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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1921)
THE NQRTII PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1 On Ford Day i . i CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men Sign oi The Big Ring SatisfactionSure Try Us. Graduate Opticians LOCAL AND 3'ISliSOIULi Mrs. Chns. Wolr nml Mrs. Vnu Cleave of Konrney spent Wodnoefclny and Thursday in Choycnno visiting. Miss Hanikin of Chicago arrived Tuesday and will bo in chargo of the millinery deparment at the Leader. Mis Violet RoynoJJs who has been spending the summer months In Wy oming, returned the first of the week. Miss Roao Stcjskul roturnoU to her home in Wahoo, Nobr., Wednesday af. tor isitlng at the Julius llahler home. Mrs. Owen Mullahand and children returned to tholr homo In Vallev Tuolay aftor visiting at tho A. 0. Talbott home. Miss Hattie and Lydla DJorkhmd left Wedne.ay for Chappsll to visit From Chappoll they will go to Denver to spoud two weeks. Mrs. Samuel Decker and daughter Mrs. Etta Plerson of Grand Island arrlvep. Wednesday to visit at the Rex Arnold home. - -- Mrs. P. M. Sorenson- and daughter Clara returned Tuesday from Meek ling, S. D., where they visited at the Iris Whittaker home. j Miss Gladys Bird returned Weflnes-j day from Sutherland where she vis- Red at the Geo. White home and aV communltv Utt9 to offer lta tended the Round Up. j m(4lcal) dentai aud publl! heaU)x or. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Seehergar drove ganizations. to Kearney Tuesday to be the guests Moke uso of those sevlces and know of Mr. aud Mrs. Weraott. Mr; See-1 satisfaction and prjdo experienced berger also attended tho golf tourna.; when you are assured that your chil mont j ren ore physically fit to onter on a i hard school year. Mrs. H. H. Fitch anl son returnod to their homo in Olmstead Falls, Ohio. Wednesday after visiting at the homo of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shaw for a month. Thousands of people, were unable to get' noar the grandstand where Prof. Pugsley, formerly with the state farm college, delivered the principal address in which he told of farm conditions and the impor tance of unity among all representa tive people of all nations. Burr Taft and Coral Jonklns, two of-the prin cipal officers of the bureau, also talked to the crowd regarding conditions of the farms. ' : :o: ; BROKEN LENS '.m bo replaced by tlte Dixon Op tlcitl (o.fahd if they do not fit 1urt tnlco in the pieces and they can measure thorn and make duplicates ALL WOOL MATERIAL THE NEWEST STYLES 2 PAIR Other Suits as Panls A Caps Pauls SHOES! SHOES! Black or Brown Cordovan. A guaranteed Shoe for Service. $245 $28S Where Low Price Meets iood Quality for. Front & Dewey Sts. 'A L'UIILIC HEALTH SERVICE URGES PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF CHILDREN. Miss Florence Chaffin, Public Health Nurse or Lincoln County Re.1 Cross, is urging all parents to see that tho children are prepared for school: In a statement issued today she says: Preventative measures cost less than actual illness both in time and monoy, and a groat doal of both is bolug spent on tho (detection and cor rection of physical defects, through our system of school Inspection. Few communities, howovor, hae met tho problem of correcting these defects. It is estimated that 75 per cent of 1G.000.000 school children In tho U. S: aro suffering from oim. or moro physical dofocts. Most of those aro remediable, and yet they are not remeiujJ, principally because parents do not recognize symptoms which to a doctor are easily seen and may be indicative of more serious trouble. That is why the Public Health Sor vlce urgos a physical and dental ex amination beforo the oponiug of school. The eyes should also be ex amimli if thore is the loast indication of trouble. Do not let some Blight physical de fect be a barrier to the healthy de velopment of your cliildron Thoy not only have a right to be well noiir IsliuiJ and cared or in the home, but n rlrhf tn tho nrl vnntncpa which everv UNITED COCERCIAL TRAVELERS OF SOUTH PLATTE 'HO HOLD PICNIC TODAY. The U. T. C Association and fam ilies will hoJI a picnic today at Lamp laugh's Lake and a big tlmo has been planed by the committoo In chargo. They will leave the city about three o'clock for tho Lake where gamus anl sports has been arranged to All the time until the picnic baskets are opened. The evening will bo spent iu dancing on the Pavillion at the Lake anji music will be furnished by the Imperial Five. w :o: COUNTRY CLUB NOTES. Friday will be Ladles' Day at tho Country Club. Ladies wishing to enter the golf tournament should register before Monday. School To gs FOR THE BOY MOTHERS it will pay you to look our stock of boys suits shoes caps - furnishings out before supplying your boys needs for the year. Boy's 2 Pants Suits $045 FULL LINED PANTS Low as $5-95 SHOES! 