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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
A TUESDAY una FRIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PliATTE, NEBRASKA, MAY 5, 1922. NO. 34. SHORT STORIES OF 'llIGH SCHOOL DEBATING TEAM IS ENTERED IN STVTE ' CONTEST PEOPLE UNIT T MINGS items 01' interest about kb cent happenings in this community Tho dobatlng team from the North Platto high school will go to Lincoln next week whoro It will enter tho state contest. Thoro nro cloven de bating districts In tho Btato nnd tho champions In each district strive for the state pennant at. that time. Tho North Platto team will bo ono of tho twolvo teams to debate at this tourn ament which comes on Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Tho team Is com posed of Albort Shonk, Goorgo Dent, and Louis Brotornltz with Robort During April twenty marriago 11- Iloagland as alternate. censes wore issued by tho county I judge. This is about the average for jTorrington, Wyo looking after tho any month and may show that affairs spiritual welfare of tho Japanese ana of the heart have returned to normal, holping thorn to becomo American. The number of automobile licenses issued in Lincoln icounty up to May 1 was 3,508. There are now fifteen- pool crows working on tho third district. It is predicted that this numbor would bo increased if tho end. coal striko would ized. 0. 13. Shooman In a small -car got onto Fourth street tho other day and went a block or two before ho dis covered he was making qulto nn im pression on tho freshly laid concrete bed. Not seeing a chance to got out by going ahead ho turned around aud wont back, leaving just as much im- 7 , , . i n i v iv. s - 1 1 ar - mm i i POPULAR N0HT1I PLATTE ART ISTS TO GIVE CONCERT SOON At tho meeting of tho Board of Ed ucation held Wednesday evening, Mrs. Jcjhu Baker Jr. was rc-oloqtcd )as Music supervisor of tho city schools pressIon ag he whon golnB In ioc uio coming yoar. court ho wag cnarged wlth ln. . ., ,., Uurlng a public road and fined $14.80. Durinf; tho month of April thero ,,,..., . . , ' , , . ,Ho explained that tho street was not IVUIO UUL LWU mu uiunua U.UU UULII wore real fires. This is a record as to numbera for' any month for several years. properly closed but Judge Tracy thought ho had dono that much dam- ago. S. C. blark, the popular Union Pa- I James S. Walton, traveling passon Cor airont for thn Rnmirfl Kttvnnifili'n j. a - 1 . l 1 . .1 k. uio usuiit ui uHiiiiK hub uuuu iu(co. was in North Platto yesterday sort of a traffic- manager for the ex- looklng UD buslness Ho was mtorcst tension west of thero and his brother' ed IntervIowlnir thoso whn nrn has been made assistant agent so that'tondlng to make a tdp tQ EUropo n Jiu-uui nuvo timo tor ma new uuuea. . Ul0 neap futuro aml thQaQ haVQ Reports from tho churches Indicate connections thoro to whom they send that more than 350 boys attended the money. He said travel would bo heavy regular services in tho different but that tho new Cunard steamships churches of North Platto last Sunday. aro standardized so that thoy aro not Attendance at these services was a 80 ,arS as some of thoso built ear iwrt nf Mm hnvs' d.avs nroirram. . 1,er and U,ey burn oil instead Of coal -j so that only ono smoke funnel- Is 10c Committees have lieen appointed for esBary. tho Boy Scout financial campaign and! "' . . - thev are out this week asking tho "At tho "twelfth annual sale of tho citizens to support tho work during Highlino Shorthorn Broeders assocla the coming year. Wo should cheer- Uon held at Farnam last Wednesday, tully and with a whole heart give to there were forty-six lota of fine cat thls cause. tie offered. Tho sale pavillion Is a small one compared with some In No Freight trains are now scheduled braska but It is well appointed and to Cottier on the North Hlver branch. was Wg enough fpr the crowd that at ijus is ?4 mues oeyoiiu nuig. il xvua tended thero. A. W- Tljompson of formerly called Cherry Creek. The York was the auctioneer and ho was new trains are numbered 91 and 02 a good one- The a8gaolatlon gave the and cover the round trip from Haig