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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1921)
0- THE NORTH PLATTE . SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE R EMEMBER September 20 th to 23rd ' t. - V,', .1 , Big Exposition of LINCOLN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA ' - TO BEAT THEM ALL " Everybody seems to be coming to Liacoln County's annual display which represents r this year an outlay of $1,000,000.00 n I I Lavish Entertainment Will Be Offered. Something Educational and Recreational. J. C. WILSON, President. Show 50 times better than the best circus. ,1 j S. M. SOUDER, Secretary ..... a mBaBBaBBSKaaagjaaa BaBaaaaBBBBBaaagaaaigaBaBaBaBaa LOCAL AND PERSONAL MrB. I'nt McHugh Hpont ycstcnliiy In Bnly visiting. Scott's Caravan Ih expectrjl to pans through tho city tomorrow. Miss Lorralno Harvoy of Choyonno arrived Tuesday to visit rolatlven In tho city. MrB. Geo. lMorsall left yesterday for Natoma, Kansas to vlHlt lior lirothor. Miss Allco Hoagland is working this week at tlio Crawford-Dackers Eloctrlca'l Shop. Jack Stanton and Gcorgo Hussell returned Wednesday from a business trip to Stromsburg. II. A. Scanall who has been visiting his sister Mrs. A. B. lloaglanjl loft this morning for California. Mrs. F. M. IJurross of Red Uiver, New Mexico Is a guoBt at tho homo of her sister Mrs. L. B. Ebrlght. . JMrB'. O. W. Ebrlght roturnod to hor homo In Omaha yesterday after visit ing at tho Wm. Ebrlght homo. MrB. C. W. Edwards returned yes terday from Independence, Mo. whore she was called by tho 'death of her mother. Mrs. I W. Keen of Talmadgo re turned to her homo yesterday nftor visiting at tho homo of hor daughtor Mrs. Roethomoyer. MIsa'Anna Harris or Brady Bhopped in tho city yesterday. Mrf ' Sophlo ' Kreugor of Wallitcu visited local friends Wednesday. J, S. Davis left Wednesday for Kearney to transact business. J. J. Crawford returned yesterday from a business trip to Gothenburg. G. h. Plcrson of Sutherland trans acted business In tho city yesterday. Dr. J. D. Iledtlold transacted profes. slonal business In Sutherland yester day. W. E. MacKowen of Clcvoland, Ohio Is a guest at the Dr. Morrill homo this week. H. I'V WlnkonwcrjJIor ,of Horshey was among tho out of town visitors yesterday. Miss Edith Munson returned to her homo In Dannebrog, Nebr. after visit ing at tho It. E. Stlngor home. I. Brush of Now York City who has boon visiting his sistor Mrs. Clef?. Cornell went to Denver yesterday to transaot business, Mrs.Fannio Hlggeus and daughter Margurito of Iowa who havo been vis. lting at tho Frank Corpenlng home loft yestorday for California. Mr.., and Mrs. Harvoy Shrador of Indiana who have beon vlatting at tho P. E. Hefner homo loft yesterUay for tholr homo. Thoy woro enrout form western points to tholr homo. FREE 8 ONE INNER TUBE GOES EREE WITH EACH TIRE H it i v :.: 8 SOLI) ON FORD FAMILY JUItlLEE DAY, SEP'TEMHER I 1st. WE GUARANTEE THE TIRES THAT WE SELL it it n . a AND MAKE OUR OWN AJMUBTJUSNTS IN NORTH j.t $ PLATTE. $- .t .t j.t :,: x :.t s.: . ft :.; General Tire Co. NORTH PLATTE. Jt 51 OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE Bay Newman of Tryon transacted business in tho city yesterday. MrB. W. P. Brostlan went, to Choy onno yesterday to transact business. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Itomlgh attended tho Bound Up near Sutherland Wed nesday. Mrs. Gates underwent an operation at tho Platte Valley hospital Wedncs- L'Oay. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Hershoy wore among tho out of town visitors yes torday. James T. Keefo returned yesterday from Sioux City whero ho visited his parents. Misses Emma Cox and Marlon Mc Connoll of Sarbon were out of town visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Brown of Maywood transacted business in the city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Baldwin of Calloway are guests at tho S. Bald win and F. DIenor homes. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rick returned to tholr homo In Chicago after visit ing at tho S. Baldwin home. Walter Owen returned to his homo Wednesday after undergoing an oper ation at tho Gonorul Hospital. Frank Richardson roturnod to his homo In Gibbon yesterday after visit ing his now born son and wife. Dr. and Mrs. D. 13. Morrill andj daughter Alma attended tho Round , Up north of Sutherland Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Wholply roturncjl to hor homo in Fremont yesterday after visiting hor auut Mrs. Mary E. Grimes. Miss Evangollno Hornjli returned Wednesday from Hastings whero sho Visited her Bister Mrs. Wllferd Nelson. Miss Agnes O'Nell returned to hor homo In Lincoln yestorday after visit ing at tho Wm. Stack homo. Sho was accompanied homo by hor aunt Mrs. Wm. Stack. ' JMrs Glenn MiUor entertained a numbor of young ladles Wednesday evening at n theatre party compli mentary to her sister Miss Frances Katan of Alllanco who Is her houso guest Following tho thoatro a lunch was served at tho Miller homo. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith returned Wednesday from California whero thoy woro recently marrlcl. Mrs. Smith wbb formerly Miss Marjory OlBIipj UOXja U ul pO.fOldltlO 6J00.1(I Shop. Mr. Smith is a watchmaker In tho Dixon Jewlry Store. They wont tc Fnllerton, cbr yesterday to visit it the home of Mr Rtnlth'H parents BBBaBasaBaBaaaB hi" One-Half Off On Our Entire Stock of IVORY TOILET WARE September 1st Only Dixon, THE JEWELER jBaBaBBBaBasaaaBBaBaBas ft 4 'tip' .J;.I1f j, aHOB he is H H CS