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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ft CLINTON Sign oi The Big Ring CLINTON, THE JEWELER & SON, The Eye Glass Men Satisfaction SureTry Us. Graduate Opticians V I DB. 0. II. CBESSLEB g GRADUATE DENTIST Office oror the McDonald, Wj Stato Dank. 8 LOCAL AND PERSONAL TOO 1 II. O. Piatt mado a professional trip to Ogallala Thursday. Mrs. J. II. Lutco of Staplcton vis ited friends In tho city Wednesday. C. D. Coloman of HorBhey was a business caller In tho city yesterday. A. O. IUdonour of Wallace trans acted business In tho city Wednesday Dr. Carr of Staplcton was a prof fcssional caller In the city, Thurs day. Mrs. I. Blcktel of Gothenburg wna In North Platto yesterday transact ing business. Mrs. A. R Orooly of Staploton spent several days In North Platto visiting friends. Miss Dosslo Ireland' of Staplpton la at tho Gonoral Hospital rocolytng medical trcatmont. C. W. Choovor left for Omaha yes terday morning where ho wll receive medical troatmcnt, Women's bungalow aprons on sale at 98c, $1.45, $1.96 and up, at tho Ijoader Morcantllo Co. Genuine Gold Sea Rugs LESS BORDERS 6x9 $ 5.40 7x9... 6.75 9x9...'. 8.10 9x1 0-6..... .. 9.45 9x12 1050 9x15 13.50 See Our Window Derryberry & Forbes New Portrait of' John P,... LOOK WHAT'S COMING LUTHEIIAN 11:66 The bolivored Life. 7:30 Tho Dynamic of the Cross.'; " CHIUSTIAN. 11.00 A principal of Justice. 7.30 Jesus, A Moral Radical. DEGREE of (Honor will hold Its reguiliu. meeting Saturday afternoon. A full attondnnco is desired, ,' WAR MOTHERS Will moot this evening (Friday) at tho homo ofMrs. John Day, 621-East Fifth street" This is a new, exclusive and one of the few posed portraits of John D. Rockefeller, reputed the world's richest man and founder of the Standard Oil Company. SIOUX LOOKOUT Chapter D. A. R. will meet Monday ovonlng with Mrs. Frank Barber. Ro- ports of tho convention will bb given. . RELIEF CORPS Thfj W. R. C. will hold Its regular meeting Saturday1 afternoon." At the close of the afternoon a fifteen cent lunch will bo served. ,. Now spring styles in dross goods and Bilks, now on sale. Tho. Leader Morcantllo Co. Arviua wmuaKer returnea on Thursday from Meckllng, So. Dakotn whero sho waB called by tho illness and death of her father. The" Whittaker Millinery Shop has Just received a beautiful lfyio of flower trimmed and all black dress hats. ,G0C.4cuBt St., under General Hospital. . , Goo. Perry and C. L; Brown of Mew York and Bfjoqltll'roprosentntivcs 5f the Probl-O-LIto Battory Co. were In .tho city transacting business with J. W. Cnhoun. Mr. and Mrs. 55. A. Russell re turned to Staploton Wednesday after Bpondlng tho day in tho city. Mrs. Russell was horo recolving medical treatment.' Evelyn Powell ontortalned tho Plo near Campflro Wednesday at her homo. A coromonlal and buslnesu mooting wore hold. Refreshments woro served. " Bovorly Wurtollo returned homo from Omaha whoro alio attonds Brownoll Hall. Sho will Bpond tho vacation with hor parents Dr. and Mrs. Wurtolo, -Mrs. Esther- Robeson and Mi&y. Gladys Bird ontortnined Thursday ev ening In honor of Miss Mable Water who Is homo from Lincoln whero she attends university. You'll find It horo whether Us a now spring .coat, suit or dress. This season's boat stylos at a p.rico you want to pay. Tho Lcador Mercantile Co, The Youmnn hold n card party in tho K. C, Hall last ovonlng. Progress ive high flvo was played- and gifts woro awarded to Mrn. J. Andorson and F Bailey. Refreshments were served.. BAPTIST ., 1 11 :00t Communion. 