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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE BARGAIN COUNTER LIST MEHCHANTS OFFEK 11AIIOALNS FOU TIIHIFTY FOLKS OF THIS COMMUNITY Head thoso advertisements for they nro'tho offerings of North Platto ro tnll merchants and aro lntondod to glvo tho readers of The Tribune valuos to bo found nowhere oho. Road and net. 5 LISTEN Don't forgot tho b'lg fceJ at McKain's Cafo and moat markot combined for 35 conts. 108 East Gth etroet Wo aro soiling our entiro lino ol fino cotton Japanoso kimonos at $4.76. each for a short tlmo. Hotel Palaco Bazaar. Havo a photograph mado of your kiddles'. Their charms can bo mado ponnnnont in a good portrait. Rom braudt Studio. A' Ford car I033 starter soils at North Platto for $449.80, includes gas and oil. Oivo us your ordor today. Hondy-Ogior Auto Co. SPECIAL Apples, per box, $1.75. Flour, 48-pound sack, $1.48. Gamble wit Springer. 4 -Stores. Seo my 1922 stock of' paper from orio-third to one-half cheaper than last year; also some bargains in pa pors left over. Call 10G1J and I will bring to books to your house. Phil Deais. Farmors aro now planning how thoy arc to do their . spring work with the Fordso.n. Call and got our prices on Fordson and equipment. Hondy-Ogier Auto Co. The "Whittaker Millinery and Spe cialty Shop has Just received a ship ment oE imported Swiss oyolet cm broidery nock wear. Also beautiful laco collars and vests. 50G Locust, under-General hospital. FOLKS YOU KNOW C(A0SSI(LVE11S' L'JIOCKEDINGS MAUDE SOLLENIH'.llfl QUINN iuB. y. v. uongianu roiuruoti rrom Tiio board of County Commissioners Sho was born at Franklin Gro.e. uiuwm louay. , mot In tho Lincoln county court Leo County, 111., Docombor 3, 1887, O. Shoats of Arnold is transacting house January 30, with present Com-' and died nt North Platto, January 30,! business in tho city today. " , mligloncrs Sprlngor. CohaKon and . 1922. Tho family movod to Fnlrburv. I Insurnuco Per Dollar. Moro Life Travolors. W. Sliopard of Mltoholl is transact ing business in tho city today. Mrs. J. G. Murdock spent a few days visiting Mrs. P. A. Norton. Road tho Bargain Counter list. Mrs. Ethel Dorolin of Lisco spent Thursday shopping In tho city. William Shoats of Arnold Is trans acting business in tho city today.. Dixon Optical Co., glasses fitted. W. E. Fly of Horshoy spent Thurs day In tho clty transacting business. Ws your wlfo loncsomo whilo you aro awny? Send hor Tho TrlbunoV What would you do if you suddenly found yoursolf with a wlfo and half a dozen childron? See tho Hoodoo, Febr. C. Mrs. Viola returned to her homo in Lowollon Thursday. Sho has boon taking medical treatment at tho Gon oral hospital. Dixton Optical Co., tests eyes. Mrs. Fred Bradloy returned to hor homo at Maxwoll Wednesday after spending several days at tho homo of E, E. Bradley. Mrs. Ima CHngor is somo dinger in "Tho Hoodoo," February C. Mrs. F. C. Piolsticker and Miss Daisy Farrorll loft for Montana Tues day evening whero thoy wore called by their sister's death. Navorna Layton rotifrnotf to her homo in Maxwell yesterday nftor spending several -days visiting at tho homo of Frank Knapp. Mr. and Mrs. L. Plynell returned Tuesday from Portland, Oregon where they took tho remains of tho latter's mother, Mrs. Hartman. Goodbye, Anxiety! Travclors Ac cidont Policies. Mrs. E. F. Downing returned to hor homo at Maxwell Wednesday. She has been taking medical treatment at tho Platto Valley hospital. Mrs. Alice Paterson returned to hor home in Paxton Wednesday. She spent sovcral days in North Platto attending to business matters. , Clinton & Son. tho Eyo Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction. Mrs. H. S. Whlto is quite sick at bar homo In thin city. Sho has been Cokor and County Clerk Allon. f Tho following bills were approved and allowed: T. S. Blankonburg, salary, $125.00. Nina Elder, salary, $100.00. j W. II. a