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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1922)
t THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CHATS WITH YOUR; GAS MAN Wo do not ay much about It, . but as nn Industry wo arc gruwi- . lng by leapH nnd bounds. Iwk nt tlioBO facts: Last year tlio American peo ple consumed three times as much gas as thoy did twenty yoarH ngo and doublo the amount used ten years ago. In 18C0 the largest gas holder In the country hold but two million cubic foot of gas. Today holders aro Millt with a capacity of fifteen million cubic If tho gas now iiBcd annually by tho American peoplo wero all made and stored at onco, Just for ono day, It would ro qulro a tank largo enough to coved tho cntlro ntatc of Rliodo Island and moro than fifteen feet high to hold It all. Wo aro making quite a Httlo progress, don't you think? North Platte Light & Power Co. WEATHER CONDITIONS CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Mrs. Anna Davis and children leave tho ael of tho wjook.for. their home Mr. and Mrs. Doll Huntington of In portland after, spending several LIVE STOCK-MARKETS Yesterday morning was cloudy and and thore was a slight showor at noon. The forcast for North Platte and vicinity Is: Somewhat unsettled tonight and Wednesday, slightly In Honor of .MIns Homier A group of young people will en. tcrtaln this evening at a picnic at wanncr tonlghk Lampiaugirs lako in honor of Miss Helen Donnor who soon leaves for Tho flro department responded to a -sot- Long Beach, Calif, camo last week to spend two months visiting rela tives. They wero former rosldentB of this city. Mrs. W. A. Buchflnch and child ren left Saturday for Orand Island where they will spend a week visit ing relatives. Miss Doris Dawson returned Sat- weeks In tho city visiting relative. Th() f0n0WnB quotations wero the Henry Husemoller, a fireman tor opening markets at South Omaha this the Union Pacific suffered a badly morning and wore received here by Injured ankle Friday when ho slippod telegraph at 10 a. in; and fell In tho engine. Cattle The North Platto Rod and Gun Club Is composed of tho following Carl Hollman, Victor Halllgan, Robort 0. R, Roblson, carl Market for beef steers fairly actlvo. Strqng to 1G cents higher than yes terday. $10.G0 paid. Sho Btock full steady. Bulls and veals stendy jto Lincoln to resume her studies at the call from the Fair Grounds and found nnnnnrvnlnrv nf Mnn! n nlln nf linv imniililnr1nr Tf wna nn ...!.. r-.. ti l.l .a T lnnnln Beatty, - . ,...u - - r - - " " i' " . i uiuajr iiuiu uuauac uiiu uiuluiu - f Tt lino . . .... . . . v p-- .. . .r ,.4 "TTt, . out w,thout a"y lamnge. Had tho where she spent two weeks visiting Back(!1? nnd Tpw,' strone' stockcra and focders BtronB. v.u "; i u...4uBfc nlarm not ,,cen turnc(1 ,n and friends A good Fellowship banquet of tho ,. 4,. t. reiaines anu inenus secured tho exclusive right to hunt and fish on a stretch of tho I'latto ontnirir Lirm. seven mlleo east of spend two North plntto on the LIncoin Highway. North Platto Womans Club will bo wolll(, hav ,1Min ,,nmntf(ll Th, ,u ir anu wrSl v' oop" anQ river running through tho old Blank- . hold Monday. Sent 4h fit fi'.zn ..... . .. . . .cniiuruu iuit ouiutuuj 101 uiu&cu , uu, uuiy liru roporieo 10 tne uepart- .. j o'clock at the Methodist church par- mcnt Blnco thn 19th nf .Tlv. mn. I3ow whero tbey wlH ,10. Thero will bo a short enter-' than a month ago. weeks visiting relatives. 'iraMjng tho exclvplvo hunting and I talnmcnt. Everyone is cordially in- Miss Dora Marha OUphant return- fiBhlng privilege, tho owner will not 1 vlted. Plato GOc. Paving work will start the last of,ed today from .DesMolnes, Iowa, allow anyone else thero and tho mom- tho week on west ninth street. The u.hnri who anonf thn mimmnr monlhs bors aro forbidden to take any of their Hogs Hog market fairly active. Butcher hogs steady to 10 cents lower. 