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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM EX CHANGES WHICH REACH t OUR DESK. 3 STRONG ON PARKS Sunday seemed to bo visitors' day nt Lake Gothenburg, as many wore horo from neighboring towns enjoying tho cool wator. Tho two bath houses woro palntoji last week. Tho roofs woro painted green and tho sides whlto. Thoy wero painted whlto ln sldo and are now clean anjl attractive. Tho now tourists park has boon doing full duty the past week, and few are now seen gt Lafayette Park. Awlro fenco was -put up along tho roa(i and a good well put down. This dds another to Gothenburg's already fine list of beautiful paries. Thero haB been talk of a pier and diving board from the, ladles' bath house. . Thoro really ought to be a traffic cop at tho lako as thd cars stopping at tho bath houses almost completely conglomerate tho road. Who volun teers? Somo lobster was tho first tp deface tho now bath houso. It has been clknc)l up and patnted out Thoro Is nstato law covering this and nobody will bo tender with tho culprit If found out. Gothenburg Independent. STOLE A FORD During Tuesday night and Wcdncs- dify morning Constable V. T. Elliott rounded up tho gang who made away wftii Bert Evarts' Ford car on Thurs day, night of last week. Tho three men who were arrested and aro now injjail at North Platte, aro Flodl Car te?.' Layton .Loughroy and Clark Ev- Jar- ' Tho man Loughrey, wlio "waBhbld fri jail hero while Sheriff Salisbury took tho other two to North Platte, made a written confession anjl stated that tho three of them stole the car on Thursday night of laBt week, run It to a Held several miles east; of Brady, left it until the next night and then went back and took what parts they needed to repair two other old cars. During tho search for the various parts of tho stolen car Constable El liott Informs us he stumbled on to' a moonshine still at -Carl Murray's placo north of town, which. Shorllf Salisbury took with h'im td tho Platte Wednesday forenoon. Tho same ev ening tho sheriff phoned Constable "El- Thursday evening ho could not bo lo cated. Constablo Elliott todk Layton Loug hroy to North Platto this morning and on his, return stafed that Loughroy had plead guilty, an(l that Carter nnd Evarts had plead hot guilty. All three woro held undor $1500 bonjls each Brnjly Vindicator. NOTjIN ORDER '.' A recent Issue of a North Platto paper contained a very) important news item, It being n voto of thanks Btgncd by n number of farmers living south of NorUi Platto and thanks to tho North t Platto Chamber of Com morco for their "efforts lit aliulcliig It posslblo to cross the rlvor with groc eries and supplies during tho recent high water. Reading tho artlclo closely, It was qulto apparent that tho North Platto Chamber of Commerce had accepted tho voto of thanks not In rcallzalou of their own interests but that they ha((I mado a big sacriflco for tho ser vice performed. (Illustration of a simitar service rendered, and evidenco of co-opera-tlon, tho following is submitted in contrast. Tho recent high wator flooding between two of tho bridge soutli of Maxwell and covering a dls tance of about forty rojis mado pas sago about Impossible. Upon vory short notlco a largo representation of farmers and business men of Mnx woll appeared on tho sceno and in a few hours had constructed a pontoon brldgo the entire length of the area covered by wator and conveyances woro passing high and dry. A voto of thanks was not In order. Each and everyono had performed his duly as a public service and to his own interest. Omitting comment, bciUi public and of the press, tho united bodies had not only ac pllshed their task but had also devel oped a feeling of closer relationship. t-rMaxwcll Telepost, mama COAL For a quick cooking fire use onr Rock Springs- Lump . Coal. Wo handle only the better grades of Coal. ARTIFICIAL ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Phone 40. NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern; Tho Park Board of the city of frorth Platto has built a lateral from the Lincoln check of tho Platte Valley I'rrigatjpn ditch about .100 rods west o.f tho North Platte cemetnry, to tho swimming pool. The cemetary also haq tho privilege of taking water frpm, tho samo lateral for sprinkling purposos. Anyone else taking water or cutting tho banks or interfering with tho water or lateral, may bo fined to the extent of - tho law, which fine is. from $50i tO $600.". v II' J. C. Wilson, Director. DR. O. II. CRESSLER GRADUATE DENTIST Office, over tho McDonald State Bank.' Office 340 Hounel2f w DR. W. I. SHAFFER "l Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. North Watt m V fCT DOUBLE k Your Savings v. It Can Be Dona ' Some people are doubling their savings by the exercise of a little more thrift. Many people who didn't have a savings ac count are opening one now. "One dollar will open an account. A? balance in he savings book prepares one for an emergency Your deposit will &row in the First National Bank for they pay five percent per annum, compounded semi-annually. V July: Sale of Womens Tub Dresses TO CLOSE OUT QUICKLY GO ON SALE $4-85 $45 $9 $4.65 ': Any dress in the lot worth double or more Wrfrnen will recognize these are lower than usual sale prices for dresses of high standard of quality and workmanship, but as usual, to close out completely theys must go. And these prices will do the work.