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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1922)
mm TUESDAY and FJRIDATl THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 3, 1922. NO. 8. 51 i SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE ID THINGS CUIUIENT COMMENT " ABQU PEOPLE AND THE THINGS THEY AKE DOING Civil servlco nppolntmont aa post inastor at North Platto. Ho was. ap pointed by President Harding somo tlmo ago and then tho North Plntto post office was placed under tho civil sorvlco branch of tho government and ho has received tho oppolntmont aln. . : w It Is reported that our old towns ,man, W. T. Banks, Is In luck recently.- Letters from California say that oil In paying quantities" has been struck on property whlch e ownB. The local council of tho Boy Scouts mot Wednesday noon and looked aftor matters relating to scouting in North Platto. Reports received from tho officers woro approved and plans jnade for tho continuation of the work. Tlio Union 'i'aclflc ia offering for tho coming year, a $75 scholarship at I tho University School of Agriculture and transportation over its lines go ing and coming, for ono winning club member growing ten acres of wheat, ono aero of potatoos or flvo norcs of corn. Tho contest Is open to boys and girls bctweon 10 nnd 19 years of age. S. R. Derryberry of this city is vico president of tho Nebraska Re tall Hardware Dealers' Association and it is said that ho is slated for tho presidency nt tho election which will bo hold this afternoon. Ho lias been a faithful membor of tho asso--clatlon and Is entitled to recognition. Tho North Platto Shrine club held a party at Maspnio hall last evening, which was largely attended by. Shrin ers from all tho country ground hero. Special performers had been.ongagcd to entertain and a banquet was sor Tho county commissioners spent Tuesday chocking up tho books of C. Yost, register of deeds. They found ho had taken In $740.70 In ox- cess of Ills, salary and had turned tho amount Into tho offlco of tho county treasurer. Resterdny Mr. Yost est! mated that tho entire oxpenso of hlo foflco for tho past year would not ex coed $200 leaving a net profit of over $500 from tho offlco for tho yoar. Wo congratulato Mr. Yost on this, show ing. Troop seven of tho Boy Scouts on tlroly outclassed troop three In i baskot ball game played at tho Lo clon hall Wednesday evening. Thet GANGS AT 111 II SURVEY POTATO EXPERT TO SPEAK ! IN NORTH PLATTE THIS MONTH SEND i GOVElWiMUNT ENGINEERS ENGINEERING PARTIES EAST AND WEST Yesterday two gangs of surveyors started work on tho south$ldo lrr'lga- H. O. Wornor of tho Extension de partment of Unlvorslty of Nebraska will bo In Lincoln cqunty nflxt weok and will apeak at tho big county wide mooting which will bo held nt Ihe court hoimo In North Platto nt 2 p. m., February 0. Mr. Wornor has had charge of tho dovoloptnont .oC the seod potato Industry In western Ne braska and Is an authority on tho subject. Tho mooting Is being pro- CANDIDATE FILES FORMATE OFFICE LINCOLN COUNTY CITIZEN WANTS TO , HE SECRETARY OE STATE MANY AWARDS ARJE MADE TO SCOUTS FOR PROGRESS i, l ..I I.!