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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LOCAL 4LNI) ?EBS.ONAL John Poulos. went to Kimball Wed nesday to transact business. Mr. and Mrs. II. Shelton of Paxton were city visitors Tuesday. Mrs. O. Barret and son of St. Paul are visiting friends in the city. Davo Lawler and son Harvey trans acted business in the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Llttel returned from Cambridge the first of the week. Miss Mary Kelly of LoMoyne came Wednesday to visit friends in the city. Mrs. Z. A. Russell of Stapleton was among the out of town visitors Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Swoeney left ...Wedntsday for Omaha to reside in the future. J. H. Donegan will leave the last of the week for a visit with relatives in Montana. Miss Isabello Stafford of Paxton spent Wednesday In the city as the gueBt of friends. Andy Bower of Ravenna, Nebr., came Wednesday to visit his Bister Mrs. Catherine Zimmer. All Dodge dealers are now over sold, so you better get yours ordered today. J. V. Romlgh, Dealer. Mrs. J. G. Thomas of Oklahoma ar rived Wednesday to visit at the homo of her daughter Mrs. U. Brown. Mrs. N. Kirsh returned to her hpme In Grand Island Wednesday after vis iting her daughter Mrs. Hecker. Fred Temple left Wednesday for Kearney and Grand Island to trans act business for the Fidelity Reserve Co. Mrs. R. W. Short and son Kennetn wenit to Gothenburg Wednesday to visit at the "home of Mrs. D. W. Dag gott For Rent Limited amount of Cold Storage space for Eggs, Meat, Produce, Etc. ARTIFICIAL ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Phone 40. Dr. L. J. KIUESE, Dentist, X-Ray Diagnosis. McDonald Bank Building. Phone 87. A Photograph It is a suitable gift for almost any occasion. It speaks a universal language a language understood by every body. Whether it conveyB a message of frienship or love, it tells it more effectively than a written letter. Of course to do this it has to be a "speaking likeness" The kind they make at The Rembrandt Studio "MAKERS OF QUALITY PORTRAITS" 6th and Dewey North Platte, Nebr. "BE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY." Tri-County Sunday School Convention Consisting of Lincoln, Logan and McPherson Counties, SEPTEMBER 4, 1921 On the Ranch of C. H. Anderson, Sec. 4-16-29, County Line 2,000 People Will Be Present. All-Sunday Schools are Urgently Requested to Attend. PRO GRAM 10:30 a. m. Song and Prayer Service. 11: 00 a. m. Reports from the Three Counties. 11:30 a. m. Securing lists of Schools and Arranging for Children's Program. 12:00 m. Noon Pried Chicken and Watermelon. Every body Bring Dinner. 1: 30 p. m. Song Service by Opening with "America." 1:45 p. m. Arranging the Children for the Program. 2:00 p. m. Announcement When Banner will be Award ed and Terms to be Given. 2:00 p. m. Children's Program Begins. Will last about two hours; 500 children on the program our aim. 4: 00 p. m. Round Table Talk led by P. R. Elliott Bring your questions Ask him. 4: 45 p. m. Election of Officers for Ensuing Year. 5:00 p. m. Awarding of Banner to the School Whose Members Have Traveled the Greatest Num ber of Miles in Attending this Convention. The Banner to be Held One Year. Each School will be Requested to Register its Members on Arriving. Those coming after 2 p. m. will not be count ed. A Committee will have this in charge. No doubt that each school has a place to hang this beauti ful banner. Everybody Come to the Picnic, September 4th, 1921. BY TRI-COUNTY COMMITTEE, Picnic on County Line on Sec. 4-16-29. J. H. EDMISTEN, Pres.. O. E. ABRAMS, Sec'y,, North Platte, Nebr. Nesbit, Nebr. Mrs. L. C Swartzlandcr returned to Omaha Wednesday after visiting at the home of her sister Mrs. Warren Victory. Mrs. M. Wendllng returned to Goth enburg Wednesday after visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. Art hur Mahn. Miss Margaret Kerr returned to her home In Iowa Wednesday after vis iting at tho home of her brother Dr. J. T. Kerr. Mrs. Geo. Kelso of Sterling return ed to her home Wednesday after un dergoing an operation at tho Platte Valley hospital. Wm. Ashworth of Topeka, Kans. re turned to his home Wednesday after visiting at the home of his daughter Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. and MrB. Ed Kuse and family of Grand Island returned to their home Wednesday after visiting at tho A. H. Turpen home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nolan