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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1921)
9 it . I'"' if I I It 'V CONCERT by the Chamber of Commerce Band Friday, August 5, at 8 o'clock. Court House Park. Earl Stamp, Director. PROGRAM jClftrch "Cyrus the Great" Serenade "Ml Hoserlno" -.-w. "12th Street ling" Glorlo from "Mass in March "Sabro ana Spur" ... ...., .Overture "Princess ot India" Popular Melody "MoW : Valso "D.'Amour" Intermezzo "Teddy Trombone" , March "Chicago Tribune" . LOCAL A.N1) PERSONAL Mrs. E. E. Hutchens ot Ringold was d eity, visitor Wednesday. I Kcntry o Paxton transacted bus iness in tho city yesterday. J. G. Beeler ransacted"legal busi ness in Grant Wednesday. Leslie Basklns transacted,)egal busi ness in Oshkosh yesterday, Mrs. C. V. Turple will leave Sunday for Denver to spend a few days. Fred Marti and daughters Hazel and Marjory spent yesterday in Sidney. Miss Gladys Spring of Ogallala vis; Ited friends in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Wilfred Stuart of Lexington spent yesterday in the city visiting nof iitives. ' Miss Mildred Skinner left yesterday for Topeka. Kansas, to visit for a month. ' v; nhnH. Yost, wnnt tn rwnvprVfidnet!. uay to transact business tor uie u. it. C. lodge. Mrs. E.lL. ; Kennedy- entered the Platto Valley c Hospital yesterday for treatment Townsepd Dent and Lester Lang ford returned yesterday, by auto from EjBLOO .LU1JCU ft Mr. and Mrs; A. Picard left yeaterdj day by auto for Este3 Park to spend two weeks: FOR BENT.. Forty acres of bay land east of town, O. H. Thoelecke. I J. S'TWINEM H.D.I it Ilonieoimtliic I'liyslclnu & Snrgcon General Practice and i.i if H Construction Surgery !t Hospital Accommodation l I'lntto Valley Hospital it Former Name Twincm Hospital, ft ft NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. THERE'S A TWANG OF FALL IN THE AIR Grisp mornings, cool evenings and even mid days when ';a wrap is comfortable. Nature is announcing' the arrival of the new season. For Men Who Want the Best Shoes . In Oxfords We Hold First Place ' tor IN ew styles ac JMgnc $xoo Agency for Selby Shoes . K. L. King . Barnhouso Bowman. ,.-..ik Mozart ....... Sousn -i-r...... Kins Schwarz i..... Kcndn'.l ... ........ Fillmore Chambers John F. Johnson' of Brady transacted business in tho city yesterday. Misses Nina Elder and. Lois Nilo3 left Wednesday for Arkansas to visit for a week. Mrs. John Baker and Mrs. J. .!. Cox returned tho first" of the week from Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roscncrants left this morning for Cozzd to spend a Week visiting. - , r W. H. LoDioyt left Wednesday for Denver to transact business for tho B. of R. T. lodge. ; Chas. Yost, Jr., left this morning-for itawuns wnerc no will join Jonn Den on his fishing trip. ""4 Mrs. S. Wynn of Grand. Island Is a guest of h6r parents Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Gleason 4his week. Miss Mary Kelly of LeMoyne under wont,, an operation at the Platto yal ley, HoSpltrtl yesterday S.a. . iuiHHUH uiuwcud Auiuiuj' uuu iiiaii; Howes spent Wednesday evening in Maxwell visiting friends.. Mrs. Chas. Bogue and daughter Em ma returned Tuesday from Omaha where they spent a few days. Miss -Gertrude Dill who has been visitlnc at theHarrsi Brodbeck home wllUl&vg today former homo ?!h ;chi W. P Snyder and family returned Wednesday by auto from a trip to Yellowstone! 'Nntlon'nl ParKrand Salt Lako City. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wentland are expected today to return from SmlthCenter, Kansas, where tliey vis- ited relatives. Miss Francis Dolph is taking a two weeks, vacation from duties at the Ma- loneyt store and left this morning for Lincoln to visit. Elmer Coates and family and Miss Helen Smith returned Wednesday by auto from Estes Park where they spent two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Smith who have been visiting their son In Akron, Ohio to arrive home Monday. A&ain Oxfords for fall will be good. We have them in the newest brown calf $6.00 r-ricu S Try Our Childrens rt Shoes t THE NORTH .PLATTE LAST YEAR A GOOD ONE FOK STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. The" following communication from Thos.j. Fitzmorris. Sccretnrv of tho Nebraska League of Building nn Loan Associations to T. C. Patterson tolls its own tale: Tho bulldlnc. savings and loan asso ciations ot Nelirnsku Incrcnscd tholr resources to an unexpected extent during tho fiscal year ending with Juno last. Advance copies of