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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1921)
Che Mmm otic chin uFnbtmc. CM!- THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OGTOHKB 25, 1921. No. 83 , FIREMEN ANOUX0lTlAl!'Oir" TT. " " ' OPENS MONDAY REGiLAu octouek Tintar cali,i:p BY JITIKJK TUWKLL l'OK TUB THIHTY-FIItST. District Court will be in session from Monday, Oct. 01 on for nn Indefi nite term. The bur docket has just been printed by this office and shows some 2BS cases awaiting action. Judge ,T. L. Tew ell will occupy the bench with Frank SmitU as reporter. The Jury will be called for next week and the court calendar will bo announced on Monttay. There are two murder cases, one against Samuel Simmons and the other against Victor Moss. There are forty-one divorce cases on the docket and the usual number of equity, judg ment, foreclosure nnd appeal caeeu Twenty-four jurors have been sum moned to act when Jury cases are up Quite a number of naturalization oases are before the court and will come up on. the same day next week. The docket Is the largest ever known in this county and is accounted for by the fct that the April term was post poned -on account of the illness of docket is an accumulation for almost u -year. . IOCal lawyers are very busy getting, ready for the big event and some thirty outside attorneys -ars gciedttled to appear if ttll the" oaees, are called. ' V, . "- -0; itr. and Mrs. JR. H. Fowles wo leaving today for tfioir home in Long Begch, Ca,L Theylmta heon hero fi ttest three monhs and, ha.Ve enjoyed thalfflofl Nebraska weather during that -time. V.-g. Rotfe Hnlligan and daughter returned to Lincoln yesterday after spending two weeks at the J. 3. Halli jran home. Many social fumiions !invf neeu kivuh iu uum ui hud. hx ligan during her visit here. , UBThr'ifty 5Ap bnks. oh his dignity ovevdr-&ws L As we see this Bank servo neighbors and' friends each Week The privilege of Uoing NORTH PLATTE'S HANK is daily appreciated by us. ( For none "hank on their dignity" here, but all bank on our Personal Service and friondiy co-operation. This is truly a "Home Hank for Home People." InLerest rale 5 per rent. Deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors (iuarantee Fund of the Slate of Nebraska. UNION STATE BAMK . ALL Grain Checks Cashed Here. TIIEIIt BIG. SHOW "YOU TELL 'UM." In following out their plan to raise money to securo tho 1922 Stale Firemen's Convention hero, tho North Platto Volunteer Flromon have decided to put on a play entitled "You Tell 'Em." Tho boys say it will bo tho funniest, wittiest and best I amateur "girlie" show put on In Nebraska for years. Thoy claim that twenty-five of tho host looking young , ladios In tho city aro being chosen to tako thoso parts and that tho most popular girl in the chorus, Ity Z,!n , n li n.T vrn rirlna nf tL Lim t iiTwirmnm, i ot? r n T i !i if Vi n.r in 'l l .tin, wilt bn hirl rTt, , ,1 trn , rJ.Jll at Firemen s Hall on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. :o:- SOUTII LINCOLN COUNTY NKWS Out, Equity paid ten cents per cwt more last Saturday than Maywood dealers wero paying. On account of the dry weather and tho heavy hauling our roads are about as bad as we have ever known iiwm io oo hc hub umo ot uie year, John T. Burton and wife of Bing- ham, Nebr., are visiting tho former's- brothers A. 0. and II. II. Burton or Wollfloet and D. IT. Burton of May wood. John is. a cattleman owning i a large ranch In Sheridan county. A ( well-worked road leading to a town Is one of the best drawing cards for that town. Townspeople should keep this in mind and be and read of contagious,. Infect(4 willing to do a little to keep the or malignant diseases and to WK fne ninth' grade olass of the Jim roads leading into town in good rules and regulations to safegulfd)fior high school will on joy a mas- repair. Waltor Low and family have mov-, ed from North Platte to ono of A. C. Burtons" farms near Wellfleet, where Mr. Low will ongage iu the art of peeling nubbins for Mr. Bur ton. Corn is goOd in this locality ajjd .although tho price, fJaemj Jow 4q the buskers, thoy will be able by throwing her in high gear to make good money conslderiirg"thj6G good Republican times. , In spite of the tight money, some substantial improvements are being Imi t. near Wellfleet. Tho now buu galoAi on tho II. H. Burton and S. J. Filbert Tarnis aro both splendid Improvements, John Costio living .on:1 ( i.t of We'lfleet has commen ced a now dwelling. Henry Folchirt Is building a new double corncrlb to. hold 4,000 bushels of King corn. Chas. Gorkln has almost finished the host granary In the country. -:o: Daily arrivals of beautiful dresses Madam Flanders, Marian Maid and Mitchell Tho latest creations In stylo as well as color. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Mrs. Leo Anderson and baby re turned from Ovorton Saturday after spending, soveral weeks with her . ... ., I mijuu uy uur iiiuinur xvirs. uoouey. ' Mr. 1 nd Mrs. Chas. Wolr left Sat- lirdllV for Olliuha. Mr. Well', wild lltm' been a conductor on the second dl- vision has been promoted to safety ( agent and will resido in tho futiro In Omaha. j Tho Affairs of Anatol. A Cecil B ' L'oMillo superb production,, filled with tense drama and great hoart appeal. I is 'ripping qualities make It ono of tin; greatest pictures over shown. C jminp: in the Keith soon. Watch for tl.c date Last Showing o Starring Jackie Coogan Matinee at 2:15 LET'S KNOW NORTH PLATTE A SERIES OF INFORMING ARTIC LES AHOl'T NORTH PLATTE . AM) ITS PISOlMilS. THIS BOARD OF HEALTH . . i At the laa.t session of the State Legislature, u lnu- u-na miasm. vninli' dti8 f 5,000 t0 20'00 I,eon,8 plajttl they received enthusiastic re- t0 or8aulzo 1,oardB oC 1Ionlth accorrt- for their efforts. The man- ing t0 COrtnin rUle8, Those nll8 asement of the Rome Hotel, where C Xfmtwl over Rnd incorporaud the boys made their headmiarters lllto an onlina,lce which was pasd said that the North Platto boys wore i, fh wnnH, m.ii.'nii.. n n-J,.. ... rf . wnjr uuiiuvii ftiu signed by the Mayor on July 5, 19l j under the ordinance the Board ot Jloalth is composed of the MayQj, who is chairman, the Chief of Police who is secretary' and quarantine ; .officer, a physician of the city who Is medical advisor, the president or uie Council and one other cltlsen appointed hv th ar.vnr. tm three ex-offlcio momben and fo appointed The Board of Health; e now organized consists of: : 13. II. Evans, Mayor. s. Spiliner, Chief of Police.' Dr. C. A. Selby, City Thystfoiaii. H. R. McMichael, President Of Cotia n V L. B. Dick, appointed citizen. Tho B6ardhas power to make-' l"""D i-thi uie miroaucnun tne health of the people and to tnt nu,sances W unsanitary Cflp-1 ditlons. Those rules and regulates have the force and effect of law. Tho Board is subject to certain"! re- Btraints. and some requirements from Executive dctnjlt ,r . the.'jj ,ro,:pii9-. 'voifct made fort "'Una Council. . -:o:- Lawrence Fry returnofl to Sterlln,-., fi!o. yesterday after visiting at the home of his sister Mrs. John Hildc brandt for a few days. Word was received here tolling of tho death of Aaron Wolfo a? his homo in Chicago. For forty years Mr. Wolfe has been agont for the Hart, Schaffner & Marx Co. and ha.3 worked In this territory. Ho had many friends In tho city. At a meeting of tho Altar Society of tho Catholic Church hold last week at the home of Mrs. John Hildebrandt tho following officer'' woro elocted for ensuing year: Mrs'. Clyde Cook, presi dent; Mrs. Jos. Murphy, vice presi dent; Mrs. Geo. McGinloy, sccrotur and Mrs. C. F. Plelstlcker, treasurer. ;0: LOOK-LISTEN-NO ItTII-PLATTE t T linvn ef fi tf ml i 11 ATmif TYTa tttxt 1 r ji ur good home-grown stuff. You don't, have to donate It to tho rail . road company and tho Commission men and have nothlnir left for thf rr.nmnnni- Rn vnn atnv wllli mo rmr. T will abiv witii vnn. T lmvn ninntv or choico butcher stuff of my own for two m-oks but I am on tho market for spring chickens, hogs from 150 to 225 pounds and voal. I T wnnt llin vnrv linst Pnnr titnn not wanted at any price. Thoro Is nothing too good for tho Irish. Only the best at the highest market prlco at McKain's Meat Market. Phone N Oil and 4:10 Today. Keith Theatre NORTH PLATTE HIGH SCHOOL i HANI), IS PRAISED UV OMAHA PEOPLE j The bnnd paraded- tho streets or Omaha Friday