Woodhurst, salary, $233.33. Eldn Beal, salary, $110.00. C. W. Yost, salary, Adolaido Shilling, salary, $85.00. . Allecn G. Cochran, salary, $200.00. Edith Ritner, salary, $80.00. Wm. Ritnor, salary, $125.00. . A. S. Allen, salary, $233.33. A. J. Salisbury, salary, $1CG.00. Roy Wilson, salary, $125.00. Wm. Heyso, salary, $128.45. C. W. Yost, offlco oxponso, $1G.85. Paul Moycr, offlco oxponso, $73.00. Ailoen G. Cochran, offlco oxponso, $69.40. II. W. Schlochor, patrol, $100.00. W. R. Weldnor, patrol, $100.00. John TollHon, patrol, $100.00. Mrs. N. G. Dean," county $425.25. Contractors, bridgo, $32,- Contractors, bridgo, John A. Jones, state .deputy sherifr, ill for some timo and hor friends havo 13 in tho city this week checking tho been somowhat worried about, her automobile licenses. 'condition. However lato reports say FuiMist of now Dodgo Brothers car sho is holding her own. prices now. dvailablo at our sales rMr. and Mrs. T. C..-Pattorson . ro- rooru. J. V. Romlgh, Dealer. turned Tuesday night from JRoches-J A-fire was discovered at tho homo of Louis Kelly at 22 East 4th St. Thursday morning about 3 o'clock A large hole was burned in the din ing room floor and a number of band painted dishes wero dostroyed before tho fire could bo extinguished. ..;o: THE SEASON'S BEST REASONS FOR TRAVELERS ACCIDENT POLICIES. Tho Tale of a Cat Policyholder Avas working about house. Stepped on pot cat's tail. Cat bft him on ankle. Waiting for Lower Linen Prices Jumped' into bod. Caught too in torn sheet. Pulled out o. portion of tho nail. ' Joined tho Rnt Crasado Sotting spring trap. Fingor badly bruised and laceratedr tor, Minn., and expect to remain here several months. Mr. Patterson says ho has felt bettor during tho past throo months than for several years past. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson havo taken rooms at tho Palaco Hotel. Allied 004.G5.' Allied 130.71. Mary L. Brown, refund, $30.40. Wm. Smith, rent, $5.00. McMlcftniol Bros., extra stool. $4G2.30. McMichail Bros., Court Houso fund, $5,390.70. Virgil Thayer, labor, $2.00. National Refining Co., oil, $28.00.' Standard Oil Co., oil, $106.G2. Toss Smith, llvory, $20.00. Chas. Loypoldt, general, $10.00. ' ' Rock Williams, dragging, $18.00. Jas. L. Poll, rent, $10.00. Wilson Bros., state, $8.50. A. F. Beeler.ifdso., $5-42. Farm Bureau, $2S0.39. W. H. C. Woodhurst, offlco oxponso, $G1.75. Mrs. F. L. Cook, $12.00. Harry Coker, repairs, $28.22. A. E. Kuony, salary, $222.84. E.'C. Ilostctter, bridge, $20.70. Sutherland Bridgo Co., $1GG.10. Ray W. Hoalson, $18.10. Russell Sage, foundation, $22.80. Thos. Stobblns, ront, $30.00. Fred Gardner, road dlst. 56, $2.00. Chas. Murray, dragging, $15.40. John Polland, dragging, $12.00. Art Clement, dragging, $28.04. C. W. Murray, dragging, $13.50 M. Wyckoff, dragging, $12.00 II. T. McNickoJ, $7.00 Howo McNicklo, dragging, $7.00 A. IC. Cloment, dragging, $11.70 C. C. Noalo, drugging, $48.00 Nob., In 1892 and it was horo that sho wont to school nnd studied music. Sho was married to Wallaco Quinn! on Docombor 19, 1906 and they camel directly to North Platto whero thoys havo slnco mado tholr home. Mrs. Quinn was tho mothor of two boys, RU8soll and Charles, whoso untlmoly death nt tho ago of 3 years and 3 months respectively, shocked tho community. About thrco yoara ago Mrs. Quinn jotuod tho Methodist church in this city nnd her Christian llfo was beautiful and full of service. Sho was of gontlo speech and, ways with rofluod habits and theso won hor n largo number of friends who nro sad nnd who miss hor. Mr. Quinn survives hor as does hor father and mothor, Mr. and Mrs. Sol- lonborg, n sister, Mrs. Ila Bodell uncw two brothors, all of whom Hvo at Fatr bury. Tho fundrnl services wero conducted by Rov. II. E. Hess nt tho Mothodlst church, Tuesday nftornoon and hor remains wero taken to Fair- jbury whero interment was mado oo $17,- sido her two children. :o: 31 I7 IV O 1 aiirarv dim. Boston poor, CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank our friends for tho many kindnosscs shown to our beloved wifo and dnugthor and nlso to us during tho long illness and J death. And for tho many floral offer ings that wore sent us nnd your sympathy, wo aro gratoful. Wallaco Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sollonberg. :o: ' Thomas Hanna of Staploton is transacting business in tho city today. