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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE DECLARATION AND RENEW AL OF FAITH BY THE GRAND ARMY Tho following is n cortifiod copy ot tho resolutions which jero Intro duced by the committee on resolutions and unanimously adopted by tho Ne braska Grand Army of the Republic at Its 1921 encampment at Hastings. Tho committo consisted of tho follow ing members: II. B. Windham, L. D. Richards, W. V. Alton, G. J. Thoman, T. J. Majors and J. A. Barhardt. Here aro tho resolutions: Wo havo just had tho Ter-Centenarv colouration of Domagoguos, having no concern save to introduce and perpetuate thomsolvos in popular favor, blatantlv folgn to discover defects in our econ omic systom and, if favored with of fice prostitute their positions by shackling industry with absurd re strictions to gratify tho whims of their loudest constituents and with resulting discouragement of private enterprise to tho injury of nil. This confusion of civic afairs with moral regulations, coupled with the rewards secured by servilo doferonco to tho popular emotion of tho mo ment, has produced results In many inRtainppq nf miliqlnntlnl Inlnrvv !n thb landing of tho i.uu .. . . Pilgrims and aro at tho end of nearly and hl stlll othors or ludlcroUB ab. a century and a half of our existence surdity. They tend to arrest our do- as a nation. It is a period fit for velopment, alienate the affections of considerate survey. Our progress has our eop,0 from tUeir country and been marked, as it must always be, by confIrm tho widespread notion that a effort to develop our economic Hfe government by the pedplo cannot long mill ofl'ICn In ..!.! . " I 1 o ,,; uur nauonai bupvIvo. Some of tho moro glaring jiio way wo iiavo traveled Is plainly marked to all tho world. Po litically, it began with out first dec laration of lndopondenco at Philadel phia and was emphasized by our dec laration in 1820, when, by overwhelm ing non-partisan voico, our peoplo again declared that American ques tions cannot bo decided by foreigners or upon tho basis of foreign feuds. Prom Bvnkor Hill to Yorktown, through 1812 to 184G, from Sumter to Appomattox, from Manila Bay to San tiago Harbor, from tho Lusitania to Bolleau Wood, tho great prico of our being has been paid, ungradingly and without shadow of turning from our destined course. Our material accom plishments aro apparent to all. Sub stantial progress has been made on the road to economic justice. (Many wholesome economic ideas have been realized and others will bo attained We rejoice at ell this and yet, can dor and our sense of patriotic duty compel us to record our apprehension of recent disquieting departures from our fundamental principles. These departures are variously manifested. Though tho constitution wisely guarantees to every state in tho union a republican form of govern ment, which assumes that the peoplo shall act, upon matters of legislation not directly but through their repre sentatives who havo time and oppor tunity to investigate and to deliberate, yet, by subtle pleas, we have been re duced to the initiative and referen dum which enacts legislation in ig- logislatlvo results of this confusion and official senvllity to popular pas sion and prejudice, all of which wa disapprove, aro as follows: 1. Tho initiative and referendum, which forces upon tho peoplo for do cision multitudes of questions upon which they aro wholly uninformed, for which there is not time for gen eral indlfferenco that law may bo en acted by an aggressive and fanatical minority of tho peoplo 2. Recall of public officers the threat of which causes them to sub stitute a servile heed to the tem porary fluctuations of popular clamor for their sworn duty to the state. 3. Laws unduly facilitating the submission to popular vote of pro posed amendments to tho Federal constitution and to tho constitutions of tho several states to bo voted upon by tho people. 4. Primary elections for tho selec tions of candidates for offico so that tho voter has no means of knowing tho fitness of tho several candidates, save by their own advertisements. This not only requires double the time of both candidate and voters for election purposes, but adds tremend ously to the already excessive cost of elections without corresponding bono fit, and in most cases gives us a min ority candidate. 5. The creation of almost innum erable boards, commlslon, inspectors and government spies, mos.t of whom aro dseless, others of doubtful wis dom, and all furnishing places for po norance of conditions and upon sud- j Htlcal appointees often unfitted for den Impulse. Thus legislation is tho their vaguo official duties and usually product of emotion of reason. Nor is exercising arbltary power at great that all. i nubile expense and domestic dls- Though it is a fundamental prin- cord. ciplo of the government that tho 0. Tho growing disposition toward church and state shall remain forever municipal, state and government own separate, wo find many religious or- ershlp and operation of public utlll ganizations disregarding this prln- ties and tho ever widening scope of ciple and demanding