515 Childrens Stockings Knees rT Heels d . I oes ' AIMS OF SCOUTING There aro two fundamental aims of scouting. Character Building and Cll izouship Training. Wo watch tho carpontor at work an(i by cutting his lumber the proper lengths and letting tho pieces to gether ho is able to build a house that will stand tho storms of tlmo and ba a blessing to tho ones who live there in. Character building has tho samo fundamentals but a dlfforont method. Scouting alms to build tho boy's char acter through montal, physical and moral dovclopmont. Mental development comos throug'i grouping an! I group nctlvltlos, learn ing by doing, teaching scoutcraft as sociation and correction, conclusions and policies. Tho grouping is the most important as tho boy will do well In anything only as ho Is satlsfiod with his playmatos and surroundings. The gang of the olden times with no lead er but a bully was a menace to any community, but the organized gnng with adult leadership will proYo a blessing to any community. Scouting allows the boy to pick his own group and provides this leadership that la so necessary. The phrase "Now John don't you do that," has been thrown . aside and the progran or learning ry , jiiolng has been put in its place. Con stantly telling a boy to "rton t do una and .'don't do that" makes him wonder what there is that he can do. Scout in is a "do" program and tho wonJ don't la with held from the scout vo cabulary as much as possible. The third phase of mental development, toaching scoutcraft is "too extensive to say much about here. In other parts of the paper and in each issue wo will have somo of the work done hi tlilis line oxplaindl Tho fourth phnso, association mid correction teach the boy to associate the things loarnod inscouting with overy day life and know the reasons for the things, that to some people jftrabjU mystery. Tho fifth phase, conol.uslpna aiji policies, toach him that it is ne cessary to draw conclusion in every matter which demands a decision and that must have certain policies tbnt form a standard for his lifo. Physical development comos thru marching, gymnastics, swimmlirr, games, hiking and -camping. March ing should be a part of every regular troop program and the marching on hikes should be In order. It teachea the boy to foJlo,w instructions and in 6ne of tho best exercises a person ran take. A certain amount of .gymnas tics is provided for which of course tends to develop the body. Swimmlni? is a requirement before the first clns test can be passed. With tho now swimming pool as safe as it is, every scout ought to learn to swim as soon as possible. Each scout meeting shoulll havo a part of tho tlmo spent on ganie3. Thore is nothing that de velops the body any bottor and also teaches tho boy to co-oporoto than a well directed and lively game. Hiking i : :o: : - NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Huntors and tresspassers aro warn ed that tboy will bo dealt with accord ing to law. C. II. Wntt, T. S. McCrono, Pat. MoGraw, Henry P. Hanson. TO SACRIFICE PIANO PLAYER For quick turnover .will sacri fice price. Player In our possess ion in North Platte and must be moved at once. Easy payments. Wrlto quick for particulars to the Denver Music Co., Denver Colo. Wo aro picking tomatoes now. North l'latto Floral Co. MR.EPrcURE TELLS YOUl WHERE TO M HOME MILLER kHotcl Rome M rTk Qxfoteria M mT-1' Jack SSi-Jr w be very newest You will materials for fall sewing from our stocks. We wish to assure you thai you will ably surprised when you see the reductions taken place compared to last falls prices. ' el You are stock whether sILBLflGHttHLVHHLMNHRLM SHADE TREES AGAIN BELXG PESTER V THE WEJ1 1V0IUL FALL All through this part of the state one can sco great webs in the Bhado trees and upon examination theso are shown to be the work of tho fall web worm. It is not right to Bay they are nests for the worms only use them duVlng their growing period. A bulletin just issued by the State Entomologist says: in the spring or summer the eggw are Deposited by the female moth in clusters on either the under or upper side of tho leaf. Thoso clusters con tain 400 to 500 oggs each. From one to two weeks is required for the larva to develop within tho egg, this do- peiijling upon the clemency of the weather. Upon hatching these tiny i caterpillars find, themselves provided! with an abundance of tender leaves' upon which to feed anji grow, the parent moth having placed the eg.; ' cluster noar to the extremity of a twig or branch. Around these leaves the young larvae at once begin to weave their web of silk, which soon becomes large and conspicuous as the i-olony grows In strength. This wou forms a protection for thorn and whon tho food contained within has hcn devoured the covering Is eitenjlod to iuoludo fresh