and Miss Gertrude Arnold and Donald McFar land left Wednesday by auto for Estes Park and other points. Tom Murphy and little Catherino Smith who have been guests at tho J. E. .Quinn home left Wednesday for their home in Cheyenne. $510. Yes $510. more value In Dodge Brothors car, as over $200 has been added to the car, and be sides $310 taken off the price. A good car a good buy for you. J.'V, Romlgh Dealer. - Mrs. Blanchard of Chicago, who has . been vlsiing at tho Dr. J. S. Twinem j home left Wednesday for Ansley, I Nebr., to visit She was enroute from a visit ui Colorado Springs, Ft. Collins and Denver to her home. In Omaha, Lincoln, Denver and North Platte there are more Dodge Brothers cars being sold than any ' other mako except one. Tho reason is the wonderful value in theso good I cars at the very moderate prices of J l$i,140.00 for (Uniting and $(1,085.00 ' for the roadster. J.V. Romlgh Deal- ' cr. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE You can buy a COO or 1000 bushel grain bin, ventilated to Bave your grain and I am sure you can save the value of the bin in six months. Phono 517 or write Wm. Waldorf, North Platte, Nebr., 2nd door north of the Post Office. COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS. Tho Board of County Commission ers of Lincoln County met In the Court Houao Monday Aug. 1 with present Springer, Cohngen and Coker and Co. Clerk Allen. The following bills wore approved and allowed. , W. B, Salisbury, salary and mileage $270. Wm. Heysc, salary and expense, $129.55. Win. Rltner, salary, $125. Edith Ritncr, sorvics, $100. Elda Beal, services, $110. A. S. Allen, salary, $233.33. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst, salary, 208.33. T S. Blankenburg, salary, $110. Nina Elder, salary $L00. Roy Wilson, salary, $125. A. J. Salisbury, salary, $166. Adelaido Shilling, salary, $85. Aiieen G. Cochran, salary, $200. Prank Coker, patrolman, $100. R. B. Widner, patrolmau, $100. D. D. Staples, patrolman, $100. John Toillion, patrolman, $100. L. J. Ford, patrolman, $100. R. W. Schleicher, dragging, $27. R. A. McWha, dragging, $42.60. Ball Cloyd, dragging, $22.50. Carl Fletcher, dragging, $180. Sundry persons, dragging, $56.40. Cyrus 'Cochran, dragging, $45. Wm. Carlson, dragging, $13.50. J. W. Murphy, dragging, $9. Peter Burke, dragging, $1. E. & W. Coker, Com. 3, $28.85. Chas. Leypoldt, Com. 3, $11.94. Ray Hoatson, Com. 3, $110. E. & W. Coker, merchandise County poor, $35.88. Stroud & km., repairs siaie, $u. J. S. Davis Auto Co., state, $89.1C Lincoln County Lumber Co., stato, $10.50. Derryberry and Forbes state, $15.95 Standard Oil Co. state, $162.32 H. F. Newth road dist 58 $10.00 Harry Perclll, road dist 20, $6.00. Arthur Nelson road dist. 45 $9.90 J. S. Davis Auto Co. Com. 2 $85.54 W. P. Klnkald, Com. 2, $8.39. Standard Oil Co. Com. 2 $221.63 J. S. Davis Auto Co. Com. 1 $1.10 No. Platte Gen. Hospital $91.50 J. R. Ritnor bridgo work $358.50 Wilcox Dept. Store, mdse. Co. poor $4.68 Ralph Saul tax refund $25.97 D. J. Antonides supplies $140.75 Roy Kennedy services $6.00 Fred McCralg special bridge $378.00 Sundry persons special bridge, $18. Joe Soderman special bridge $66.00 Howard Everly special bridge $7.50 Sundry persons special bridge, $13 Aaron Botlnvell -special bridge $17.- 10 Will Trldle special bridge $7.20 Junior Lewis special bridgo $16.20 A. D. Allen straw on roads $G.0O Paul G. Meyer office rent $25.00 C. W. Yost office expenses $6.15 Lincoln Co. Farm Bureau $349.79 Allecn G. Cochran office expenses $49.11 John Kammert road dist. 8 and 5 $208.80 T. M. Cohagen salary and milage $155.00 Henry Coker salary $107.20 Ed Hostettter general $2.55 Ralph Graham services $15.00 E. C. Hostetter bridge work $46.50 N. P. Light and Power Co. $41.21 E. J. Earns printing $93.94 Mrs. N. G. Dean care of poor $536.59 R. L. Rhino dragging $14.40 The Board by appointment heard both the petitioners and remonstrants in the caso of an oxtentlon to Road No. 65 and decided it would take tho matter under advertisement pending a conference with County Attorney Keefe. Board adjourned to Aug. 8. ::o:: i- BARGAINS IN CHEAP USED CARS. Ford Touring ' $135.00 Maxwell Touring, good $200.00 Oakland Six - $250.00 Ford-18 Touring $275.00 Buick Six D-45 Touring $600.00 Also a 1918 and a 19 Dodge Tour ings, both overhauled and in guaran teed condition. J. V. Romlgh, Dealer. Miss Gladys Stegall returned Mon day from Madrid