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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1922)
"wfc TUESDAY and FRIDAY NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 10, 1922. 1 NO. 10. THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. 3&ttttt 3 BIG HAY AND GO. GRAIN REORGANIZED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AltE AMENDED AND THE NA3LE IS CHANGED STATE OFFICERS OF GION WILL BE BANQUETED LE A meeting ot tho stockholders o tho Lovnoldt- Pennington Co. was hold Wednesday evening and a reor ganization of tho company was of feted and tho name changed, to Nebr aska Mill and Elevator Co. This change In namo was mado to hotter typify tho business of tho corporation. Tho articles of Incorporation were amended which asldo from changing Clio namo carry no other Important alternations. The capital stock is $200,000 ot which $115 has been sub scribed and 288,250 has been fully paid. Tho officers of tho company are L. P. Jopson, president; W. B. Starr, first vlco president; Wm. Simants. second vico president, and S. M. Soudor, secretary treasurer. When seen yesterday tho officers woro very much optimistic regarding tho future of the company. "Wo have placed tho company on a sound basis and have taken our losses," said Mr. Jopson. Continuing ho said, "Through loyal ef forts of tho boys who havo worked j many a night Into lato hours, tho af .fairs of the company arc coming out all right. When plans which wero authorized last night are put Into op oration, the stock of tho Nobraskn Mill and EJ.eveator Co. will bo at ac tually worth par and then real pro gress will begin." Tho Tribune con gratulates tho now company on Us prospects and wishes it tho success which hard work and good manage ment is sure to bring. INCOME TAX ' SPECIALIST SENDS WORD HE v IS COMING A group of stato officors of tho Amorlcan Logion will be in North Platto tomorrow to attend a meeting of Commanders and Adjutants of all posts in this district, Tho program as flrrit announced ha3 boon changed becauso tho officors will not roach hero until after noon. Upon their arrival they will "bo tnkon to tho Elks is: SHOUT STORIES OF , PEOPLE AND THINGS LIST OF JURORS DRAWN FOR SFRING TERM OF COURT ITEMS OF INTE11EST ABOUT RE- 9 CENT HAPPENING IN THIS, COMMUNITY Following Is a list of tho Jurors for tho spring term ot district court.'! ''Thoy havo been notified to nppoar at homo whore lunch will bo served. A Tho first inter-school debato will bo hold In tho Franklin auditorium i i i i... i. n.nn business meeting win lonuyv 01l Thursday, "February 23 when a at Odd Follows hall. At 6:30 all will 1 Bqlmd from tho Hlgh Bchool attond a banquet at tho Episcopal wjjj Q lore ' v. Guild house to which every local i , member of the Legion is invited. Dur- At tho last mooting of tho county ing tho thno tho men nro in tho city commissioners tho books of A. S,-Al and not in tho regular meetings they ; Ion, county clerk, wero checked nnd will bo at tho Elks home where open it was found that $2,C50.43 had bodn house will bo kept :o: BUILDING FUND TO BE IN CREASED BY THE PROCEEDS turned into tho county treasurer's op fico tho same being tho amount of foes collected, Shoriff Sallsbtlrg went up to J farm northwest pf Hershoy Wodnos Auxiliary , nay ana arrostcu uoorgo wusou on Tho American Logion will give a danco on Washington's bootlegging charge. Ho was nrralgn- birthday, tho proceeds to go Into tho ed in County Court and pleaded guilt American Locion buildinrr fund. This V to two charges manufacturing and wa3 decldod at a meeting last Tues- illegal possession and was fined day evening. Tho danco will bo held $225 and costs. In Legion hall and somo new features aro promised by tho committee. Tickets will bo on salo in tho near future and may bo secured from any member of tho Auxiliary. The. public a. m. on Tuesday, February 28. W. D. Adamson, North Platte. Thos. Aylward, Dickons. C. II. Anderson, Stnpleton. Edw. Burko, North Platto. C. 1L Bostwick, North Platte Harry Blackstono, Curtis. V. J. Boll, Hershoy. A. D. Calvin, Gothenburg. Win. Dowhowor, North Platto. Marvin Dickinson, Maxwoll. S. J. Filbert, Wollflect. Maurlco Gullialnc, North Platto. II. E. Graham, Blgnoll. II. P. Hanson. North Platto. T. Harvoy, Sutherland. Chas. Jackson, Wellflcot. Harlan Korr, Brady. Will Lovo, Staplcton. A. D. McNlcklo, Farnam. A. F. Tramp, North Platto. R,'W. Talbot, North Platto. II. h. Wondeborn, North Platto. H. H. Wllmeth, Ingham. E. W. Whcolock, North Platto. T POTATO MEE1G IS WELL ATTENDED EXTENSION EXPERT GIVES TALK ON rOTATOE RAISING AN I) MARKETING scribed tioned. although several woro nicn Proporty owners on thoso streets which formed paving district No. S Tho Composite committoo of tho presented a petition against paving night school mot last night. Thoy to tho oity council last Tuesday voted to send in a recommendation tt.l 1 41.. i- t l. 1 t 1. 