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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY. TRIBUNE CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON &SbN, The Eye Glass Men Sign of The Big Ring SatisfactionSure Try Us. Graduate Opticians HIONELTi DJl. 0. II. CRESSLEK GRADUATE DENTIST Office over the McDonald State Dank dWaocWOcAOttbbOOO)&6oo0ttoa! numboofbusfnes'noiiscB and offlfci Mrs. Small and three chlllren ot Otnalm cnnio yesterday to visit at the homo of her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Von Goctz. j Dowey skooinakur Is In tho city In- stalllpK .postern Union cloaks In a CM this week LOQAL AND VERONAL Mrc. Chas. Stnmpi entertained tho i'.MUUIUIB -.IUU ui iiui iiuinu lyuuutn- M. M. Browcr of Suherland Jn tho city yesterday. viaun.i day evening. A very pleasant oven- MrB. Alma Carroll of Brady visited in tho city- InK was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McQovern re turned to tholr homo In Denver yos .torday after visiting at tho Prank Mc- J. N. Hall of Brady transacted busl- Govern homo for a week. ness'In tho city yesterday. MrB. Harry Boylo left Wednesday for Kearney to visit relatives. Wllllum Nash of Donvor died ia I'axton Wednesday from acuto gas trltlB. Ho was traveling by auto' from Denver to Paxton when ho was taken 111 at Julcsburg and was later remov ed to' Paxton whorp ho said ho had friends. Ho was (59 years of ago. Ho has a son living In California, a daughor In Now York and a brother In Oklahoma, all of whom will attend tho funeral which will be held this ovonlng at six o'clock In Paxton. Ho will bo burled In Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Woodgate and Mr. ana Mrs. Hlgglns spent Sunday at tho homo of Carl Fletcher. Miss Nollto St. Mary of Brady Is visiting at tho homo' of Isaac Ab ercromblc. They have Just finished threshing at tho Combs placo and arc now thresh ing at C. B. Syndcr's. Mrs. II. Graham Is visiting relatives at Gorniantown, Nebr. Tho ladles of Blgnell will hold a bako sale Saturday, August Cth ut the Derryberry- & Forbes store. Miss Helen Gutnaor or Lincoln ar rived Saturday to visit at tho home of lior slstor Mrs. E. F. Trimble. :o: CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. STATE MANAGER OF -TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY HcRE. II. B. Gengnagel, State Manager of tho Travelers Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., Is spondlng Monday ana today with District Agent C. F. Tomplo, looking nfter their business In this territory. This company open ed up an offlco In this city on the 1st day of last October and has over ono hundred policies In force In this territory. Mrs. W. J. O'Connor and Bister Miss Florenco Wilcox and Charles Hlrsch loft yestorday by auto for Denver. Mrs. L. Sox and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dean leave soon by auto for a trip to Colorado Springs and Denver. Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Dixon expect to leavo soon for Omaha whero tho will bo joined by Dr. and Mrs. Conlln In a motor trip to northern Wisconsin. They will spend several weeks. Mrs. Paul MotUrLand eon and Jok- eph Guynan and Mrs. Nowhurt left yestorday for California to visit rela tives. Tho Christian Endeavor of tho Christian Church will hold a picnic In the canyons this owning. Mr.' and Mrs. Goo. Swanson ot Wa hoo visited friends In tho city tho first of tho week. They were on their wed ding trip to Estos Park. Mrs. Swan son was formerly Miss Ida Phalon of this cltj Sho was employed at tho MoVIckor Millinery Shop- for several years. NOTICE To the Stockholders of the North Platte Equity Association The adjourned stockholders meeting of July 11, will take place at the K. P. Hall at 8 o'clock. Saturday, August 6, 1921. g WILLIAM EBRIGHT, Director. ' Mr. and Mrs. R, D, Rasmussen went to Bradyi yestorUay to visit. Paul Schwalgor loft yesterday for Wallace to transact business. j F.' 13. PcaBO of Paxton transacted business In tho city Wednesday. Win. J. Boll of Blrdwood transacted M; J. Walsh loft Tuesday for Colo rado polntB to spend two weeks. ii Joe Sullivan of Brady was among tho. out of town visitors yesterday1. Mrs. Robert Lawlor of Paxton vis ited friends in tho city Wednesday. Mrs. D. A Sollno and two children left yestorday for Hastings to visit. Mr.und,Mra..J. It. Baldwin, of. Bird wood , wore, city visitors Wednesday. Miss Vera Cough left this morning for Denver to spend a two weeks va cation. ' i ! Frnnk N. Baldwin reurncd yesterday 'from Red Clond wjlidrtf "ho transacted business. Ralph Clabatigh returned Wcdnc3- jday from California, whora ho trans- ..actod business. .,.,, ', s : -Mlsn Luclllo Wilcox -has returned, from Chicago where she took art Ich- tions for a montli. Mr. and Mrs. N O'Brien' of Council Bluffs aro oxpocedd today to visit at 'tho "VVm. Hawloy hpnio. ... Hiss Clara Rinckod returned to hoi homo in Loxington yestorday after vis iting friends In tho city. Clinton & Son, Graduato Opticians. rv us for service. Dan Chorpennlng of California who has been visiting at the homo of his brother Frank Corponnlrtg left Wed nesday for eastern points. 