where she spent two days visiting. Sbo made the trip by airplane. Food improperly mnsucaicu rnlnb many a stomach. If your teeth are not In a condition to properly chew your food, your Htnmach suffers and conse quently your entire system Is thrown out of gear. Eventual ly you are a physical wreck, all of which could have been avoid' ed had your teeth been attended to in time. Hrtc them examined today and put in proper condl tlnn to eliminate future suffer ing. Examination and consul tation free. mg nn r in IBM I m mm un. r. w. mium DENTIST Keith Theatre Building NORA By MOLLIE MATHER. , 1921, WsUrn Newapaptr Union.) Into the shabby olil library came, shyly, Nora. Between the doorway curtains she paused uncertainly; It was evident that the family were In council concerning her own small self. "Come In Honors," said one sister-In-law briskly, "we are discussing the matter of your future. Now, that old Uncle Peter Is dead, you will have, of course, to seek a homo elsewhere. I mURt say, Uncle Peter was astonish ingly cureless in his living." "The poor old fellow has long been an Invalid," her husband reminded her. "Well I'm sure," spoke up the second slstor-ln-law, "Philip hns done, mora than most uephewa In helping him along. Because Philip happens to be, prosperous Is no reason why he should be a source pf support for dependent relatives." "If jou plqasc," spoke Nora gently, from the doorway, "I'll be going." And she was gone. "Such a queer girl," sighed Peter's wife, "she has even caught Uncle's soft brogue. And has no more Idea of responsibility than n kitten. She Is not fitted for any branch of business that I can Bee. What are we going to do with her?" "Honors was old Peter's constant nurse," her husband meekly defended. "She hasn't been able to leave the old fellow for years not since he be friended her when she was orphaned and little more than a child." "Whenever I called," his wife retaliat ed, "Nora was usually humming about tho garden. Used to He there In a hammock swinging nnd singing, while Uncle Idolized her from the porch. Everything thnt girl did was Just right In his eyes. He would hesitate to dis turb her Idle hour by nsklng for a glass of water when thirsty. When It wns too cold for hammock lolling, Nora was usually at that crncUed old piano. She certainly took little advan tage of her spare time." "Nora used to play mighty pretty things," Philip said remlnlscently. "I liked to hear her sing them In thnt sympathetic little way all her own. It was the only pleasure the kid had." Peter looked up with a question In his eyes, then turned awny disappoint edly. "I urn glad," he said In a low tone to his brother, "that we were able to persuade Gransby to attend Uncle Peter. Uncle used to be good to us when we were boys nnd Gransby's about the best surgeon In this part of the country. I was surprised when at ter seeing old Peter, he agreed to take on the case. Gransby Is coming out to take dinner with us today," Peter in formed his wife. She frowned. "And you did not let me know In time so thnt I could have sister Myra here. You know that Dr Gransby Is the sought-after In Myra'n set." "Little good. It will do those beauti ful maidens from what I hear," an swered Philip. "Donald Gransby In married to his profession." Far out on the lawn the family saw Nora despondently standing, her arm about the neck of Uncle Peter's loved old horse. Then, into the fnmlly circle came, with his assured easy tread, the successful young surgeon. Dr. Gransby's smile however lacked Its usual assurance, his tine face looked tired and worn. "We were," Philip Informed him, "debntlng what might be best for Nora to do. Perhaps you can help us." The surgeon accepted the chair pushed out for him, then as promptly arose to walk Impatiently the length of the room. "The very best thing for her to do," he said emphatically, "Is to mnrry me. For more than three weeks I have been trying to Impress thnt fact upon her." 4 It was Peter's wife who broke the silence which followed. "You mean," she usked unbelieving, "that you have nsked Nora to marry you, and slit refused? Surely the girl could not be o Indifferent to her advantage?" Donald Gransby smiled; It was a tendei smile. "Nora," he replied, "Is not n girl who thinks of advantage where love happens to be the Importnnt Issue. Nora Is different. Perhaps that Is why 1 love her so." "I think the girl Is confused with her problems and success," said Don