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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1921)
If? .'V. " lorth -Matte tit Win tribune THIRTY-SEVENTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBEB 21, 1921. No. 81 Stem MRS. W. F. CODY DIES SUDDENLY MESSAGN FROM COD1', AVIOMIXG TJ3LLS OV PASSING OK AX JiARLY PIONEER. Cody Boal roceivod a mcssago Into last night telling of tho death of his grandmother, Mrs. W. 1 Cody, at her-homo in Cody, Wyoming. The message stated that sho passed away peacefully at six o'clock. Cody left this morning for Wyoming. Ho .stated that sho would probably bo bliried at Denver. No arrangements havo been made for the funeral. Mrs. Cody was tho wife of Col. W. F. Cody belter known as "Buffalo Bill." Sho was a pioneer in Lin coln County, living nt Forf Mc Pherson before North Platto was founded. Later they moved to tho Cody ranch and when tho Colonel went with tho Wild West Show they moved to this city. About ten years ago ho became interested in the hotel business in Cody, Wyoming and they v moved . there. All of the old settlers hero will remember her as a good wlfo and mother. . Mr.' and Mrs. J. J. McCarthy re turned to their home in. Omaha yes terday after visiting at the home of the latter's sister. Mrs( L. B. Redmond. -:o: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lawhead are in Omaha today and will attend tho football game. I'ltOJI'IMft'T JjISOLX COU.NTY CITIZK.V KILLED IS AUTO . ACCIDENT t Henry J. Dienor, a resident of Lincoln County since 1893 was fatally injured In an nuto accidont tuo miles north-west of Lincoln on tho S-Y-A highway lato Tuosday afternoon. Ho, in company with Harry York, George Anderson and Edward W. Wright wore oii thoir way to allond the Nebraska Grand Lodgo of Odd Follows at Lincoln. When nearlng tho city Mr. Andor i son - who was driving was giving I some attention to the railroad cross ing and looking to see if thijre was ' any danger from a train. Ho did not .catch a sharp turn in time, tho car j skidded and wont over the bank. Tho four men woro rushed to St. Elizabeth's Hospital where Mr. DIener died at seven o'clock that evening. Mr. York was unconscious for some time but latest reports are that he and the otho? two men will the hospital for a week or more. The the hospital for a wok or more. The remains of H. J. Dienor were brought to the city last evening ac companied by S. W. Van Dorn. The funeral will be held Saturday after noon at 2:30 at the Presbyterian Church with Rev. Moore officiating. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT PEO l'LE AND THE THINGS THEY AKE DOING HEKE. At tho Hcrshoy Precinct Farm Bu reau meeting held on October 15' it was decided to pay 3o a. bushel for picKing corn this fall. Most of the corn growors on both sides of the North and South rlvors hnpo decided that tho 3o rate is fair and just con sidering the presonl prico of corn. mo uqaru of Equalization of Drainage District No. 1 met at tho Court House Monday and received complaints regarding the' valuation of lands In the drainage district as used for taxation purposes. -After receiving the complaints it adjourn ed' to Nov. 7, .when it will meet again and net on the cases on file. ' :o:- OARD OP THANKS Wo wish to thank our friends and neighbors and the Knights of Co lumbus for tho beautiful lio,ral offer ings and words of sweet sympathy in tho death of our darling mother. Mr. and Mrs. William Facka. . Mrs. P. W. McGlone Mrs. Chas. Murrin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Facka Another Delightful Variation of the Patent Leather Pump!' , ,1 Of course you will include a pair of patent leathei shoes in your autumnal wardrobe everyone who consid ers style will have them. 1 Yet there will be no monotony for there are so many charming ways in which patent leather can be fashioned. Patents $8.00 Ihvo. Shoes Oggg'. Same in Suede' $9.00 Lainl-Schober Shoes for Ladies. At tho Gothenburg Harvest Home festival last week, Mrs. F. E. Bar ber -waB ono of the judges in tho home department and Emll Mcrsch oid was one of, the Judges in the iloral department; Mr. Merseheid took some of the products of the North Platto Floral Co. along with him, not for prizes but'just to show what North Platte can do along thai line. The drill team of tho Royal Nei ghbor Lodge attended the Conven tion at Wolback, Nebr., -this week. The team is composed of Mrs. Jas. Dorram and daughter Zolla, Mrs. Gertrude Johnston, j Mrs. Ralph Henckle, Mrs. G. Fisher, Mrs. T. B. Halligan, Miss Erma Barraclough, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. J. A. Ward, Mrs. E. W, dross, Mrs. Wm