- """J " 1 uuu luujvjuu uiiu ia mnlo.l lv tlm various agricultural irom uiu vixai uuu uuu nuiii uiu nisei. They expect to meet near North Platto. Tho party which wont to Sutherland yesterday will nt onco begin tho work of locating tho sys tdm of thrco reservoirs which will feed tho proposed Irrigation cnfiitl. This canal will furnish wator to lrri- organlzatlons and tho North Plntto civic bodies. In speaking of tho mat ter yesterday, County Agent Kollogg said, "Wo hopo to have a largo num ber of successful growers who will offor ndvlco to thoso sooklng Informa tion and that they will not recommend At tho Joint meeting of scouts hold in tho Franklin auditorium la3t Tuesday ovonlng tho following lion dra" and advancements wotgJ con ferred: R. D. Rnsmussoii, scoutmast J or, prcsontcd tondorfoot pins to tho , following scouts: Charles Poll, Cocll iNaylor. William Wnlthor, Frederick L. A. Larson of Wollfleot wns a nuxoll, Roy Thoolecko, Robert Rlgg, caller nt tho Lincoln county court William Otton, Harold Gorman, Hnr houso Monday and paid tho fpo of 0-(l n0iwy, Homer ' Fisher, Oron fiu.uu lor ins uiing papers ior mo Groves, Vaughn Goddon, Chnrloa nomination on tho Progressive ticket Lolnlngor, Roy Thomp'son, Ross Daly, for socrotnry or stato. his paporo fioj.j Daniels, scoutmaster, present- will bo sont to Lincoln and filed Cll soconi claBsplns to Raymond with tho secretary of stato there, piauglttor, Hammond Browor. Carl Two yoars ago Mr. Larson lived In ErlcKson, Clydo Poffso, Fred Shrako, Frontlor county and at tlint umo ho nftini, PaW0h. jamofl chamberlain. n Inrrrn ncrnnon fnr Mm Imllvlilltnt gato more than 110,000 acres of land gnmop but Hmt n ,nrgft numl)0r of south of tho rlvor from Sutherland to Lexington. Tho vntor to fill thotso reservoirs will bo . taken from tho flood waters of both tho North Platte and tho South Plntto rlvors. Tho canal will start on tho North Plntto- rlvo!1 at a point about twelve miles northwest of Paxton. It will run cast to a draw east of Paxton and following this to tho diversion dam across tho South Platto river. The lino of survey as trrfcod runs a con siderable distanco south of tho south farmers grow potatoos for tho mar ket and in this way safoly establish a permanent Industry similar to that in Buffalo, Scottsbluff and Kimball counties. :o:- ELEVEN BELOW ZERO WAS THE COLDEST IN JANUARY filed for tho snmo offlco on tho Dem ocratic ticket. Mr. Larson attended tho Progrosslvo stato convention at Grand Island In December alad ia a staunch boliovor In """the. prhfcfplos onunclntod thoro. :o: CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORS TO CELEBRATE 11ST ANNIVERSARY to 0 in favor of troop soven. Loftus, Quinn, Gorman, Loudon, Suparichick, vod. Dancing was tho chief amuse- j Mcuinioy, i Kzpairicit, uuukch, hum ment. ' :Herrod are the troop seven cagestovn , J and Brown, Roso, Johnson, Trout, Word was received hero this week yatoe, ' Howard, Attebury, Wickwiro, that L. C. Sturgls has received tho nna Macomber composed the opposing team. Tho thormometcr wont down to 11 below zero nt tho close of tho month . . IHKlUiaU'U Uiaittiiuu nuum "i bkui. ..... . . i . il game ended with a final score of 20 M (1Uch aml a8 it nmB mucU while It reached 58 above at tho open THE HIRSCHFEL1) YOUR SUREST STORE Ono Lot Broken Lines 1' CO. ftnd 'dhor high grodo Jlcn's Dress Values up to $10.00. higher ground is reached than by the ing. Tho tomporaturos woro not un- old ditch Just south of tills , c 17 the T , . " - IT:" : " , on thoCth. when It fell 40 dogroos vniiey anu at oue inauu vueiw iv i in ono 'any. Thoro was .CG of an men of nrooinltntlon during tho montli which is a littlo above tho avoragc MEN'S HOSE Fliio Quality Cotton In black, cordovan, navy, grey, wino, green and whito. 7 Pairs THE BEST PLACE TO BUY Tho W. C. T. U. will hold its reg flar meeting Tuesday, February 7 at tho homo of Mrs. I. L. StebblnB, C20 West Second street. The women of the W. C. T. U. are making pillow slips, towels, sheets, etc., for Wil lard Hall. Anyone wishing to donato any of the3o .articles nlcasp, bring to the' mce1ffrW? rrs: Van Clcavo will have charge of tho meet ing and tho subject will bo "Frances Wlllard Memorial." Mrs. Overman will assist the hostess in serving. All ,W. C. T. U. members nnd friends are invited to attend. 