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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1921)
Tllia NQK-TJJ PLATTE S13MI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY dont on Friday of lust week. A. M. Hum On tho trip to the Pacific coiut, linker was lonving tho houso, by fl wliorc tlio wonder may bo commorclnl. g misstep ho fell, 'fracturing IiIh hip. ' teod In tho moving picture business. It j Hi- had planned to bo to Kearney on j still runs on its own power iind when- :;: Hint iIhv to visit his now Kroiit Brand- over - it stops It Is sure to draw a u crowd, Tho boys have a sign, "Loa tt INTKItESTIJt'O ITEMS CHANGES WHICH OUR DESK, l'KOM EX-REACH ECONOMY FOLKS M. 15. Martin and Lloyd II. Wilson of North Platte, have lonsod tho I'lzcr building and oxpoct to opon up b grocery Htore. Thoy will also sorvo short ordoi'8. soft drinks, ato. Thoy cxpfft to open for business Frldav. They formorly conducted tho Economy Grocery Store at North IMittto. Hfr nlicy Times, son, Dr. Konnon was summoned and In his ohargo Mr. Raker was taken to tho (loneral Hospital nt North Platto Ho Is re-ported to ho getting along as nlmilv mm rould be oxoocted. The ( commun'ty Is In sympathy with Mi. i Hakor In his misfortune and hopeful of a rapid reeoVnry. Maxwell Teh- post. i " THANKFUL One of our random stbppod In th offlco tho other day and rolatod n in cldont of Ids doing a small favor for a Atrhngo automobllo drh'or and wim highly rewarded. He was at the PlaM ' river bridgo on Sunday afternoon fishing and a stranger who wa cross ing tho bridge run out of. Kasollw noir there and aakod him for some. So. he crawled nndor his old Ford n. VEOMI&N Next Tuoaday evening, October 18, tho Yeorrten will Inat&ll officer. Atl Srri i.pi nrn cnniiiM41 In tin nrukent and are privilege to invite frIeau ' the aandb.lrs and tedious y drew some as gue-ts. District Manager Tlloy and' 'n '" to '"ft1c State Manager Morrill will be pro. ; two trips. When the task was finish 1 ent. A light lunch will be sorvod at. , the stranger asked what ho wanted for tor installation and those who wish Uo trouble. He replied that what- -Btitherlaud 'cr it was worm 10 mm wuum ui satisfactory. Tho stranger said you may dance or piny gamos.' courier. TICKLISH Partita are out With a petition for signora asking a parmlt from Uto county board to oporato a pool hall In Arthur. Wo understand a ronton- Btranoo (a out' against tho proposition., Tlifs will bo one of tho ticklish prop- HAD FRIENDS beforo tho commlK On Saturday aro cnttinir your tins In town for 21 cents per gallon, aron't you? and waa answered In tho affirmative. He handed lilm a dlmo and a, cigar with tho wrappor torn off and thanked him Overton Herald. Augolim or Bust," and thoy nay thoy j$ think It will bust. It makes from eight il to eighteen ml os a hour, and thoy wl I not likely ho pinched for speeding jj All- who aaW tho horseless cnrrfaK say that it It still u rattltng'good rig. , : It makes about ten miles to the gul- ! Ion of gas, and Is claimed to bo the ! (mi at auiomonuo in mo unucu auuen which Is atlll In sorvlce and It may1 b tllD oldest thing of Its kind in the en llro world. Tho two young man are Jolly good foMows and mado many frjends In tho city during their two d.yB ata;'. OoMienburg Independent. SCOUTS ORGANISE , Wallace, has tho Hoy Scout fevor. Tho results are that a troop is being organized and that already a large number of tho young lads of the com- ( ritunltly have enrolled. Tho ball wasi Started by G. V. Frey who aftor find Ing that there was some sentiment onj tho part of the boys foi such an organ-1 tzatlon socured the doslrcd literature! A BIG JITNEY DANCE at the LLOYD OPERA HOUSE ' NORTH PLATTE Warm when it's Cool Cool when it's warm EVERY Thursday & Saturday EVENING. Candy for ihe Ladies Saturday Everting. A real brand new floor. No stairs to climb. LADIES FREE- .MHHHhlMUMMUUMtM,MMHUMmitmm,UH,tH ... . . ... ... . ... . ... , ... , ... .'..'...'.".'.''........'. ... t .'.'.'.' :.: :.t :.: it :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.t i Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, all Ileal Estate. Hcfcrences and Datoi first NaJIonul Hank. North Platto, Nebraska. DIt. J. It. McKIItAILVN I'rnctlco Limited to Discuses ot Women and .Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 113. Residence G40J JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. . Special Attention Given to .Surgery McDonald Dank Iliilldlng Office Phone 83 Residence 38 night Sheriff llolser 1 dlacovord that thrco boardern of the : county wore attempting to break Jail, J and tholr plans were noar completion when discovered. .Too Ryson and ConStilblov Elliott reports arresting T,n,.