to visitinE cattlemen a good dinner at Cottier every day. ono of the and iooked after tlielr A meetintr wliTbo" held at the S. comfort in every way possible. Ani- P. Brock farm, south of Brady o 1111118 from n,.no hords wero entornd. May 9, at which F. C. Old, poultry speclalst with the Extension service Arrangomenta have been made for a recltnl-concort In tho First Presby terian church In tho near future by Mia Florence McKay and Paul Ilar- iiiliigton. Miss McKay has but recont- y returned from somo months ot study In Chicago and Mr. Harrington has spent tho last fow months in Don- vor. This concert promlaos to ho ono of tho musical events of tho season. :o: NORTH PLATTE TO ENTER DIST. RICT ANJj) STATE TRACK MEET MAKE ROOM!- ONE AT A TIME!! ENGINES TO BE BUN THROUGH THIS CITY BOARD TON OEE B OONZED EXPERIMENT BEING TRIED RAILROAD PASSENGER . DEPART3IENT BY Passenger engines aro now being run from Omaha to Cheyenne aud from Cheyenne to Omaha without change Tho englno is put ln good condition in Omaha and a crow takes it to North Platte. Here another crow takes tho engine and runs It through to Choyenno. It is put Into tho round house thero and cleaned and tested and when ready Is sent back with a change of crews at NpYth'. Platte. The plan is being' tried out aa an experiment and so far has been quite satisfactory. Somo of the work at the round house will be cut out It tho plan Is adopted. No chango is contomplated in tho freight englno service. , t :o: TWENTY-FIVE SHR1NERS HAVE A SPECIAL CAR FROM HASTINGS NEW -MEMBERS TAKE PLACES AND OFFICERS ARE NOW ELECTED M. E. Scott and Chas. Licrk, Jr wero duly installed as members of the Board of Education hero at a meeting held Wednesday evening in tho office ot tho board. Tho retiring members nro Mrs. Elizabeth B. Cramer nnd Mrs. Ray Snyder. Tho now members filed their certificates of eloct on Itoprosontlvea of tho North Platto high school will go to Kearney whoro tho district track moot will bo hold on Saturday. The next week they will go to Lincoln whoro thoy will enter tho stato track meet. It is freoly pro dieted about town that if tho boys aro In condition thoy will probably broak somo stato records. :o: MUSIC CLASS TO GIVE RECITAL AT ST. PATRICK'S HAIili RESOLUTION NEW YOEMAN HUM E CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS I'NDORSE INVITATION TO 1'OEMEN Announcement was made yesterday of a recital to bo given on May 18 and 19 by tho pupils of St. Patrick's school. Tho Slstors in chargo of tho muslo instruction in that school pro paro tho pupils for public appearanco each yoar and tho ovont is looked for ward to by music lovers. Tho musi cal will bo given in tho hall at tho school. Admission will bo 50 cents. LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL SPEAKERS TO STRIVE FOR STATE HONORS Mildred Skinner nnd Dorothy Elder will roprosont this district in tho stato contests next week. Mildred will attend tho oratorical soction ot the declamatory contest, which will bo this including the School of Agrlcul turo at Curtis. The average price for will give a demonstration of poultry " ru. Lincoln ii maivo io quiu lu do a nine nignor. methods. Ho will bo in county on May 10 but tho place haa not yei ubbu ubwiiuiubu. Qno of the foaturog of Ul0 Bllcs Miss Jessie Gfecn, from tho Exten. show at s Polr. Callf- la8t Thurs sion service. Lincoln" will bo in Lin- ila' nlt was given by the Dally coin county for two days this month ,Nos 38 f;i0v'si: ti 4 nn Mnv 13 RhB will meet tho hot Tho fashion show- wlUl ten lunch clubs of Box Elder and West Osgood at Blgnell. On the following day she will bo in North Platto at the office of County Agent Kellogg. Twenty-flvo Shrlners attended tho convention at Hastings yesterday and loft thoro in a spocial oar last night. Tho car was attached to ono of tho Union Pacific trains which arrived there this morning. They report a big tjme. :o: STATE GAME WARDEN ARRESTS AND TWO ARE FINED MAXIMUM matlc soction which will bo hold at Auburn. CONTRACT WITH THE CUAMBER OF COMMERCE BAND IS REFUSED ladies clad in tho very latest styles and in the various colors of tho rain bow, and with Frank