1 f . in Invitod and will bo urred to sun- "l&ut ",,u uuu ui uuxuu . iu uiu buuuui ior u second lorm r ,k hnii w thn Mwi,n. nf n "P na proposed. Tho big sentiment of night soliool to. bo hold a soon liberal number of tickets, is Wednesday, February 22. :o: Tho date o t!l PrPrty holders was against as Mils torm closos. Tho committoo paving that district at this time. I They held tho semi-annual student plectlon at tho University of Nebras ka Tuesday and filled several places of importance in student life of that ho,d Jn North piaUo at tho thm Qf thQ Word comes from Kearnoy thai Superintendent McLaughlin of Buf falo county has announced that the county institute next year will bo institution. An all-university ticket D,gtrlnt Tcachor3. nssoclatIon. was put up oy uioso wno ciaimeu This is October 12 and 13 And nssuros tho that tho fraternity and non-fraternity altondnnco oi practl,allr every toaehJ HlUUUllia SUUIIIU I1UVU UllUUl rUJJlUBUIl- tation on campus activities. Three or in Buffalo county. North Platto boys, woro placed in, Tho nomination on this ticket and ail led by woro elected. Reed Reynolds, son of ( which meets today at 3 p. m. Loulso Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reynolds was i Fltzpatrick, past president; Pearl elected junior, managing editor of tho Lawhoad, president; Winnio Cook, Cornhusker, tho University annual.1 vlco president; Sarah Flynn, sccre That means that ho will bo the editor ' tary; Mary Peters, treasurer; Ida will canvas tho night school thlB woek to aco how many pupils,, wish to register for tho socond torm. An other mooting of tho Composito com mittco will bo held Thursday, night lio fgllpng off ijprswoj-phinsfemtJir,' , SomoUmo'jigo by Bradford Division" O. "i. A. llce'"was Instructed Tho quostlon of tho low awnings was brought up at tho meeting of the city council last Tuosday evening and tho city attorney was asked to pre pare an ordinance covorlng the mat the- chief . ot po A. B. Allen, collector of internal rovonuo from tho Omaha offlco mv notified us that an officer from the Inconio Tax dopartment will bo In . a . . . i. n . t. . . I l iincoin county uu iu uUku-In, ch,of next yoai( WQ nro informed. Tarklngton, Ins. secretary; Nellie to assist taxpayers in filing Income Paul slmon son of Mr nnd Mrg E Noo(lyi guI(lo. Mlnnlo m'UBC S0I1. tax roturns ior mo year . xio Rln,n wnfl n,Anf0f1 nci flm rnnrn ' sayB it is tho doslro of the dopart ment to co-operate to tho fullest ox tent with all parties interested. Tho F. Simon, was elected as the repre sentative of junior class on tho pub lication board and Raymond Totten- hoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo, Tot- schedule is as follows: Ogalalla, tonhoff wag e,ected tQ repregont tho February 23; Sutherland, February frcshmun class on tho Bamo board 24; North Platte, February 25, 27, 28, March 1, 2, 3 and 4; Gothenburg, March G and 7. :o: , Tills Is tho first tlmo for several , years that North Platto students at , tho University havo taken an active ' njirfc In tho Tlnlvoraitv activities and N. E. Buckley loft for' Portlapd. ig gratifylng to havo tlireo of thom Oregon yesterday; ' sucossful at this time. Tho Lincoln High school basket ball team defeated tho North Platto boys, 29 to 12 at Lincoln last night. John Null has announced what 1 promises to bo an oxcitlng half mile blcyclo race for Noxt Saturday after noon at tho fair grounds raco track. It seems that somo tlmo ago a raco was run thoro an4 two boys tied for first place. They aro Virgil Attorbury and John Lamb. Thin Is tho raco that is to bo run noxt Saturday at 4 o'clock with a pogo Btlck as first prize and a blcyclo saddlo ns second, "Darling Nellio Grti)v tho old song favorito is a, big featuro of Wll- A rousing Irrigation meeting was Ham S. Hart's latest plcturo entitled, lioiil Rmith of Sutherland last even-: "Tho Tostlnc Block," which is the ing with S. J. Koch as chairman. ibill at tho Sun noxt Sunday and tho Visitors from hero loft at a lato hour . two following days. Tho plcturo and and reported subscriptions being tho song havo boon received equally taken at that time. .well. ' ! Tho move to reduco the mainton anco tax of tho North Platto water department Is growing. Soveral of tho councllmen