1 1 Tho Lutheran church council and their wives entertained tho choir Thursday evening ut a C o'clock din ner. Twenty-five members of the j choir were present and tho twenty hosts. Tho menu consisted of stowed oysters, roast turkoy and dressing mashed potatoes, celery, olives, hot rolls, salad, Ice cream, cako and cof fee. Tho table was beautifully dec orated with candles, roses and car nations. Tho dinner was served by tho Lutheran Ladies aid. Aftor the dinnor A. W. Shilling gavo a short talk, thanking tho choir for tho ex cellent music It had rendered during tho past year. :o: W. E. Shuman Is spending sovoral day3 in Omaha this week looking after tho interests of thoso who aro opposed to a raise in tolophono rates. woro 15 clear uays, y paruy ciouuy nnd 7 cloudy. :o: crosses a canyon it will have a direct fall qT 110 feet. " Hero It will be pos- tho whole valloy with cheap light aid power. mi.,. n1.AA t f-ntw-i n 4-tw urn n nit talned from maps submitted by Chief, HIGH SCHOOL DEBATERS . ... . . i iuinuiiN 'i nn nnnr b b Minitn. wno snent nan Jiiviu Jiuu-uii vju of yestdrday In conference with the board of directors of tho North Avith Mesaors S. J. Kocli, .Henry -Fte . tUo Senior High school who wanted wn,,rt,lnn.l from Nnwoll nre- to try-out lor ino ucoauue iuuu. wu.u clnct. As tho survey of tho ditch Slven the chance to show their ability ..,. 1, .nV 1, enmn minnr and tho jlldgCS Selected tllO lOllOWing li ' nW tmrni1 Gcorgo Dent, Albert Shenk, Louis on tho tonoKraphlcal maps but tho BrotwniU nnd Robert Hoagland. Th s variance will not bo great. TRY-OUT Tuesday afternoon tho students of -:o:- Itcam Is considered particularly , strong. Edward Dean, Glen Otten, Francea Fltzpatrlck Franklin Fink, Floyd Vermillion. Gcorgo Moyors, scout master, awarded first class badges to Bernard Tomple, Galllan Loftus and John Horrod. Carl Hollman, scout commissioner, presented Calvert Na vlaux with merit badges for oloc tricity scholarship, carpontry, craft manshlp. Supt. C, L. Llttol prosontcd tho championship banner In foot ball Noxt weok Is tho forty-first nnnl-'for 1021 to troop throe. Certificates vorsary of the organization 01 tno for having completed tho pntrol lead- Chrlstlan Endeavor movement and ora courso for 1021 wcro awarded by tho society in tho Christian church Carl Hollman, scout commissioner, to has announcod tho following program moro than twonty boys. for the weok: . ' :b: Sunday Is "C. R Day." Tho on-, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moloney return ed yesterday from a visit to tho cast orn part of tho stato. Thoy spont doavors will havo chargo of tlte ovon ing church service. Monday Ib "Stuy-at-IIomo" ovonlng. somo tlmo in Omaha and visited at Got acquainted with homo folks. Talk Lincoln for a few days. Mr. Malonoy C. E. jnlso attended tho Nobraska Retail Tuesday an lmnost offort W.1U bo Hardware Doalors?' Association which made to secure comrades for tho is mooting in Omaha this weok. Qulot Hour and Tonth Loglan. Wednesday Is "Prayer ' Mooting Night." Ono hundred per cont nt tho prayer meeting. Friday there will bo a C. B. social In tho basement of tho church. Sunday, Fobrunry 12, will bo "De cision Sunday." :o: NORTH PLATTE EQUITY AS SOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS S. M. Souder, county treasurer of; Lincoln county issued 2,664 auto U-( censes up to Fobruary 1. This is con sidered n good record considering the number of people who do not take tholr cars out of tho garage during tho cold leather. I The voice pupils of Mrs :o:- CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Dixon Optical Co., testa