ald Gransby. "Of course you have heard that Reverto, the concert singer. Is greatly Interested In Nora's com positions and undoubted talent. She went, I believe, directly to him after one of his recitals and submitted one if her songs for his consideration. Ite erto went wild over, the lilting air, nnd is publishing It oil his own ac count. He tells me that Nora will un doubtedly reap a fortune. He used to drive OHt here to Uncle Peter's to havo her Improvise for him. And naturally fell In love with her sweet sincerity and simplicity. So Reverto also has nuked Nora to marry him I And both of us we wait." The clock ticked loudly In the shab hy library. Across the lawn, slowly dime Norn. They heard her opening liords as she sen ted herself before the tinkling old piano In the parlor. Then Donald Gransby Jumped to his feet and hurried through the door. And nfter her murmured word of greeting io lil in. the nr 111 listening family heard Nora's eloquent music chango sudden ! from plaintive sadness to unmis t a Stable Joy. Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. general Farm Salci A Specialty, alu Beal EfiUlc. References And Dates First National Bank. North Platto, Nebraska. Office 340 Ilonaom' DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. North PlatU GO TO II. & F. FEED STORE For Millet Seed and Feed Phono 639W II E1LM IN Gil All SEN & FHOMAN. OTI8 B. FLATT, BL D Physician and Snrgeos X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answorcd Day and Night Over Union State Bank, Offico Phono 296 Houso Phone 1236J W. T. PRITCHARD Gradsafe Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex- nislstant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vino Street Hos pital Phono 633, Houso Phone 633. BBS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 6, 6. 7 BalldJag & Loan Ball drag. Office Phono 70. Res. Phone 1242 DR, J. R, McKlRAHAN Practice Halted to Dlseasos el Women and Ssrgery OVER RBXALL DRUG STORE Phones Offico 113. Residence 640J WYLIE WALKER Expert Piano Tuner and Repairer. Leave orders at 914 W. 4th St Or Phono 334. GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Sargery and Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phone: Office 130. Residence lit HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hyglent Phone 307 Twinem Bldg Office phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DBOST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraski Knights of Columbus Building. JOHN S. SDOIS, M. D. . Special Attontlon Given to Surgery McDonald Rank Building Offico Phone 83 Residence 3t DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1021 DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day PhoncB Offico 642, Resldonce 676 DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers and Funeral Director Day Phono 41 Night Phone Black 588 NOTICE At the special meeting of tho logal voters of School District No. 77 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo held at tho school house on Mon day. August 22, 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. tho proposition will bo submittal to tho voters of raising tho budget of Seven Hundred Dollars !to conduct tho school for the coming year. TIiIb will rcquiro a levy not to exceed ono hundred millB on tho dollar of tho as sessed valuation of said district. A. P. McCLELLEN, DIroctor. NOTICE At tho special meeting of tho logal voters of school district number 47 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, which will ho held at tho school houso on August 15, 1921 at two p. m., tho prop osition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of $1100.00 to conduct tho District 47 school for tho coming ear. This will roqulro a low not to fxceod ono hundred mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of said district. C. C. BOWMAN, Director HOW DOES IT SOUND TO YOU?' j 6 room modern except heat on ilrio corner lot at 901 west 4th. A good, j homo In a real location at $5,600; easy ' terms to right party. I A nico five room cottago, modern j oxcept heat at 804 east 3rd street. Big lot nico trees and garago; prlco $4200 I THE II. & S. AGENCY hns them. NOTICE At a special meeting of tho legal voters of school district number 112 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo held at the school houso on August 16th, 1921, at 1:00 P. M., tho proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of Ono Thousand lollars