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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1922)
cmimwnlj) (Tribune. TUESDAY ana EMBAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MARCH 28, 1922. NO. 23. $fe l or th piatte SHOR T STORIES OF PEOPLE ID TIGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT RE- CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY KIWANIS CLUB OF NORTH PLATTE TO HOLD CENTURY CELEBRATION A squad of American Legion boys participated In the funeral sorvices at tho grave of J. W. Rowland Inst Friday afternoon. They wero In unl form and had the firing squad and bugle. Puul Nolan was In command. They wero commended for their pro ficiency and willingness. Edmund Dickey returned Sunday ovonlng from attondlng tho district meeting of Rotary clubs at Sioux Palls, S. D., and the Interstate meeting of Laundrymen at Des Moines. lie re ports a vory enjoyable trip but says ho didn't loam how-to do laundry work any better than ho has been do ing for that can't bo done. Tho North Platte Klwanls Club will tako a part In tho colobratlon of tho hundredth anniversary of tho friend ship which has existed between Cana da and tho United Statoa. this celebra tion to bo held during the week Apn 2-8. All Klwanls clubs In this countiy and Canada will participate In cele bration by giving dinners, making speeches and holding public proces sions and cntcrtalnmonts. Thcso are for tho purpose of reminding tho peoplo that although North America is 'di vided by a boundary lino running from Pugot Sound to the Bay of Fundy, the Interests of Its peoplo aro ono and their achievement In turning a vast wilder ncss Into thriving states, provinces and , cities is a united glory to both nations. "W. C. Allen, representing tho Wool worth Co., spent tho latter part of last week in town investigating con ditions preparatory to recommending tho opening of a Woolworth 5, 10 and 15 Cent Store In tills city. Ho took a lease on tho room formerly oc cupied by tho Crystal theater, condi tional on tho company approving his recommendation. Tho Steel work on the county court houso has been completed ns far a 3 Is possible until tho outsldo walls are in place. As soon as tho weather per mits, tho masons and brick layers will bo put to work on tho walls and the steel men will return and finish placing the steel at a later date. Tho material is on tho ground for most, of the walls and work will commence before long. Platte which will glvo this city com munication with tho whole country. In other places tho peoplo have list ened to concert and lectures and it will not be long according to present plans until peoplo in North Platte will bo enjoying theso pleasures. Tho greatest difficulty is in getting tho apparatus as tho manufactuers nre swamped with orders. A. W. Shilling and E. E. Moody re turned tho last of the week from a trip to Lincoln where they conferred with other state officers of tho United Spanish War Veterans regarding tho coming stato encampment. It was decided tho encampment shall be held at Hastings, Juno 12, 13 and 14. An innovation which will bo tried out thl3 year Ib to hold the encampment In tents. It is planned to make It really an encampment. Arrangements havo been made for 'tho Lincoln county. Red Cross health nurse to continue her work until about Juno 1. Sho has undertaken a health survey of tho schools of Xiin coln county and It is planned to visit every school and examine every pupil as to his and her physical condition. ThlB survey Is so Important that the Red Cross officials mado a special ef fort to keep Mrs. Wiese until It Is finished. Local enthusiasts are working on a wireless telephone plan for North The Strollborg Duroc Jersey sale which was held at the old Besacl barn last Friday was successful in tliat every animal was sold and a fair price realized. The top was $100 with an average of ?GG a head. Most of the stock was sold to fanners and stock raisers In this vicinity, only a few shipments being made. Mr, Stroll berk expressed himself as, well sat Isfled with tho results and -ho was particularly gratified that the' hogn wore to stay in this community. ADDITION 10 POST OFFICE IS ORDERED PLANS AM) SPECIFICATIONS ARE RECEIVED AM) BIDS ORDERED I An adition Is to bo built on tho west side of tho post offico bulhlltffe which will about doublo the floqT