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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE OF INTEREST TO RURAL READERS FARM BUREAU NEWS SERVICE SUPPLIES 1TE3IS FOR THE TRIBUNE READERS Lest f can find. I expect to change to purobrcds during the next two years because I know that they will mnko mo moro money and that'fl whj j I am raising them. I don't bellova I can over mnko the chango for loss money than I can right now." stato and nation. But It Is so much different from tho fair ovory one should attend both each year. A Nuckolls county, Nebraska fann er Is producing 300 market hogs a yeni and Is Intending to Incrcasa this number to 1,000 a year. lo bolleves In purobreads for market. Ho recent ly snld a swlne specialists of tho Ne braska Agricultural College: "About live years ago I started using good puro bred boars on my grade oowa. Bach year clnco that a hlghor per cont of my hogs havo toppod tho market. They are moro uniform and feed a lot better. I keep hooka on my hogs and I know that those good boarH have paid for themselves a good many times. This yoar 1 am going to buy a good bunch of puro bred glltB, the i Jfako your Christian? dayH complete With pretty blooHoms rnro and sweet Docorate tho homo during tho holiday soa- son. Mirth and laugh tor rolgn In tho homo whoro flowers mako tho homo folks and their guosts feel happy. 1 THE NORTH PIATTE' FLORaL CO. i ROWERS AND PLANTS I Yfc ARe AS NEfAR TO YOU I I as your Dunne PHONE 1023 Tho twenty-first annual meeting of tho Nebraska Stato Agricultural as sociations will convono at Lincoln tho wook of January 2 to G inclusive 1922. As usual ,tho most of tho sesslona will bo hold on tho Agricultural Col- logo campus of tho state unlvorsll.i . 1 i i.. A wen rounueu iitukiuih i in muiu for nil who attend In addition to the special programs being arranged by tho various organized associations Homo Economics, Farm Equlpmont, Dairymen, Poultrymon, Horso Broed ors, Cattle Breeders, Swlne Breeders, Sheep Brcoders, Florists, Fruit Grow ers, Crop Growers, Potato Growers, Honey Producors, Farm Buroau fod- oration, Nebraska Hall of Agricul tural achlovomont, nnd others, tho oxecutivo commlttoo is planning n mass mooting Wednesday uftornoon, January 4, In which all associations will comblno their forces and for which there is being built a program of llvo interest to both mon nnd women Tho dotalls of this program will bo announced noxt week. Tho various association programs arc ap pearing in farm and daily papers. For copies of tho program of tho associa tions named abovo and other infor matlon deslrod, wrlto to tho secretary of Organized Agriculture, Agricul tural College, Lincoln. During Ag riculture wook an information bu reau will bo malntalnod In Agricul tural Hall. Tho Lincoln Chamber of Commcrco Ib compiling n Hot' of avail able rooms In homos near tho Agri cultural Collogo and during tho meet ings will havo at tho information bu roau a clork who -will assist those who dosiro rooms. Organizod Ag riculture week should bo on the cal endar of ovory farm homo In Nebras ka. Like tho Stato Fair, It afforda an opportunity to exchange Ideas and oxporlcnccs with follow farmors and homomakors from all parts of tho After hogs have rocelved tho simul taneous or doublo treatment, they should have special care for a per iod of two weeks in order to insure tho best success with vaccination, 3ay tho llvo stock diseaso specialists of tho Nebraska Agricultural College If, through lack of proper caro, tho hog's resistance is lowored at the Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Form Sales A Specialty, alii Ileal Estate. Reference! and Dates First National Dank. North Platto, Nobraska. DR. HEDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Rny tlmo when It should bo at Its best ! CallB promptiy Answored Night or Daj and vncclnated hogs bogln to get sick wiuun irom soven 10 iweivo days after being vaccinated, tho own or's first thought Is that tho sorum was at fault when as a matter of fact It is not tho fault of tho sorum but his own. Tho first ten days fol lowing vaccination Is tho most criti cal time. During the first ton to fourteen days tho hog's resistance Phones OCIco 642, Residence 676 PIANO TUNING Work Guaranteed HOLLEY MUSIC HOUSE Phone 415 Masonic Building at Corner of Fifth and Dowey. should bo kept at Its best. This can May'thc day be all that it should he, , As gay as it possibly could be, , , t nd as merry and glad as it wilTbe , If our wish comes true. tn S .... fVy, J FIELD-BIRGE CO. bo dono by feeding lightly especially of grain and giving tho hogs dry, san itary, well ventilated sleeping quart ers. It alfalfa pasturo Is not avail able feod alfalfa hay, tho fourth cut ting Is especially good. Do not givo patent medicines which