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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1921)
THE NORTH PL ATT 13 SEMNWRKKLY TRTBUNW OWHIX 01' POST GAUDS Tho picture post card Ig older than many imagine The "Almanac do la Potito Post," ot 1777, printed In Paris, say: "Thoro are at tills momont some engravings which nro cnrrlod thronuli tho post on cards, often with com munications which nro vislhlo to nil. This new Invention Is by Dcmalson, tho oiifrravor, and has causod much talk." It will he soon that tho pic ture ioat card was tho fororunnor ot tho post card Itsolf. But though It "caused much talk," nnal nl nl U'lHinllf II If til TBS. UVOil IIIC IW(tu ' ' ' - t ' did not come into popular uso until roslstablo sontiment in us ntvui. almost a century aftor this, or not ( Thoro Is not, and will not, bo any such until tho postage stamp had become foco bohlnd any blue law program. generally usod. Luthoran Helper. The plcturo post card proper Is of , ..."T. vrvu: vipvv Htlll later popularity. Indeed, it may A OHUAT ItUSINLSS MAVS WU, bo said to bo a product ot tho twontl AN'OTHO TilK NAILED. Tho clamorous cries that are heard about a throntonod revival of tho bluo laws and pnssago of a constitutional nmondmont to enforce n Puritan Sab bath nro moroly propaganda by th liquor interests and tho promoters of commercialized amusomonts. Their warning that the crusade may follow i the course of the triumphant prohl-1 billon movemont Is absunL Prohibit , Hon was for years tho demand of tho' rollgloiiB forces, but It enmo to reali zation only whon tho overwhelming facts of economics had croatod an Ir oth century. It is posslblo that tho travollng habits of the Aworlcan peo ple, couplod with a doslre to commun icate with frionds with the least pos sible oxortlon, gave Impotus to tho now traffic. At any rate, plcturos of placos of Interest In almost nil towiiB and cltios, chioily of publlo buildings, and parks, bocamo familiar messages from travelers to their frionds back home. The plcturo post card, bearing rhymed or other greeting, only re cently enmo Into gront favor at holi day tlnios. Millions of such missives nro sent annually. Numcrfous plants havo dovolopcd for tho production of plcturo enrds. America, however, Is tho ohiof user of tho plcturo post card, though Franco not only makos mil lions, but also sends millions of them. Classmnto. SOMEItODY SHOULD As tho great life insurance com panies are spending huge sums on doctors, scientific Investigations, and district nursos to Improve tho honlth of tho nation, so buslnoss mon should spond hugo sums to dovolop those fun damental rollglous qualities of integ rity, industry, faith, and service which mako for true prosperity. The noed of tho hour Is not factories or timtnriniM not. innro railroads or steamboats, not more armies or na vies, but rather moro Christian edu cation. This is not tho tlmo to rc duco Investments In schools and col legos at homo, or In Y. M. C. A. and similar work In China, Japan, Russia or South America. This is tho tlmo of all times to Incroase such sul acriptlons. Roger W. llabson. :o: SATISFACTION T V I JL-4 SU W KA1M.IMII 1 1MB IMP The Houk of Kuppcahcuncf "?55fi We Are 'IlIOHT" on the Corner We Aro "UIGIIT" on tho Corner 01 jnjlp Wil Ti J1! W ,J PS DRIVE TH 0 Mr Arflmr PoviinlflH. Prnsldoilt Of I STAltT SOMETHING tho Continental and Commercial Hank of Chicago, tho largest banking instl- Mvnrvtlilni' Hint l mniln nf tumor Is tntlnn nf tlila cnnntrv niltftldn of NOW constantly Increasing In price and , York City, writes tho following In tho tho most farsoolng mon can't seo any- July "American" which Is a statement thing but an upgrade- ahead. Mean-! worth thinking about In applying it to a. .. , .. 1 I .. 1 . I . n..M 1 l. 1 . .... .....11 .. .. . . 1 I.i.n wniio, ovory weun wo huuk ihiu um ( ciuircu wurii uh wuu u huuwuu ui stoves and furnaces or take out Into incss. our back yards and burn over 125.-, "Tho only satisfaction In this world 000,000 pounds of papor that has come J comes through accomplishment. I into our homos in one way or (moth havo novor spent tlmo thinking about or. Most of us do u tuougnuosBiy. now mucli money i wns going 10 uuri llmiirrli mnnv dm In tlinlr wnnlrfv task liv ilnlmr ntin flilni' nr liv flnltlir snmo- kiiuutjti 1 1 . . i.i - " .r ' j " o w ' " - n - - j a contribution to nn appalling na- thing else. Tho ONE thing thnt has tlonal waste or a resource unit is luvisil nuorestcu mo was vvnouier i clnn.lltv nnil rnnlillv illmlnlslllnir. Hilt wiia irnlnp- tn ACCOMPLISH some- t.vxi vv4 tt j j - - n"'"n thoro scorns to bo nothing that tho thing. Tho man who works on that individual can do about it oxcopt( basis will find life worth living, no 10 Dlirn llio pupur. iiiiii iiiwiu u miuiur wuui mo juu, .vvwrni uiau havo to bo cut down, and tho day ', MENT WILL BRING HAPPINESS." whon America will bo without n for- Wo can novcr onjoy tho SUPREME ost drawn n Uttlo noaror. Community happiness and satisfaction which ,.Hnn rati nnnrntn tn nnnttintin this nnmna frnm ACPOATPLTSirMENT III dlsastor. The school houso