R. Crydorman as featured soloist, was' ono of the biggest and best numbers on tho pro- A belated Item of news relates to Bram- The models ln tho fashion tho marriago on March 22 of Miss show wero as follows: "Tho Flame Lola Scott of Denver and Elmer C.,G,rl." WIss IIclon Berry. "Tho Blue Roso of Santa Monica, Calif. Mrs.!G!rl" Mlss Noo,a Douglas. "Tho Gold Rose is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrn-jOM." Mlaa Dorothy Davidson. "Tho Prank C. Scott, former residents hero.0011 GlrI" Mr8- An Ray- "Tho and she Is a graduate of tho North !Brown Girl," Miss Helen Logan. "Tho Platto High school. Thoy will make " "uou iU1SB u'' tlielr homo in Santa Monica. "Tho Rod Girl," Miss Ellen Lundstcdt. :o:- l"Tho Silver and Green Girl," Miss Ella Ross Dalv. assistant at tho local Ernest "Tho Bathing Girl," "Tho woatlfor station was working with an . Vamp," "Tho Bride," and "Tho Old -air gun Wednesday when it went off Fashioned and buried. a bullet in tho bono near Olark. tho ond ot his finger. Yesterday ho Doputy Game Warden A. M. Gouge- was in Lincoln county yestorday ar rested Clyde Chappel of this city for fishing without a license. Ho-was tak en Into County Court and Judge Blankenburg fined him tho legal rate of $15 and costs amounting in all to $21.40. Ho also arrested Gcorgo Hood and Lee Soltow for hunting without a license. Gcorgo was- released be cause ho had a lloenso which was not on his person but Leo was fined the us'ual amount which came to $21.90. SENIOR CLASS PLAY WILL J1E PRESENTED FRIDAY OF NEXT WEEK . held at Scottsbluff. Thoro will bo oight and thoir oaths of offico and then contestants In this soction each giv- tho board proceeded to eloct Its of- lng an oratorical solcction. Dorothy fleers, for tho coming year. Edmund w represent the district at tho dra V.. - - ' -::'. . I mntln onrv'tlnn it.MMi mill Imlj n Dicuey was ro-oiecieu president, vv. J. Hendy was made vice-president. and M. E. Scott was olocted seciet ary. A chango was made In tho plan lor uoing uio worK wnicn nas ueon dono formerly by tho secretory. Tho i . i i fnrv .t uamry aus uuuii uuu a yvui uuu u Whnii tlio iinnnl mntrnot wna nffor groat deal of clerical work was dono d by cliambor of commerco band This work will hereafter be dono by to tho clty councl, ,asL TuoBdny nlght the cici-k wno is rogiuariy employed lt wns rfttuB0(l by Q yote Q four tQ in tho Superintendent's offico. So Mr. T,msm vnMn , fnv-r . f,, . c. i j. .1 ii.. eei aeon hub uvcopieu uio ouico wituuui CQrtg woro Hughes, Langford, Simon, imy. rnis wm save uiu huiiuum uu McMlcIiaol; untl against, Owons, Mur UOliarS a yoar. nhv. Dlnnnr anil Rmnllwnn.1 Tim nnn -n FATHER AND 'SCOUT BANQUET tract 0:11,0(1 for ullrtoon concerts at TTFNDl''n BY TWO "tun iiui uiiiwjh, uunuuh u uiku.1 HUNDRED anout ? auu. tho monoy nas uoon levieu ror this year uut it not used Every scout brought his father and "1 revert to tho general fund at tho every father had a scout with him at closc o tlle yar- haro lias l,on tho lwnquet at tho Presbyterian considerable discussion ot tho matter church Tuesday ovenlng. At least since that tlmo and It Is possible that that is Uio way It seemed to thoso somo solution can bo reached whore' who wero there. Almost 200 men and by tho concert will not hnvo to bo : boys, sat down to tho dinner prepared fvon up. Tho band voted to disband and served by tho ladies of tho church. """1 some agreement Is reached. -So:- Oirl," Mrs. Marguerite J -:o:- Threo Italian boys from Omaha, aged about 10 years, wero picked up at O'Fallons by local authorities and Drought hero for keeping. Word was received from Omaha that their par ents will not como after them so they will bo arraigned in county court to day and probably sont to tho Indus trial Bchool. Thoy aro real products of tho city slums. wont to a local hospital and had the F- M- Stuart and daughter, bullet extracted. It was a painful Maurino, of Norfolk arrived Wodnos exporienco that gives him a short lay W anl will spend several weeks off from his duties at tho station. "oro vwiuns at uio j. t. siuari nome. Joo Thomas, apprentice machinist for tho Union Paclfio mado hls solo flight with Bullocks School of Flying Tuesday evening. Ho will finish his course jn two or threo weeks when ho will bo an experienced aviator. Wo havo a nlco assortment of sport hats In tho now shades for $5.00 and $G.OO. Also a beautiful stock ot mid summer trimmed hats in all tho now shades. Arvllla Whlttaker. 