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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
r SILK SALE TO SILK BUYERS , , M Hand Bags When you buy a Hand Bag horo you havo done something nioro than mako a purchase, you havo mado on Invest ment In quality, Hand Bags of stylo, boaufy and quality of mater ials. On sal6 for Christmas selling 1.95 2.65 3,45 3.95 4.90 and upwards. Caps For Men and Boys Winter, with Icy winds makes caps appreciated by men and boys. Knit Caps.JKc tb $1.25 Cloth Caps.Goc to $2.15 Fur Caps $1 to $12.50 Fur Caps and Fur Collars CHRISTMAS GIFT WE ARE BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO TAKE CARE OF CHRISTMAS TRADE.1 Many now and sorvicable articles for Mother, Brother, Sister and Sweetheart. A BEAUTIFUL NEW LINE OF FLOOR AND TABLE LAMPS. CLINTON & SON, Jewelers and Opticians SIGN OF THE BIG RING Wefar To tho Editor: Tho Boy Scouts of Troop 3 wish to thank tho mothers and also tho troop committee for tho banquet which they prepared and Berved to us. A Boy Scout Committee. Tho following communication the editor waB wrltton In verso: to A week ago last Sunday night I hod a flro down stair, Every ono In hearing know By the timely whistle blare. At 2:30 in the morning Wbl,o Morphous hold me fast, I heard that whlstlo shriek Which woke mo up at lost. For fear you might not know "Wbero occurod this firo , Two fifteen East Sixth street ' Easy found if you Inquire It burned tho jolco all out Then started on tho floor, If the -flro 'boys haoT delayed , TimrnF lloro Is nu opportunity to make your Dollars go u long wny. Wo place oa salo for Christmas soiling ovor 2,000 ynrdB at a fraction of Its. worth. All depend able silks Uh abBolutoly osHoutlal , for you to know wo lmndlo no sec onds and any silks wo sell you not found sat isfactory you aro at lib erty to return thorn to us Itnmcdlatoly. You'll find In tlio lot tho most wanted kind and colors Satin cantona cropo black satin, can ton cropo's, satin imper ial's, mossallnos, crepo do cheno, silk Gcorg ottes, wash Biitlno. And all other high grado silks. this lot you'll find silk valueB up to $4.50 por yard, all on salo nt $1.87 and Folt 4 .. 4 W M W Would of burned lots moro. Tho boys wore very prompt In extinguishing tho flamo, For which I'm very thankful And not at all to blamo. Now boys, while I am thankful (This kind of pay Is Black,) I will try remuneration When I can got some "Jnck." You know tho smoko was awful (For I was thoro and know,) And In tho moleo somehow I rocetvod a broken toe, Which gavo mo lota of pain And kopt mo wako ot nights, While Morphous should bo busy With his ethereal flights. But, let us not bo pesslmcstlo While wo Journey horo bolow, For honco ono hundred years Tho dlfforonco we'll riot know. J. W. Lo. WHY NOT 5" Brady, Nob., Doc. 14, 1921. I was somowhat Interested In a communication from a Lincoln County Taxpayer In a luto Ibbuo In Tho North Tlattb Tribuno, In which ho advocat FTSLAS s THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI I'll!' ''iiia,,,, . ' COATS REDUCED USEFUL GIFTS Buy the child or girl a coat for a Christmas gift. Prices reduced to tho usuul January salo, prices. Some havo fur collars and cuffs, which mako them not only attractlvo but additional warmth Is added during win tor cold weather. Tho girl will bo. pleased with ono of theso coats. For Christmas soiling on salo $3.95, $4.90, $5.85 $7.45, $9.85 up NECKWEAR Men will moro than approclato somo of theso Knitted Silk Tics, or narrow Cravats. Wo aro making special low prlcos to early shoppers. Silk Ties .. '8c and 03o Silk Cravats 1 r'0c and 7."ic SLIPPERS Thoro aro many 'styles of sllppors in our gift assortment.?, Slippers which aro alwayB welcomed tlmo. Wo fit thorn all men, women and, children. Chlldron's, ."o to $1.45 Women's, !'ac to $2.05 Men's and Boys'. $1.25 to $2.1)5 Merchandise always to that begets confidence. This rule is observed DRY GOODS -WOMEN'S READY ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY YOUR Father. LAMPS ed a fourth representative on tho Board ot County Commissioners. Why not havo fivo, two east, two west and ono In tho middle In caso ot dis agroomont four could easily tie, thoroby getting nowhoro. Bosldos this Is a largo county and requires tho presont commissioners on tho go all tho tlmo, bos!do3 leaving tho loss Important part of tho work undone, or left In chargo of some ono to look after same, with pay. Goodnoss knows our taxes aro high and wo want thorn lowered when and whore It can bo dono. I am of tho bollof that flvo coni- mtsstoors would bo a stop In tho right direction to reduco taxes. Tho