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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LOCAL AJM PERSONAL Miss Gladys Hodgoss of Brady wns a city Visitor Saturday. Clinton ft Son, the Eye Glass Mon. SoMco and Satisfaction. Mies Ann Patton of Konrnoy Is in the city visiting friends. Att'y. M. E. Crosl)y transacted lo-J gal business. In Tryon Friday. Mrs. Maria Mettln and (laughter loft Sunday for Omaha to spend a wcolc. Clinton & Son, tho Eye OlaBS Men. Service and Satisfaction. Mrs. Emll Peterson of Chappul spent Saturday In tho jlty shopping. Clinton & Son, tho Eye Glass Mon. Service and Satisfaction, Mrs. M. H. HUdonhrand of Tryon transacted business in tho city Fri day. Attorney W. V. Hoagland loft this morning for Lincoln to transact bus iness. Give thought to Xmas. Dixon, the Jeweler. Edw. Hanks of Lincoln spent the week end with his cousin Earl Mc Donald. Moso McFarland returned Sunday from Cheycnno whoro he transacted business. Frank IIoxlo returned to Ogalalla yesterday after spending Sunday at his home. Trayor- Books and Itosarles for Christmas gifts, C S. Clinton & Son Jewelers. Miss Janet McDonald will ontortaln tho Nlcafcgeo Campfiro at hor homo this evening. Maurice "Williams loft Saturday for Grand Island to spend tho week ond with his parents. Mrs. J. E. Jeffries loft Saturday for Kearnoy to spend a few days with her son and wife. I)r. L. J. KRAUSE, Dcntlsi, X-ltay Dlnprnosls. McDonald Hank Building. Phono 07. Mrs. John Hlldobrandt will ontor taln tho Catholic Girls Club nt hor home this ovonlng. Harold Marcott of Gothenburg un derwent nn opoartlon at tho Gonoral Hospital yesterday. Miss Rota Boutwoll roturncd to Maxwoll Saturday after visiting friends In tho city. Miss Agnos Bokowoll of Staploton visited friends und transacted busi ness in tho city Saturday. E. D. Enrhcalt of Cozad formerly or North Platte, Is roportod to bo BorlouBly 111 In nn Omaha hospital, suffering, cancor of tho throat. Evorott Adams returned to Fre mont yostcrday after spoudlng thu week end with his parents, Clinton & Son, Tho Eye Glass Men, Sorvico and Satisfaction. j Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Meyer roturn cd to tholr homo In Greoley, Colo. SrAKIMAOK LICKNSES Following is a list of the marriage liconsos Issued by County Judgo Woodhurst since our last report: , Dec. fi Stanley Koch, NortliPlattoi and Miss Efflo Ilonoka, North Platte yesterday after visiting at tho Robert Married by Itcv. L. W. Gramley. ; ; Dec. 7. liny unncor, auuierianti and Miss AUco W. Griffin, Sutherland I Doc. 7. Oliver E. Fairchlld, Le Moyno and Mrs. Bertha Eggers, Lew- Qulnn homo. J. J. WILSON DENTIST OPPOSITE McCAIlK HOTEL, OVK1I STAMP'S 11AKERY, PHONE 71. Mrs. It. A. Claypool returned to her , homo in Cozad yostcrday after visit ing horJ mother who Is confined u a local hospltul. Kenneth Wholnn returned to Tor rlngton Sunday after visiting his pnronts Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wholan for a fow days. ' A year's subscription to a magazine makes a pleasing gift. Phono mo' your order for any magazino or club. Mrs. Fred G. Hecior, Phonn 537. I Mrs. Chas. H. Stamp returned Sun day from Kansas City where sho visit ed nt tho homo of hor daughter Mrs. "W. It. Kcsler. She also visited in Oma ha enrouto homo. Hroken lenses bring us tho pieces and wo will do tho rest. Wo grind our own louses. Dixon Optical Co. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wcndeborn ontortalnod at their country home Friday evening. A very pleasant ovoning was spent in cards and danc ing aftor which delicious refreshments woro served. -:o: NOTICE TO LADIES Mrs. C. W. Woodloy, Hair Manu facturer from Donvoir, stopping nt Hotel McCabo indefinitely. All kinds of hair work dono whllo horo. Switch es mado from your combings. ROOTS CAREFULLY TURNED. Now switches furnished. Also tranformatlons from host American hair. Old switches and hair colored, mado over to look like now. Will buy hair. WORK GUARAN TEED. Telephone 25. MrB. C. W. Woodloy. :o: UNION PACIFIC REDUCES FARES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Round trip holiday excursion tick ost between all points on tho Union 'Pacific system whoro tho one way faro is not over $25.00, will bo sold Docembor 22, 23, and 24 at one and ono-half of tho rogular one way faro. Minimum round trip faro for adults $2.50; for chlldrou of half fare age $1.25. Good to re urn until January 4, 1922. For full particulars ask tho noarost Union Pacific ngont. ollon. Married by Judge Woodhurst Dec. 9 Jas. E. McClain nnd Mrs. Lavlnla A. Davidson, Paxton. Doc. 10 Ivar O. Johnson, Gothen burg nnd Miss Ruth E. Larson, Etm, Nobr. :o:-t Mrs. Carl Colto'n of Oshkosh trans acted business In tho city Saturday. Miss Iva Schwartz of Maxwoll shoo ped in tho city