spaco of tho work room. This nddlt tlon is to cost in tho neighborhood of $.10,000. Bids will be received up to April 20, when contracts will bo let for immediate ponstructlon of the ad dition. It will be ono storv. in stvl'n to mutch tho main building and will bo 24x40 tvoU Tho nlans mil fm- standard government mnfortnio n,j vcrythlng is of the best Tho larno wcrk room is ' scientifically lighted and arranged for the convenience 01 tho postal employees, Yesterday Post master Sturgis said it would put tlw 'cul post offico In good shape "We win then havo everything wo need and It will bo up to us to glvo first class service. Wo havo had excuses so lar but then we will have o mai?o good." Credit for socurinrr tlii mir'i. ton Is largely duo tho Chamber of Commerce which took up tho matter vith Congressman Kinkaid and ho rushed it with the supervises nrcnl tect. .A short time later Secretary Baro was notified that the request had loon ganted and plans ordered i'.rawn. BRUM ACCEPTS CITY SCHOOL HEAD BOARD OF EDUCATION ELECTS SIDNEY MAN TO CITY SUPEKINTEN DENCY JUNIOR CLASS PREPARES TO HIVE BOOTH TARKlNGTON'S "CLARENCE" Tho Junior Class of tho North Platto high school will glvo "Claronco? at tho Franklin auditorium on April 7 and 8. Tho proceeds of this play will ho used to defray tho class expenses In connection with tho closing ox orolsos of U10 school yoar. This play Is ono of IJooth Tarklngton's best of forts, bolng on a par with Ponrort, W. J. Braham, cit' superintendent The Country Cousin and Tho Man of schools at. Sidney was olectod to the From Homo. Tho cast of characters samo position in tho North Platto includes tho following: Clarence, city schools at n special meeting of tho George Dont; Violet, Doris Stovons; Wnd of education yesterday after- Bobble, Donald Russell; Corn, Dorothy noon, au mcmbors wero present whou wuicr; Mrs, wheeler, Allco Smith, President Dickey called for a voto for Mr. Whcolor, Robert Hoagland; Mrs. city superintendent. The long list ol Martin, Mario Watts; Hurbort Stem candidates had been sifted down to Donvor Wilson; Dinruddlo. Glon Wnl- throo or four and each of thcBO had tomnth; Dolla, Edna Barber. mado a special trip to North Platte and had visited tho mcmbors of the COLLEGE BOYS AND G.IRLS TO STATE CONVENTION T OPENS 01RR0W LOCAL 1NSORANTE AGENTS TO HAVE TWO DAYS SESSION HERE board. Supt. Braham was elected by a substantial majority. Ho was notified at onco and accepted tho appointment. Ho will tako tho placo on August 1st, Tho salary will bo $3,G00 a year. GIVE UNIQUE ENTERTAIN MENT HERE Tho concort by tho Hastings Collego Gleo Club at tho Presbytrlan church Supt. Braham has been at tho head tonight promloos to bo a treat to those of tho Sidney schools for U10 past who nttond. Tho Fremont Trlbuno cloven years and was re-olected last says tho concert Is of a high order week for U10 coming thrco years t and was attended by a capacity house an increase in salary. Ho is active In at Fromont Continuing it says "Tho educational work in tho stato having club cnscmblo rendered songs of tho hold responsible offices in tho Stale opera, songs of tho south and then as Tcachors Association and In tho dint- slst&d by DIroctor Fuhr rendored "A rlct nnd other educational groups. LIfo Story". Tho splendid voice's of Superintendent Llttol, who has boon tho trained vocalists, all chosen by Tho Nobrnska Association of Local Iusuranco Agents will opon a two day session at tho Elks Homo Wed nesday morning. This Is tho fifteenth annual mooting of this body whlck comprises nbout 150 of tho leading companies representing tho biff lnsur nnco .Interests of this country. Tin Nebraska association Is a member ot tho National association. Speakers of noto will appear on tho program including Gcorgo W. Mal daur of Chicago; W. W. Young of Lincoln who is Insurance commis sioner of Nebraska; Frank B. Mar tin of Omaha, prosldont of Omaha I suranco Federation, and Frank 15 Holvoy, secretary of tho samo organi zation; A. II. Borblg ot Kearney, nnd C. T. Flower of Grant. Islaud. Ono ot tho strong features of tho program in a moving plcturo with talk by Gcorgo W. Maldaur of Chicago, who is representing tho Undorwrltoro Laboratories. Mr. Mnldaur will givu this addross entitled "Flro Provontlon in charge ot tho schools hero during competitive examinations dovoloped and Its Needs" at tho