official reports called for by tho Stato Bu reau of Banking show an all round business gain of 7 per cent over tho banner year of 1920. Tho gain In that boom year was 18 por cent. Tho two fiscal years marked a com- pleto reversal of business conditions'. Irt tho first tho country's business climbed to tho highest peaks of In flated prosperity. In tho other caso tho collapso of the boom and swift descent to tho bottom. Few lines of business camo out of tho crash with out taking a loss. Still fowor scorort an increase in volume of business at tho lowor lovel of values. In spito ot these retarding conditions, tho associ ations of the State increased their re sources by ?0,OOCK,000, carrying tho total for the Stato to tho new hlgli lovel ot $84,000,000. The figures are based on reports from thirty-seven leading associa tions doing 9,0 per cent ot the business in the state, compiled oy t. J. nu morris. Secretary of tho Nebraska League of Savings and Loan Assocla tlons. Tho assets of the reporting as sociations, JUno 30, 1920, was ?70. 792,534. On June 30 last, their assets totaled $7G,478,C54, a net in crease of $5,G8G,120, equal to 7.3-10 per cent. Increases are fairly oven through out tho State. Should tho percentage of gain hold good among associations whose reports are not at hand, tho not increase will bo $G,207,829, or one half the 1920 gain, lifting tho total re courses form $77,930,337 In 1920 to I$84,147,1GG in 1921. , Not much relief in the housing sit uation Is shown In tho reports. Heavy withdrawals and tight money reduced home loans to, about,, one-half the re cord of 1920.' Thirty-six associations report 1480 loans for the erection of dwellings and 3107 loans on other buildings. Confidence and optimism .pervado t5e "reports. t-Ttils feeling Js' siipporjt ifX,t hif!r.eriHQi in new ac- counts in tne last six monuiB, mu ru turn of funds withdrawn by timid in vestors and the normal number of wkhdrawal noticfesfiled' tifihe clow otJ tho fiscal year, It Is fairly .cer tain that associations will bo .able to supply funds for an increased amount of home building during tho remain der of .the building season and take" care of a, larger number of older homo loans. ; Below is a summary of association resources and fiscal year gains in eighteen leading cities of tho state. With tho exception of two associa tions in Lincoln, one In Beatrice and ond in Plattsmouth not reporting, tho list is complete: Assets Fiscal year increase Omaha u ,?52,031,400 ' ?3,9GG,752 Lincoln - 8,501,014 217,585 Beatrico 3,94G,11C 320,400 Fremont -1 3.60G.44G 320,490 North Platte 1,489,511 159,746 Grand Island 1,418,305 188,213 Norfolk 1,41G,911 89,183 Columbus - 1,334,850 164,250 Nebraska City . 400,254 G0.889 Plattsmouth - 337,344 72,189 Hastings 314,230 Seward 307,209 50.052 Tecumseh 251,213 49,320 Wahoo 220.24G 15,372 Kearney 218.915 4.114 Hartington 175,810 28.930 Aurora 82,147 1.417 Fairbury 22,000 15,000 NOTICE! ..All scouts who expect to go to Camp ShcKon at Columbus, Nebr. must seo Scout Executive Stephens by Saturday night. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North Platto Floral Co. Flowers. W. Twelfth Street Phone 1023. We deliver and ship anywhere. Rising From The Ranks Only men of limitless onergy can flu tho big Jobs of today and tomorrow. Aro you wast ing this prlcoless quality? Ev ery eye strain Imown and im" known Is a shock to your ner vous system a drain on your energy. Because of an un known visual defect most of us aro constantly straining our eyes- sapping our onergy. Hoaolvo to KNOW the condi tion of your eyes stop guess ing." Soo a compotont Optq; inutrist. SEMI - WEEKLY TRIRUNB SBHBC2B Special Showing of New Fall Dresses at 1 $ 2 5 0 0 Materials are Tricotine, Twills and Serge. The styles are new and attractive. The values are the best you have seen since 1914. