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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1922)
1 iTr tribune TUESDAY and E1MI)AY Ml- 'i 71 -0 I . . - tf.. 1 THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR pf LINCOLN HIGHWAY MAY HI- HnMuM NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 25, 1922. No. GG NATIONAL AND STATE OFFICIALS "VISIT CITY AND CONSIDER CHANGE National" Secretary Holgo and wlfo and State Counsel Walz, Loth of tho Lincoln Highway Association were in North Plntto yesterday. They woro conferring with local officials of tho Lincoln Highway in regard to matters of business. In company with some of tho road and highway men they visited tho Lincoln Hignwny on tho north side and considered changing tho route from Twelfth to Ninth street. After crossing tho Union Pac ific tracks on Locust street, tho route Is north on Locust to Twolfth and thence west on Twolfth to tho Cody Itanch. It is proposed to chango tho routo so that after crossing tho tracks on Locust it turns west on Ninth street and boyond tho city limits It angles over to tho Cody Ranch road. Tt is said tho proposed route would do away with tho sharp curvo near tho cemetery whero at least two auto drivers havo met death. Tho twelfth street Toad is along tho city limits and is neither city nor county. It is not paved and there is probably little prospect of its being paved for many years to come. The Ninth stroet route is now being paved for sevon blocks and this will likely bo continued west to tho city limits as soon as it can be arranged. Tho local party which in spected tho proposed route included A. B. Hoagland, Lincoln County Coun sel, B. F. Seoborgcr, District Co.unsel, Mayor H. H. Evans, Engineer It.- L. Cochran and others. Tho enterprise of tho Ninth street residents in get ting the paving started this year is in part responsible" for tlio ""suggestion that such enterprise be rewarded by putting Ninth stroet on the Lincoln Highway, tho greatest nation road in tho world. Tho matter has not yet been settled but if the peoplo affected will urge it unitedly it will become a fact boforo long. HOY SCOUTS ARE IN CAMP FOR I NINE DAYS OF FUN AND ' INSTRUCTION SHORT STORIES OF !T0 REMODEL THE PEOPLE ID THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ADOUT RE CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Tho boy scouts accompanied by E. L. Stephens, scout cxccutlvo of the North Platto local Council and part of tho scoutmasters left Wednesday for tho annual encampment on tho banks of tho North Platto river, six miles northwest of hero. While only a smnll group of scouts will spend tho whole period in tho camp, a largo numbor ' . will take part at various times. Mr. 1 Mr aud Mrs M H Crogb and Stephens has sent the following in- .sonB roturncd Wcdnesday ovonln vltatlon to each member of tho Local .from a protractcd tour of tho WMt Council and Troop Committees: -They vIsUcd lhQ pnclflo north t Dflfi.1 . , , . , San Francisco, Los Angeles, Grand Tho annual boy scout camp starts nn., ,, m, ' "'""u . , . . . . , , . ... canyon and Denver. Thoy saw Wednesday, August 23 and lasts until .j.t . , , . , , . . , , many wonderful and interesting Thursday, August 31. You aro vol- i m . , . . ,. . ., , . Places but did not find any whoro como to visit camp at any time and in .,,,. ,. . .. ,. lt , . : T. . , , thoy would rather live than North fact wo urge you to como. It will help . , T , , ..... . ... Platto in Lincoln county. you and tho scouts to get acquainted. Como for as long as you like but bo - sure to bring somo blankets if you stay Tuesday evening burglars iwyoro busy overnito. Wo havo dishes. Tho camp is ln tho wst part of town. Tho prowl- ono miles west of tho Baker School ors entered tho R. C. Langford homo and two north. Hoping-to se0 you out 011 west 5th street through tho kitchen for one or more nights, I remain, window, and took a rratornity pin Yours in Scouting belonging to Russell Langford besides E. L. STEPHENS other articles of considerable value. Thy also visited tho home of Mrs. KIWANIANS RESUME MEETINGS tUo Cron,n on west ou street, talc PROPOSAL MADE TO REAUTIFY AND IMPROVE POPUIAlt RESOhT AFTER SHORT SUMMER YACATION Tho Kiwauls club mot Tuesday noon at tho Timmcrman '.Vineyard" with a good attendanco after having discon tinued meetings for a fow weeks on account of the summer vacations. J. ing fifteen dollars belonging to oho oC the roomors. It is believed that it was thesn same persons who entered the Chris I3rodbock homo on west 4th taking a gold watch and twenty-five dollars. Tho prowlers wero frlghton od away fom tho York lllnman homo wlion tho lights wero switched on. A negro who is suspected as being dno of tho International convention of Ki- f il" .!hlev.cs ,fJ boln& lloltl n Jail AVanis clubs at Toronto and asked that 101 Iuruier "uormaUon tho next meeting bo given to consider- Copies of tho Referendum petition ing matters of business and policy sent