200 to 300 pound weights J8.00 .o ?9.00 Top $9.15. Packing grades generally ton to fifteen cents lower $7.00 to $7.50. .Sunday .School to Picnic machine will dig) up tho dirt and vl8itlnB her grandparents ino pupns anu tcacnors oi mo asiies winch tho city has spent yearB Episcopal church will hold a plcnio in collecting In tho streets Is at work. Mrs. G. S. Peterson will leave soon for Billings, Montana wncro sho will North Platto friends with them. The camp house has sleeping places for returnC(i six and tho married members aro -:os- Margarotto Todcnhoff and mother Saturday from Omaha where they havo been visiting rela- in th City Park Thursday afternoon The dirt Is being hauled to tho low;- to take their families for an frtoin boglnnlng at threo o'clock. Convey- plnco Just oast of tho Municipal .. ..,., overnight chmp lib case tho other .. . . . i,i-.. ancoa will bo at tho church at 2:4b Bathing Beach where It will make a p. in. This Is nn annual affair and ,flno parking space. This was includ- ono to which tho children especially cd In tho now plan for tho lake and look forward to with pleasure the Danceland entertainers. Miss Mary Gallagher left for her homo In Louisville, Ky. Monday even is the beginning of plans which will ng lsltlng her sister, Sister Qf tm more make this a beautiful park of our overnight dump lm members do not caro to go nt that time. It is a convelont arrangement and is binding for ten years with an city for a few days beforo returning to their homo in Cheyenne. Violet Reynolds is visiting In Over ton this week with friends. -:o:- Eutropla for tho past two weeks. Dr. itiilnli A titan UVil nnrir nninm Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McMeans and Announcement of tho wedding of children loft today for their homo in UNION PACIFIC REDUCES FARES Dr. Ralph Aldon of Kimball and Miss Tho Lincoln county exhibits will Detrlot, Mich, after spending several F0R NEBRASKA STATE FAIR FranccB Lovctt of Kearney has been 1,0 loaded for shipment to tho stato days at tllo J. F. Schwalger home. 1 i i r . . . fnlr nf T.lnrnln nn "WoAnntttlnv n n A r .1 -w ti a t t t iuuuivvu ncio. lur. iviueii ih ino hoii " "v im, UJJU iuia. xi. juaiiaun npuui Union Pacific Railroad will sell of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Alden of this Thursday. Mr. Olson asks North tho week end in tho city visiting at cT,n,a frri, ,, , 1. Johnson home enrouto to from juiogburg, Colo, to Lincoln, Nebr. and return for tho round trip -:o:- STUDENTS ATTENTION I Wo havo an auto-point pencil with black silk cord. Just what you need On September 2 to 8, Inclusive, tho ! for school at a special prlco of 85c- C. S. Clinton & Son. city and Is a gradtmto of tho local i'latto garunors as won as au rarmers the A. high Bchool. Ho opened dental offices to bring In their products and help thoir homo in Gothenburg. In Kimball several yoarn ago nnd hnB make tho exhibit worth while. Any Miss Margaretto Nelson returned minimum rniiml trln fi i no Tin- mot with good success thoro. Tho questions as to tho amount of any to her homo In Gothenburg after turn limit September 9, 1922. Ask tho wedding win do nolo, nt tho homo of article needod should bo referred to spending tho past week in tho city local Union Pacific Agent for specific tho hrldo's parents at Kcarnoy on J. C. Wilson or E. A. Olson who will as cashier at tho Jonhson store. fares and dctailB about train service. Tuesday, Soptomhor Gth. FOR RAISING AND '3I0TING HOUSES Call 301 E. 10th or rhono 532 W DATE YOUNG rylo-Hliids Wedding bo glad to givo any information. Tho oxhlbit promises to bo especially good in some linos but In order to A very pretty wedding took plnco win tho big prizes It must bo qulto Sunday morning at C:30 o'clock at extensive nnd complete In many lines. tho homo of Mrs. L. M. Pylo, 218 South Walnut street when her oldest President Moonoy and Secrotary daughter Miss Ola B. Pylo becamo Jluro of 1,10 North Platte Chamber or tho brido of Archlo W. Hinds of Commorco woro among those who Greoloy. Colo. Proceeding tho on- drovo to Sutherland and attended tho Itranco of tho brifd'p, Mrs. Ira Lo- Plntto River Round-Up, last week'. Mastors sang ,'Oh Promiso Mo". Mise They report quite an attendance of 3 MIbs Dopha Young violtod with lolntlvoo In Horshoy last wcolc. W. Craig of Staplcton was a busl noBB visitor In tho 'city Saturday. ICyow oxamliiud, GIuhroh fitted. Sat isfaction, mire. Clinton ii Soli William Speck Hpont tho woolc end tu Loxlnglon visiting with friends. Ilsw Dolpha Young visited VHh business visitor In tho city Snturday DJt. (). II. CRESSLUJt GRADUATE DENTIST Office ovor the McDonald Stato Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL , 1 'Floronco McKay playod tho wedding North Platto people and an Intorost- Cllnton s for Eye Glasses. . Iimrch. Tho douJjlo rng taorcmony p.