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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1922)
THE NORTIE PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIIiUNE. MOTHERS AND a CoU5 . DAUGHTER Read This Letter from Mrs. W. S. Hughes - it i 1 urrs km j . I "Of medium httfhi with ?a coaj" V fj! V u w CHEERING Having advertised for it ehnuuViir. the multiiullllotinl.c sought o test (lie honoaty of the applicant. "Sunnose." he sold, "you wore to lint) a pockcthook in the toniieuii con taining $100.000 what wotilil yon do?" "Nothing nt all," replied the truthful nppllcnnt. "I'd Ike on my Income during the rest of my life." Boston TrniiHcrlpt. old- fvtAAMwfUn Trt1 T ntnH is9am (tin Impression that my eldest daughter had I some intcrnui trouble as over sinco Uio first time her sicknessap pcared she had to go to bed and even had to quit school once for a week. I always take Lydia E. Fink ham's Vegetable Compound myself so I gave It" to her and she has received great benefit from it. You can use this let ter for a testimonial if you wish, as I cannot, say 100 mucu uuuuv vvnui. juur medicine has done for me and for my daughter." Mrs. Wih S. Huoues. Greenville, Delaware. Mothers and of tcntimes grandmothers have taken and havo learned the valuo of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. So they recommend the modi- cino to others. Tho best test of any medicine i3 what I....................... Mj Chapter I. IV DliAK Silt, would you ngt like some clothes to weiir nml some thing to out, freo of all cost?" "I wouldn't mind It." replied the little rugged, unsliuvcd, cold mid hiingury wondercr. "Well then," suld the tail slim gentlemen with tin; high foiliond and shum" features, fiuiin nioiig uith mo. I will show you where you yet your moneys worth uud som-dlilng for nothing." They started ofT at n lively walk mid entered i huge house with out u light In It ly tlio rear door. "TIiIh," said the tall mini. "Is my residence. An you very hungnry?" . "Quite right." replied the little mini I could eat most anything If It ilhlu't cost me anything!" "It will cost you not one cent mid you hIiiiII lmvo all you win eut nml drink If you will he kind enough to tnke of your coat and roll your ssloavo up." ,. "Whv such trouble?" replied the smaller fc low, "Hint's an odd thing to do to 'earn a meal. I should think you would ask something more HHH COril 8Sl COni HSHHS3 IIIOII HSKS SSHS." "What's this on my aim?" uttered tho smaller? J Tow did It come to he there? Have I been jtsloep?" "You sure was asleep. That which you see upon your mm Is my name. Here In this house they Ictiow not no other name. That upon your arm hinds, you to my services. You can not escape this town and maybe not this house, alive. It means that you will live happily If you will try to ho contented." - . "Uniph," grunted the Wanderer looking at his right iinn, "so your name Is Bluck Foot, I under maud?" "By the way what Is your inline?" "My, name." replied the smaller of tho two. "Is John Lester Bruce." "Welt Mr. Unite." said Black l-'oot u half hour JiiUir, "you may eat now." .lolui Immediately wont to the- table and there before him was a meal, to his estimation, lit for a king. He did not look up from tho table until lie had devoured his share and more to of mashed liotnloes, roasted meats, gravy, sweets and aide tHshes of various-kinds. The monotonous, continuous pouring of food In the principal organ of digestion, which they iill the stomach, If he hud one, was kept up for thirty minutes. The room appeared as It' the owner had an Immense sum of money. What was the Idea of bringing a ragged un .shaved tramp In a bouse like this? Why did he call himself Black Foot at home Instead of his real name? Why did he put his odd name on my tirin and tell me that my life was In danger If I attempted escape?, was the thoughts John had In mind Just as Ulael; Foot nunc In and offered Mm u turklsh cigarette with a cork tip. "Well," he said, as he came In, "are yon ready to go tip your room." lllncl; Foot turned and led htm through a hall way and up a stairs; both being paded Immense ly thick with curpetx which' niado no nolso what oyer when t redded upon. After they bad left the stairs and were well on then way through another hull a bell could be beard which was near by. Tt was ringing' continuously therefor told for 'Itself that It was no telephone, but some other electrical device. Black Foot led the way Into a room on the left. "Thlti." he said, as he pro-stud a button which Immediately stopped the bell' from ringing at Its' ' lilglitb of glory In a corner on the'ls an lu ll rudera alarm," t '"TJild Its my room here. We will go to yours now' V They went Into a room .which was unusaty low and large as to width and length. It was llulshcd up to an extent somewhat like the mom In which Jie ate regarding the style. In one corner was a largo wooden bed. "This button here when pressed," said Black "Foot," Is what I would call a private hell. It rings only when some one Is In this room besides on the Ux.'d. You press tho same button to turn It on as you do to turn it oft. The other one Is the wiino "ns you mm me press In my room." 