7:30 "Running from Yourself." Revival meeting are being held at tho church. Scr"- EPISCOPAL 11:00 Holy Communion and mon. 7.30 Evening, prayer and sermon. . " jod b uaugnicrs win nttenu in a body JOB'S DAUGHTERS f horo will bo services for nil Job3 Daughters at tho Episcopal church Sunday ovonlng, April 2. All ftfaa onsr Eastora Stars and others In- teroatod aro cordially Invited. METHODIST 11.00 Tho lowardBhlp of Poises slon. 4$:-i& 8:00 Sagacity In Short Stature. Notico tho change in hour Epworth League at 7, o'clock. CHRISTIAN Tho Sonlor Christian Endeavor so oioty will meet at G:30 Sunday even Ing in tho church basement. Light refreshments will bo sorved to mem bom and frlonds of tho society. Tho Endeavor meeting boglns at 7:0J) in stead of C:30 which hrife been tho regular mooting hour. :o: A WONDERFUL PICTURE "Tho Four Horsemen of the Apo calypse," Sun theater, Gothenburg, three nights, April 5, G and 7; 50c and war tax. Reservations If desired. :o: Our vaBt stock In our ready-to-wear section la filled to over flowing with scores of garments, awaiting your In spection. The Leader Morcantllo Co. Frank Frazler of Grand Island arrived Wednesday to visit friends and to transact business. Harold Cox loturned Wednesday from Denver whoro ho spent a week visiting frlonds. v THE GARMENTS IN COATS, WRAPS, SUITS AND DRESSES That were purchased for Easter selling have arrived and repre sent values of real interest. They are charming and their . -variety is infinite lor every" .need,. , fojc Sport,' Bress ,') of Street weal'. ' . .1 Ev.,Tx. TRAMP & SONS ' - - We invite your inspection of these garments during this pre-1 Forpthe Man of Good Taste "Brighten Up" your entire make-up with a New Hat. B.e'sure it is one of our No $J More 00 No Less The HIRSCHFELD Co- The Busy Store. COL. S. T. WlIITTAKEJt Auctioneer Roforoncos: Call mo or mako dates at tho Unon State Bank. Phono 70G-F-3 Or write to mo on East Tryon Routo North Platte, Nob. L. & S. Groceteria. J. S.TWINBMM.D. Homeopathic Physician h Surgeon General Prncllce and flnnnimiMInn Snnmn 8 Hospllal Accommodation Plnttn Vnlliw ITn.i.Hd Former Nnmo Twlnem Hospital. j NOIITH PLATTU, NKBIt, - V'V Easter ' selling. event. Courteous and intelligent sales . - ; 1 service assured you i; ' V VISIT OUR READY-TO-WEAR SECTION. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to extend our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and help during tho sickness and doath of our Mother n;nd Grandmother; also to thank our many North Platto friends for their lclndnoss and tho beautiful floral of ferlngs. R. S. Carothers and Family, W. E. Coates and Family, Jay L. Coates andFamlly. :o:- FARMERS LOCAL AND PERSONAL Walter Morris returned Thursday from Julesburg, whoro ho visited a few days. Mrs. Geo. Felt returned to Brule ( Wednesday after receiving medical treatment at tho Platto Valley Hospital. Mrs. Guy Cady returned to Iler shoy Wednesday. She spent several days hero visiting friends. Did your wife toll you to subscribe for Tho Tribune? Mrs. C. C. Keuhl of Paxton spent Thursday In North Platto shopping and transacting business. Wo wold all kinds of parts for ah kinds of machinery. Work guarante ed and prices reasonable. Formerly a. cc. u. nopair anop, locaieu onu u of post office. Murphy's Welding and Ropalr Shop. . i.t it It n $ it t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t j.t j.t it i.t it i.t i.t H Saturday Special YOUNG MENS SPRING SUITS with 2 pairs of Pants A real $26 value 19 50 We, have Suits- iust 17 of -Don't Delay. We have purchased Spring line of Mens sample HATS Values up to ob at g t Whoro Io w Price Moots Good Quality, 8 ft ft ..gir ft p I I J IPs i.t 0 Cor. Front & Dowoy Sts. I At Thp Kpith-Saturday, Sunday, Monday I 111 1 1IC IVCllll MATINEE SUNDAY . I I . v7.-w'. I mmm' m w St I .1 111 Tl -c a,:I!11w ' 1 I "wmmm ml 2.4SI rJLACli iiP j John Emerson - Anita Loos. if p.