50C Lo cust St. Under General Hospital. Among thoso that attended tho Shrlners convention In Haatings yes torday aro Horton Mungor, I. A. Gil bort, Harry Lannin, Ernest Rinker, Gcorgo Frator, Otto Westonfold, Al bert Westonfold, Abo Leo, Sidney Spll- ilov. Sloto. missionary to tho Japaifbso of tho North Platto country, spoko for a fow mlnutos at tho mom lng services at tho Methodist church Sunday. Ho is a flno Christian gentleman and with hia Japanese wlfo ia traveling up and down tho North Platto river from horo to nor and Jim Clinton Tho Senior class of the North Platto High Bchool will glvo "Nothing But iho Truth" at the Koith theator on Friday, May 12. Following is tho cast of characters: Robert Bennett, a young stockhold or who says ho will toll tho truth for twonty-four hours, Urban Simon. E. M. Ralston, tho head of the- firm who bets it cannot bo dono, Donald Yost. Richard Donnolly, another young stockbroker who is in on tho bet, Georgo Russell, Clarence Van Duson, a sarcastic young Btockbrockor, Royor Hastlugs. Bishop Doran, a bishop of alxty, Ha'rloy Bunnoll. Gwendoline Rujston, leading lady who Js in lovo with Bob, Elmlra Brodbeck. Mrs. E. M. Ralston, a dignified and mlddlo agod lady, tho wifo of E. M. Ralston, Evelyn Dlonor. Ethol Clark, ingonuo, Holon Hoga. Mablo Jackson, a soubrotte, Avalon Hockonborgor. Sa bol Jackson, another, Lcola West. Martha, d maid, Evallno Wilcox. ;o: i Ira LoMastors returned today from Omaha. Ho mado tho trip homo In a now car that ho purchased thoro, DROUTH BROKEN BUT RAINFALL FOR APRIL BELOW AVERAGE Richmond Birgo was s'ohgmnster and with his usual onorgy and ability stirred up tho musical ond of tho pro gram until it was really fine. Harry uixon was loasunasicr anu wiuwim Tho ,nonthiy 8Ummary of weathor usual skill introduced tho speakors conduit for April has boon Issued as follows: James Flynn, John B. Ed- -weatherman Shilllntr. It shows Wards, W. V. Iloagland, Ro". P. It. t,,ft tomnnratnro to have been lust Stevens, Charles F. Temple nnd Cal- normal wltu tho highest at, 77 ana vert Nnviaux. Tho last named is a t, lowoat at 2G doKrc08 abovo zero scout who has almost reached Uio L,,n ,., rnfnii fnr tl.n month was oaglo scout degreo and ho told of his 2 01 ,nchoH or il4 bo,my tll0 Aprn efforts and tlioir results. avorago for tho past 48 yoars. In 191C DECORATION DAY COMMITTEE IS tll 1 local f10"0? ,ronorto, ,W ,n timnnrtnim ltv April. TllO ic'oncy SillCO tllO first ' l J-"" " ' , ir n J...1 Ai. .1 ol January is .i iiiciiub. ai uiiu iuuu Tho following communlcntlon ex plains Itself: Whoroaa, Tho organizations which aro represented by tho official sig natures attached havo learned that tho Brotherhood or American Yoemon with a membership of 300,000 has in contemplation tho establishing ot a homo for tho orphans, tho infirm, and tho aged of tho organization, nnd that a committee haa been appointed to se lect a sito for such an institution, and Whoreas, Tho City of North Platto, Nebraska, for so many yeara Uio homo ot Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), is located almost in tho center of tho eastern aiid western districts of tho Brotherhood of Yoomcn; Uiat tho city is situated in tho boautlul Platto val loy and has an olovatlon of 2,800 foot; that tho cllmato Is healthy as Is attdstod by Uio fact that tho deaUi rate In tho NorUi Platto Homestead is tho lowest por capita of membership of any homestead In Uio United States; that this nltitudo and dry aud Invig orating air and nbundanco ot sunshinoV Is recommended by eastern physicians to Uioso who aro tuborcularly afflict ed; that thero aro subject to solcction as a. slto for tho Institution fertile lands that aro under irrigation as woll as sites that aro not irrigated; that North Platto Is a passonger di vision torminal as woll as a freight division torminal on tho