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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1922)
eg? TUESDAY ana FRIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 7, 1922. ,.N0. 9. SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE JD THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT HE CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS C03LUUNITY The January report of tho City 11 brary shows that 172 applications wore received for borrowers' cards during tho month. Tho samo report shows that 4, BC8 books wore circu lated during tho month. About fifty people attended the meeting at McPhorson school last Saturday when Carl Jones, assistant in boy's club work in this stato spoko on pig clubs. County Agent Kellogg also spoko In tho interests of this work. Tho detention room at tho City Hall has been equipped with steel bunks. Thoro are six of them and thoy aro without bedding but most of them aro occupied ovory night by wanderers who want to get in out of tho cold. August Sodacott of tills city died Sunday night at tho North Platte General hospital. Tho funeral sor blces will bo held Wednesday aftor noon, 2 o'clock at Malonoy's morgue. Interment will be mado In tho North Platto cemetery. Tho Sophomores entertained tho Fremont basket ball team and the High school at a dancing party in tho Franklin auditorium Saturday night after tho game. Punch and wafers were sorved during tho oven ing. The Nebraska conference of 'Social Workers will meet at Hastings on February 19, 20 and 21. This is the gathering of earnest inen and women who aro trying to' solve tho1 problems U. B.Thrif ty I TELLER fje pending" Uporv Vofes never mrvaAe. Nortli Platte's boys and girls need not "hope to have" rnoney as they grow older. they can hope AND have the money. Come to this bank and ) save just as you go to school and study. BOYS nnd GIRLS and BANK ACCOUNTS should all grow up to gether. If you OWN a dollar or BARN a dollar it will start your account hero today. UNION STATE BANK NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. conncctod with social wolfaro. Miss Anna Kramph of this city is president of tho conforouco. Troop sqvon, Boy Scouts, was de feated at Legion hall last evening by tho Horshoy High school team by a scoro of 32 to 29. Dalo Stroup was roforeo and mado a hit with tho small crowd which attended. A re turn gamo will bo played at Hershoy in tho near future. Yesterday Miss Mary Ellon Brown visited Lincoln county rural schools in tho interests of school children's hot lunches. Miss Brown is- tho glrl3' club leador In this stato. Blgnoll, West Osgood, Box Elder and O'Fnl lons schools woro visited. County Agent Kellogg accompanied her. Tho . official program of tho Ne braska Retail Clothior's Association which is to meet In Omaha beginning next Monday gives "III" Hirschfold of this city as a mcmbor'of tho recep tion committee. E. J. Vaudorhoof is a member of th vwwv v I j Vl4iliili I too. Mr. Holland of Lincoln, in clmrco of the County Agent extension work in this state called on Miss Murphy, city librarian this week in rccard to tho possibility of county libraries and tho co-operation of libraries in com munity work throughout tho stato. Miss Murphy is president of the Ne braska Library association. Eighty now post office boxes ha o ! boon placed in position at tho local post offlco and will bo ready for use in tho near future. Thoro is a row of boxos at the bottom, each of which is larger than anything seen hero bofore. Thoro is a demand for a few.torday lo transact ,businoss such boxes and it is thought they! will bo quickly taken when ready. - j , " , , ,-fiw . .,...r." meeting at tho Presbyterian church dining room yesterday. Dr. Brock spoke on tho business sido of don tistry and .gave somo interesting and valuable .information, about .the -way in which a professional man has lo look after 'the business end of his business if ho Is to make a success of it. Saturday evening the North Platto miltiM wnn n,n .,ow ,. from tho Fremont five. At tho end oi I tho first half tho game stood 5 to 12 in North Platte's favor. Tho final scoro totaled 20 tn u .n Fremont also nlaved hern FrWnv Fremont also played hero Frldav nvntltnir nml .imn It.. e nn ' . w....b HUIi U OtUl f UL CO 19. Tho next gamo to bo played hero will bo on February 17 with Gothen burg as the opposing