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE LINCOLN COUNTY IS TO 1IAVH DEMONSTRATION TEAMS AT THE STATE FAUt. County Agent Kqllogg Is planning on taking n demonstration team from Lincoln County to tho Stato Fair In Soptembor. This is explained as fol lows: A demonstration consists of pre senting a process clearly through words ana. action. It is tho passing on to others somo prncico ,that has been learned. The dcmonstratlonal work Is begun early by means of "Individual" dem onstrations, In which a club member shows or demonstrates to tho mem bers of his club some phaso of tho work they are to tako up. This train ing leads easily to tho more difficult "team demonstration." A team consists of two or tbreo In dividuals, who nro members in good standing In their respective ilubs. In a team demonstration each person ex plains some part of tho profess with. Illustrative material while the other team members nre busy. 1 .In Order to becomo u successful team, each membor sliould have a thorough knowledge of th$ subject matter, based on personal experience, a pleasing and friendly personality, initiative, ability to' talk and work at the same time, and must be able to wo'rk harmoniously with other people. Bach member must nlso bo tactful, considerate, sympathetic and courte ous under nil circumstances A team demonstration gives train ing in organization, In co-operation, In leadership, in planning and preparing work, In public speaking, in. ability to Impart knowledge to others, in con centration and accuracy. i dovolops Initiative, orlglnnllty, skill and speed, quick and accurate judgmentjand gives poise. ' The activities of a Standard Club require that at least ono public dem onstration be given. The State Fair offers an opportunity for eaph county to bring Its best teams. All dcmonstratlonal contests will be staged In Agricultural liall In the Ex tension division. Tho work Is to bo divided into two divisions namely: 1. Animal Husbandry and Crops projects. 2. Homo Economics. It is estimated that ns many n3 thirty teams in each division enn be cared for. Awards In demonstration contests will bo made on tho basis of tho fol lowing scoro card: 1. Skill 30 2. Subject matter 30 3. Team work t 30 4. Product or result 10 Total 100 The Nebraska State Fair board will award to tho champion team In oaHi of tho groups, a State Championship banner. Tho Interstate Fair board at Sioux City will give to tho team rank ing highest in each group a free trl'i to tho Sioux City Fair In September. Tho following premiums for toamp ranking highest aro also awarded by tho Nobruska State Fair board: Animal Husbandry or Crops Pro Jocts Demonstrations; 1st 2nd 3rd 4th $15 $1B $10 $7 Ctb $5 Homo Economics Donnionstrtlons: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th $15 $15 $10 $7 $5 In addition to tho above named pre miums, special premiums aro offerod to broad, cake, and canning teams, :o::- NOTICE TO WATER CQNSUMERS. Notlcos that water rent has not been paid havo been sent out nnd on Mon day, August 8th. tho Wator Depart ment will begin shutting off wator as tho ordlnanco requires whoro wator rent hns not been paid. HERSHEY S. WELCH, , Wator Commissioner. ;o: . , MiMi Alma Spllntor returned to. ho' homu in C.nud Island this mnrniiu nfor visiting fnoiids In tho city foj a week. LOCAL AJVJ) I'KitSONAL Raymond Oglor and Robert Stole left Inst evening by auto for Lincoln la spend Bevcral days. Mrs. J. L. Clark of Julesburg nr rivod this morning to ontor tho Platte Valley hospUal for trcatmont Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Miller returned to tholr homo In Broken Bow this morning ufier visiting nt tho C. E. Miller 'Oinc - Vcm uI novo- npprovlntti tin voni'onloii'ao OT II QllCvJcJpr UCOtHlllt lllttil VOfl - IttlVOOUO, ' ' As i .sxivei- ai' time, t i-otihlv nnd worry tlio ' oieck mat hod oi'Itimdlinii- porno ttnl or hits- ' Inoss i'lnnnalnl tnnttvrs Is tma of t lie most i '!TI viiltmhlo I'ont arcs of moth rn ImsiiicsH, tij HIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK i i COM. IN a One Day Only Second Larges' Show on Earth Direct from Coliseum, Chicago rZT r s rn r rv n t i D TnU (UA NEARLY 1000 PEOPLE 425 ANIMALS STREET PARADli IT IM-M'HAIN OR SHINE E PERFORMANCES 8.PM-&P.M. ranrsiinl BIG SHOWS COMEIHED 5 BXO(k3(3 U WITH POODLES'' The Star Hiding Clown of and iiis Hiding llannelords. Down Town Restrve Seat Sale Show Day at STONE'S PHARMACY WHY DO BIG BUSINESS MEN BU7 THEIR LIFE INSURANCE IN THE TRAVELERS? m They buy Insuranco llko ovorytulng else. Thoy investigate nnd compare tho cost and tho form of tho policies. W.horo this Is dono. tho business Is al ways placed in tho Travelers. Thoro is a roason. Inyostlgato for yourself. C. F. Tomplo, Tho Travelers Man, Phono G3i A QUIET PLACE to bring your frlonds to dlno. A placo whoro tho groatost care is ex exclscd in tho soloctlon ot tho food materials. A placo whoro tho cuisine Is exquisite, whoro tho china and cut lory Is tasteful, and tho surroundings pleasant. This Is such a placo. Como nnd enjoy it HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. !y'",J i IIANNEPORD the New York Hippodrome k 1 f Saturday Aug. 16 . MM Divvy