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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1921)
: LOCAL AND. PERSONAL .. : .; -v. :. v-t '' ,. Sister Eklnn loft this morning fo" feloux City, Nobr. Mrs. Itoismussen nnd children of HerBhey spent yosterday In tho city. Miss Gladys Dlenor went to, Suth erland this morning to visit friends. Rnhbl Klavus of Donvor Is expoctcl to riK'Ml Sunday In Nortli Platto with founds. Julius Cornell of Green ltlver lp Oxjiocted Sunday to visit his brotlier Clms. Cornell and wife. , A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray M.' Huntor Wednesday. All k&ncerned aro doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ellas left thin morning for Loxlngton whoro they Will mako their futuro homo. Mrs. Geo. Shoupo and daughtors of Sutherland attended tho Yeoman plc ,ti1c nnd danco yesterday, y W. V. Hoaglanjl returned today from Omaha where he transacted business. Mrs. Freeda Shuman was off duty at tho Tramp Ready To Wear Store yesterday on account of Illness. Mrs. Alice Ferguson, mother of Mrs. Everett York, left this morning for vSclplo, Ind to mako an extended vls- Misses Clair and Marjory Rlncker returned to their home in Lexington Wojdnesdny after visiting friends In tho city. jj Donald Newton and Joseph Plzer returned yesterday from SherJJan, Iwyo., where they spent several ?w,eeks. Mrs. H. Shull and daughter Sadi5 fot -Overton who have been visiting at fth'e E. F. Robblns home left this morning. ;. nave trie cms nnu ueians 01 new Dodge Brothers Sedan and Coupe 'which we wouljd, bo pleased to show tliose Interested. Newest Sedan will .be In soon. J. V. Romigh-Dealer. THE. NORTH, PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY i TRIBUNE Mr. and Mrs. Edmuril Dickoy and! . iuum extension ior saiti cuy in .an I iA,1ntA ll.W - 1 .. - .J 1 .... it. v .. kuiunuui) .nun uiu llluus-UKl Bill . ,a uiu ivounu up near aumer- tIonB 01l fllo with tl)C c,ty clork- Snll land. , onclnoor's pfttlmntn nt flin rnat nf J. E. Sebastian will leavo tomorrow iconstructlng said Water Main com- .m. .n... i nleto In tihico In n follows: .,vaM jjuiuui, fliiuii.. rrtJ4n . , ..... r. ......... ,....'IP uu,t1U 11. BIA. 1UUII V IllbB li C1IHI 1IU1I f I I . . .1 1 nn r , . I Will where ho will nttenU a convention of lpo lncming 32 Gxfl cro8ScB. Blanch Sweet ;That Girl Montana" r Keith Theatre Friday and Saturday! Also Comedy News tho general managers of tho Minnu sota Mutual Life. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Tramp and Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Krauso returned last evening from an auto trip through northwest Nebraska and into Hlaek Hills. Tho report a fine jour ney with nothing to mar tho pleasure The Omaha Shop Team will arrive Sunday to play the local American Legion Baseball Club In what will be a fast game of ball. Tho fans aro as sured a good treat nnd tho locals aro in readiness. Walter Thompson retunujl from Chappoll Tuesday wherp ho has beo:i employed In a drug store. Ho will spend a few weoks with his parents beforo going to Omaha whero ho will enter the Crolghton University. There 1b somo mlsundcrstniJlng regarding the ladles qualifying for tho tournament as regards time. Ladles may qualify at any time before Monday night, Aug. 29th. Leave your score card at Nowton's Store. Mens Tournament for Presidents Cup will bo flnlshejl' Sunday. Wm. Otten vs C. W. Edwards as contest ants for the other prizes. Class A: Dr. Redfleld vs A- Rush, Class B: T. F. Healoy vs Ed Dicftey, Class O: P. A. Cai-Bon vs W. M. Slmants. Mrs. J. B. Payne onjl dnughter Mrs. Allison Wilcox entertained at dinner Wednesday evening at tho home of the latter In honor of Watts of Billings, Mont laid for twenty four guests. Following tho well appointed dinner tho remain der of tho evening was spent In brVlge all BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS ! Your boy or girl should have tholv eyes carefully examined to mako pos itive that they are ready for the heavy close work of tho coming school year. Wo aro sure that you will bo pleased with our examination as our equip ment is the latest design. Como in and talk with us, it will cost you nothing. The Dixon Optical Co. Wo grind our own lenses. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BIDDERS One GxCx8 cross, 83 4xCx6 T's class B cast iron $1.45 per ft. 53 six (G) Inch hub end, bronr.o mounted doublo gate valves suitable for 125 lb. water pressure, with cast Iron ndhtBtablo viilvo boxen cnmnlnte the j In placo at $33.00 each. 83 hyrants bronze mounted." with four Inch Inlet anil two (2) two nnd one-half (2) Inch nozzles and of sufficient length to connect with pipe fmfl. nml nnn.tinW .1 1 l.!.. the surfaco with 12 feot of 4 inch Zxt cast iron pipo with each comploto In L placo $05.00 each. rfi Taking up 2,688 feet of four (4) Incn Si cast Iron pipo 20c per foot, furnishing M-j anfl Inylng 20G4 feet of two Inch gal.'rt pipo comploto In placo at 45c por'STJ foot. J4tj Said proposed Water Main Exter.- e slon includes tho following material: 940 tons of G inch clans B cast, iron pipo. 12 tons special cast iron castings. 53 six (G) inch hub on I, bronze mounted, double gate valves, sult ablo for 125 lbs. water prcsuro with cast iron ndjustablo vnlvb boxes. 