to conduct the Dis trict 112 school for the coming year. This will require a levy not to exceed one hundred mills on tho dollar of tho assessed valuation of said district. J. B. CRAIG, Director. (Hoagland & Carr, Attorneys.) NOTICE OF -FINAL REPQRT Estato no. 1734 of E. R, Raworth, de ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in Bald estate tako notice that tho Administrator haa fil ed a final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition . for final settlement nnd dlsctiargo as suoh which havo been sot for hearing beforo said court on August 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated August 1, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. (J. C. Hollmau. Attorney.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estato No. 1782 of Nettie A. Yohe, do- ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said estato tako notice that the Executors have filed a final account ami report of their ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such which havo beon set for hearing beforo Bald court on AugUBt 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m when you may appear and contest the same. Dated August 1, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge, (Hoagland & Carr, Attorneys.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT. Estato No. 1610 of Evangollno Cough, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to allv per sons interested in said estate tako no olce that the Administrator has filed a final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final scttlomont and dlschargo as such which havo been sot for hearing be foro said court on August 23, 1921 at 10 o'clock a. in. i when you may appear and contest the same. Dnted July 29, 1921. i WM. H. C. WOODHURST. (SEAL) County Judge. (John Grant, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1825 of Georgo Lannin, de ceased, in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Credit ors of said estate will tako notico that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estato 1b November 30, 1921, nnd for settlement oi said estato is July 29. 1922; that I will sit at the county court room in said County on August 30, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on Novombor 30. 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., to rocolve, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all clnlms nnd objections duly filed. Dated July 29. 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) , County Judge. (Hoagland & Carr, Atornoys.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1827 of Glenn Scott, de ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, sb. Cred itors of said estate will take notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tato is November 23, 1921, and for sottlemont of said Estato if July 23, 1922; that I will Bit at tho county court room In said County on Au gust 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. in., nnd on November 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated July 21. 1921. WM. IT. O. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DE TERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP. In tho County Court, Lincoln County, Nebraska, In ro John M. Dawson, deceased. Notico Jb hereby given to Charity J. Dawson, John V. Dawson, Charles L Dawson, Frank G. Dawson, Guy T Dawson, Laura J. Mooro aud to all other persons, both creditors and heirs, Interested In tho estate of John M. Dawson, deceased, that a petition was filed in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska, AugUBt 1st, 1921, in which was set out as facts that John M. Dawson (lied July 31, 1902, that at tho tlmo of his death ha was a resident of Lincoln County, and was seized in fee of tho Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 9, Rango 26. West of tho 6th P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho peti tioner Arthur D. McNIcklo is now tho owner In fco of tho said premises and prays for a determination of tho tlmo of tho death of tho decedent, ana a de termination of tho heirs of said do censed, tho degroo of kinship and tho right of doscent of tho real property bolonging to tho deceased. That tho tlmo for hearing said petition has boon fixed at September 1st, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. by tho County Court. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. WELLS O. JONES, Attorney for tho Petitioner.