'Vow I wish to bae you change your clothes. You'll Ibid plenty In the wardrobe. When you. Iiavj llidHhed .lust open your door. 1 will hour you." John went to the wardrobe and pulled out a Idue serge suite, looked It over and replaced It -with ('mother of different colar which he puton with a silk shirt 'that he picked out from llfteen others. He also adopted a rolled luneon-colar nnd silk tie, flllk stockings and brown IStiRlleh wnlklng hoes. Hat, gloves and overcoat be raid on a chair. Ho then went to the door and opened It, as Instructed. Hlnck . Foot Iniinedlntejy approached and pro ftfoffcil lmn.wlth ti Qolt Automatic. 32 Callbor re volver nd cartridge. "Put these ln.j'our pocket or keep them iigar, 4y you. 'You nuneed Ihein sometime." '' "1 will call In my assistance for you to look over, then their will be less danger of shooting one of your friends." In came a tall slim gentleman. H looked some thing like Hlnck Foot. They must of been broth ers. The first mans name was Jimmy Wells. Next was Itusscl Towers u man of about -15 years of age and 0 feet Inches tall. Dark com plextlon but clean shaved. When he approached I noticed that be walked very lightly and panther like. In my mind I called him the puncher. Dorthy Carter was tho next to come In. This was the first time that John fell In love at Hist sight. You could see lilm catch his breath bis gyes as ho greeted her with a smile. She was a young Indy of about twenty. She was of medium highlit with n silky complcxtlnn and light hair, beautiful blue eyes and dressed well. "Those people," said Hlnck Foot to Jqlin who was gazing after Miss Carter as she-went out with the other two assistance, "arc very much help to me. The lady Isn't rcaly a helper because I class her as my daughter." "Now I think I will leave yotf to retire. Break fast at eight o'clock." After John was once niors left to himself ho sat down In a chair to think of his adventure from Ave o'clock until now and to think of whnt the future might bo.. "What did It all menu? 'Was Hlnck Foot an escaped convict or president of some crooked trust company? Was Black Foot trying to hldo his Identity? .No that couldn't be, bo wns down town this ovcnlng when he picked me up.1' "Well I am going to mnko use of thnt bed," said John after every thing wns still for tho night, "HI try nnythlng once." He lay abed "until two o'clock a. m. however without sleeping a wink. Presently- he 4tyrncd bis bend towards the cen ter table and saw a book which bo Immediately rose lo read. Howbelt he read to the middle of the second chapter when bur r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r. "Hello I some night walker bus stepned Into tho house. ft.' "O o o o o o o bin" "My Clod! what can thnt begg Is somo one killed nrendy?" John went over and pressed the button which stopped the bell from ringing, took up his te volver and sturtod In sorch of the) Intruder. In the upper floor bo could find nothing so ho stnrted down stairs and was In tho front part of the house when bo could hear some ono move Ing about. Then a light could be seen In tho room to tho left. John tiptoed up to tfio door and was about to turn the light on. "Hang I" a Hash of tiro could be seen, nnd a heavy thump wns beard. "D n you I I'll loam yo t' sneak up an' try t' catch me," said a largi black wlskercd yegg with a rod bandanna handkerchief, across his face." If yo'd a mind ycr own business ye would na' been n corpse." t The yegg picked up bis treasure and revolver and started out but when right In tho door wny ho dropped bis nun which caused John to wake up. "Hands up. you fool," John commanded, "do you think I can dye as easy a all of that. If you lower them one bit, I'll shoot. Turn to your right there nnd keep front of my light "lfere! sit In that chair." John said, after they were In Black Foot's room," and keep them hnnds up too." "Here he comes now, prlfioner. Keep them bands up." "Ha ! Ha ! It's yon again Is It. you get down stairs and out of the bouse as fast as you can. lfyou come back here again there will be trouble," suggested Black Foot as ho entered tho room, "1 see you have made good so far, John. Tell mo about what you done. I heard somo body shoot." "Well I couldn't sleep so I got up and started to road a book. My bell iMigan to ring so I went over and shut It off, picked up my revolver and then I heard u groan so upon Investlga " "Whnt! You heard n groan," "Yes" "Follow mo." Thoy went across .the hall and Into a largo room, from there Into a stnnller ono and then through a room about ten feet by ten feet and Into a small hall Uko enclosure. There upon the floor wns the panther like man Itusscl Towers laying dead with a knife wound Just under tho left arm. "Help me enrry him to thnt little room," John wns asked. Blacl- Foot then went back and pressed a but ton which caused the dond man 40 dlssnpcnr through a trap door but left the carpet on which ho was laying. "You shall except the position that the dead man had once occupied.'