-ogram. Everyone who has Mrs. O. L. Jenkins of Tryon was a .was porrormed by Rev. Stovons of boon thore says it is a wonderful .n..,w .,. lll0 ,iy omuruny. (tno unrlstlan church In tho presence place for such an ovent. This year Alvln Tollo spent tho wcok end in I "r !l !ow "ilmito frlonds. The brido thoy had ono of tho original Dead-' j Lexington visiting hla family. ,woro n Bw of white canton cropo wood stages and a small camp oflbj ...... um,i a Buuwur iiouquot oi Indians from tho reservation. Tho Na roses and lllllcs of tho vallov. Sho ui, was attended by hor sinter Miss Jottlo vonr n,i if a rnWn.i it -na fi "EM l'yio. wno woro a pink tnffota dross ncIal nna carried a bouiiuct or pink roses. Talmago Pylo, brothor of tho bride nctod as host man. Tho houso was I.Annf Ifllllv ilnnnpnlrwl .rlfl. n.1 : r ' Thursday ifroni a two weoks .Wins and .out flowers. .ACtor the gpont , Yoll(nvslono Pnrk, i:uremony a tnrco courfJ woirdlns hronkfnHt was sorvod. Tho brido Is a crartuato of Sodco- Vlctor. Vlctorola. Ilolloy Muilo w!ck C0Mnty 1iIk1i school nt julMblir IIOUSO. Ont ntwl nnca n ntn,U,tf 41, nl Bryan Holdonbrnnd of Tryon "ww rado Toachors Collogo at Greeley. Carson. Colorado, where thoy will lie n busInosH vlBltor in tho city Saturday Colo., In which plnco sho mot Mr. t hntnn nftnr a imrt lmnovmnnn eg si succoss, at least coming out oven. -:o: Miss Esthor Schwalgor returned tifjp Mr. and Mim. E. B. Payno return wl Sunday fro points In Wyoming where thoy spent the last three weoks. (3 Victor Halllgan loft yostorday for HIndH. Sho hns boon a succtossful spent in Denvor and Boulder. tofloiior ror tlio past row years having taught In tho .Tofforson school last yoar. Sho mado many friends In school nnd church circles. Tho groom Is a graduato of tho nnlnrniln Rtnfn Tnnnlinra HnMnrm nt Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Fry of Horshoy , , " . T, ,. ... ... Greoloy Colo. Ho Ih principal nt Kt ont Friday In tho city visiting with Ognllaln whoro ho will transact busi ness. Hlghont caul) prlcoH paid (or poultry and Trash eggs nt Harding Cioam Station. epont friends. Miss Elinlra Brodbock has taken a position as operator for tho Union Pacific. A. E. McConnoll visited with his brothor Davo McConnoll In Ilershoy I laat week. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Contos of 1 Suthorlaud visited friends in tho city f'.aturday. 1 Miss Nora Priest of Walla'co is ' visiting at tho Harry Guthorloss 1 homo this wcok. M. C. Loth and family rotumed Saturday from St. Paul, Nobr., aftor spending Bovcral daj'B vlBltlng Avltti frlonds. MrB. Bort Flotchof luft yuatorday morning for Topoka, Kans. after spondlug sovoral weeks horo visiting frlonds. R. L. Cantllu returned Sunday from Moosohoart, 111. whoro ho at tended tho Mooso convontlon hold In that city. y. Miss Elizabeth Llttol has rosumcd her dutios at tho Loader after a threo weoks vacation spent with hor par ents In Kentucky. Ross M. Daly has roslguod at tho Weather Bureau and this Is a good oponlng for n hoy botwocn tlio ffgoB of 1G and 18 years. Mrs. C. A. Pulso and Mrs. A. Sal lno left Sunday for thoir homo In Los Angeles aftor Bpondlng two months In tho city visiting at tho J, C. Den homo. I. '!. UltOWNFIElil), Farm and Live Stock AUCTIONEER. Telephone or wire for dates at my i Expense. HBRSHEY. NEBRASKA. VAUDEVILLE AT THE KEITH THEATRE Wednesday Only. :o:- NOTICE I am proparod to continuo my fnUiora olass, on violin and cornot. Doucot Music Studio, 41G Vino Phono 1G7W HUTU TADLOCK TWO Prcsontlng an European novelty, "Just fun". Hor trio consists of threo finished artists and a triple revolving ladder. LUNI) AND JENA Two young peoplo who will give you up-to-dato songs and daucos which will moro than please. Singing and dancing like you liko it. E0SE GARDEN TEIO Composers of tho popular songs, . Love Mo Sweet Mama. Edelweiss Rose, I'll Miss You tho "Whole Year Round. A real harmony trio with lots of comedy. You, will liko this ono. HILLY SMITH A Httlo bit of ovorythlng, Comedy Singing, Piano and Comedy talk also. A good five-reel picture and tho Blizzard Fan will keep you cool. chool Dress Special We have put on sale a large assortment of Childrens Gingham Dresses, suitable for school wear. Sizes run from 3 to 14 years. Priced 59c, 98c, $1.19, $1.39, $1.89; $1 These are exceptional values offered just at the beginning of School. Come and fit out the children. S3 Wilcox Department Store,, FORD TOP Saturday, September 2nd, will be our last day to sell these Motor Cloth Ford Tops at $6.75, war tax paid and you put them on. Tie Platte Auto Trie 6th and Locust. 7 V