oyes. Tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. Mary Stobblns will bo held Friday after noon from tho I. L. Stobblns homo. Tho Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Harry Sprung broke his arm yestor- Gilfoyl gave a recital at tho resldenco day whtlo playing. last Monday evening. Dainty refresh- Mrs. N. E. Buckloy will ontortain ments were served after tho "get ac-;tho Saturday Bridge club Saturday qualnted hour." Theodore Elerdam and Leo Johnson were hold up about 12 o'clock last night by two masked men who step ped out of Mr. Elordam's garage Just as ho was opening tho garago door. A karet and a quarter diamond ring, a diamond stick pin and $50.00 in sliver woro taken. llimpsing the Spring Mode Often the difference between a smartly dressed woman and others is but a few weeks. And really isn't there a great deal of pleasure in wearing the newstyles first in leading, rather than imitating? Why not givejj yourself the pleasure NOW, of being one of jthe very first to choose from the new'Spring'jShoe styles which have just arrived. i 2JET HERE'S ONE OF THE SMARTEST STYLES WE'VE SEEN IN A LONG TIME Hanan - Shoes for Men Laird- .Schober Shoes for Women afternoon at hor home. You can let tho children read The Tribune. Thoy will not find anything In it that will bo offoisivo. Tho Nortli Platto High school will ontortain tho Fremont baskot ball team tonight at a party at tho Frank lin auditorium. Dixon Optical Co., lcno grinding. SPECIAL FOR Saturday & Monday Pork Loin Roast per pound lQfc Bee! Hearts per pound 10c Plsrris Sugar Cured Hams per pound 24c Bacon per pound 16c 2 cdns Corn 26c 1 N. S can Grated Pineapple 10c Fresh Cinnamon Rills per dozen . . .... 18c 30 bars Swift's White Soap $1.00 LISTEN I hv ne hundred 08 psund sacks f Flcmr that I 1 am going to sell at $2.50 por sack. This is a good flsar and will make a good wholosomo loaf of bread and they ars full 08 pounds. MCMICHAEL At a mooting of tho stockholders of tho North Platto Equity Assocla- tlon last Saturday afternoon tho fol lowing woro elected to tho board 6f directors: B. E. Moody, A. Lcavltt, A. Bpyorlo, Gcorgo Mang, It. L. Murdock William Hosbo and J. T. Stuart. Tho following officers woro elected: B. B. Moody, president; A. Lcavltt, vlco president; Gcorgo Mang, secretary, and A. Boyerle, troasuror. II. M. Wobstor of Hastings arrived hero yes terday to tako chargo of tho store, ho bolng a joint roprosontutlvo of tho stockholders nnd tho creditors. -a: Havo you rocelvcd tho correct now prices on all modols of Dodgo Broth era cars? "Wonderful values In each lino. Got Information direct from our offlco If Interested. J. V. Romlgh, Dealer. s i - Somewhere in you r liome If you aro onjoy i n g JDlcctric Servics,- there is an adding ma chine. It's function is to Bum UP tho total amount of current whiih yon use. Electrically and mo . .chanically accurately lb t,otals ,the number of watt-hours of Electricity which are consumed to provide you with light, heat and power. You know this adding v machine as tho Electric Meter, It is a measuring instrument of precision, yet quite simple and easy to understand. It will tell you exactly how much current you are tising. Read it yourself. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER CO. BUSINESS WOMEN ;--4 PHONE 441 Ira Women who oarn incomes, manage households, buy, savo, Invest aro of forod banking facilities and sorvice horo that will bo found helpful, friendly, courteous always. Our list of women patrons is in creasing steadily. Thoy appreciate tho advantages wo offor and toll tholr frlonds. It's tho best adver tising In tho world. Wo npproclate it and aro determined to mako our uorvico worthy of it. . The Platte, Valley State Bank