Keith theater tho past two years announced his in harmony of a calibre that was a credit on Wednesday afternoon nt 1:30. tentlon to chnngo work -at tho close to tho club. It Is ono of tho fow college ' of tho prosont contract and the local mixed gleo clubs of high order In tho hoard has spent tho past six weoku state" of tho Underwriters Laboratories aml 'TT nPP,!CftUoa8 will a, nn t . " .which it received. luvuuuun ant! 1 -:o:- will speak on Its Needs." The lecture comes we'll recommended and those who were fortuato enough to securo tickets should attend if it is possible Tho local flro insurance board of North Platto has issued several hun dred tickets -to local peoplo for the illustrated lecture at tho Keith to bo given next Wednesday afternoon by George B. Maldaur of Chicago. Mr. Maldaur comes a3 tho representative Nothing dofinito has yet been de cided about tho patriotic pageant which is being discussed Mr. J. " J. Whiting the author is being cnco'iir. aged but final action has not yet been taken. Tho greatest trouble seems to be' irt deciding on'a1mfe? Some want it in early Juno, others for tho Fourth of July and others during tho County fair in September As it is an out-of-doors pageant the weather must bo considered. It is 1 1 proDauio umt some dofinito clion will bo taken soon. An Ideal Lived Up To "I think it is well to reiterate to you what Dodge Brothers started out to do and aro each day trying to do. Primarily, Dodge Brothers started to build, not an automobile, but transportation and carrying caacity at tho lowest cost per mile of any transportation of fered for salo. "In order to glvo the American public tho lowest cost of trans portation per mile, It was necessary that a vehicle ho so designed that it possessed tho greatest amount of durability possible to incor porate in it. It must possess cconomyi of operation and tho cost of upkeep must be cut to the lowest point Wo did not set out to build ultra-fashionablo transportation, hut wo did sot out to build comfor table, good looking nnd economical transportation, and wo havo al ways worked toward that end. I want to emphasize tho fact that wo want to make Dodgo Brothers Motor Car so staple, that as regards transportation, it will be as staple as sugar or wheat, nmong foods. "Wo will never consider cost when quality, endurance or econ omy aro concerned. Wo will consider cost when tho result obtained is only perhaps Increased luxury, or thai which Is not nn absolute fun damental." (Speech of Prosldont F. J. Haynes at 1922 New York Auto Show to Dodgo Brothers dealers.) After Seven Years tho Result Largo In Value Low In Price. . . V. ROM1GH. DEALER (Phono 811 Sixth & Locust "Tho Hardest Service Brings tho Highest Pralso." Cars aro Short Got Yours Today. :o: GENERAL RULES FOR USE OF OUR FLAG FOR INTERIOR DECORATIONS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TO HAVE TRACK TEAM AND HOLD TRACK SH5ET At a meeting of tho High Bchool boys last Friday it waB decided to hfiVA n trnMr fnfim h?a vnnt- rwl rinn opted by the Nebraska Daughters of " , , . , . i , T7 ,.. .... J Shanor was appointed temporary Tho following rulos havo beon nd- tho American Revolution for usin llnltml Clntnn fin fnK Inolfln iln , , , and will glvo some tlmo to training coratlon: Uso only as a drapery audi . . . . , , captain. E. L. Stephens is tho coach nover as a cover for a bench, table, chair; desk,,, etc. . . ,. Xlntr rtmicrlif in nil ni-HaM nrm . ,.l 1 ,1 .1 now beluK mado and an Inter class nor or used with bunting, garlands, n a team that will bo as good as any over Been hero. Inter school meets will bo scheduled according to plans meet Is an assurod thing. Tho convention was presided over by E. R. Goodman wljo is prosldont, assisted by J. E. Sebastian, secretary of tho stato association. Ijlioy are being assisted In entertaining tho con vention by tho local board composed of tho following firm and individuals: Bratt, Goodman & Buckloy, Hollriian & Sobastlan, Woodhurst Insuranco Agency, F. N. Buchanan, O. H. Thoo locko, Soudor nnd Healoy and C. F Tomplo. Speaking of tho convention yester day, Secretary Sobastlan said "Thta is to bo strictly a Local agents' cou ventlon. Wo aro to tako up subjects that aro of Interest to local ngonU and which will help them to get moro business and to attend to it bettor. plants or flowers. No articlo, oxcopt tho Holy Bible I ww4 siiouiu oe piaceu upon mo nag. Should never bo placed whore It M may be struck by a gavel. ft Should nover be worn as a part or w tho wholo of a costume for patriotic tableaux. Wprn as a badge, should bo small g and pinned on tho left breast or lap- $ 1. 