0. II. Thoolecko. E. N. Ogior, J. Soudor, I. L. Baro and son LcbIIo will leaVo tomorrow morning by auto for Waldcn, Colo., on a fishing trip. Mrs. H. A. Phillips and daughter of Now Jersey who havo.; be6nAguqsts of tho former's isistor Mrs. J. u: til wards loft yestorday fpr St. Louis. Frank Dilts of Falls Cltywas picked pu in the city yesterday by tho au thorities and Is being hold for run nlng away from homo. Tho boy is only nlno years of ago. J. W. Ford, an officer of Fowlor, California spent Wednesday night in tho city with a prisoner H. (J Murns, who la wanted In Caifornia for burg lary. Ho was discovered thorltles In Omaha. by AM OPTIMIST IS ONE WHO KEEPS HIS WINDOWS OP EM TOWARDS TOMORROW Tho chicken 'dinner served by ! tho Episcopal' Young People's Asspclatlon yedno8dayq "evening was a big pus- .uqys ana umiau runus to uio ciuo treasury,, The ,young peoplo served a good supper ""d pleased those who at tended, County Agent Kollogg will hold.i poultry' bulling domonstfatlon noxt Tilostfay afternoon, at 2 a'clock at tho Henry Hanson place north of the river. All person's Interested oro Invited to bo thero at that time and see the demonstration. Better got your order in for ono of nowest Dodgo cars) while the. prosont vory low prlco prevails. Tin car prices are lower, ropalr parts are lower, and upkeep, lower as they aro more substantial and dependable than over. A mighty good car 'ot a fair prico. J. V. Rom!gh--Dealer. FOR "SALE. Throo young Shorthorn bulla roady for small hords. ' A few good Hostoln-Froislan bulls roady for Borvlco. These afo priced to sell. Experiment Substation WALL-' ASP E R Select your Paper at Home PHONE 1061J PHIL DEATS FOR GOODNESS SAKE A Bottle a Day to Keep the Doctor Awoy Two Bottles a Day these Days Whistle, Green River, Coca-Cola, Cherry Blossoms, Hires Root Beer, Dew a special fruit flavor. Prepared by specialists in our line. We also ac knowledge having the only sanijay and fully equipped bottling and manufacturing" plant in -Western Ne braska XA" VISITORS WELCOME. Star Bottling & Mercantile Co. r ..'tJLdtt. Ufa ... M t ft ft ..t- oAnnouncin I -VALVE - H' N H EAD J lQ li mriwvtt -WK!ifhxv V g TheN ew Buick UT7 rout- . ' Line ri ''r ' ." IP ' ' ' . I . ' 1 i'i Thoroughbred Four, Completing the Famed Buick si'' i The 'Buick Valvc i it-Head E ng i n e A Tower 'Plant That Has Proved Itself. Y- ion, The neiv Four-Gylindcr Buick', here announced, is a thoroughbred a pedigreed car well worthy v of its name. Down. to the very last detail, this new model possesses' every -quality of enduring serviceability, complete, comfort; and distinctive appearance that'have ahvaysr characterized Buick automobiles. V, .' The advent of this new Four makes the Buick 1922 line complete. It offers to purchasers of a rnr of rb?c size all the quality and service that go to make ud engine, of course, is of the time-rer-frd Ruirlr ,. Valve-in-Head type. The year-alter-yea r concentra tion of Buick's engineering skill and experience in building Valve-in-Head motors assures the highest standard of performance obtainable today. Every otler unit is of a quality equal to the power " plant. The whole assembly constitutes a perfectly balanced chassis which is of typical Buick construction. The equipment of Cord Tires is merely evidence of the quality which characterizes the entire car. Two open and two closed body types mounted on ijiiu n imii C.WJ.I wuiuprise rne new scries th fhe A Great Car, Prices Make It An Even GreaterValue V Prices 22-3 Two Passenger Roadster 22-35 Five PassenEcr Touring -22-36 Three Passenger Coupe -22-37 Five Passenger Sedan - - All I'riea F. O. 8, Hint, Mietigtw Cn'Tim Standard Equipment on all Model) Ste VififSptaJicalUni.and Delivery DtUti 935 975 1475' 1650 iSvcn thqjmost casual inspection of the details of design ; and workmanship will reveal that full measure of quaV0' lty which motor.lsrshave learned toassociatewith Buick. Obviously a high grade automobile a genuine Buick production the prices listed below make this great Four even greater. A value such as this is possible only because of the combination of Buick engineer ing skill devoted to the one ideal oPquality, Buick production facilities developed over nearly a quarter of a century, and Buick's nation-wide distribution and service organization. The rfuick Motor Company is proud of the Buick Four. It has the faith of long experience in this newest addition to its line. It places upon it unre servedly the Buick guarantee carried by every Buick automobile produced. That its confidence is well placed is manifested' not only by the keen interest with which motorists have awaited this announce-' ment, but also the advance orders placed by distri butors, dealers, and the general public. ' ' " (b) t NORTH PLATTE BUICK CO., Retailers LOGAN BUICK AUTO CO.. Distributors North Platte, Nebraska J ! WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT-BUICK WILL BUILD THEM