havo oxproscd themselves In favor of cutting It down ns fast a3 tho prico of coal goes down. The water dopartment is getting Its cool a Httlo cheaper now than It did at tho peak In 1920 and tho argument Is all in favor of making slight rcduc tlons as may seem bostj until the maintenance tax is wiped out. "Dropping the Pilot" Through tho yoars" of childhood you, as father or, mother, pilot your foVy or girl through tho Joys and or rows ot thoso early days. A day comes when thoy aro no longer under your guldanco and you won der If you havo taught thom well. No child Is well taught who knows not tho valuo ot thrift. Open a savings account for your children horo and holp thom devolop their thrift instinct! The Platte Valley State Bank A full houBo" greeted IL O. Werner yostorday aftornoon at tho court room whon ho, Bpoko du potatoo raising iu western Nobraska. Mr. Wornor Is tho potatoo export of tho University ox tonstou department. Tho ono hundred or inoro farmors present gavo closo attention whllo ho told of his oxpor- loncos and Investigations. Mr. Wornor put special omphnsls on sood potntoos. Ho said experiments at Lincoln show ed that soed potatoes raised thoro wero only 75 per cont ns good ns thoso from a cooler . climate. Ho ad vertised getting soed from tho nothorn or , wostorn counties. Mr. Wornor urged farmers to dovolop sturdy plants by planting early, by planting largo seed ploces and treating seed for disease boforo planting. Ho said Irish Cobblors woro profornblo to any other variety In most years but that thoro Is probably no good seed nvallablo now. Triumph and early Ohio woro mentlohod as good vnr- ELlJS. IS CAPTURED IX A i BARN AFJPER HIS ESCAPE Jack Ellis, known ns "Tonnossco Red" was captured about 10 o'clock this morning in n, bam on tho north sldo, aftor an all night hunt. Ho es caped from tho local jail laBt ovonlng by dodging past tho koopor whon ho came to bring supper to tho prison ers. Shoriff Salisbury was carrying a tray into tho coll which hold nluo prisoners, whon Ellis dashed past" him and throw himself through a window, shattering tho glass. Ho ran down Locust street followod by tho shoriff, finally oludlng his pursuers In ono of tho humbor yards. An all night search was mado and blood hounds wero brought from Indlanola. Thoso woro put on his track this morning and located him In a barn No further particulars woro rocolvocl as tho capturo was mado Just as wo woro going to press. :o: . . ANNIVERSARY OF. CHURCH DEDICATION IS CELEBRATED Tuesday ovonlng tho mon ot Uio Lutheran church cooked and served a 7 o'clock alnnor to 102 mombo'ra of ho congregation. Tho occasion i MHO H4VJ OVV.U11U ttl Wil I Ul Oil A j UL letlos. -"An early variety planted lato dedication ot tho Lutheran church, Is bettor than a lato varloty for thia Tho monu consisted ot ronst pork, part of tho stato, said tho speaker. mashed potatoes, string beans, cah- An opportunity to.,aBk uuostlonp i hago salad, colory, plcklos, ollvos, was given and" many of thoso prosont , jolio, enko and coffoo. Tho cakes wora sought information ns to aomo phrase of the subject. County Agent Kellogg presided. A petition for divorce was filed in district court yesterday by Mrs. Blanche Schaeffor against Mlllar'd F. Sclmoffcr. Thoy wero married tit Candy on August 9, 1921. Mrs. Sclmoffer claims desortion and asks that sho bo granted a divorce and that her maiden nnmo, Blancho La Roy, bo restored. Sho will bo 10 on tho fourth ot next April whllo hrr husband was 19 on tho fourth of last Septombor. tho business houses which had low uwnlngs that they must bo raised. Ho reported that ho did this and that nothing had been dono. Tho council seems determined to havo tho awnings raised and will get a law on tho matter If necossary. A letter from Royal Erlcson nt Canyon City, Colo., says ' in part: Times ' aro very hard' horo and tho much promised Harding prosperity seems to bo a Joko. This part of Colorado has' a delightful cllmato as It doesn't got very cold In winter nor very warm in summor and thcro is vory Httlo wind but ns a money-making proposition I would ndvlso othor Lincoln county cltlzons to stny where they aro. I wns very pleased to seo tho artlclo In Tho Trlbuifo about Ir rigation project and If that goes through tho valloy on tho south sldo can be mado tho garden spot of Nebraska." Miss Gladys Yost will return to hor homo In Red Cloud tomorrow after spending soveral weeks at tho Dr. Yost homo. Tho North Platto Amorlcan Logion Basket Ball team defoatcd tho Brady team eleven points Wednesday night. Tho scoro was 19 8. Miss