! "Mel and get Btnbbcd In the ribs," nnswored John, "I should guess not." V'You shall. Bemcmbor thnt mark on your arm." "Oh! Well," said John, "If you Insist why til . right." 1 "Well." Fnld Black Foot, "It's thrco o'clock Fleeting Fascinations "Your speeches haven't their time spellbinding qualities." 'I've been trying to get away from that spellbinding stuff." conllded benn- tor SnrL'linin. "Anv cood vaudeville monologlst can hold an audience spell- it has done for others. For nearly fifty bound, but after tho show Is over be years wo have , , ' , . -.,, , mothers, daughters, and women, young . v.-.... ........ omJ 01d rccommendinc tno vegetable elect him poundinaster." Compound. They know what it did for them and aro clad to tell others. In The Inducement. I your own neighborhood are women who . Kno "I will run again If ttiere Is an over whelming demand." , "I think I can get n petition signed by our four or live olllce-seckers. Sen ator." . "All right. It won't take much to overwhelm me." Louisville Courier Journal. " low bf its great value. Mothers daughters, why not try it ? His Reasoning. x He Look here, I've been working like a dog all day at tho ofllce, and I don't Intend to come home to crying children and an overdone dinner. She And so I suppose you think thnt ffecause you have been working like a dog all day you must growl like one nil the evening? BEllER DEAD Life is a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take ffflh Dorthyj srnt through hi J " Awful Threat. -Wby did you strike this now and If you can't sleep, you may stand guard tho door off these rooms nt the hall don't let nnyono In with out notifying mo. You do this now and don't leave until I tell you to which will be nbout six thirty In the morning. Remember: don't refuse to obey instructions." "Just us you say," answered John and was standing gaurd at tho door In less than two niln utos. . ' Ilo wns on gaurd but an hour when the sllenco wns broken, "l'f I'm Interuptcd many more times to-night thero will be n few more dye before morning." crnck crack crack "don't you yell or I will cause your heart to stop beating with this knife," "crnck crnck." .. John left the post nnd went to tho door of tho little room ton feet by tcnfcet." He peeked through tho key hole. There before bis eyes wns Dorthy Carter takelng a sound wlpplng from Black Foot whom hod a whip In ono hnnd nnd n knlfo In the other. "Black Foot," said John as he entered, "lny off with that whip and drop that knife." "You get to hell out o here nnd be quick about It." "Nothing doing." Tho furniture wns upsetting nnd the nigs wero tore up within five minutes after they bad en gaged In n struggle. Back and forth they went ucross the room. Black Foot with knife In band and Johns hand clasped an bis wrist tho whip laying on the floor. John's hold was beginning- to slip when bur-r-r-r-r-r the bell stnrted ringing. Chapter II. Judga ninn7 Prisoner He threatened my wife. Judge How wns that? Prisoner He told my daughter that he was going to kiss her for her mother. Tho National Remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it Is an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric acia troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look for tho name Gold Medal on erery bos and accept no imitation 'S FUNNY She: How are you making out learning to run your car? He: I have trouble learning to "reverse." She: And you do it so beautifully when you're waltzing. r Problem. Here Is a knotty problem Which we for long have nursed: How can wo make our money last Unless we make It first Talent. Zeb Am Elusla n musical genius? Zeke Am sho? Boy, you oughtn Up town In the police station nt 4:20 am wore hear dat baby rc-fraln fm singing! ree men, n millionaire dealer In real estate, Wayside Tales. thr Mr. Ilenery Coglan: chelf of police, Mr. King; and 11 detective. Mr. Cole. "Mr. Cole, Inst night," said mr King, "dls gtllsed ns a burglar and I went Into Mr. West mores residence nnd got evidence ns to Mr West more makelng counterfeit money, thorfor we have rosons to belelvo thnt that Is whore tho money you hnvc come from. Hnvo you bnd any business with him lntcly?" "No," replied Coglnn, "but I hnvo had bus! ness with n close friend of bis." "Well Mr. Cole," said King, "don't you think that It would be ndvlsnble for us three to bo going before Wcstmore gets nway? Uavo you tlio war- rant?" "You hot I have." At the Capitol. 