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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1922)
t THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE II ft III HERE'S AfO USE FOR rSlI I WAS RCGHtI ( SEE I TOLD )HI ilU IlL you -to argue, n"? cf ff cp c mot a orop'.i'lu c Wdikl 1 1 vou it wm J MOME jjrJ KKAKXEY IS IN'JVEHISSTEI) IN THE volvo an expenditure of about fifty- STATEMENT OF FACTS 11 Y OFFI FltOSFECTS OF FINDING thousand dollars of someone's good CIAL OF lUtOTlIElllIOOD CRUDE OIL money. Of coure, were a strlko Inline OF YEOMEN that would bo only a drop In a pool The following clipped from tho of oil. To Brotherhood of American Yeo- Kearney Hub gives both sensible and It Is quite needless to say that men and most Public Spirited Citizens fantastic information about posslblo others than the owners of tho lands of .tho City of North Platte: oil wolls at or near Kearney. It in question are Interested, Intensely Something like four million dollars was taken from tho Hub. so. In fact every man, woman and ) is going to bo expended by tho llroth- Durlng tho past few days all of us child in Kearney, it is believed, would orhood of American Yeomen and havo becomo somewhat familiar welcome with real sincerity tho in- North Platto is in n rnlr way to get with tho Teapot Dome, because pf coming of about a live thousand bar- this Home. the possibility of piping oil from that rel gusher on any acreage inunedi- Wo Jmvo ndvlco thtlt tho committeo naval resorvo on through Kearney to atoly tributary to or within the city from tj10 nomo Office nt Des Moines, Kansas City. of Kearney. Wwjft w, uo m North p,nUo oft Tho famed Lance creek field ol But !wever enthused tho crowd 19 nnd 20 of SoptCmbor to investigate Wyoming, tho Burkbennett, Texas, ' is setting, those who are most close- such iocatlon3 ns wc niny mvo to oil floods and Mexican Pete aro not , affected by this rediscovery of oil offor for tho location of this Yeoman unknown in this country of jitneys. in tho valley and along the river hot- llomo aml wo members ot tho Brother Possibly there are some of us oper- tom- aro maintaining a cool front, hoo(1 of American Yeomen nnd cltl ating those Jitneys on Incomes de vlsalzinS the possibilities but not zcna of NorUl pntto sll0u(i ,)Ut fortu rived from these very oil fields. Own losint' sight of tho fact that their OVOry effort to make the personnel ers contributed to sustain exploiters chances of realizing are merely of the Committee nt home whilo in an.l developers and stock salesmen speculative. They aro weighing tho our city 01l Ulls tour ot mvesUgation. who affably claimed acquaintance- chances carefully and painstakingly And to this end entertainment Corn ship with tho most fickle and elusive before undertaking a financial plunge mittees havo been selected from the of all fortune makers, oil. It's a m uo N Pool. Lodge, Lookout Homestead number great game, with tho wido world the If further and thorough examina- 3030. Brotherhood of American Yco limit and none barred. Oil has been tlon loveals such existing conditions mon ns Woll as from tho Chamber of found on tho ocean's strand, witness as would warrant and encourago tho Commorco and tho Klwanls and Ro Baku. Desertless wastes have dls- sinking of a test well, It vmay bo tary Clubs of tho city of North Platto gorged fortunes, as in Texas, tho done, the Hub Is informed, but un- to carry out such plans as may bo rocky shores of Tampico havo pro- til such time thoso interested aro suggested by tho membership of those duc d scores of millionaire oil barons ' nt lotting their enthusiasm back organizations. and the naval reserves will add their ' their judgoment off into a maze of It ia bolievcl next to impossible to quolo to tho list. speculative oil pools. Alliance, Roseiand, Campbell and a community, or city it you please, of Yeomen folks such as may perchanco havo met with misfortuno in Hfo and and left without matter or means of self support. Now let us, evory brother, sister, father, mother, son, and daughter of tho Brotherhood of American Yeomen and Public Spirited Citizens of tho city ot North Platto bond every effort toward tho Royal Entertainment ot this Committeo from Dcs Moines on Soptciriber 19 nnd 20 and crcato an impression upon them that will lenvo but ono thing for them to do, and thnt will bo tho selection ot North Platte os tho ideal spot for tho location of tho Ypomon Home. Fraternally Your, A Member of Lookout Homestead number 3030 Brotherhood ot American Yeomen. was completely cured.'