- Is KDVERALL3 On sale, ages 1 to 6 87c, 95c, T5 SI.OO Girl's Gingham Dresses Sizes 3 to 12 Years SI. OO HOUSE DRESSES $1.95 Made of Scout Percale. ROMPERS 50c, 75c. 95c Mado of Gingham and Romper Cloth. WAISTS Boys' ages 6 to 12 years 95c 95c $1.25 UNION SUITS Women's on sale 59c, 95c I WASH SKIRTS Women's on salo $295 & $495 10-4 BLEACHED SHEETING 40c YARD DRY GOODS' WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E .NELSON. MANAGER KNEE PANTS s HOYS' TScj ic, $1.2f OF INTEREST TO RURAL READERS FAJIH BUKI?AU NEWS, SEItYICE SUlTLlES ITEMS EOlt TItE . 1 TRIBUNE READERS R. B. Howell of Omaha, chairman of tho commission appointed by-tho U. S. post offlco department and depart ment of agriculture to have charge of tho experimental work In tho wireless dissemination of market and weather to rural districts, helli a conference with II. D. Lute, secretary of tho Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation, and officers of tho stato agricultural colloge, looking to an early installa tion of exprlmental equipment. Mr. Howell , expects early in September to make a trip to Europe where ho will make a study of tho system of telephonic market reports that are highly developed in certain European countries. Ho will make tho trip en tirely at his own expense. Mr. How ell's trip, however, Is not oxpected to delay tho experimental work In Nebr aska which will bo started as soon as equipment arrives. Nebraska Farm 'Bureau' Federation headquarters Is daily receiving tho aBsurancobf the various county Farm Bureaus that they aro ready and willing to co-operate to tho fullest extent in making tho experimental work a success, thereby overcoming one of tho greatest dif ficulties In suchwork that of Interest ing tho folks out in tho field. It i? interesting to noto that tho first e porlmental work in the master of 1 rural freo Wollvery was ilono In Nebr-I nska; tho first R. F. D. lino running out of Pawneo City. From this experi ment grew tho great system of rural free delivery reaching nearly ovory farm houso In tho entire United States. It is, then, gratifying to Nebr aska that sho is to bo tho field for tho rural wireless system that Is to bring the farmer even closer touch with the rest of tho world. partment of agriculture to tako chargo of tho experimental work. Howell was named as chairman of tho commission and will havo practically endro cqiii. trol of tho experimental worlc Mr. Howell has selected Frank A. Har rison of Lincoln to lookafter tho (de tails. Recognizing that Mr. Luo was working along tho same lines Howoll and HarriBph havo Joined forces ,w,lt)t lllw, and tho various county farm bu reau organizations will bo utilized In tho experiments. While the plans bo far aro" only tontattvo, it is probablo that a sending station will bo estab lished' at tho Stato Agricultural Col logo at Lincoln where tho power-plant can bo utilized for sending. It may be that later ono or two other sending stations will be established in tho contral ail westorn portions of tho stato. Mr. Howoll says that receiving equipment can bo attached to tho bat tery of tho ordinary automobile at a cost of approximately $75.00, or in quantities at about $30.00 Many coun ty. Farm Bureaus aro now ready to go ahead with their part, and It la probablo that final plans will soon bo completed. tun Theatre Sunday and Monday '- ' ' ' " " " T t jfc AfHandto Hand Fight at Bottom ol tlie boa GEO. B. DENT Physician nnd Surgeon Special Attention Glron to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Offlco Building & Loan Building Phono: Office 130. Resldenco lit HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene Phone 307 Twlnem Bldg Tho Nebraska Farm Bureau Federa tion Is to play a largo part In tho ex perimental work to bo carried on by tho United States post offlco depart ment In tho development of the ylre Icsb tolephono as a means of trans mitting market reports, weather re ports and Important news items to rural communities. H. D. Lute, secre tary of tho Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation haH been carrying on un Investigation along this lino for some timo. Simultaneously with Mr. Luto's investigation, Hon. R. B. Howoll of Omaha mado a trip to Washington to urge the post office dopartmont to get behind tho idea. Acting upon Mr. .How ell's advice, -thq flornl -govornincnt appointed a commission composed of mon connected with tho II- S. post offlco dopartmont and tho U. S.' lo- Offlco phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopnthlc Physician North Platto, Nebraska KnltflitB of Columbus Building. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. . Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phono 83 Residence 38 DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCIIFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1020 . if. (- n t- 7 r rn n 1 mi VET GOLD" ByJ Ernest Will i vmson f Fights, romance, adventure, drama they crowd this sen sational story of a battle for buriedoldat the floor of tho ocean. . . Wet Gold" will lift you out of this luundrum world and take you into the land of sheer romance. Tho trail jumps down the length of a conltnent and then plunges to tho very bottom of tho sea. Also "The Goat" Starring Ouster Keaton 2-Reel Comedy. DR. REDEIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN. Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phones Offlco G42, Rosldonco 670 DERRYIIERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmera UndertnltcrH nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 41 , Night 1'hone Black 588 Two Big Games of BASE BALL Saturday July 23-24 Sunday Game Commences at 3 P. M. Tennessee Rats . vs. . North Platte American Legion