multitudes of businesses which are brought within laws for the regulation of private I that definition by mere legislative morals. By thus substituting level , pronouncement in reckless disregard force for moral suasion, they attempt of tho known fact that bucIi owner to impose upon others a moral stand- ship and operation largely Increases ard peculiarly satisfactory to them- the cost of operation and lessens He mm solves but alien and obnoxious to a freo people.. efficiency, and is an economic fallacy 7. Such studied tolerance of din m w re me mmaw cmomic mppimss This Christmastime, while you are thinking of ways to increase Happiness remember that COMFORT is a condition that has much to do with happiness. Warmth Js the basic comfort and the CaloriC Pipeless Furnace, circulating its cheery warmth in every room, makes ideal the conditions of happiness in the home. Get a CaloriC for your home this Christmas and perpetuate the spirit oi i he Christmas season all through this winter and the winters to come. The CalorJC heats homes of 18 rooms or less through one register. No expensive installations. No plumbing no pipes to freeze. Made by the largest manufac turers of warm-air furnaces in the world. Sold under Money-back Guarantee. Over 125,000 users many in this neighborhood. Let U3 explain the patented triple-casing which makes CaloriC heating an un equalled success. im Mi ft M mm mm THE'bftlGIMAtW TRlPLECAsiHG PATENT kill 1 r,. r tt. , .-in , ,-rr i - rTergWIg To the Grandmothers and Aunts of North' Platte MPS "Drcasured mcmccies-aiid. moments live anew "ia;tbe enduring beauty of the jemkc'aJiarktecraft Wafli constantly increasing worth, a gift of jewelry contr lanes durability and utility. Of womrous variety, zppEogrhixncss is but a matter of choice. Your for the asking and "without obligation, ixttH muucu juxu wukuhc ui rare rcuirjijmieriis 13 VUUT3 iriMfeSIwil llll Jet Tour yeweler "Be Tour Gift Couseor ' lp DIAMONDS PEARLS 3EMS CLOCKS SILVERWARE demands of organized labor for the transparent purpose of securing ita political support as to cause it to of ficially endorse tho mutiny of tho Boston police which exposed tho in habitants of thtat city to tho crim inal elements and constituted treason to society. Added to this is the servile acceptance of tho un-Ameri can closed rule tho denial to tho American boy of tho right to learn a trade and tho disposition to grant, without question, the demands of un ion labor for greater privileges than are guaranteed to anyone by nny law or in plain justice. 8. Absurd legislation enacted to gratify tho fantastic whims of u omall but Insistent coterie with tho certain knowledge that It novor will bo observed, thereby bringing public law into contempt and gradually sap- ing tho foundations of tho govern ment. Vo, tho Grand Army of tho Repub lic of tho department of Nebraska, solemnly call a halt and about face on this course of civic madness which will, if continued, lead to graver In- Jury nnd tend toward possible dis aster. And wo earnestly invito all patriotic Americans and especially tho American Legion, which Is taking up this great patriotic work, to join us In a mighty effort to effect a re turn to tho reprosontativo govern ment guaranteed by tho t onstitutlon an dto the fundamental principles up on which this nation grew great and under which its people woro freo. Wo on our part, pledge oursolvos nnovv to tho constitution of tho Unlto.1 Rtatos, tho principles upon which it stands and tho Ideas which It sym bolizes. TUBERCULAR LEGION JIJSN TO BE REMEMBERED CHRISTMAS :o: I am homo again. Will do any kind ot plastering. L. W. Mathowson, Gracoland Addition, Phone CE4W. The American Legion Auxllliary will remember a number of ox-servico men in a suitable way at Christmas time. These men are in the Nebras ka Tubercular hospital at Kearney. To raise money for this purpose tho Auxiliary held tho carnival last week and cleared about $250. Tho balance after tho gifts aro sent, will bo turned over to the American Legion build ing fund. LEGION BASKET HALL TEAM 1VILL BE IN THE FIELD At n meeting of tho Legion boya hold Sunday afternoon they decided to havo a basket ball team this year and practice twlll start this week. Fred Peterson was elected manager and will work out a schedulo as soon as possible. Dr. J. It. McKIrahan will assist in coaching nnd as yet a cap tain has not been selected. Tho boys will practice In the Lloyd Opera house each evening. CITY LIBRA RY GETS THE BOOKS THAT BOYS ENJOY Librarian Lorotta Murphy an nounced yosterday that tho following books had boon placed In tho city library. Thoy are Intended for the boys. Tho list follows: Ivials for the Toam, (Barbour); On tho Warpath, (Schultz); Lure of the Black JUUh, (Lango); Trail Maker (Burton); Fighting for Fairviow, (iroyllger) : Scouts of Stonewall (Altahollor) ; Four Strong Washington' Scouts (Mason); Four Strong Lincoln'.! Scouts, (Mason); Lost Islnnd, (Holt); Undo Sam, Fighter, (DoPuy). When You Think of Your Christmas Dinner think of THE GROCETERIA Choice Vegetables and Fruits. Also Staple Groceries at lower prices. COME AND SERVE YOURSELF. IERK & S LACK, Props.