stopping in fr.ont or the Boo, News and World lloarirt j Buildings whore they rocolvad . -a : hearty welcome and drew largo j crowds. Mayor Dahlmnn gave an i Informal address to tho boys and wol ; comod them to tho city. Tho band 'boys played Saturday at the Crolgh- , ton Unlvorsity-Mnrquotto game and was given the oxcluslvo vrivlloge ot- parading in the field bet wen halves if mniA Wli ..... ...... nn-. nncst organization tne Home ever entertained. -:o: Tho Young Peoples Class of the Christ .an church la planning a big maaueiaao pany lor i-riuay nignr. " R. Stevens will entertain tho E. members of his Sunday School class . (u i . of the M. 12, church at a party on T, , . . , , k , Friday evening at the church parlors- I Mrs. J. A. Ward wilt be hostess n't a 'TT11rvt'on imvlv t hl' lwimt.. Saturday owning to members of thb Acirema club querade party In the Franklin Audl- torium Saturday evening. Tho Junior E. Y. P. A. will enter- tQr to Trosident Harding's Laddie od to her homo la Koariy Sunday af lain their friends at a Halloween Bo' 01,0 lniP Gi8ht months old and tor visiting at the home' of hor moth- novtv wHiinv ainiii. ft dm v i A,. club house. Games have boon ifeAMfiltfnittl .aKi3: -MP'ua ' - Alisa Claia Sorenson will entertain ten younx ladlea at bridge this oven- it! 1, ,:i ! i-r I.01110. The girls liave or- gatuzed r. club and 11 name will bo docidod upon at this maotlng. The Gleaners class of the Christ inn church will on Joy a Halloween tinrfv In t.ho linsmnnnt nf tlin ntmrnli on Saturdky ovonlng. All kinds of gamos and contosts nro being plann ed. 1 Tho Epworth Leaguo of tho M. E, Church will spend Hallowo'on night al a rollor skating party at Maxwoll. Arrangomonts havo boon made to hnvo possession of the- rink nnd a p'easant evening is being anticipated. Tho Travol and Study Club en tcrt'.ilncd at seven o'clock dinner laal evening at tho homo of Mrs. Geo. B. Dent in honor of Mi-h. Blnncho Fiold who will leave soon for California where slio will make her futuro homo. After a well appointed dinner pleasant evening was spout. ' 't'ho EpiSCOJial Young Pooplo's its friunds will ! ' Association and onjoy a Hallowo'on party this ovonlng, at tho club house. All will mask j and a pleasant evening ot Barnes, , music and dancing has boon planned At tho Kiwanls lunchoon today In tho Episcopal guild parlors W. V. Hoagland will tell of his visit to tho Kiwanls Club at Toronto. Also dif ferent monibors of the club will toll of their visit to tho Ktwanis Club last Friday in Omaha. Ton local Klwanians attonded tho lunchoon In ' Omaha on that dato. Miss Elslo IIowos entertained last ovonlng at her homo at a Hallowo'on I party. Tho guests woro many clover costumes and all camo masked. Tho ovonlng was spent In gamos and con tests for which prlzos woro awarded. House decorations wore In koeping J with th Hallowo'on soason as were, tho refreshments sorved at tho cIoho of thf ovonlng. I Tin- Rotary Club mot at tho Lutlw eran church haaeniont yesterday and wap h'-rved by tho Lutheran ladios with ono of thoeo good dinner which ilioy kilo' so woll how to servo. County Agent Kollogg was tho guest 'f honor and the mon llstonod c!j3oly whllo ho told of tho work of tho County Agont In tho Unlvorslly extension and fnrm bureau work. -:o:- ) Mlsa Botty Stevens is confined to j tho Gon ral Hospital for medical f treatment SCOUT SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION , mauv NHillTS WILL BE GIVE nv BUSINESS MEN TO SCOUTING COUIt.SK first mooting of tho School of Scout Instruction which Is bolng planned by tho North Platto Council 01 tl10 I,0-r Scouts of America will ho hold at tho Franklin Auditorium nn WnilitaBilui- nvnnlnn np 4, I. It is thought that business men and othors will bo mora interested in scouting If thoy know something or what It is trying to do for tho boys, So tho school will take thoso bust-1 - . "uno u givo nioni a course m tho principles and practices of scout ing. Tho course will tako o'ight weeks, one night a week and that night Is Wednesday. A program for the course has been worked out by Scout Exocutlvo Stophons and each night's program has also been work ed OUt With care. All mn In NTn,.