Dorram, Mrs. AsH""Sny(Icr aiiiT'Mrs. C. Q. Dedmore. We announce the opening of our new GROCERYTERIA Friday, October 21 We Invite Your Presence for . Inspection Lierk & Stack First Door North of Union State Bank The cattle salo nt the Stock Yards last Monday was well attended and the stuff sold as well as could be ex pected. The highest prico paid was $0.10. Casper Ranch, who is con ducting tho salo says tho next one will bo on Monday, October HI. Fann ers and ranchmen aro finding this an excellent way of dispo3inp of their stockers and feeders and are bringing In from one animal to several car loads at a time. tho Governor, tho Soorotnry of State TtTTT7 OT and tho Adjutant General. Those jiff lUJKli ccrutlrntoH havo been placed in the hnnds of Ernest lUnckor at tho Bla cker Drug Co. for distribution. All e.v-sorvlco men are asked to call on Mr. Rlncker nnd got thorn. Tlioy will be held thero until called for. Anyono can feol proud to possoss ono of those certificates. OPENS TO-DAY JOIIXSOX .MHMORtAL HALL AT WALLACE TO BE KOIOI ATjTjY dedicated. Dr, Goorgo B. Dont loavos tonight lor Philadelphia whuro ho will at tend a mooting of the American Colloge of Surgeons. Ho will ro- colvo ills dogreo from the College on Tho committee having chargo of Jho dedication of tho Johnston Mom- iiimm; kxu cimi... ., orlal UttU nt Wallace lias been work- l.M-.KK AM) M AOh '10 OWiUATK ,ng ,mrd l0 mnko tho nppro. (IRUPHKYTKRIA ON DKWKY ' mmte to "' occasion. Governors j McKclvie has been invited to be STJM2KT. present as hnvo a number of other , prominent jiooplo. Among thoso who . Chan. Lierk Jr. and Wm. F. Slack !wlU spoak aro J- G- Heolor, Harry Jr. compose the now firm Vhioh has IJJ,X0' L. aro, F. c. Piolatiokor, fitted up the north room of tho Hin- Thlsr'ls an honor which ilnI1 "lock on Dowoy strcot and will Oct. 28. but few greo 1h voted to a cdrtaln number of ,10W storo is to bo known as tho L & surgeons each year who liavo by s Groccrytorla. It is on the solf- thoir success in surgory, attained a sorvo plan. Those stores havo boon preeminence which entitles thorn to niu lu Crawford, Alliance, Scotls- national recognition. It is not Uluff and many other places and known that tho dogreo is hold by Judgo Hastings, llov. Fryo aiiuVW. V. Hoagland. MIbb Anna Kramph surtfoons attain. Tho io- operate a grocery store thoro. Tho ,mB 1)0011 lvcn 1111 Important plnco on i no program. Miulo will bo furn ished by Mrs. 0. H. Shrivor , Arthur F. Tramp and others. Tho committee, sonds word that tho friends living in Nortli Platto aro invitod to bo havo provon a big succoss. They aro j 1)r0S0lU- Tho ovonlng festivities will cash stores and do not deliver. Whon 8tart nt G:30 Tho dedication will' ba scon yoslorday Mr. Liork said, "Wo! 1,0,(1 011 Tuesday, Oct. 25. Tho build- aro going to do away with tho three !,ns 18 ntw complete and will bo nnyothor surgoon in this part of the stato. Dr. Dent will visit his mother who lives near Washington, borore ho returns. North Plntte can well bo pround of this rocognir Hon of ono of its citizens and tho Trlbuno offers its sincero congratula tions, to Dr. Dent upon this occasion. The following appeared in tho Sunday Stato Journal and is of inter est .to Lincoln County pooplo: On tho site of old Ft. McPherson, twenty miles, east of this city, tho only remaining evldonco that a mil itary post was once located thoro is tho Hag staff stone. This marker lics'Mnoar the rondway, no ono pays any,;altontlon to It nnd should Jt sometime bo removed, tho last ves tagof tho old fort would disappear. In tho early history of Lincoln county Fort 'McPherson played an Important part, for tho cavalry stationed thero guarded tho wayfarers on the old California trail and protected tho ranches of tho early day cattlomon. The Daughters of the American Rov olutipjyMhts.jty proposeJo'prolect mis. historic flagstaff stone by en closing It with an iron fonqe. The Past Matrons" Club of' West ern Nebraska Is an organization com posed of women whe have sorved as Matrons of an Eastern Star lodge. The territory embraces all chapters in tho state from Grand Island west to tho state line and nortli and oojUh to tho state boundaries. Tho annual meeting of the Pnst Matrons' Club was held at North Platto on October Gth. At that time officers were uonsicieraoio interest, was creaieu Reeled as follows: Mrs. Clara Haw largest items of ovorhead oxponso delivery, credit, clerks. Mr. Stack or Iwlll bo on hand to assist patrons in finding tho goods wanted and as they leave tho storo a checker will total tho bill and tako tho