Elmlra Wlckwlro returnod to Grand Island Thursday after spend ing several days with hor parents Mr. and Mrs. Wickwlre. A proposition was mado at tho council mooting IastTucsday ovonlng that tho city bo dlvidod into throo sections for tho convenience of the wtor dopartment. Water rontals In BOctlonA would become duo on Jan uary 1; thoso In soctlon B on Febru ary 1 nnd thoso In section C"on March li ThensectIon A would hnvo a1 turn to notify each ofon Al,rn i ,,,1 so on Eacl soctiou would pay water rent every throo months but not nil at tho same time as they do now. This would allow steady employment nt reading meters land making out bills with ono third of tho users paying bills each month would also mako a steady Income for tho water department. Tho mat ter was loft to tho water dopartment to work out. An enthusiastic Irrigation meeting was hold at Hershoy Tuosday. Tho Horshoy business men Joined with tho south sldo farmers in a dinner und somo speech-making and when tho mooting was over about $G0O had been raised for tho preliminary survey fund. Messors Baro, Thoolccke, Wll sou and Soobergor wont up from hero and thoy roport a splendid mooting and great enthusiasm on tho part o tho Hershoy pcoplo and tho neighbor ing farmors. Tho following clipping from tho Wyoming Stato Trlbuno and Chcy- onno Stato Leader announces tho marriago of Louis Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Johnson of this city: t A wedding which will como as a surprlso to their many friends is that ot Louis Harloy Johnson nnd Miss Mary Shaw Stevenson, who woro quiotly mnrriod at Greoley, Colo., last Thursday, February 2. Thoy aro now at homo to tholr friends In tho Choy onno apartments. Mr. Johnson holds n responsible position as storekeeper ot tho storo department ot tho Union Pacjfic horo. Tho brido! tho oldest daughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Stovonson of Chcyenno, has ' a pleas ing personality and possesses a rare soprano volco. THE UIDCrUDPin CO. At tho regular mooting of tho city council last Tuosday ovonlng a mo tion wns carried ordorlng tho city pollco to bo uniformed at their own exponso Tho argument was advanced that North Platto Is moro backward than it was twenty yoars ago becauso tho pollco was unlformod, thon. It was statod at tho mooting 'that any one needing tho sorvicos of a police man could not toll him from any othor citizen. No uniform was pro- HIRSCHFELD Tho Stylo Center for Men Mr. and Mrsr. E. L. Moroy left for Chicago yostorday to visit their daughter. baked by tho following mon: Rov Koch, Oscar Sandall, Gcorgo Atchev, A. W.. Shilling, Charles Llork, "II. Samuolson, W. J. Houdy, H. J. Rath mnn, and R. Bunnell. Rov. Koch not ed us head cook "nd ho was assisted by A. W. Shilling, Charles Liork, W. J- Hondy, II. J. Rathmnn, James Sav- yor, Horbort Tramp and soveral other mcmbors. Harry, Samuelson as .head "colored waiter (from Now. York) presidod In tho dining room whllo tho young mon of "the church sb'rvsd tho dinner. Tho tablo decorations woro fumlBhod by Emll Morschiod and woro carried out In pink and white, carnations and snnp dragons bolng tho flowors used. J. E. Sobas taln had chargo of tho program and tho "Homo Coming MeotlngB" woro brought out. Every ono wns urged to attond tho sorvicos during this woek. Dr. Harmon of Grand Island, formorly of North Platto; Dr. Krueger of Fromont nnd faculty mom mombor of Midland collogo and Rov. Koch aro to bo tho principal speakers during tho "Homo Coming Wook." Thoso taking part In tho program woro Harry Samuolson, Jr., Ruth Atchoy, Potorson brothors and talks woro mado by W. J. Holidy and E. T. Tramp. :o: THE COUNTY COMMISSION ERS APPOINT TWO MORE OFFICERS ' At tho last meeting ot tho board ot county commissioners W- B. Salis bury wns uppolnted County Highway Commissioner, and Dr. Goorgo B. Dent wns appointed County Phy sician. Thoso appointments aro a re cognition of tho good work dono by thoso mon InHho samo positions dur ing tho past year. -r Tho Colobratcd VAN HEUSEN COLLAR TMin worliVn Rmnrrwi ftlm- Tho comfort ot a Boft collar tho appearanco of a stiff collar. In all styles and shapes i.t it Can bo washed at homo llko a handkorchlot. Wll NoPslhTlc Wll Not Wrinkle Will Not Wilt No Starching No Chemicals No Savr Edgos Dropsy Convenient Economical a. J NEW PRICES FORDSON i.t :.t CS;: i.t t.t F. O, H. FACTORY YOUR SURKST STORK JMow in reach of every farmer. Double your farm ing capacity. Cut down your hours o toil. Make all your acres produce. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. North Platto, Nebraska. r