cagesters. Tho basket ball boys will leave to morrow morning for Lincoln where they will play Lincoln Thursdav night. Tho boys will also play Have lock and University Placo, Friday and Saturday " respectively. Tho North Platto cagesters aro Georgo Shanor, Donald Yost, Harloy Bunnell, Edwin Rector and Roland Locke. Tho subs aro Darrell Healoy, Gordon Schwal- ger, Denver Wilson and Lawrence Hubbard. Mrs. Elizabeth Todd Young passed away Sunday morning. Tho funeral services will bq hold from tho Meth odist church at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, and tho body will bo taken to Wallaco for Interment. NEW PRICES FORD F. O. B. FACTORY Now in reach of evory farmer. Double your farm ing capacity. Cut down your hours of toil. Make all your acres produce. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. North Platte, Nebraska. ITEMS ABOUT THOSE WHO COME AND GO LOCALS AMI personals OF OUR HOME FOLKS AND OUR VISITORS J. B. Payne loft for Kearnoy Siu urday. Mabel Johnson loft for 'Omaha Sat urday. J. E. Nelson returned from Sterling Saturday. B. J. Stwled of Oshkosh visited hi tho city, Sunday. Calvin Raby transacted business in tho "city Saturday. ,. Sonator W. V. Hoagland returned from Lincoln today. Mrs. C. L. Harmd snent vestordnv shopping in thqVcity. ' Nool Bullock 'went to Madrid Fri day in tho filrnlnnn. a ' - 4 JT I Mrs. Louia Miles of Paxton shopped in tho city yestorday. 1, Olaudo Delaney transacted business in Loxingtdn Saturday. Senator W. V. Hoagland went to Lincoln Sunday night. Miss Mabol Johnson was a Satur day shopper in tho city."' Elsib'SaylOr of Shelton is vlsitln ! relatives bore this week. I Mr. and Mrs. .1 Tl novnmirn mui - " " - MWT.M-QW M J( 1, business cnllors Saturdny. Mra. Will PowolHeft for Loxlngtoa Saturday to visit friends. ' Mrs. S. L. Dodd loft for Tryqn Saturday to visit friends. ' Rose Wlnkol wont to Kearney yds- R. J. Martin df Ogulalla transacted business in tho city Friday. Ross, Stebbins returned to his homo" . Vn venture, Calif., Saturday. Miss Maud Johnson of Lexington shopped In tho city Saturday. m R. L. Baker of Staplcton vlBltjoffl friends in tho city yesterday. '."MISS-. Glwlys'-BIfB returned to her homo in' Sutherland Saturday.- N. G-. Dean of Horshey transacted business In tho city Saturday. w. j. u'uonnor left Sunday on a "T"8. T? w 1 Ulty' j. w. bcnuiior oi (Jin nil a transacted '"J" h faturday. , , C: M" "ny of Wnllaco transacted buslness. ln 1,10 clty Saturday, J- J- HaHlgaii left for Omaha Surf- (lay nl& to tr business. Mrs. Stivco of Sheridan, Wyo., ar rived yestorday to visit frlonds S. J. Koch of Horshey snent yes terday transacting business hero. Georgo Richardson nrrivod from Donver Saturday to visit friends. Myrtle Hurd left for Paonia, Colo., Saturday morning to visit friends. Josophlno Hall loft for Kearney Saturday to visit Mrs. J. B. Payne. Nols . Harswlck of Fairbury trans acted business in tho city Monday. Mrs. S. Frund of Sheridan, Wyo. is visiting Mrs. J. Fllllon this wcok. S. C. Clarko of Goring spoilt Mon day transacting business ln tho city. Koith Novlllo returned today from Omaha where ho transacted business. P. E. Gunderson of Suthorland transacted business In tho city yestor day. Rosolla Rosondahl visited frlonds and relatives in Gothenburg yester day. Mrs. H. II. Rumcs ot'Ogalnlla was la town for modlcal troatmont yester day. Miss Ellon Johnson of Horshey spent Friday and Saturday in tho city. j Mrs. Argall Warron of Curtis spont tho last of tho wcok shoninc in tho1 city. . j Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones camo from McCook Saturday' to transact busi ness. Allen Attlckonson of Kearnoy transacted buslnoss ln tho city yes terday, j Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brath of Key stone aro transacting--, business In town today. J. C. Mooro went to Horshey Sun day to visit hlo paronts, Mr. and Mrs. J- M. Mooro. Rev. Gerary wont to Donver Mon day after sporidlng Bovcral days with Rev. McDald. I Mrs. Carl Bonner was called to St. Paul Saturday bocauso of tho death of her nophow. Mr. and Mrs. McCormlck of Low- ollon camo Monday to spend a fow days ln tho city. Miss Mario Stuart loft for Norfolk Saturday whero sho "will visit her brother, F. M. Stuart. Mrs. William Waltomath returned Saturday from Omaha whro sho hau boon visiting frlonds. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyman of Mis- j souii Valley arrived Friday to visit friends and relatives. J Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Donnelly of Hor shey left for Sioux Falls, S. D., Sat urday to visit her paronts. Gladys Knspp returned to Maxwell aftor spending savoral days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Knapp. . Boatrlco Awl of Sheridan, Wyo., arrived Saturday. Sho is doing somo religious work horo in tho city. W. H. Burgess returned Friday from Sidney whero ho spont Bovoral days visiting frlonds nnd rolatlves. Mrs. J. C. Starky returned to her homo In Keystono Sunday after spending" several dayB shopping in' tho city. " IMPROVED CARS NEW AND LOWER PRICES Effective January 1st, 1922. the Following Prices Will Prevail on all MOTOR VEHICLES Total Delivered Reduction Reduction Touring 0ar: . . $1025 $115 $425 Roadster. ..... .V , w . .. 985 100 415 Coupe .r,,;,......... 1450 310 ,645 Sedan :.V.:.. :J.:. 1625 365 735 Screen Commercial ......... : , v. , ....... 1010 165 440 Panel Commercial 1115 160 360 2 Ton Truck Chassis 1485 with 36x6 cord tires We recommend Dodge Brothers cars to you first for their sterling DE PENDABILITY, FREEDOM FROM REPAIR, and LONG LIFE. Less import ant to ypu in the long run is PRICE, but you will all agree that the above prices are most fair, and are only possible on account of the large capacity and pro duction of the world's second largest automobile plant. AN EARLY ORDER WILL BE YOUR BEST PROTECTION ON PRESENT PRICES AND PROMPT DELIVERY . V. ROM1GH, PHONE 844 DEALER 6th & LOCUST LOOK WHAT'S COMING FOR THOSE WHO GO A COLUMN OF NOTICES ABOUT CHURCH, LODGE AND SO CIMTY MEETINGS REBECCA Kensington will moot Friday aftor noon ln tho I. O. 0. F. hall. CHAPTER A K P. E. O. will moot at tho W. J. Hendy homo on west 3rd st, Wed nesday aftornqon. .MOTHERS CLUB s Will moot Wodnosday aftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. C Stamp at 409 East Third stroot. PROGRESSIVE Thera will bo a county mooting of tho Progressive party at tho district court room of tho county court houso on next Saturday afternoon (Fob. 11) at 2 p. m. Important business. METHODIST Aid socloty will moet at tho church parlors Thursday, February 9. Tho entertaining contraittoo will bo Mos damos Scott, Kolso, Bangs, SInims and Harpol. A good attondanco Is desired. AUXILIARY A spocial meeting of tho Amorican Loglon Auxiliary will bo hold. this ovoning at tho county superintend ent's offlco at 8 o'clock. Buslnoss of lmportanco Is to bo transacted and all mombors aro urged to be prosont. YEOMAN Big county meoting to initiato all candidates, will be hold fit K. C. hall Thursday, February 9, at 8 p. m., so cial following. Stato Mannor Mor rill will assist in boosting campaign plans. All Yooman iuvitgd. . z&zzzssEm dee Brothers ALPHA'pELPHIAN I Socloty will moot tonight at the Franklin building. at 7:4C. ' ROYAL NEIGHBORS . Will moot Wodnesday aftornoon at 3 o'clock in tho K. P. hall. BRADFORD Division G. I. A. will moot Friday. Fobrufiry 10 at 3 p. m. CHRISTIAN Aid socloty will moot Thursday aftornoon at 3 o'clock in tho church basomont WAR MOTHERS Will hold an afternoon tea at thm homo of Mrs. John Bakor, H03 West Sixth, Friday aftornoon from 3 to E. Tho public is cordially invited. :o: . LOCAL HARDWARE BIAN IS HONORED BY STATE ASSOCIATION S. R. Dorryborry of this city, was oloctod president of tho State Asso ciation of Retail Hardwaro Doalors at its final session last Friday In Lincoln. Mr. Dorryborry Is a member of tho firm of Dorryborry and Forbo3 of this city and has takon an activo part in tho affairs of tho stato As sociation for a numbor of years. It will bo his special buslnoss to attond as many of tho district associations of hardwaro dealors as posslblo dur ing tho year, to proparo tho program for tho next mooting nnd to preside at tho annual convontion a year from now, Thoro aro about 800 mombors of tho Hardware Dcalo'rs' Association in this stato. :oi' Tho regular monthly mooting of Amorican Logion was hold at Firc man'n hall last night. At tho closo of tho session, tho War Mothers sorved tho boys with a flno lunch. Those who woro present aro congrat ulating themselves on their good for tuno in being thoro and aro also con gratulating tho War Mothors on tho excellence of tho lunch. , ', ' 1 1 f f ,i ,i 1 1 Milium i r 1 , "Tho Rank for TOU In 1022"