83 bronzo mounted fire hydrants, with four (4)- inch inlet nnl each hy drant provided with two (2) two and one-half (2) Inch nozzles and of sufficient length to connect with pipe four nni one-half (4) feet bolow tho ground surface. 300 flange corporation cocks. 200 lead flange goose-necks. And said construction includes the following items of labor nn) con struction work Is for tho instal lation of the material hcrolnberore described. Digging and back lining 5G440 feet of six (G) inch Water Main Ditch, four Miss Sylvia antl one-nail (.4) reet tleop an)l Win Pnvnrc: worn fCGt f HtcU f0,,r nI1(1 onO-half (4) UCUJ IUI 1IJI11 t.f II1U11 llfilllllt branches. Laying 5G440 feet of six (G) Inch Class B Cast Iron Wator Main nnd 93G feet of four (4) Inch Cass B Cast Iron Water Main. Setting fifty-three (53) six (G) Inch hub end doublo gato valve In boxes. Setting eighty-three (83) four and one-half (4) foot flro hyjMnt'J. taking up 2G88 ft. of 4 inch cast Iron pipe and making necessary connec tions between said new G inch mains and present Water Works system as shown on plans on fllo with City Clerk of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska. These bids will be received (A) for furnishing all labor anl material for tho comploto construction of sald'pro posed Water Main Extension; (B) for the furnishing f. o. b. cars North Platte said material or any part there of: (C) for tho furnishing of all tools arid' labor necessary to lay and the AND CARS TRUCKS g High Test Gasoline Accessories , Puritan Kerosene J Badger DeLuxe Tops Transforms Your Open Car to a Sedan DAVIS AUTO CO. s Sealed bids will be received by the laying o satU quantities and sizes of City Council of thq City of North Water pipe. , - Platto, Nebraska, at tho office of O. F ' The following material to bo fiu' Elder, City Clerk of BaiH city up until nlshed by tho city of Norh Platte for 8 o'clock P. M. Sept Gth, 1921 for fur- class "C" bid to-wlt: all cast iron nine Keel nishlng labor and material for the ' construction of tho proposed Water Willard Service ' Station Will be located right next to the post office, south after Sept. 1st. We are now prepared to give inside service. PHONE 363 an special castings and also all oak um and lean or metalllum necessary for making joints In same and aslo the valves and boxes and hydrants and stono nnd gravel for placing about hy drants. Tho engineer's estimate for material for class "B" bid Is $fi4,?34.00. Tho engineer's estimate for lalinr for clnss "C" bl;l Is $27,800.00. All bids must bo made on proposals In tho specifications furnished upon application by the City Clerk and must be accompanied by a certified check of two per cent (2) of the total bid. "t vp.RFECTBD VALVE'IN-HEAO MOTO Successful bidler will In all cases bo required to -take Water Extension Bonds at par and .accrue Interest In payment. Mayor and City Council reserve tho right to reject any and all bids. Said bids to bo sealed and nmrkcjl class "A", "B", and "C" as tho case mny be. By order of tho City Council of North Plntto, Nebraska, August 23, 1921. Attest: E. II. EVANS, O. E. ELDER, Mayor. City Clerk. (SEAL) BBBBHiZgllZBimZaZ Beginning September 1st ankets! lankets! We are going to discontinue handling blankets due to the fact that our Rcady-to-Wear needs all the room of the store; consequently we are closing out our entire stock of beautiful blankets at sacrificing prices. Regardless of cost they must go. These are genuine bargains without ques tion. We Can't Buy Customers. Neither can we advertise what avo aro going to do FORD day, but if you are going to buy a Range of a Kitchen Cabinet this fall you will surely want to buy it Ford Day Copper Clad Range, $112.00 Ford Day discount Sellers Kitchen Cabinet $04.00 Ford Day discount 100 piece Dinner Set $25.00 Ford Day discount ) v See our windows or ask our salesmen what they are go ing to do. Derryberry & Forbes. YOU 1 4&lHbfll .(at CLEAN SWEEP ON 1JLANKETS This lot consists of our highest grade all lambs' wool plaids, stripes and plain in beautiful color combina tions and all white. Blankets formerly sold up to $27.50 now will be sold at $10 and $15. CLEAN SWEEP ON BLANKETS Marshall-Field's Lakeside and Glendale Blankets, well known throughout the country, to be sold at a sacrifice price of $4.25. Formerly sold at $8.50. CLEAN SWEEP ON BLANKETS This lot consists of wool knap in delicate colors. Just the thing for the coming season. BUY WHILE THEY LAST, $6.89. Formerly sold at $13.50. CLEAN SWEEP ON BLANKETS About one hundred full size 72x80 cotton blankets (o be sold at $2.1)8. Formerly sold at $5.50. Bargains of blankets in former years cannot be compard with these bargains, because of the increase of our Ready-to-Wear. E. T. TRAMP & revj '4 are cordially invited to inspect our com plete line of Pianos and Player Pianos and the worlds fam ous Bramback Grand. We have in all styles, that Victrola you have been talk ing about. Aslc to see the used piano wo are going to offer for $185.00. It has a splendid tone and is in excellent condi tion. We also have -some real bargains in used phono graphs. , . Roberts Music Co. Phone 2G0 NORTH PLATTE 110 East Front t