( A.Mnqnn who arn l.nlnc l.oi.l flvo men tho past wook for driving f0I. Btoalllu; tP0H tbes, batteries, ots., tholr cam without a Hcoiiho. Fourlfrf)m tho KoBCOO RnrnR0 n(1 Ralph drew nnoa of flvo dollars and costs, Kfinlnr wnrft f,1n flir(,n wiln ,IIUi l)oen osltions to co mo Hloners at tholr noxt- rogular moetln.! Arthur Bntorprlso. NO LIOIONSISS and ona ton do'.! --' ind costs. Justice of tho Potico T. T. Mnircolt assoasort tho flnaa. All plead gullU and paid the'r fines. IlraiTy Vindicator. MORK BONDS Noar,ly all tho land owners under tho North Illvor Ditch wore present at a mooting hold hero last week to discuss ways ami means to comploto tho big canal. Reports show that tho ditch was noarly comploto but that more monoy was noedod to finish tho Job, Tho board of Dlrocioro wero In structed to got water In tho ditch nt tho earliest possible momont and to issue" warrants for its completion, said warrants to bo taken up later ,by" another bond issue Garden Counly Nows. and information concorning tho work iy getting in touch with h otu I n,it "ir toir. Two meetings of the boys, and at tended by a number of tho businMiB men wore held this weok. At the ona hold Wednesday ovonlng whon tho ntiolous of tin work was started, Lor On Spoucor, D. Nowi'nan and 0. V.Vrcy woro delected as a commlttoo to spon sor tho organization, and the boys 'ginned up. At another mooting .n. cdut JIastor will bo soloctod. Wal laco Winner. : o : " : " NOTICE TO'IIUNTIORS PC OH YOU CENTRAL Tho fire which started IVIondny morn'ng 10 minutes till throo In Harry Klndlo'B carpenter shop didn't do n" very much damage on account ot tlw good central sorvh e. Nlglit man nt tho dopot, gavo in tho alarm, didn't ring 1 minutes before contral was on tho job. Then (ortral rans tho Fire Dopart nioTi 'mt oolildnt ralso them tlion rung several dlfforent partios to toll thorn of tho Fire but there was several ho could not raise. Tho Jangling tele phone wlro d'dn't keep contral from r oWiik u re " Trtl"-. Oli You .Central Sorvlco Pnxton Times CAPTAIN BAKER Captain II. F. Hakor, one of tho foW remaining civil war veterans, and well known to everyone In tlm community, met with a serious nccl- glvon two wronchos and a pair of plyors by a friend on tho , outshR Thoy had succeeded In unjointlng om of tho corners ot tho cngo which would have- enabled them to make their ge.. nwiiy. Tho ponalty for attempted Jail brouklug Is ono to ten years In tio enltontlary and this fact muy bo con tldorcd by tho .judge who In expected to sentence them fpr nrK'Inal crime within n fow days. Keith Countv Nows. UTILL W USE A twenty year old Model horseless carriage wna one of tho wonders ot strangost looking automobile, or ben. zlno buggy that ovor whizzed up find down the streets or Gothenburg two days. It Is a Soars, made by Soaru, Robuck and Co, of Chicago, twenty years ago. It Is bolng driven across country by Fred Koop. tho ownor and he Is accompanied by Jack Wll- The Former's Auctioneer H. M. Johansen, North Platte. Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For those who do not have enough stock or machinery for a general farm sale, I am located so I can hold a combination sale at North Platto or at tho Falrvtow dairy 1 V4 mWvn wost of town. I have always got enough stock or machinery listed with me so wo can hold a combination sale any time. . ; . t ' Huntors and trespassers are warn ed that thoy will ho dealt wjth accord ing to law. C. II. Watt. T. S. McCroue. . ' Pat McGraw. Ilonry P. Hanson. x,mi mwre rmaresjormiuen 4 W not four The Calorit Pirjelcss Furnace offers your Family: June-like warmth in every room in coldest weather (70 guaranteed) fuel bills cut 4 lo Vi unequalled conve nience clean rooms safety heat protection. David Cole Creamery Co. Pays Highest Price For Cream. 310 EAST FRONT ST. ifl "VvTf-Tn 5T.yrn-SLJS A Tliu undersigned will sell at 'public auction on Wednesday, October 26th, 1921 at life farm 7 miles nortltaast ot North Platto and 20 miles southwest ot Staploton on tho farm known as tho old Potorson place, beginning at 1 o'clock, the following described property. 25 HEAD OF CATTLE 2 milch cows giving milk now; 2 with calves. by tholr bUIo; 8 heifers coming two years old; 1 cow throo years old 1 steer coming tu years old; 1 bull calf 8 months old; 6 spring calves. 9 HEAD OF HORSES 1 span goldlngB four years old, weight 2200; 1 span blacks throo yearn old, weight 10G0; 1 span three year old mules; 1 gray mare, eight years old, wolght 1100; 1 bay nmro, nlno years old, weight 1000; 1 bay mare,, ton years old, wolght 900, " 26 HEAD OF HOGS it avorago 250 pounds each; 17 head shouts. FARM, IMPLEMENTS 1 spring, wagon 1 monitor gas engine in good ruunlng order, ono horao grain drill good as now, 1 disc, 1 two-row, 1 harrow, 1 wagon, 2 sotfl work, harness, 2 donon ch Ickons, ono croam soparator In good ordur. HAY AND GRAIN 50 acres ot good corn In Hold, about 30 loads ot hay stacked at tho plnoo; It corn and hay is sold will gtvo possession at once till March 1st, with two soctlons of good winter rango. I'KKK LUNCH AT NOON TERUS All sums ot (20 and ndor cosh; all sums over that amount six months tlmo will bo gtvon on bankable noto bearing ton per cent In to root from dalo of aalo. J. G. GUYNAN, Owner. WO KJBRia, Auctioneer. RAT a LANQFOHD, Clork. 