out by Secretary of StatoAins- whlch would como up as a result of borry were, received in Lincoln County his talk. W. R. Maloney and Harry this week. Tho pamphlet of 32 Dixon wero present from tho Rotary pagos ls beIng Bent to evory yotor ln club and extended an invitation to tho (Jtat0i somo 330i000 o thom It the Klwanians and their ladies to be tollB about tno four laWJ whlch worQ tho guests of the Rotary club at a passed by the ,ast lcglBlnturo picnic dinner next Monday evening. whIch caunol becomo ,aWB untn thfl Tho offer was heartily accepted. F. C. peoplo approvJ them Rt thQ ftl Pielsticker passed out cigars in appre ciation of tho now arrival at his homo. :o: Outfit tho children with Bllliken shoes before school starts. Wllqox Department Store. Yostorday John Nolson placed ln tho show window of tho Loador, a draw ing and bluo print plans by Architect Beck, for remodelling tho Community Bathing Beach. Tho drawing shows the basis to bo the proaont beach which is two blocks long and ono block wide. A Btrip of saudy slopo Is to bo secured on thoso sides whoro nono now exists and this is to pro vldo tho sun bath which is bo pop ular. Tho oast end Is for tho bath houses which aro commodious and artistic. A high fenco incloses tho ivhOIo grounds nnd keops out all kinds of domestic animals which like to got in to tho water. Tho wost end is a settling basin with a dlko or dam separating It from tho main pool. Tho top of this diko is to bo a largo walk under which tho water Hows into tho main pool over shallow falls which will help to boat tho pool water. Vinos, trees and walks comploto tho plans Iwihlch include a big parking spaco for cars. A road is to bo open ed from tho beach, oast to Locust street and tho City Park. Wiion scon last night Mr. Nelson said '.It is a fine plan and meets with my approval in tho main. I bellovo wo can raise tho money nnd got it ready boforo another year comes. It will make a wonderful skating pond in winter nnd a popular bathing resort in tho sum mer. I am for it and want to seo it put through," NEW DINING ROOM TO OPEN WITH DINNER AT REGULAR PRICES Manager Trumbull of tho Now Tim morman has announced the oponing of his now dining room on next Sunday. Ho calls the now place Tho Vlneynrd" and tho docoratlons aro ln keeping with tho idea of tho name. Tlio lunch cauntor and rostaurnnt on tho main foor vlll bo continued nnjl '"Tlio Vineyard" will bo an oxtra accomoda tion to tho patrons o tho Now Tim mormnn. The entranco to Tho Vineyard is through tho hotel lobby. Tho rogu lar seating of tho room will bo about sovcnty-flvo .but this can bo doubled without undue crowding. Mr. Trum bull has already sorvod tho Klwanians a fifty cent lunch in this room and it Ib expected that thoy nnd other noon day and dinnor clubs will make "Tho Vlnoyard" tholr regular placo of meet ing. "No additional charge is mado in this room nnd tho best of foods will bo served", said Mr. Trumbull yostor day. "Wo will open with a big special Sunday dinner this twook and then bo roady to glvo any special service which clubs, lodges or other organiz ations may desire," continued Mr. Trumbull. Tlio menu is to bo found in anothor column of this issuo of tha Tribune. :o: Lovers of good fiction will bo In terested in tho list of now books or this chnractor which havo boon add ed to (ho City library recently, "Gontlo Julia" (Tarkington) , "Car nvans by Night" (norvcy) "Hbmc stcad Ranch" (Young) , "Island" Cure (Blanchard), Million Dollar Suit Caso" (MacGowan), "Uncle Bljah's GhoBt" (Loo), Brass (Norrls). SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION NORTH LINCOLN COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION AT 1JRADY -:o:- if s.t J.t i.t :,: i.t i.t U n i.t i.t if :.: i.t i.t :.: i.t i.t s.t :.: :.: if i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t :.: j.: it i.t i.t i.t i.t it it a :.; t.t j.t i.t' :.t i.t J.: i.t if t.t :.: j.r it i.t i.t if i.t i.t i.t t.t if t.t if t.t if i.t t.t t.t if t.t i.t if if t.t if i.t t.t t.t i.t tf i.t t.t if tf t.t if if STORE TALK. We havo been asked several times lately how we hold so much business when everybody is saying business is poor. Our answer has been ''Full Weight at the Right Price with Service." When you buy a bushel o! potatoes and they are delivered in a basket, do you get 60 lbs.? When you buy a peck, is it 15 lbs. or is it a 14 lb. sack full? When you buy a pound of coun try butter, do you get a pound or do you just get a print? We weigh everything that is sup posed to be sold by weight and guarantee ful weight. So bewere of the measure, they hardly ever hold out. Let us prove this to you. 1 A FEW SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY, . AUGUST 26th AND 28th 1 24 pound sack of Flour 57c 1 48 pound sack of Flour, guaranteed . . $1.59 1 bushel Potatoes, 60 pounds 95c 1 gallon Blackberries 99c 1 gallon Peaches . 72c 2 pounds Fig Bar Cookies 35c 2 pounds Ginger Snaps 25c Last chance on Crab Apples, per bushel . . 