.' (Statement given August 7, 1907.) THIRTEEN YEARS LATER or on Juno 7, 1920 Mrs. Wcssburg added: "Ah tho years go by my fiaith in Doan's Kidney Pills grows strongor. It is ninny years slnco Doan's cured mo of kidney complaint and since then 1 havo enjoyed good health." fiOc at all dealers. Fostor-MUburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. L. & S. Groceteria. -:o:- AFTER THIRTEEN YEARS North I'inito Testimony Remains Un slink en score of cities, towns and villages In Nebraska havo their oil prospect and are prospecting. Even humble Gib bon, which boar ts modestly and just ly of having Uie finest little tourist , park in the state has taken a flyer at oil. Why not Kearney? Why not? Of course it comes high It's a game of big stakes, no limit. But then there is a prospect and an oil prospect means prospecting. In terms of dollars and cents it depends entirely upon how deep you want to go, into your jeans and into the earth. Natives have becomo all excited within the past few days over a dis covery of oil In Kearney. Lately some evidences of It have been found at tho Herbert gravel pit. It is un questionably oil. Further traces aro to be found along the entire length of the Walker channel, for miles both east and west of Central Ave. Farmers havo seen evidences of it from time to time, looked It over and then went about tho business of the day, raising corn to raise hogs to raise money to lift the family mort gage. But ever so often there comes a time to havo a lllng at flcklo for tune and may bo tho time is at hand. Within the past two days as many oil experts, working their scientific knowledgo or the divining rod, have examined lands in and about tho Herbert gravel pit. They both agree oil was evidence there, ono folt certain it would bo found In abund ance at thirty-two hundred feet down. Ho estimated a pocket exist ed there somewhere, ono that would ; yield untold wealth if tapped. Tap- ping sounds simple and is not a very complicated matter, except in dollars and cents. For to sink a well down j to thirty-two hundred feet would in. I SOME DAV, MAYBE THEV'LL. GET SOMETHING FROM ECONOMICS BESIDES THE "cOPVRICMT lOge PUB AUTOCA9TCU Sln estimate the benefits to ho derived from tho 'ocntion of this Homo at North Platto, either to tho Yeomen or to tho city of-North Platto and county of Lincoln. Somo of you, no doubt large numbers, havo read of some of the things done at Moosohoart in tho Interest of humanity by tho Loyal , Order of Mooso Lodge "for their aged and orphans as well as others who are in a position to benefit by the activities of the Mooso Lodge at Moose heart. Well, these things aro just tho things that will be accomplished by tho Brotherhood of American Yeomen in the Homo which they aro now con templating. Schools, nthlotlcs, agri culture, Inndscnpo beautifying, onter tainont nnd care for tho aged and in firm, tutoring of the orphan young and well the Home means a regular FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bull at farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Street Time is tho best test ot truth. Here is a story that has stood tho test of tima. It is a story with a point which ylll como straight homo to many of us. Mrs. A. C. Wcssburg, 70S W. 4th St., says: "Tho doctor said I had a float ing kidney and It was so swollen that it was noticeable. 1 had awful pains through my kidneys and I could not stand long. My doctor advised an op eration but I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box. After a couple of days' use, tho pains less severe, tho swelling gradually went nway and I FIFTV-FOURTH SEPT.3 4-5-6 7-8 THE BEST JN ALL LIHE5 ARE iSEMBLED LINCOLN. LfnrTmvjHERE mum Ysk " ' 1 umntniniii l " ' "?" " rrrTV7Mi 1 u 1 iv i "8 v n m j .1 1 1 jut t " u o mnni.3Mr:iJim.pniMfi-iyiii. -m E AUTIFUL BLUE B Mm am 4 We'ro happier far when wo'vo fldwers to view Tho flowers aro smiling ; why shouldn't you Get your share of j flower satisfaction. It is tho one big blessing in lifo that wo can all havo in our lives and uso to brighten tho lives . of those wo love. 1 4 krUEf' THE NORTH PLATTE FLORAL CO. ROWERS AND PLANTS I WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU A C VJ1 1 0 DUrtNCI' PHONE 1023 to Cattle At Auction Monday, Sept. 4th, 1922. at North Platte Stock Yards. fsas These Cattle will sell in car load lots. Part of them will sell freight paid to the river, feed and transit on any branch of the main line. These cattle consist of feeders of all weight, cows, yearlings, two year old heifers and calves. We will have a nice string of cattle here and would be pleas ed if you would come and buy your feeders here. The highest bidder always gets the cattle. We will be looking for you Monday, Sept. 4th, 1922. We Can Sell Your Cattle. Bring them in and see if we can't get you the real money for them. Here at North Platte is where the sellers and buyers Meet. Ranch Live Stock Co. C. RAUCH. T, OGDEN. B. LEECH. BUSINESS CABINETS 250 sheets letter paper. 200 ordinary envelopes. 50 large envelopes. All printed just as you want them. Prolessional Men. Stockmen. Lodge Officers. Farmers. Conlractors. Tradesmen. The North P ld.fte Inb