8 Tho missionary society of the Presbyterian church entertained tho missionary societies of all tho churches of tho city at a Missionary Applications aro being received by tho local representatives of the Ablu Construction Co., for laborers on tho paving work. It Is said that tho pay will bo at the rate of 30 conts an hour for ton hours a day. Ono rail road man put in his application and said ho wanted tho work and that he believed ho could save monoy out of his $3 a day Ho will bo ready for;Tea in tho church basomont last Fri- 8 his railroad job when it is open bur ., ,. , m,, f,D, ,,,ir WJ1- it ue wuum raiuer woric ut ?3 than be dependent. That Is Ills way of think ing and most people approve. A bulletin received this week makes tho rather startling statement that il one-half of tho peoplo of this countrv woro to cat one-half of a pound moro corn products than they now cat it would mean tho consumption of 10, 000,000 moro bushols of corn in this country than is now consumed. That would Increase tho demand and there would bo an advance in price but tho bulletin goes on to say that oven if tho present price of corn wero trebled, tho half-pound per day would cost less than three conts. By corn products it means, corn meal, hom iny, corn starch, corn syrup, and such foods. Tho bulletin continues: 'Corn represents 55 por cent of tho total value of our grain products and is grown in every state in tho Union. Eat corn, reduce your living expen ses, gratify yoursolf and help America." given over to a program with Mrs. N. t.t P. Patterson in charge Tho follow- $ ing program was given: Opening song; Scrlpturo reading and prayer t by Mrs. M. E. Crosby; address of $ wolcomo, Mrs. W. P. Snydor, presU ; dent of the Prosbyterlan society; re spouses by Mrs. C. E. McRoynolds, Methodist Foreign Missionary so cioty; Mrs. D. M. Brooks, Methodist Homo Missionary Boclety; Mrs. P. A, Shenk, Baptist Missionary society, Mrs. D. J. Frederick, Christian Mis slonary society; Mrs. Fred Fredrick' son, Lutheran Missionary society; Mrs. Mario Ames, Episcopal Mission ary society; reading, Mrs. Bailey; solos, Mrs. Edw. Burke; address, Rov. N. P. Patterson; closing prayer. Tho ladies then wont to tho dining room whore refreshments wero Borv- od and a most cnjoyablo social hour was spent. Tho guests wero strong in thoir expressions of appreciation of tho hospitality of tho Presbyterian Missionary society. MARINELL0 BEAUTY SHOP McDonald Bank Building. THY THE SPECIAL Honellhi Fnco Tack With Electric!! 1( will clear and bleach your skin 'and remove Blackheads, Pimples, Largo Pores and Wrinkles. It is the Famous Clasmio Pack, known tts a great beautifier, gives wonderful results and helps all skin troubles. (Diploma.) Phono KMNVT Shampoo and Curl. $1.00. it j.j x.t j.t i.t i.t t.t i.t i.t i.t J.t i.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t J.t J.t Jt J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t 0 MONUMENT OF QUALITY This is but ono of tho many fine memorials that wo havo erected in tho North Platto Cemetery. As Memorial Day Is approaching, wo aro Inviting all who aro Interested in securing work for thoir comctory lot to visit our Me morial Art Room. NORTH PLATTE MONUMENT CO. 110 WEST FRONT STREET Monday, April 3, 1922 Union Stock Yards, North Platte, Nebr. SELL IN CAR LOTS 100 hoinl of natlvo cows aud heifers; two car load of White Face aud Durham culves, a good rugged kind; 100 head of coming 2-year-old Wyoming stock heifers, tho real kind; soveral carload Wyoming steers wolghlng from GOO to 800 pounds; a string of mixed cattlo, steers, cows, holfors, calves, butchor Btuff, milk cows and bulls. Tills lot will sell In small lots. Havo your cattle here .Uonday, April il, where they sell for real money and net you more monoy than on any river market. REMEMBER THE HORSE AND 31ULE AUCTION MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1922 Tho last salo for this season. Wo havo a buyer ltoro for any kind of liorso nnd mule that you aro to dlsposo of. CASPER RAUCH, II. M. JOIIANSEN und DELL BROWNFIELB, Auctioneers.