bus! noss would bo looked after moro proficiently and at loss expenso by botng looked after by ono self, not by tho hired man. Again whon any largo undertaking or contract Is to bo lot flvo heads aro bottor than throo or should bo. .1 am not very woll versed In this Btato road business, but I will say un loss thoro Is K state- law that com polled Uio county to maintain our high priced road commissioners and malntonanco, lay thorn off occassion al. Somo say It Is stato money, or automobllo monoy that keeps this up. - WEEKLY TRIBUNE llllllllli. If i!!!iiu,",",,in.;;iiiiiiiimililiiiTi -.... ! BLANKETS TIiobo cool nights mako ono for warm, cozy blanKcts. Good X'nias Gifts Cotton Blankets on salo $1,451.95 2.45 3.95 4.90 and up. , Wool Blankets on salo $5.85 6.90 7.45 9.85 and up. (!ho Blankets for Christmas BLANKETS v&s I at thiB Standard with prices We do not exaggerate. throughout our store. TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES J.E.NELSON. MANAGER Maybe so, but where docs this state and automobllo money como from and could bo used to advantage elsewhere in, reducing our taxes. This tax proposition is getting fierce. I will toBs up a nlcklo against tho bolo in a doughnut you will see a heap of eastom capital lying around tho court house next fall picking up those delinquents. Lator on wo poor fish (if ever ablo) will put up a hand somo profit to redeem. Thoro you havo the Ball, roll it. Forty-ono-year Lincoln County Tax Payor. :o: Tho Wilcox Department Store has qUIto a few worked models of Bucilla embroidery consisting of children's drosses, rompors, pillows, scarfs, gowns, etc., that will mako very fino presents. Theso havo been specially priced for Christmas trade. .Flvo hundred Xmas suggestions in our four largo Xmas windows. Dix on, tho Jowolor. B DIl. O. II. CKESSLEK GRADUATE DENTIST k Offtco over the McDonald State Bank. ' JOnN S. SIMMS, M. I). ,. Special Attention Given to Surgery ' McDonald Bank BuIIdlag Offloo Phone 83 Residence St $5 Portrait Free In order to bo doing something during theso dull times, wo will mako you a 14x20 oval convex $5.00 vor tralt FREE. Wo want you to show It to your friends and advortlso our work. All wo ask of you send us 35o lo pay for postago and ' boxing and wo will sond tho portrait prepaid, frbo. Mall your photos, wltli 95c. Giro us a trial. Wo, copy anything and everything. Money back If not picas od. ; PALM ART C0 .... Hustings, , j(pb. Fashioned wish Hosiery You'll bo pleased with the lino of Holsery. We sell the better grades full in tho leg and nar row at tho ankle, thi3 Holsery fits smoothly and snugly without wrinkling. Tho kind that gives you comfort as woll as lasting wear. Try them from us on sale for Christmas selling 95c $145 $1.95 $2.45 Itnliou Silks on sale JJ.45, $3.95, $4.45 il Boys' Suits and Overcoats It will be to your ad vantage to buy him a now Suit or Overcoat, during this special sell ing. Most excellent values aro offered Suits $il.95 to $!).S5 O'CoaYs-frl.OO to $11.45 A Mackinaw for School i ' DUCCtlEIU i . OTIS B, PLATT, M. IJ Physician and Snrgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night. Over Union State Bank. Office Phone 296W House Phone 290R Infants Wear Our infant's deartment is complete and we will be delightful to show you the pretty new things for the and wool ho"Se -Dainty embroideried dresses and petticoats Carriage robes, imported Hand embroideried pillow slips Hand painted toilet sets Hand painted baby books Pretty silk and wool knitted booties.. Pretty silk and wool Sacques , Playthings such as rattles. Every Dcslrnblo Gift for tho Tiay Tot, E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Apron Sale T here is a chai'in about. fboso now aprons Tho good quality ma terials used In their construction, and beau tiful patterns. Their stylo also will appeal to you. A lot of theso havo been made in our own work rooms. Light and dark colors and In sizes that will fit tho smallest to larg est figure. Newest styles are here on salo 95o $1.25 $1.45 $1,95 YKZ23w)r 1u' JIcr Apron for OGannentsO- Christmas m SLIPPERS Always welcomed. ........... .'.'.''..-. SWEATERS Sweater Tlmo is Hero With ice skating soon in full swing, a warm wool sweater means adT ditional comfort from winten's chilling vinds Buy tho boy or girl's sweater now while as sortments are complete Our prices aro re markably low. Cotton- Sweaters 95c and up Wool Sweaters.$2.45 and up Gloves make a good present for ,men. You will find a full stock at Wilcox Department Store. Christmas suggestions. See Dixons four largo windows. Visit our irift room. Dixon tho jcwelor. -If t ?