(ii PltUte aro lnvllod to nUoud Tho men wlll bo orgnnlzed inlo voguinr 8C0Ut troopg nnd wm hQ put through the work just as the scouts are re- .,.,. ,fl n ih,.nunU ,m, u t. , " " - not necessary for overyone to bo ,. . , present at oach mooting but all are utged to come nH often as possible. Tliere is no charge for the course bllt Oacll IB KUIlDOHed to haVO !Mnills handbook costing rtfty conts. Tho opponnnity is presented by th Scout Council and it is oxpoctod that a largo number of mon will take hold. -:o: AIREDALES FOR SAL1D One pup, four months olilfr Inter- national champion brod, (Half sfs - one fomalo year and a half old. Hi JOU wniu 1,10 USBt 5" money can b.cttcr Investigate at onco as, they - ,ui,pftt -iftncff't;the - reduooil l)r'CCB' :o: TI10 two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coleman died at (ho Colo- man rosldcnco, 1S03 west second, Saturday ovonlng. Ho was born August 2, 1010. The irrigation committee of tli- UHom.or of Commerce hold a mooting nini. uvt'liniK mm IO01C uciuiuo siop toward securing a preliminary in-l-j gallon survey of the lands south o? the river from Sutherland oast to thoi Dawson county line. It was decided to ask land owners of tho south side to nttond a meeting to ho hold in the near futuro and thereby ascertain as to how nearly unanimous tho farmers favor tho construi'tion of a ditch, and whether thoy favor a govcernmont project or tho formation of an irri gation district and the voting of bonds. The members of tho committee aro J J. Ilalligan, L. C. Carroll, J. G. Bcoler, It. L. Cochnm, W. V. Hoagland iV O. H. Thoolecke. Over BOCDOO WHETS J. V. ROMIGU, North Platte, Nubr, Dddbe Brothers MOTOR. CARS NORTH jl'LATTK HIGH SCHOOL AlHJIMIOATION CONK IIOMK VICIOUS VIWM OMAHA TM) football boys and band re turned Sunday from Omaha whoro tho team met the Crolghton High School team on tho Crolghton grid iron. Tho final scoro of tho game was 10 to 0 In favor of tho local toam. Early Friday morning four mon woro declared ineligible on tho Crolghton team owing to tho fact that thoy had not pnssod In three subjects the preceding semester as tho law requires. The mnttor was tnlrnn in. ti'llli On.w DfiiAlra nr Nebraska City, who is president of the bwml of control of state athletics. North Platto wanted to know If it should play .with a toam with Ineligible men. This was protested i, o.. t v r.... ""i1" "u' "ui igir men woro unaoio to piny. Tile game started at 3:30 and was easy play for North Platto. :o: HVWV TKIltl'XAIi TO TRY ROYS FOH CONDUCT UNRKCOMINC TO A SCOUT. A joint meetin'g of all scout troopa wlll be held In Uie Franklin Audi torium, Tuesday evening at 7:30. A number of caudidntoa are to be start ed In scouting. At this meeting tho Boy Scout Court will set for tho first time and the eases of conts who nro chnrgod with conduct unbecoming to a Boy Scout will be. brought up. This meeting will not be open to vis itors as it Is purely & scout affair lvtt ajl scouts add scout officials are u ru ed to be TMshL : o : Mrs. Jos. Schwalger and daughter. i;lin on, mod Saturday from Oni.--ha where they attended the foot-hMl lam' i Mrs. ltoland Batte and 0n retum- or Mrs. C. U. JDavldson. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland and Mr. nndMrs. .E. S Ravls. rouraed 'Sunday "by-auto from Lljicolft and Omaha ' Mrs .lameu 11. Smith returned to her I101110 in Brighton, Colo. Saturday after fpendlng several weeks with lu-r 1.. other Mrs. Clara A. Nowton, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Krausc of West Point, Nebr., arrived Sunday to visit at tho Arthur Tramp homo 011 routo homo from Texas to Wost Point. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lltsoy spent Saturday with friends in tho city on routo from Now York City to their homo In Denver. They woro former residents. E. R. Goodman returned Saturday from Lincoln whoro ho attended a mooting of tho officers of tho execu tive committee of tho Nebraska State Association of firo insurance men. CImh 1 .h on of Dickens had a salo !riM Frilny. At that tlmo he sold 45 pun- in td Berkshire hoga and ro l,.'ris are that thoy wont well. Men wht wore thoro say tlio bidding . was spirited and that tho prlco was I got.d