75c FREE DELIVERY Gamble with Springer 822 North Locust Phone 203 election in November. Tho pamphlet v gives a copy of tho law and argu ments for and against its approval by thoso who aro moat Interested. Iv is worthy of being read by every' voter as ballots will bo handed out and an intelligent voto is desired Tho Tribune will welcome signed if, articles either for or against , any of : theso bills. North Platto peoplo who havo not 'Q previously heard of tho death of Mike : Graham will bo intorosted in tho i following account from a Denver i Paper. Mr. Graham was. for a num. g her of years on a run out of North Platto and was well known "here, jj I Despondency ..Induced by his fail- ure to find omploymont is believed if, by tho police to havo caused Michael g Graham, 45 years old, 1121 Mndison street, to commit sulcldo. Graham's lifeless body was found at 1 o'clock l Monday morning with a bullet thru :!t his heart, near tho Greek theatre at : tho Civic Center. U When discovered by O. I. Davis of g Glen Elder, Kan., Graham lay dead! J.5 in a pool of blood. A rovolver "with ft ono chamber empty was at his sldo, ; whilo tho empty shell from tho pfslol lay in tho grass a fow fool away. Investigation by tho police dls j;t closed that Graham recently waB dis fX charged as conductor for tho Union Pacific railroad. Rolatives said ho J had been brooding over tho loss or g.hjs position and was despondont. i Tho body was taken in charge of Corner Thomas M. Hunter, Willis Graham, 24 yoars old, a son, idonll- fled tho body and expressed tho boiler :;: 1hat death was Bclr-Infitctcd. Mrs. Michael A. Graham, wife of tho dead man, told polico that her husband had boon despondent. Sho ft Raid sho know of no circuiflstenccs ft ( that might havo caused him fb bo murdered. ) According to rolatlvos, Graham , was discharged by tho Union Pacific :;t railroad sovoral months ago, aftor ho permitted a bralccman to handle his train -from Sterling, Colo, to LaSallo Colo., when ho suffered an attack or ft asthma. SInco that timo ho has boon unablo to find employment, rolatives said. J Graham was well dressed, but car- rlod no money in his pocket. Ho had ft $50 worth of war Bavlng stamps ln II an Insldo pocket, and a ccrtificato thowlng his idcnlty and provlous ft omploymont by tho railroad. i :o: $1 Mont your friends at Dancolanjdi, Tlio Methbdist Ladles Aid society hold Its annual meeting at tho church yesterday with a full attendanco. Tho following officers were elected for tho coming year Mrs. John B. Ed wards, presldont; Mrs. Irono Crane, vico-prosldcnt; Mrs. York Hlnman, secretary and Mrs. Frank Yearsloy, trcasuor. A voto if thanks was givon Mrs. B. B. Boatman, tho retiring presi dent for hor successful leadership. Tho reports showed that during tho past year tho society had earned $1,248.85 abovo expenses, which was considered very satisfactory. :n: Henry Euho of Lena, 111. is in North Platto visiting friends. Mrs. B. I. Hlnman received no"w3 yesterday morning of tho d'oath of her sister Mrs. C. L. Cooper of SnoarflBh, So. Dakota. Mrs. Cooper was a plonoer of this section but moved with her fnmtly to Dakota in tho lato seventies;- FolldrtJing Is tho program of tho North Lincoln County Sunday School convention which will moot next Sun day at Brady. FORENOON SESSION In Grove, 10 a. in. 10:00 Song and Devotional Servico Mra. N. Edwards, Supt. Brady S. S. Special Music, Brady Sunday School. 10:30 Roll Call and Address W. H. Klmborly. 11:00 Convontlon Sormon. Pastor Methodist Church, Brady. 11:45 Appointment of Committees. 11:50 Special music. AFTERNOON SESSION In Grove, 2:00 p. m. 2:00 Song and Dovotlonal Servico, Pastor of Baptist Church, Maxwell. 2:30 Stories for Children, Margarot Ellon Brown. . 3:00 Special Music. 3:10 Roll Call and Reports of Schools. Addross, W. II. Klmborly. 4:00 Roport of Committees, Election, of Officers and Invitations for placo or next convontlon. Special music i:ir AddrcsB, Margaret Ellon Brown. 4:45 Adjourn. EVENIG SESSION 7:30 p. in. Song and Dovotlonal Servico. Roll Call and offering, j Storooptlcon Lecture on Second World I Sunday School tour. Margaret Ellen Brown. I :o: Mrs. I. G. Weir nnd daughtor Ella j arrived yesterday from Sterling, Colo and thoy will opond tho remainder Jof tho week at tho W. H. O'Connoll honlio. .. A . ........ .WW................................ .. Airedale Poppies For Sale From Champion Bred Registered Stock. A Real Watch Dog. Reasonable Prices. . JANDEBEUR Phone 81 or 805W. it .....4.......MM.,,.,.M....!..M..........wt ovory Saturday nlcht. Her Greatest Picture, a Masterpiece Accompanied byja Beautiful Prologue. Special Music, Singing the Wonderful Song, "Smiling Through" 'milin'',cttimiA Eight Reels of Storm and Sunshine Arrange to See This Wonderful Picture From the Beginning. AT THE KEITHFour Days, Commencing Saturday First ShowStarts'7:15 p. m. Second Show Starts 9:05 p. m. Prices:--Balcony 35c; First Floor 55c; Children 25c