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction. Adjourned to Fobr. 1. o:: 1932. L. & S. Groceteria. AT THE E I T H FRIDAY ONLY LARRY CLIFFORD AND GIRLS IN "FUN ON THE GOLF-LINKS" Two Golf Girls and Coon Caddy on Golf Links down South Comedy, singing, talking and eccentric dancing. Larry Clifford the past two seasons has been with the Sin uQvts as one of the principals with Mclntire and Heath "Hello Alexander Company" also two girls from musical shows using two beautiful changes of wardrobe. . ARTA AND AVIKA RIRD The Hawaiian Steeleopater in Honolulu singing and danc ing and a musical surprise. This is one of the best acts of its kind seen here. CARL WILLIAMS & LA PETITE BERENICE In slips of fun is really a treat to ah audience to witness. They will drive your cares away and make you laugh. Tho comedian in. this act is really funny and ho never fails to register with his many laugh provoking antics. Ho ia ably assisted by a young charming Miss. In order to get the full valuation of this act is should be seen. JUGGLING KATTIIETTS The man who disputes the laws of gravity. As a whole the Bill Is aboTO tho arerage, , ALSO A GOOD FEATURE PICTURE TTILL BE SHOWN WITH THIS ATTRACTIVE BILL. Clinton & Son. Tho Eyo Glass Men, Service and Satisfaction. Chancellor Elliott of Montana re turned homo Wcdnosday after spend ing sovoral days with his paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott of this city. i.t It I am now located in the McDonald .Building at Cor ner of Front , and Dewey Streets. . As in the past, my pat- $ rolis will be accorded the, $ best of service and all mat ters pertaining to Insurance. $ it Surety Bonds or Kcal Lstatc will receive rily carctul attention. as QUANTITY LIMITED We've got a Lotv but they will disappears iastas snow flakes in June, and we reserve the right to terminate the salej after the first day, Boston For Ladies All Leather Bags For Gents 1 I se ' w incs w Blackfor Tan Leather 14 and 15 Inches 0. II THOELECKE, 1 7 it Phone 277W or$98. ' '' ' '' ' ' ' Never Nmih Platte has this Laundry Service been offered at this price Combination Damp Wash 7c the lb. r All Flat Work Ironed. Wearing Apparel Returned Damp. Minimum Bundle 20 lbs. Your Washing Handled on the Individual Plan. BEST LAUNDRY CO. Call The Soft Water Laundry, 103 112 WEST FRONT When you buy a LIFE INSURANCE POLICY you want a CONTRACT that is clear in construction and fair in terms, RATES that are equitable, a propor adjustment between premium charged and risk car ried, SERVICE that is prompt, courteous and effi cient, ALL backed by financial strength to meet every obligation. Such policies aro issued by the Fidelity Reserve Company Home Offlco Fourth and Locust Streets, North Platte, Nob. CO OS 1-4 S3 00 cd E3" so GO GO CO GENUINE COMBE LEATHER Read How You never in your life have had an opportunity to own a bag like t'hisfor the price. Never again will you h'a,ve an opportunity to own an All Leather' Bag aMhis price. We offer youow, with a cash purchose ot $10 or .up wards, one of these genuine All Leath er Bags at 35c, providing you get here early before the quantity is ex hausted. So take it Irom lis and be here early Later we fear you. will be disappointed. In Order to Please Every One as Far as Possible, Only One to a Custoitier. SALE ON BLANKETS, LEATHER VESTS, DUCK CLOTHING, OVERSHOES, AND ALL WINTER WEAR. DRY GOODS-WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E. NELSON. MANAGER