can again tho CHURCH unless wo aro ACTIVE bo called upon to rontlor a pumic sor-i m it. vi St. Louis hns shown tho wav :o: with an organization of moro than 100 000 pupils, who take papors and maga zines to tho schools onco a weok, where thoy aro packed and sold. In two years thoy havo saved almoBt 2000 tons of paper, which has boon sold Tor about $1.8,000. Tho money is usod to pay annuities to toachors who rotlro. aftor long sorvlco nnd for giv ing rolief to toachors temporarily In noed. Hero Is a combination of two worthy sorvlces thnt Is recommended to tho careful consideration of ovorv community that has a school houso nn.l luirns Its waste paper. William FOR OUR STENOGRAPHERS. Girls who operate tho typewriter will bo interested to know that tho young Princess Mary, only daughtor ot King Georgo V, has learned to uso tho typowrlter, and assists hor father In his prlvato correspondence. Ex change. :o: A GOOD DINNER When in town try our special dinner at from I!5c up. Sorvcd from 11 a. m lo 8 p. m. Short orders served at nl! nnu mirns uh whhiu ihmiu.. ............ - Frederick Blgelow. in Good House- houw. Open day and night. Lunches keeping. TOMATOES ?1.50 a bushol at our placo. 51.75 n bushol delivered put up for picnics or trains on shoit notice Crystal Cafo, C. B. Balloy, i prop. Opposite U. P. Station. :o:- i Rugs dusted, cleaned NORTH PLATTE KLORAL CO PWmos 1039W or 0G1W. or slzo'l. l " fell I 1 j Cleared For Action Every dopartmont hero at tho Plntto Valloy Stnto Bnnk has boon "cleared for action" to handle, promptly and efficiently, tho crop money doposlts of our farmor cus tomora. Whothor you wish crdJU. in a Chocking Account, Cortlflcato of Do IKiait, or a Savings Account, you will find tho samo dopondablo sorvlco at your command. It you huvo not yet tried tho Platto Valloy Stato Bank's HARVEST SER VICE, why not try It this year? The Platte Valley Slate Bank N THERE HAVE BEEN SALES AND SALES BUT WE HONESTLY BELIEVE THIS CITY HASN'T SEEN SUCH A CLOTHING - EVENT IN MANY YEARS NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE APPROACHED SUCH TREMENDOUS. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS -NEVER HAVE WE MAINTAINED QUALITY SO ZEALOUSLY NEVER BEFORE HAS MERCHANDISE BEEN SO DESIRABLE AND NEVER SUCH VALUES. For Values up to $38.00 00 $ 3 3 For Values up to $45.00 For Values up to 565.00 Nark this carefully! There is a Suit for every Man and Young Man, Every desirable fabric, every wanted style, every popular pattern and every size in this selection. The mere fact that we have sold these qualities for years is assurance enough as to quality. The Earlier You Buy The Greater Your Advantages NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS North Platte's Foremost Clothiers for Men and Young Men. Opposite First National Bank We ore "RIGHT" on the Corner IWaiPIWWiMIWWHIMIIIilHHIWI I HI 1 1 11 I III ) MM A full stock of Wostorn Flold shot gun sholls always on hand at Tho Sil ver Front Cigar Store. All hunters know tho quality of Tho Western and "Chris" always makes tho price right. Tractor and Plowing aid Belt Work. Done on Short Notice. S. J. MACEY, 215 So. Walnut. Or call Hendy-Ogier Garage. Rugs dustod, cleaned Phonos 1039W or GfilW. or slzoa. LOCAL A.N1) PERSONAL ANNOUNCING Wells C. Jones Attorney-at-Law NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. OHice over Stamp Bakery Phone 739- MIsb Blancho Pylo left yestoiJay for Grceloy, Colo., to visit friends. Albert Schatz of Omaha arrived yes torday to visit relatives In tho city. Miss Adelaide Shilling entertained Hio Nlcafegoo Campflro at her homo last evening. A dainty lunch waB sorved at tho closo of tho evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Johnston left yesterday for Seattle. Wash., to visit relatives. Jack Taylor returned to Denver yesterday after visiting frionds In the ,clty. Ho was a formor resident. Cat and Louis Schulz returned Wednet)lay from Yellowstone Natlcu al Park. They mado tho trip by auto. ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART TO MAKE THIS A DESERTED TOWN? HAT if this pleasant home town of ours became a ucscrteel village' The folks who semi their dollars to other towns and cities to buy their needs and their luxuries can tell yon just how to make this a "Deserted Village." The trick can be done by everybody following the example of the few and buying elsewhere. Then there would be no money to pay people who work. There would be no money at all to buy farm produce; no monfey for fire and po lice protection; no money'to keen up homes ; no money to hold people in this town at all. And so your prop erty and home and job would have little value. Trade at home. Every dollar spent i.oi-n tilr tr make livlntr in Vour town better and pleasanter; every dollar'spent at home helps to make the thing you own more valuable. f , i r .V t -fcJK : VERTED VILLAGE. Comfort and Style in Our Shoes for the Little Ones. Bring your child here for correct fitting shoes. We have an abun dance of styles at reasonable prices and they are real shoes. Hanan Shoes for Men Selby Shoes for Women. f