money. Goods, will also bo wrapped or bagged as needed." While tho idea is practicaly now In North Platto it has met with such a ready' response In other plnccs that it is expected it will W wolcomed hero. Both of tho proprietors aro ox porlenced grocorymon and have a largo circle of friends here who will bo glad to learn of their new ven turo In business. Tho Tribune ex tends a hearty greeting to thoso young men upon thoir re-entry into tho business life of the city, and wishes them bucccbs in thoir new undertaking. ready for use from now on. :o:- 1IKJH SCHOOL BAND AJfl) 3IANV FOOTBALL FANS ACCOMI'ANY TEAM TO (pLVHA A football squad or sixteen players loft nt 1:30 yestorday' for Omaha to moot tho Crolghton high school foot ball team. Tho high school band ot flftyillvo members strong accompan ied tho team nnd will help them to bring back victory. Many lbcal fnns loft with the boys. -:o:- Brndloy Sweaters aro just 'tho thing for comfort. Tho pricos nro no more than you pay for inferior makes. You, will Hnd a largo assortment nt Wilcox Dopartniont Stofo. Konneth Gowccko ot Farnam had tonsils removed at the Platto Vallqy hospital last week. , on the streets Tuosday by a man with a bear. Tho man said ho came from old Mexico and that he caught tho boar witli a lassoo. He claims it was a genuine grizzly and that It would weigh 1100 pounds when full grown. He had it fastened on Jho rear of a small car and said he was taking it to' Washington, D. C. where lie had arranged to sell all the wild animals ho could catch. It was quite wild and struck at every one who came near. . Harry Stacey and Neva Potter were tried in police court yostarday for illegal possession of liquor. Mius Potter's caso was dismissed by the judge but Mr. Stacey was fined $100 and costs. Immediately following the trial a' complaint for the illegal soiling of liquor was filed by tho county. This ca'so was set for Mon day morning at 10 o'clock. The chargo against this couplo running a disorderly liouso was dismissed as the witness could not bo found. Mrs. Chas. Murrin and sons re turned to their home in Sterling the first of tho week after attondlng tho funeral of her mother, Mrs, Facka. Tho crop' of sugar boots in Lincoln County this year is oetlmatod at six ty thousand tons, of which 34,g00 tons were grownfor tho American Com pany and 25,500- tons fpr tho Great AVoatern Company. Tho average yield as far as the crop has beon harvested is fourteen tons por aero, tho ylold running from six and one-half tons in some fields to nineteen in others. Ono farinor who plowed up a food lot of two aores and put it in beets ob tained sixty tons froip tho two acres. The price paid for lmets ig $?.G0 per ton which mwwB that the ostimateil value of tho crop In Lincoln county is $890,000. The local Amoricnn Legion receiv ed six hundred beautiful Nebraska Wnr Certificates UIiIb weak. These are iwuetl by the authority of the State of Nebraska In recognition of tin- p i ri played by litr pons In th World War Thf ;.r , d J,'. i tliorne, Kearney, president; Mrs. L Lilllan Clabaiifih, North Platto, vice president; Mrs. Edith Wagner? Gothenburg secretary-treasurer; Mrs Alice Iteeil, Arnold, Chaplin; Mrs. Floy Daul, Elm Creek, reporter, Th? North Platto Club entertained t ho isilitig ladles at a luncheon and a good time was enjoyed by all pres ent. Tho report of the meeting lias just beon roceivod from tho official replnter. ITXI'lHAL OF LATE WOULD. WAIt IIEUO TO BE HELD SUNDAY AT CATHOLIC OHUUCII Word has been received that the body of Noel Donegan left Hoboken, N. J. yesterday and will probably arrive somo time tomorrow. Tho funeral has boen set for Sunday at 1:30 iu the Catholic Church. Tho American Legion boy will bo in chaivo. :o: Mr-.. Ralph Smith wont to Omaha 1 1 attend tho football game. How Much Dirt- , , , W. H.f,'iJ Enter the HOOVER GUESSING ' CONTEST We havo placed a rug on the sidewalk' in front of our windows. It remains there all 'day --passers-by tramp over it filling it with dust and dirt. Each night we take the rug in and clean it thor oughly with the 1 IOO V AH. The dirt is placed in a jar in our window. Come down and see the window watch the jar filling with dust and dirt each day; obtain a contest blank and send In your guess. Valuable Prizes Will Be Given Away. HOOVER IT BEATS.,. AS IT SWEEPS AS IT CLEANS latte North Pi Light & rower Co Petticoat eciaj We have put on sale for the balance o this week only six dozen fancy Cotton Petticoats at $1.48 each. These are exceptional values cut e7tra full for this class of mer chandise. It will pay you to investigate this offer.