Saturday. Buy her a beautiful Elgin wrist watch for Christmas. Dixon tho Jowolor. Perry- Tettorton of Wellfleet trans acted business in the city yesterday. Miss Ina Fay Mason is assisting In Dr. Twinem's office. Clinton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Men, Sorvico and Satisfaction. P. E. Dluo loft Saturday Tor Om aha to transact business. W. T. PRITCHARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant doputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vino Street Hof pltnl Phono G33, House Phone 633 GEO. B. DENT Physician and Snrgeon Spccinl Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Offico Building & Loan Building Phono: Offico 130. Residence 11' GIVE HER AN shcr Eden Wa FOR CHRISTMAS And You Give Her the Best What would save wife or mother more work or worry than a good wash ing machine? Call in at our office and let us show you this wonderful machine with many exclusive feat ures. TERMS IF DESIRED. North Me Light Power Co. Office phono 241. Ron. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, . Nebrask Knights, of Columbus Building. DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1021 WM. WALDORF, Tinner. Mnkos or repairs anything mado of tin or sheet metal. 510 Locust. Undor General Hospital. OUR FIRST PRE-INVENTORY Sinclair Oil Special SALE Beginning Saturday, December 10th, we will sell SIN CLAIR OIL in the following weights, your choice of cans: Quarts, Hall Gallons, Gallons and Five Gallon Cans. This Sale tolast until Saturday, December 17th, subjeat to stock on hand. ONE GALLON ABSOLUTELY FREE with each Five Gallon Purchase. Regular Price Special Price , per Gallon per Gallon Light v $1.00 $ .75 Medium : . . r , ; ; 1.10 .85 Heavy 1.20 .95 Extra Heavy 1.25 1.00 Liberty Aero 1.35 1.10 No extra charge lor Cans or Containers. Here is your chance to buy OIL at less than you even dreamed it could be sold. REMEMBER, ONE G ALLON FREE with each Five Gallons. J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. PRESENT CONDITION OF AMERICAN TItUST COMPANIES A handsome Increase Is shown In tho volume of Trust company re sources for Nebraska acordlng to "Trust Companies of tho United States," for 1921, just published by the United States Mortgngo and Trust company of New York. Nebrasna'-J Trust companies have assets aggre gating $10,741,455 a gain of $1,880, 195, or about 21 per cent over last year. This volume, now In Its nine teenth edition shows aggregate re sources of tho Trust companies at the close of business Juno 30, 1921, of $12,323,430,513.35 as against $12,451, 877,583.58 last year and $7,054,791, 780.04 five yearB ago. Tho number of companies reporting was 2.390. as compared with 2241 last year. In commonlng on Trust company conditions during tho past year, John W. Platten, president of tho United States Mortgage nnd Trust company says: "No stronger evidence of tho sta bility of Trust companies has boon forthcoming during tholr entire his tory than was demonstrated during the past year in connection with their banking operations. The year ending Juno 30, 1921, covered by the latest returns as given In, tho 1921 edition of "Trust Companies of the United States," was one of tremendous re cession of prices and values attended by reduction of bank loans, contrac tion of credit and rapln falling off of deposits. "Notwithstanding these adverse conditions, tho resources of tho Trust companies of tho United States, as nt June 30, 1921, amounted to $12,323, 430,000, for tho 2,390 companies re porting, decrease for tho year of only $128,000,000. "This situation, coupled with tho fact that a substantial Increase Is shown In all branches of fiduciary business, is extromoly gratifying, and affords furthor and convincing proof of tho recognition by both corpora tions nnd Individuals of tho value of Trust company sorvico." PIANO TUNING Work Guaranteed IIOLLEY MUSIC HOUSE riiono 415 Masonic Building at Corner of Fifth and Dowey. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1850, of Bornhard Wink enwordor, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Cred itors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tate is April 6, 1922, and for settle ment of said Estate is December 2, 1922; that I will sit" at the county court room in said county, on Janu ary 6, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on April G, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receivo, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judge. NOTICE dr. m.d. STATES Chiropractor 5, 6. 