Roso, Rahmeypr and tions. Tho "return of the assessed valua tion of tho precincts by the precinct assessor is the foundation for tho rnising of all revenue to care for the expenses of the County, Stnte, Schools, Bonds and other special as sessments. , Kunkol. As county clerk, it is my duty to BAPTIST " extend the levies so assessed for the Biolo groUp wnr m5ct wUh Mr3i difTercnt expenses specified nbove, WosBburg Thursday afternoon at her the County Board levies tho county ! l0mc at 708 West 4th Btreot. lax, State Board levies state tax, the Queen Esther group yflll meet with school districts certify tho amount ' ,Si Leon, 721 West 2nd Thursday of money to bo used for school pur- afternoon poses, all bond issues aro authorized ' by tho vote of the people, the county '."WAN, MO clerk must extend these levies nnd 1 Tne .Wnr Motors will, rltend. tho authorize tho county treasurer to' services at the Episcopal church next collect the same. 'Sunday ovenlng Nov. 5 at 7:30, iri- My knowledge of county affairs ,('Ild of the morning service, Meet. . makes H possible for mc to give youl111 ,l Clinton's homo nt 7:lf tho facts i?ovirnintr these trnnsnc 1 Th(J Auxiliary of, tho American Lc- , tions, but does not delegate to me the,8,on Is InVIteil to attend this service authority to make changes in the re- wltn hom. turns of your assessment. :o: Should a scliool district request W. L. Larson of Wollflect was a $1,500.00 for school purposes, how business visitor in tho city Saturday, could 1 justify myeclf if I made a j Frcah sauerkraut and Limborgcr Jcvy of only ?800.00? cho080 nt Mntrl,8 ,n(lrket. Should a bond issuo of one mill be voUd for tho building of a court house, how could I justify myself if, I extended but ono-half mill? 1 M- K- Croso' transacted business, Should a ten mill levy for build-1 1,1 Lexington yesterday, ing a school house bo certified to me, , Lorcn Hastings came Saturday from how would I justify myself if I left Lincoln to spend a weok visiting hia it off? parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. E. Hastings. Cnspor Ranch left Sunday evening for Denver where ho will' transact business for several days. John B. Edwards roturned yester day from Chicago and other eastern points whoro ho transacted business. Leo Tlgho returned to Loveland, Colorado yesterday after visiting in tho city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. McKJnloy nnd son Marlon of Sutherland visited in tho city with friends lasjweelf. Miss Roxlo Erb spent tho : week end in Gothenburg jvlslting wjth homo folks. Mrs. Ella Jenkins left Saturday for St. Paul, Minn., to spend the winter with rolatlves. Mrs. J. A. Mason nnd baby left Sat urday for Oshkosh after visiting with tho formers sister, Mrs. Lamburt. Dated October 4, 19,22. Yours for an Equal Deal Girden D: Eells, Republican and Progressive candidato for County' Commissioner, District No. 2. Your vote will be appreciated. W ANTED ft ; FURS GOOD DEMAND Hotter than last year. Must have trapping license. I am paying UIItES from 7 to 10c a now. pound I L. LIPSHITZ Mrs. A. II. of Wellfleet was a business visitor in. tho city yenlorday. HAVE YOU REGISTERED? If Not Do So and Vote for THEO. LOWE, JR. FOR COUNTY CLERK Wo Realize Being In busi ness is a public responsibility. frs. All For You Prices have been lowered to get you to become a customer. Quality has been improved to have you remain a customer. Hirschfeld Good Clothes Are Lower in Price and Finer iu Quality. We show them this season in an extensive variety of handsome styles, all sizes and special models to fit tall, short, stout and slend er men. A Special SItowliifr of $29 SO Suits and Overcoats Other Good Values $17.50 to $45.00. Clothing Experts Exports N0ItTH PLATTE S FOREMOST CLOTIIIERS For Men nnd Young Men Should a scliool district make a levy for six. pupils for free high scliool privileges of $108.00 each, amounting to $G18.00, how would I justify myself if I only made a lovy of $108.00? There is just one method of re ducing taxes, nnd that is by reducing expenditures. If tho County, Stnto ami Schools will roduco their ex psnsos NTmi tho yuopl onse to vole bonds fov improvement, or in other words, & ltsa lovy or demand fm money will bring smaller levies Hml tho task Is accomplished. I fijnily believe that tnxea must como down. Acting as your county nssosspr, my Instructions to ths pre cinct Assessor was to bring in lowor valuations in 11)22 than was roturned in 1921, which was done. The tax payers in Lincoln County in 1022 will pay $121,081.00 lorn. I taxes than they did in 1021. 'Tho tax payer is justified in ex pecting tho business of tho county handled economically. Should my pnst record bo in har mony with tho wish of tho people up on public service, I will appreciate your support at the election Nov. 7. A. S. ALLEN, Republican Candidato for County Clerk, Lincoln County. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gish of Famam voro business visitors In ho city Friday. VOTE FOR f5 Play them here! The new November Victor Records! Now's the time. Here's the place. Come In I Holley Music House. 7 -.r: : Democratic Candidate tor County Treasurer. Hi ;!fi m I am for Chas. W. -Bryan without any apology and believe in the reduction oi taxes as any public official should in these adverse, times. I am not condeming any public officials, but merely competing for office in a business method. I promise service and a business like administration. I Will Appreciate Your Support. f Austin, Tk Jeweler. Keith Theatre Building , S I il k I I fe m m a mm TV I C m m ma u, mum llil i J m m il MMmMmpieueuEi niflcmnnnnnnnnHM.. i JlnaiJT3T3CTraoOEi ill ill