groat Union Pacific railroad and Is on tho coast-to-coast Lincoln Highway; that lt la a terminal station on tho coast-to- coast government atrplano mall ronto; a city that had a population ot 4,793 in 1910 and 10.4GG In 1920; Uiat a fed eral survoy has been completed for an irrigation project that will lrrlgato 85,000 acres ot land adjacent to North Platto; that 94 blocks ot street paving aro now being Inid, and a court house costing $275,000 Is under con struction; thoroforo be it Resolved, That tho organizations which aro officially represented bo low moat respectfully solicit a visit to North Platto by the committee to whom has been delegated tho power to soloct a slto for tho proposed homo, assuring such committed a most cour teous reception and Uhorough presen tation and inspection of Uio sites Uiat can bo offered for Investigation. Chamber of Commerco, By F. L. Moonoy, President. Lookout Homostend No. 33, By C. 0 Dedmoro, Foreman. North Platto Klwanls Club, By F. C. Plolstickcr, PresldodL North Platto Rotary Club, ByW. R. Maloney, President. W. J. Tiloy loavos Monday for Dos Moines nnd will presont the abovo In vitation to the committee on ocation, with tho members of which ho is per sonally acquainted. It Is bollevod that tuo location com mittee will accept this invitation to visit North Platto, and to handle tho proposition in tho propor manner a committee composed of Mcsaers Thoo locko, Tlloy, Soudor, Malonoy, Starr, Ogior and Langford has been appoint ed. VETERANS tho wind roachod 42 miles an hour. Tlio United Spanish War Veterans P10 wore nlno clear days, six partly nml tlio Anxlllarv mot at tho Firemen's Cloudy anu nueon ciouuy. THE PRESENT LINCOLN COUNTY TREASURER FILES FOR NOMINATION hall Wednesday ovonlng. A. W. Brown, Tom O'Koofo, and A. W. Shill ing wero appointed as a commlttco to arrango for Docoration day. All past officers and somo othors wore ap- Thirty workorp on tho street pav- pointod delegates to tho stato con- hnB naked for a ralso in pay from 30 PAVING WORKERS STRIKE FOR HIGHER PAY AND QUIT WORK vontion which will bo hold at Has tings. Juno 12, 13 and 14. cents to 40 conts nnd when this wns refused they quit work In a body. It The stato convention ot tho Spanish i8 snjd that tho contractor bid on the War Veterans is to try an experiment paving on a basis of 30 cents an hour this year at its mooting at Hastings. for common labor and that ho was Tho officers aro securing rogular successful becauso ot that bid. If ho army tents and lt is proposed to havo paid inor0 it would mean financial a real encampment, eating and sloop- hosa to him. Tho mon claim thoy havo lng In tho opon. North Platto would to- work ton hours and then get $3.00 llko to entertain tho samo convention which Is not enough to support them' a yoar from this coming Juno nnd lt nolve3 and families. In which caso will furnish a good camping ground thoro soomod nothing to do hut quit at tho city park with an abundanco Tjl0 mon Woro ordorly nnd caused no ot good wator, shado and other nccos- trouble Sympathy soomod to bo with sitles. Our dologates might tako this tho men. suggestion seriously, for it Is not .0. original with us but wo pass lt along Ladies Sulta at roducod prices at for consideration. Wilcox Department Storo, S. 1VJ. Soudor, for four years treas urer of Lincoln county "estorday filed for ronomlnation on tho 'Republi can tlckot. Mr. Soudor was doputy troasuror undor Mr. Durbin nnd then was olocted treasurer. Ho has won tho ostoom ot all who know of his work by his buslnoss-llko meUiods and has helped to kcop Lincoln county out of debt Wlillo tho taxes aro paid to him, ho has no part in saying how much thoy aro and haa dono all ho could to kcop thorn down. A. S. Allen, presont clork ot Lin coln county filed for ro-nomlnatlon on thq Republican ticket Ho haB boon clork for sovcrnl years after serving a doputy for Bovoral yoars. -:o: Tho Whittakor Spocialty Shop will put on salo Saturday, May C a nunn bor ot Paciflo Embroidery Packages at ono halt, prlco. Thcso includo chlld ronB drosBos and coats, carriago robes bjbs, luncheon aota, otc DOC Locust St Undor Gonoral Hospital.