7 nulldiiig & Loan Building. ' I, W. H. McDonald, president of thu McDonald State Bank of North Platte, In tho County of Lincoln and State i.f Nebraska, do hereby certify that at the regular called meeting of the stockholders of the said bank held on tho 28th day of November, 1921 at which ittore than a majority, that is four-fifths or 800 shares of the Can ltal Stock of said bank was represent ed, upon motion, duly seconded' and unanimously carried, Article No. G of tho Articles of Incorporation of said bank was amended to read as follows Article G: "This Corporation shall begin business on the 3rd day of January, 1902, and shall terminate on tho 3rd day of January, 1942. W. II. McDonald, President. J. B. McDonald, Secy. Subscribed and sworn to before me, II. D. WIeso a Notary Public In and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, by W Hr. McDonald and J. B. McDonald this 28th day of November, 1921. H. D. Wioso, Notary Public. My' commission expires May 8, 192G A QUIET PLACE to bring your friends to dine. A placo where the greatest care Is ex excised In the selection of the food materials. A place where tho cuisine is exquisite, where the china and cut lory Is tasteful, and the surroundings pleasant. This is such a placo. Come and enjoy It. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. (John Grant Attorney.) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Offico Phone 70. Res. Phono 1242 DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Dlrcclon Pay Phono 41 Night Phono Black 588 Offico 340 HouselSS' DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Ovor tho Oasis. North PlatU DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases of Women and Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phonos Offico 127 Rosidonco G5G MRS. M. HENRY GILFOYL Toucher of Voico Culturo and tho Art of Singing Ros. Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phono 1147J In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In tho matter of the application of Charles W. Trembly, Administrator of tho estato of George W. Trembly, deceased, for leave to sell real es tate. Notice Is hereby given, that In pur suance of an order mado by J. L. Towoll, Judge of tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska ndo on tho 8th day of July 1921, for "o sale of real estate hereinafter described, I will soil at tho east front door of tho Court House In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Saturday, tho 7th day of Janunry 1922, beginning nt ono o'clock In tho nftornoon, tho South East quarter, South West quarter and tho North West quarter of Section fourteen, also tho South East quarter of Section twolvo, all in Township fifteen North Range twonty-olght west on tho Gth Principal Morldian In Lincoln County, Nebraska to tho highest bidder for cash, said salo will he called at one o'clock p. m. nnd will bo open for ono hour thereafter. CHARLES W. TREMBLY, Administrator of tho Estato of George W. Trembly, Deceased. (E. II. Evans, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1859, of Georgia W. Walker, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Cred itors of said estate will take notlco that the time limited for presenta tion nnd filing of claims against said Estato is March 27, 1922, and for set tlement of said Estate Is November 22, 1922; that I will sit at the county court room in said County on Decem ber 27, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on March 27, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine,' hear allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated November 22, 1921. Wm. II. C Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1857 of Edward P. Reb- hauson, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln Cotlnty, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, stf: Cred itors of said estate will take notice that tho tlmo limited for presenta tion and filing of claims against said Estato is April 3rd, 1922, and for set tlement of said Estate is November 29, 1922; that I will sit at the coanty court room in Bald county, on Jan uary 3rd, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on April 3rd, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, al low, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly filed. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judge. (Beeler, Crosby & Basklns Attorneys) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1854 of Mary Facka, de ceased in tho Coumty Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credit ors of said estato will takb notice that tho tlmo limited for presenta tion and filing of claims against said Estato is March 23, 1922, and for sottlomont of said Estato is Novem ber 18, 1922; that I will sit at the county court room in said county on Docombor 23, 1021, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on March 23, 1922, at 10 o'clock a., m., to recolve, ojcamlno, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Wm. II. C. Woodhurst, (Scan County Judge. V 1 V