havo a ten dency to scour. Better invest that money In sorum so as to Increase tho doso whoa vaccinating. Do not vac cinato and casterato at the same tlmo. Allow at loaBt three weeks to olapso botween tho two .operations. Should tho appearanco of cholera mako vaccination necessary sooner than threo weeks after castoratlon. Increase tho dose of sorum on the castoratod hogs, or bettor still, give thorn serum alono first and later the simultaneous treatmont. Should any of tho vaccinated hogs show signs of sickness within sevon to nlno days following treatment, do not wait till thoy dlo. Givo another doso of sorum Immediately to tho ones off feed. If It proves to bo cholera tho extra doso of sorum will perhaps Bavo tho most of thorn It given early. If it is not cholera tho sorum will do no harm whatsoever. Sometimes a number of pigs will go off feed for a few days after vaccination and rocovcr without any loss. But If you mako a practice of waiting to see It thoy are going to recover without an additional doso of sorum It will generally bo too late for Borum to do any good. The best rule to follow Is to use plenty of sor um in tho first vaccination. Wanted HIDES AND FURS Pretty Fair Prices L. LIPSHITZ OTIS B. PLATT, M. D Physician and Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment CallB answered Day and Night. Orer Union State Bank. Office Phono 2DGW House Phone 29GR W. T. PRITCIIARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Qovornment Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vine Street Hos pltal Phono 633, House Phono 633. GEO. B. DENT Physician nnd Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics OHlce Building & Loan Building Phono: Office 130. Residence 111 -:o: ELDEN CAUL 1IARDENBROOK HI lk mm TT 1 Stop n moment and consider what ix treat 1b in store for you in the way of a motion picture. Catherine Calvert I and an all-star cast in tho Tom Torrlss production 'The Heart of Maryland A screen adaptation of tho famous DAVID BBLASCO stage play which is regarded as a photoplay classic a film that will llvo for years. AT THE SUN Three Days, Commencing Sunday Also BUSTER KEATON In his latest screen "THE PLAY HOUSE" OfTlco phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebrask Knights of Columbus Building. DR. HAROLD FENNER . Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S "Was born at Correctionvllle, Iowa, July 10, 1888 and died at Niobrara, Nob., Decembor 8, 1021 at tho ago of 33 years, 4 months and 28 days. Whon about threo, yenrs of ago ho camo to Niobrara, whoro his parents still live. At 16 years of ago ho wont to Don vor and from thoro to Wallace, Neb Horo ho was united In marrlngo to Miss Agnes Splcer of North Platte. To this uplon flvo children wore born all of who survive tho father. Thoy aro Dolbort, Ona, Carl, Howard and Glen. In 1010 he joined tho Con gregational church. In 1914 tho fain lly moved to North Platto where they mado their homo until nbout a month ngo whon thoy moved to Niobrara In order to bo near his aged father. On December 4 ho was accldontly sfiot while qut hunting and died four daya lator. Punoral sorvlces wore hold at the Prosbytorlan church at Niobrara. Rev. Barton officiating. Interment was mado In Oak Hill cemetery at Niobrara. Ho leaves his wlfo and four children, his agqd father and mother, Mrs. Chausseo of Sutherland, and mnny other relatives and frlonda to mourn his untlmoly death. , ;o: Brokon lonsos bring us tho plocea and wo will do tho rest. Wo grind our own lonses. Dixon Optical Co. Raymond Oglor, Charles Illrsch and Junior Hinmait aro expectod this evening from Lincoln to spend tho holidays with tholr parents. Flvo hundred Xmns suggestions in our four largo Xmas windows. Dix on, tho Jowolor, Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 102( W3L WALDORF, Tinner. Makes or repairs anything mado of tin or sheet metal. 510 Locust Under General Hospital. DR. M. B. STATES' Chiropractor 5, 6. 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242 DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Fnncrnl Director! Day .Phono 41 Night Phono Black 588 Office 340 HouboIZB' DR. YV. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Fhysician Over tho Oasis. North PlatU Give Your Family CaloriC Happiness The CaloriC Pipcless Furnace will transform your house into a home five you June-time warmth in every room, up stairs and down this Christ mas this winter all through the years to come. The cost of the CaloriC is less than stoves necessary to heat the same size building. Tho saving in time, labor and fuel is immeasurablet We will install a CaloriC in your home on a Money-back Guarantee to heat your build ing to 70 in coldest weather. To this guarantee of the man ufacturer we add our personal guarantee of your complete satisfaction. The CaloriC heats old or new homes of 18 rooms or less through one register. Saves y& to 3 the fuel. No plumb ing, no alterations no rJipes to freeze. Decide NOW to start the New Year with CaloriC comfort in your home. Simon Bros. IP NOTICE DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases oi lVomen and Surgery OVER RHXALL DRUG STORE Phonos Offico 127 Rosldonco 650 MRS. M. HENRY GEGFOYL Teacher of Voice Culturo and tho Art of Singing Res. Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phono 1147J I, W. H. McDonald, president of tho McDonald Stato Bank of North Platto, in tho County of Lincoln and State of Nobraska, do hereby certify that at tile regular called meeting of the stockholders of the said bank held on tho 28th day of November, 1921 at which more than a majority, that is four-fifths or 800 shares of the Cap ital Stock of said bank was represent ed, upon motion, duly seconded and unanimously carried, Article No. 6 of tho Articles of Incorporation of said bank was amended to read aB follows1 Article C: "This Corporation shall begin business on tho 3rd day of john s. sdois, m. d. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 38 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1850, of Bornhard Wink enwordor, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Cred itors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tate is April 6, 1922, and for settle ment of said Estate is December 2, 1922; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on Janu ary 6. 1922. at 10 o'clock ti. m.. .nnrl January, 1902, and shall terminate on on AprlI Ci 1922( at 10 O.clock a to receive, examine, hear, allow, or tho 3rd day of January, 1942 W. H. McDonald, Prcsldont. ' J. B. McDonald, Secy. Subscribed and sworn to before me, II. D. Wlese a Notary Public in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, by W. Hr. McDonald and J. B. McDonald this 28th day of November, 1921. H. D. Wiese, Notary Public. My commission expires May 8, 192G. (John Grant Attorney.) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. $m?tt A MERRY CHRISTMAS How we would like to say it to you in person, but we cannot. These printed words must take' the place of tfae cheery spoken greeting. With best wishes for your happiness and prosperity all the years of your life again we say "Merry Christmas." N GAMBLE WITH SPRINGER FOUR STORES adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judge. In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. In tho matter of tho application of Charlos W. Trembly, Administrator of tho cstato of George W. Trembly, deceased, for lcavo to soli real es tate. Notlco is horoby given, that In pur suance of an order mado by J. L. Towoll, judge of tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, v"e on tho 8th day of July 1921, for the sale of real cstato hereinafter described, I tvlll soli at tho east front door of tho Court Houso in tho city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Saturday, tho 7th day of January 1922, beginning at one o'clock In tho aftornoon, tho South East quarter, South West quartor and the North West quartor of Section fourteen, also the South East quarter of Section twelve, all in Township fifteen North Rnngo twonty-olght vest on tho 6th Principal Meridian in Lincoln County, Nebraska to tho highest bidder to; cash, said salo will bo called at one o'clock p. m. and will bo open for ene hour thereafter. CHARLES W. TREMBLY, Administrator of the Estate ot George W. Trombly, Deceased. (E. H. Evans, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 18i9, of Georgia W. Walker, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Cred itors of said estate will take notlco that tho tlmo limited for presenta tion and filing of claims against said Estate is March 27, 1922, and for set tlement of said Estato Is Novomber 22, 1922; that I will sit at tho county court room in said County on Decem bor 27, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on March 27, 1922, at 19 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated November 22, 1921. 9 Wm. II. C Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1857 ot Edward P. Reb hauson, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. itors of said cstato will Uke notice that tho tlmo limited' for presenta tion and filing ot claims against said Estato is April 3rd, 1922, and for set tlement of said Estate is November 29, 1922; that I will sit at the coanty court room in said county, on Jan uary 3rd, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on April 3rd, 1922, at 10 o'clock a, m., to receive, examine, hear, al low, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly filed. Wm. IL C. Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judge. 1 1