11 1 J. S. TWINEM M. D. llnnuMipiithlr I'liyslclnn Surui'im (.'t'licral Practice and CoiiHtriicllon Surfer) Hospital AccoiiiiiiDiliitliin linttc' Valley llospllal Feriner Naiuo Twlnem Hospital. NORTH PLATTR, NKIJR. i & fi lfS The CalorIC gives you the great ad vantage of ono efficient central heating plant in basement instead of several stoves in different rooms. Costs less than stoves necessary to heat same space. For old buildings or new. No plumbing or alterations. No pipes to freeze. Made by largest manufacturer of warm air furnaces in world. Over 125,000 users, many in this neighborhood. Our Guarantee r" Your satisfaction or money back." Come in and see this wonderful heating system. Simon Bros. mmmm Ml. 11 . 1 w mm , ii 1 THE' ORIGINAL 'plPELSS ' FURMACEi TRIPLE in CASIHO PATENT How You Should Fimire Your Oil Costs MOTOR iffin!!! ,TiMm cti twm w ii,imu !v' Automotive engineers and garage men agree that improper lubrication causes 90 of all engine troubles. So when you figure oil costs, add practically all repair and over- hauling costs to what you pay for oil. Plenty of oil is important. So is replac ing old oil with fresh oil. But no matter how much oil you use or how often you re new it, you can't prevent engine wear and tear unless the' oil maintains correct body. Polarine provides a cushioning film that protects against wear and keeps down friction-load. In the cylinders Polarine forms a gas-tight and fuel-tight seal that insures full compression and maximum power. Polarine is made in four grades light, medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper grade for your car next time by referring to Polarine chart at our Service Stations or dealers and you will start cutting down motoring costs. Look for the Red Crown Sign Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA OTIS It. PLAIT, M. I), I'liyslclnn and urgcon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment ""J Calls answered Day and Night. Oyer Union Stato Bank. Office Phone 29G House Phone 123CJ Office 340 Housel26. I) H. W. I. SJIAFFEK Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. North Platta. WYLIE WALKER Export Piano Tuner and Repairer. Leave- orders at 914 W. 4th St. Or Phono 334 GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Spccinl Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phono: Office 130. Residence HE Office phono 241. Ues. phone 21? L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building. DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopatli ' OVER UlRSCIIFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phono 102 DR. REDFIELI) PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phones Office G42, Resldenco 676 DERRYRERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phono Mack 588 W. T. PRITCIIARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex- assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Hos pital Phono C33, House Phono 633. BRS. STATES St STATES Chiropractors 5, 0. 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70. Res. Phone 1242 D. E. Harper, Gothenburg, Atty. NOTICE OP PETITION Estate No; 1849 of Mary Stella Shelly, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In said estate tako no tice that a petition has been filed for tho probate of the above entitled es tate, and for tho appointment of Frank Shelly as Administrator of said estate, which has been set for hearing horeln on Nov, 2, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. in- Dated Oct. 8, 1921. TO H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge, EXTENSION ROAD NO. 61. To Whom It May Concern: Tho apodal commissioner appointed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing nt tho corner to Sec. 13, 14, 23 nnd 24, T. 13 N. R. 30 W. of tho 6th P. M., running thenco north on line between sees. 13 and 14 one mile, thence northwesterly through" sees. 11, 10 and 9 following tho South bank of tho channel of tho Platto Riv er to tho IntorsccUon wlUi Road No. C, ending there said road to bo 6G foct ,w!do, has reported In favor thoroof, all objections thereto nnd claima tov damages by reason of tho establish ment of tho aboro road must bo fllc.1 In tho offloo of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, Nobraakn, on or be fore 12 o'clock noon of the 17th day of December, 1921. Dated this lth day of October, 1921, A. 3. ALLEN, (SEAL) County Clork.