lenvos. Tho larvao In feeling do not eat the entlro leaf hat only the more tender portions, leav ing tho skoloton untouched. As they grow oldor tho web bocomos filled with !dead loavos, grass, and old skins, milking tho colony a very unsightly aifiilr upon on otherwise) beautiful shade tree. When the caterpillars have attained tholr full growth, which usually occu. pios about thirty days from the lime of hatching, thoy abandon tho tent and crawl about on tho branchos and trunlc of tho troo in search of a sult abo placo whoro thoy may spin tholr cocoons an transform Into tho chrys alis or pupal stago. Tho lavno ontor tho grouiJ. whoro they pupato not far from tho surface In this condi tion thoy pass tho wlntor, and omorgo tho following year during May or Juno ns adult moths, depositing oggu for tho next generation. Almost ev ery deciduous troo Is attacked by this pest. Tho best preventive or remedy w,horo tho owner has only a few trees, as for oxanjplo thoso bordering upon the street, is tho destruction of tho colonics by hand. This Is boat acco!npllsb(l by means of burning them with a torch or by destroying tho web by pruning off tho branches supporting It and crushing tho con tents. Tho first mothod If proporly dono, has tho advantage of saving tho lifo of tho twig, which whon rid of tho caterpillars will put out now leaves. Tho torches nro very simple and easily miulo, perhaps tho best methyl being to tie a bunch of rugs to tho ond of a pole and snturnto them with kcrosone. When tl.e bade trees of a rltv or able to supply your (all and latest styes of ready-to-wear or invited to come in and vou buy or not DEPARTMENT NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA IN-flarge ion badly infested wlthl this and other leaf-eating caterpillar, it 1b advisable to spray with some l:lnj:l of arsenical polBon. Tills Is best undertaken by the city authorities, and a small appropriation for spray ing machinery, poison, labor, otc, would of course be required, but this need not necessarily be a large su.n. Either Paris green or arsenate of len i should be use'l, the latte? being sonio- PROPHET He is author i tin- only sermon Congress C3rd, 1st session 8en utf, .No. UK- ever made n public documont. Seven years ago (July 11)13) when not one in ten thousand of the Amoricnn pcoplo had uny such thoughts, he prophetically from a vision assorted the im minence of war and that it wouliJ not bo settled by any European nation. In tho ordor of Provideuco this Groat Itopublio from the land, ing nt Plymouth Rock wua rained up to successfully meet the crisis and at the elohe v lib a general llsarming, cnuso wars to ccaso. Th sermon ulso presented evidence from tho Scrlpturos and facts of his tory to prove that the Unitod StntoB was a choson nation for world leadorablp tinder the Now Tostamont liko israol was under the Old Testament. N Til 10 A BURY DEPARTMENT Washington, Fob. 2, 1018. Rev. Dr. Birmingham; I wish to ospross tho very cordial npproclatlon of tho Treasury Dopartmont for your valunulo sorvlccs Hind also tho hope you will frequently dollvor your address on Amoricnn "Destiny. It is roallzed that much gocl will bo 1X0001111)118110(1 by it In promoting the net Liberty Loan Very slncoroly yours, FRANK R. WISON, IMroctor of Publicity. Itov. T. M. C. liirminglmm fairly "captured" the town of Moid with an eloquont dlscourso on tho futuro of Amorlca ns tho choson nation of Uod under tho Now Tostamont. Tho three churches dis missal their rogular service and mot in union meeting nt the Luthora Church on Inst Sunday evening that nil might hoar this normon that tho congress of tho United Statt'B Imd ordorcd prlnteJ. Mead, Nobr., Advocate, Dec. 1913. This dlscourso Is not partisan but presents from tho Scriptures gospel light on tho plan of GqiI nnd suro way with a general disarming to promote aoats Free and All aro Invited. Everybody who roads this holp with publicity In mentioning It and havo tho mooting announced In your own and all the churches on tho preceding Sabbath. needs from the be agree that have look over our whut preferable because of the faci that It Is less easily washed off by rains. The Duroau is reatjy to give suggestions to any ono regarding tho kind and coat of apparatus best suit ed to the individual need of the In quirer. Dr. 1,. ,1. KHAUSE, Dentist, X-ltny Diagnosis. .McDonald Dank llnllillng. Phono 07. Disarm The Nation WILL PREACH ON American Destiny World Peace At North Platte In Christian Church, On Tuesday, Aug. 30th, at 8 p. m. A QUIET PLACE to bring your friends to dine. A placo whoro tho groatest caro la ox oxclsed In tho selection of tho food inatorlals. A placo whoro tho cuisine Is exqulslto, whoro the china and cut lory Is tastoful, and tho surroundings plonsant. This Is bucIi a placo. Come and enjoy it. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. uimu i J