'Call a Janitor nnd have the cobwebs swept out of this room, who meets hero, nnyhowJ" "An Investigating committee." Cities With Similar Names. Burgos In Spain, Bourges in Frnace, Bruges in Belgium are noted for mag nificent Gothic cccleslnstical edifices erected in the Middle Ages. Have You a Cold or Cough ? Read What This Woman Says: Blair. Ncbr. "In my younger years ' I had very weak lungs nnd as I grow older secmea to Dccome susceptible to woather conditions to such an extent that I always seemed to have a cough or a cold. I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery aa a tonic and builder and found it to be so-helpful to me that I used no other medicine or doctoring for & period of about seven years. 1 did not tako it continuously but just when ever my system seemed to require a and my lungs are in good condition today.' Mrs. L. H.'Lotbrop, 211 East Lincoln bt. When run-down you can quickly pick up and regain vim, vigor, vitality by obtaining this Medical Discovery of Dr. ricrco 8 at your nearest urug store in tablets or liquid. Valuations. "My fnco is my fortune," sung the milkmaid. 'That was very long ngo when a bucket of milk was not nearly so vnluable as at present." DON'T FEAR ASPIRIN IF IT IS GENUINE Good Business. "Wo are building 11 railroad through those mountains." "Blch country, they sny." "You bet. We pay the cost of every tunnel with tho coal taken out." Look for Name "Bayer" on Tablets, Then You Need Never Worry. To get genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" you must look for the safety Bayer Cross" on each package and on each tablet. The "Bayer Cross" means true, world- famous Asplrlu, prescribed by physi cians for over twenty-ono yenrs, and At the Radical Meeting Orator Do you get me, boys, do m... iioif wnv tn WtmnroR rcfsldonoo hft- yOU gCt ITIC ( A. 1 1 U U I vj nnt " ' I . ! t . .i.i.. t.rnkn the Rlloncc Volco ironi near r.01 imu wan un IOIV """H"1 " . . 1 ... !..., A nloirnn.i Un.,ol,l I . lilt rt.1. flnnl "By the wny Mr. Coglnn did you ever get track " iwu .... n,0,u provt-u taiuujimuiuiiaiui 1,,, ....... .intinlitor?" (a I Ann.-. "No I haven't Mr. Colo." "Listen." cried King as they gteppeu on tne front porch of tho Westmores house, "whnt's that notse.?" "Sounds like somebody Is havclng a quarrel." rnnllml Cochin. TimV nre lii this room here." said tho dctec tivo ns ho followed tho noise from tho boll. Thero before them wns John Bruce with his i.nn.i Ktin or. Westmores wrist just ns tney nnu tnnnc,l struggling. In the comer wns Dorthy Pnrtor stinking with fright. "What's nil this nolso nbout," demnnded King, "Wcstmore you uro under nrrest tor navemg in your pososlon countereflt money. John wns hip "rst i ieuh, Add Pathetic Figures. "I'm sorry for tho poor chump." "Wliy, I understood you to say he wns tho life of tlio pnrty." "He was, but bo didn't know It." ache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain In general. Proper- and safo directions are In each unbroken "Bayer" package. Advertisement. Very Few of Them. Hubby Why is it that you womcu can -never keep a secret? Wlfle Because we seldom hoar one that's worth while keeping I The Forgetting. "I believe In forgetting Injuries!" "Thnt's right to forget an la. The World's Croesus. Knlcker What Is Uncle Sinn's ratio? Bockor Dollnrs to doughnuts. Now York Sun. Sure Relief FOR l&MGESTfO! t..wt. fiitf flfin'l fdri'Ot flint vmt hnvn "Wliy tins m " . -v . forgotten It!" Wayside Tales. I strugglltiR to sco wbeather ho should whip Miss b Cnrtor or not, with tho whip you sco Inylngontho flnnr." "While yonr at It ofllcer," said John, "You might ns well arrest him for tho murder of Bus- sol Towers ejiriy uus morning. "Have you any proof." "Tills trim door here." mi. 1 fv ilmichtcr! My daughter I My dear flnnntitnr .'' "Pupal tnpt Mr. Bruco. He saved my life u llttlo while ago. "iiollol my son! Hello 1" Am von comelng Black Foot," cried John as bo ' walked with Dortbys nnn through his nnd her other through Ilenery uogions, nor miner. What Waa Wrong With Moses? "Miss Jane, did Moses have the same complaint my papa's got?" "Gracious me, Percy! Whatever do you mean, my denrr' "Well, It says here that the Lord gave Moses two tablets." Often Happens. Tho Dowager What hna becomo of Mr. Gadabout? Ho used to bo quite a society Hon. The Old Ten Hound Ho doesn't go out nny mora. Ho married a society lion tamer. 6 Bell-ans Hot wafer Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25$ and 754 Packages. Evciywhere PI SO S SAFE AND SANE for Cougjbs & Colds TKli iTtup ti dilftruu Inm tD otkm Qlt lilUI. Ha 0Ult. lit TiTwlr IK T 9